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January 24, 1970 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-24

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} i

And the Lost Planet Airmen
About that time a strange disease
Did seize the populbtion
For many folk of all degrees
Did dance without cessation
They kept at dancing night and day
And never left their leaping
Until their strength had ebbed away
And death came on them creeping.

If the central campus environment
seems a little dull, there is something
you can do to broaden your perspec-
Take 35 cents out of your pocket,
head for the corner of Huron and
State, and flag down one of Ann Ar-
bor's muddy green and orange buses.
Once on the bus, you probably won't
find any of your friends.
Young mothers with pre-school chil-
dren and shopping bags will out-num-
ber you. Elderly people, bundled warm-
ly, will abound. High school students
will probably overwhelm you. These
are the people served by Ann Arbor
Transit Authority (AATA).
In September Ann Arbor contracted
the AATA for a new public transporta-




tion system. Past systems had been
* unreliable, and overly expensive.
People seem generally pleased with
the new system.
"I think this is a nice bus service,"
commented one woman who works
downtown and rides regularly.
"Yes, I like riding the bus when it's
not too bumpy," smiled Jeanne Rice,
a fifth grader at St. Thomas School.
City Councilman LeRoy Cappaert
(D-Fifth Ward) says the city subsi-
dizes AATA with about $200,000 an-
"Previous companies have been sub-
sidized," he says, "but never to this
degree." He believes Ann Arbor must
develop a good transportation system
or problems of cars, streets, and park-
ing spaces will only multiply.
If you ride anytime except early

morning and mid-afternoon, you wi
probably miss the city's four "scho
Because so many students use buse.
especially to get to Huron High SchoC
the company has added extra bust
to accommodate them.
High school students think the sere
ice is "generally okay." They tall
laugh and make out.
"But they should make a more d
rect route," advised Herb Johnso:
Huron high junior.
"I go to sleep on it every morning,
added Mary Chambers, a senior. Si
rides 40 minutes each way.
"Once in a while they send a min
bus for us," laughed one girl. And or
driver told how he occasionally pic]
up 100 kids at a single stop.
"Some of the drivers just aren't tt

good," some student complain. Al-
leged noise and cigarette smoking were
sources of conflict between drivers
and students earlier in the fall.
If you decide to tour Ann Arbor by
bus you will find three lines to choose
from-orange, red, and green.
Green line is the "scenic tour," ac-
cording to one driver. Green line buses
spin down Huron Parkway every half
hour. All lines eventually end up
Recently the city acquired federal
money to buy new buses. Combining
federal and city funds, the AATA ex-
pects to purchase 16 new ones,
Ten buses move down the streets
now, piloted by 27 men and five
So, tour Ann Arbor if you like. "You
can take a crosstown bus."

page three

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

I' 1

Saturday and Sunday
D}ir. LUIIS BUNUEL (1961)
From the creater of Belle de Jour, an uncorn-
promising probing of repressed sexuality.
Bunuel was exiled from Spain for his au-
dac ity.
Bela Lugosi
662-8871 75c AUDITORIUM

Saturday, January 24, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three
- . ,


U _ " T_ _ ! c


- - - --- --- -

news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
A FEDERAL GRAND JURY will convene in Cleveland
next Tuesday to begin a multi-state investigation into the slaying
of United Mine Workers insurgent Joseph Yablonski and his
U.S. Attorney Robert B. Krupansky called for the probe into
"the broadening aspects of the Yablonski investigation."
Krupansky said he did not know how long the investigation would
last, but said it would take a "number of days."
Jr. announced plans for "reorientation of American education
towards man-centered environmental study."
The drive against pollution through education would be directed
towards students on all levels.
To set up the program, Allen said, a new staff within the Office
of Education will be established, a major national conference on
ecological education is planned, and legislation to finance the en-
vironmental education program will be requested.
* * *
CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS have decided to give an
"equal-time response" to the President's State of the Union
"This is not a Democratic rebuttal," said Sen. Edward Kennedy
(D-Mass.), the party whip. "I like to think of it as a view of
the state of the union through the eyes of the people who are living
the state of the union."
The format of the program which will be aired Sunday, Feb. 8, will
focus on interviews in which citizens from various areas of the
country will discuss their questions and concerns with Democratic
leaders from both the House and the Senate.
FORMER BIAFRAN leader Gen. Odumegwu Ojukwu, has
been granted asylum by the Ivory Coast.
In announcing political asylum for Ojukwu, the Ivory Coast
government also made it clear that Ojukwu will not be allowed to
set up a government in exile, and barred him from any political
SELECTIVE SERVICE officials in 15 states said they will not
be able to fill their February draft quotas.
The officials said the federal directive issued last Tuesday,
setting number 60 as the ceiling on all draft calls, will result in a
failure to draft enough men.
An official spokesman for national Selective Service headquarters
conceded that Selective Service might fail to meet the total Pentagon
call for 19,000 men in February. He said the Defense Department
would have to seek addit'ional men in' a later call to make up the

-Associated Press

Biafrai relief

A Nigerian longshoreman unloads foodstuffs from the United States, intended for starving Biafrans,
at the Nigerian capital, Lagoa.
" e
Senate passes major crime b
aleral opposion

Gov. Kirk
to defy
high cour
Rejects order
to desegregate
WASHINGTON L4' - Florida
Governor Claude Kirk said
yesterday he w ill order his
school boards to defy the Su-
preme Court's Feb. 1 desegre-
gation deadline even i it
means going to jail.
Officials of three other southern
states, meanwhile, joined Kirk in
asking that all the states in the
nation be brought under uniform
rules of public school desegrega-
In New Orleans, the attorney
generals of Louisiana, Mississippi
and Alabama announced plans
for a national effort to insure that
all public schools are governed by
the same desegregation rules that
apply to Southern states.
Atty. Gen. Jack Gremillion of
Louisiana and Atty. Gen. A. F.
Summer of Mississippi said in New
Orleans yesterday they plan to
see that "the same rules for a-
ministration of public schools in
Louisiana, Mississippi and Ala-
b a m a, imposed by the federal
courts, apply in alifrnia and all
other states." "
They said their first move will
be to intervene as friends of the
court in a Pasadena, Caif., school
desegregation case.
Gremillion and Summer issued
a prepared statement with Atty.
Gen. MacDonald Giallian of Ala-
bama who did not attend the con-
ference on the steps outside the
5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
The Supreme Court on Jan. 14
ordered officials in two Florida
districts and in 12 other districts
in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana
and Misissippi to desegregate their
public schools by Feb. 1 and adopt
a "unitary" systm of education.
Kirk told the court it will be
impossible for Florida to meet the
deadline. He said the state will
not have .available the "mllions
of dollars' needed to bus school
children in the counties until Sep-
tember, after the legislature meets.
Kirk also asked the court to bar
Secretary of Welfare Robert H.
Finch from withholding any fed-
eral funds from Florida for non-
compliance with the Feb. 1 dese-
gregation order.
The governor thenreturned to
Tallahassee where he told a news
conference he will issue an order
that will make it impossible for
the counties to comply with the
Feb. 1 order, even if it means go-
ing to jail.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
dayg through Sunday morning 'Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer' Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $3.00 by carrier. $3.00 by

WASHINGTON (f') - The Sen-
ate passed yesterday one of the
major crime bills urged by Presi-
dent Nixon, a measure to arm the
government with new legal wea-
pons to fight the Mafia and oth-
er underworld syndicates.
Known as the Organized Crime
Control Act, the bill was passed by
a 72-1 vote after the Senate re-
jected all amendments offered by
senators who contended some of


Israeli's hit Egyptian island

WSer~UPMwrrsuM. t
ioaK emu GAR I at.PHten Ltt CAtIR FERECSa D QAA1 .s111G it HM Wt KEu~1H ta

From the country
that gave you
and "I AM CURIOUS" .
Fanny Hill' is a "porno-classic!"
"In there with sex and
love all the way!"
N.Y. Post
Fanny is played by Diana
Kjaer, who has a nice body,
lots of red hair, big blue eyes,
and a lovely soft mouth into
which she often sticks a finger."
-N.Y. Times

TEL AVIV (P) - Israeli air-
borne commandos withdrew
from the Egyptian island of
Shadwan in the Red Sea yester-
day after a 32-hour occupation,
leaving behind destroyed mili-
tary installations and dead
Egyptian soldiers.
A top Israeli commander said
the raid was staged to show
the Egyptians they are vulner-
able. He indicated more may
The Israeli military command
in Tel Aviv said the command-
os took with them certain "mili-
tary equipment" - presumably
a British-made radar station
capable of tracking all shipping
around the mouth of the Gulf
of Suez. Last month Israeli
commandos slipped into Egypt
proper and came back with a
Soviet-built radar station.
The command said that while
on the island the Israelis killed
70 Egyptian military men, cap-

tured another 62, sank three
Soviet-built torpedo boats and
destroyed installations that were
not described. The dead in-
cluded 40 crewmen of two tor-
pedo boats sunk by Israeli jets at
the outset on Thursday, the
command said. '
The command added that the
first two torpedo boats w e r e
sunk by jets 10 miles off the is-
land. The third was sunk, it
said, by the Israeli forces that
occupied the island.
The commandos came under
attack around midnight by Egyp-
tian plans. The Israelis report-
ed no casualties in the attack,
although the Egyptians claimed
at least 50 Israelis were killed or
wounded in the operation,
The Israeli command ack-
nowledged the loss of three men
killed and six wounded in the
initial stage of the operation on
Even as the Israelis began to

move off the Island, Israeli
jets swept over the Suez Canal
and bombed military targets
near Cairo once more.
They hit military c a m p s
near the industrial city of Hel-
.wan, south of Cairo, and Huck-
step, northeast of the Egyptian
capital. All planes returned
safely, the Israelis said.
An Egyptian military com-
munique carried by the Middle
East News Agency from Cairo
said: "Four low-flying enemy
warplanes violated Egyptian air-
space today. Two of them bomb-
ed camps near Helwan, south of
Cairo, and the other two bomb-
ed a camp at Huckstep, north-
west of it.
"The bombing caused no dam-
age in equipment but seven men
were wounded, one seriously."
Later the Egyptians report-
ed an attack by Egypt's air
force on Israeli positions in the
occupied Sinai Peninsula.

its provisions trespass on individ-
ual rights.
The measure now goes to the
House, where there is no prospect
of early action on it.
The bill for the first time would
make largescale illicit gambling
enterprises a federal crime. These
are defined as involving five or
more persons, being in operation
for more than 30 days, and hav-
ing a gross take of more than $2,-
000 in any one day.
Bribery of local officials - such
as police, prosecutors, or judges
- in connection with illegal
gambling activities also would be-
come a federal crime..
Another major .feature of the
bill is designed to root out rack-
eteer infiltration of businesses and
labor unions, through criminal
forfeitures and use of antitrust
concepts like divestiture, dissolu-
tion and reorganization.
The bill provides also for extra
sentences of up to 30 years in
prison for habitual and profes-
sional criminals and for leaders
of organized crime.
The Senate retained in the bill
a section overruling a Supreme
Court decision that would give de-
fendants access to confidential
government files to determine if
illegally obtained evidence was be-
ing used against them.
An amendment by Sens. Philip
A. Hart (D-Mich.), and Edward
M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), to strike
out this part of the bill was de-
feated by a 53-20 vote.
Other parts of the measure pro-
vide for a comprehensive revision
and strengthening of evidence
gathering procedures in organized
crime investigations and prosecu-

Some senators objected that
these new procedures would not
be limited to organized crime and
could impair civil liberties. The
American Civil Liberties Union
appealed to all senators to reject
the bill, saying it contained "man-
ifold possibilities for abuse."
One of the disputed sections
would authorize no-bail imprison-
ment for contempt or recalcitrant
witnesses who refuse to testify
after a grant of immunity.
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (A') - Ern-
est Bishop, the 29-year-old labor-
er accused of the first-degree mur-
der last July of University coed
Margaret Phillips, was found in-
nocept by reason of insanity yes-
The Washtenaw County Circuit
Court jury of nine women a n d
three men deliberated f o r 11/2
hours Thursday and yesterday be-
fore reaching the verdict.
During their deliberation, the
jury asked for a replay of a tape
recording in which Bishop, under
the influence of sodium amatol, a
so-called "truth serum," told a
psychiatrist how he killed Miss
Under state law, Bishop is turn-
ed over to the State Department
of Mental Health. He will be com-
mitted to a state institution for
life or until declared cured. He
cannot be retried.




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