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January 08, 1970 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-08

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wary 8, 1970


'ur8 97 H IHIA AL

w mo-vowom

n -ur
Associate Sports Editor
One of the marvels of the
Wolverines' 1969 football ieason
was the absence of game in-
Some attributed it to the
stadium's new Tartan turf car-
pet, some to the care of the new
coaching staff, and others to
What ever the reason, it
didn't prevail during the team's
pre-Rose Bowl game workouts.
The heart attack suffered by
Coach Bo Schembechler w a s
the biggest blow to the t e a m.
Schembechler was hospitaliz-
ed just three hours before game
The trouble began on Tues-
day - when he reported chest
pains, although an electrocar-
diogram showed no signs of a
heart ailment.
The Michigan mentor was hos-
pitalized briefly, but released
after doctors diagnosed the pain
as an apparent muscle spasm
in his esophagus.,



Schembechler then rejoined
the team at the Passionist Fath-
ers' monastery for two days of
seclusion prior to the game.
He led the team in a brief
practice Wednesday at Brook-
side Park, and then took them
for their first look inside t h e
Rose Bowl stadium. That was
to be Schembechler's only look
at the Rose Bowl.
The youthful 40-year-old coach
spent a restless Wednesday night
at the monastery. After having
breakfast with the team Thurs-
day morning, he complained to
the, team physicians of new
chest pains and an upset stom-
Doctors advised hospitaliza-
tion when another' electrocar-
diogram revealed a change from
the earlier diagnosis.
Schembechler was not able to
hear or listen to the game, al-
though he received periodic re-
ports from Athletic Director
Don Canham, who listened to
the game in a nearby room.

Schembechler's physician, Dr.
Haskell J. Weinstein reported
yesterday that he is resting com-
fortably in St. Luke's Hospital
in Pasadena, where he was
transferred Monday from t h e
coronary care unit to a private
Since his transfer, Schem-
bechler has been able to s e e
films of the game, and has re-
ceived a visit from Southern
California coach John McKay.
[The Associated Press report-
ed last night that Schembech-
ler had talked on the phone
yesterday with Michigan's As-
sistant Athletic Director Bump
Elliot and his top coaching aide
Jim Young about the Wolverine
football team.]
He is not expected to return
to Michigan for at least t w o
The long nightmare of team
injuries began on the last of
four days, of practice in Ann



Arbor when defensive back Bar-
ry Pierson broke his arm.
Pierson practiced lightly in
California, using only one armn
during workouts. Although he
was dressed for the game, his
arm was heavily bandaged and
he did not start.
Tailback Glenn Doughty was
the next casualty, as he suffer-
ed a knee injury on Christmas
Eve and went into surgery on
the 26th. He still has a cast
and crutches.
More Sports-Page 9

The Wolverines' other star
tailback, Bill Taylor, was not
able to practice at full strength
because of a painful muscle
strain in the thigh.
Fullback Garvie Craw devel-
oped a charley horse, while
Henry Hill and John Seyferth
were also hurt during practice.
During the game Taylor was
injured again when he was
knocked down in the first half
and suffered a minor concus-
More seriously injured was
split end Billy Harris, who made
a diving attempt to catch an end
zone pass from quarterb a c k
Don Moorhead in the last 32
seconds of the game to s a v e
Michigan from the 10-3 loss.
Harris underwent surgery for
knee damage at University Hos-
pital last Saturday. Both he and
Doughty will miss spring prac-


The Mourning
andy barbasfter




Ho's too much . ..
4 for a team to miss
I T WAS HARD to get enthused at this year's Rose Bowl - es-
pecially without Bo Schembechler directing the squad.
Southern Cal did have a tough defense, probably the rough-
est Michigan had faced all season. But it Is actually impossible
to say Who had the better team since the Wolverines were play-
ing without one main ingredient - a heart. Schembechler was
not pnly the tactical leader of the team, caling every offensive
play all season; he was their emotional leader as well. When
the team rushed onto the field before a game, it was Bo who
could be seen jumping the highest as the team huddled at the
When Bo first arrived in Ann Arbor, the immediate reac-
tion was why did Michigan pick a coach who 1) had no national
reputation and 2) was not a Michigan alumnus. But in his first
year at Michigan, Schembechler answered both question-s - he
was.,a.,winner. For the first time since Fielding Yost, a rookie
coach took a Big Ten team to the Rose Bowl. Moreover, Bo did
the near impossible feat of being voted coach of the year for his
' accomplishments.
BO TOOK OVER a team which was supposed to be having a
rebuilding year. Yet before the season had begun, Schembechler
declared that he was going to do more with the team than just
rebuild it. He went up against one of the roughest schedules
Michigan has faced recently, and mastered it, culminating the
season' by knocking -off his old coach's top-ranked team, Ohio
A number of people thought that Bo's achievements were.
'not quite that spectacular - after all, they felt, former coach
Bump Elliott had recruited all of the players. What they failed
to realize was that Schembechler had taken a group of players
ho had been devoted to another coach and changed them into
a team so influenced by his personality that it was in tears
when the members found out he wouldn't be coaching them in
the Rose Bowl.
He had taken a squad against what was supposed to be the
top team in the country and possibly the top team in recent
year; and he brought the team to such an emotional peak that
they had played nearly flawless football and decisively con-
quered an invlncable foe.
He came out to California and endeared himself with the
press. With what is supposed to be one of the most nerve-
wracking experiences a coach can encounter, Bo jousted with
Rose Bowl officials, handled sportswriters,. took his team to all
the official distractions, and still prepared the team for the
Rose Bowl Game.
YET WHEN THE big moment arrived, Bo wasn't there.
Instead of being on the field directing the team, Schembechler
was in a hospital bed. Not even being able to watch the team
on the television, he had to listen on the radio.
And without Bo,.the team lost its greatest asset, the devotion
for perfection It usually had. "We wanted this one more after we
Y 4found out Bo was sick," 'explained quarterback Don Moorhead.
"But we weren't going after people; we just weren't playing a
real good game."
Defensive end Cecil Pryor also felt that the team's play
was hurt by Schembechler's absence. "It really affected us as a
whole," he admitted. "Especially the younger players. They draw
on Bo's domineering personality. When Bo was there we really
had a great coach at all times, he was really behind you."'
While none of the players could criticize the efforts of Bo's
assistants, they were quick to admit that the diferrence was
noticable. "Bo's been at it a long time," declared sophomore
wlngback Preston Henry. "He knows instinctively what to call.
The assistant coaches were a little indecisive; it definitely af-
fected our play."
MOORHEAD HAD HQPED that "maybe (the team) would
be able to pull together to win it for him (Schembechler). But
We were shocked. I think if it had happened earlier, we might
have recovered, but finding out about it the morning of the
game didn't give us time to recover."
The team was unable to put Schembechler out of its mind,
and as a result was unable to devote itself exclusively to the
game. It seems almost inconceivable that any team would be
able to overcome Southern Cal's stout defense with less than a
full effort, and the Wolverines were in no condition to deliver
one. The result of the Rose Bowl was inevitable.
One Michigan player best summed up the situation. "He
worked so hard to get us here, and then he wasn't with us. It
was just too much to handle."

By The Associated Press
Profssional football w a s
rocked yesterday with rumors
and disclosures involving some
of the game's top performers
that threw a shadow o v e r
next Sunday's Super Bowl.
The name of Len Dawson vet-
eran Chiefs quarterback was men-
tioned along with those of three
other quarterbacks among players
who may be questioned in a broad
federal probe of gambling now
taking place in Detroit.
T h e National Broadcasting
Company which made the ireport
based on information from an un-
named federal official said the
athletes were to be called in for
questioning - "to f ill certain
holes in the investigation a n d
were not necessarily involved in
any gambling activity."
Besides Dawson the players
named were Joe Namath of the
New York Jets, Bill Munson of
the Detroit Lions and Karl Sweet-
an of the Los Angeles Rams. Also
to be questioned the report said
were Pete Lammons, Jets tight
end, and Bob Devaney coach of
the University of Nebraska foot-
ball team.
Pete Rozelle commissioner of
pro football issued a statement
saying that he had been advised
by the Justice Department that no
decision had b e e n reached on
summoning any professional ath-
letes before a grand jury. He said
no disciplinary action was plan-
However, Dawson, 34, a pro
quarterback for 13 years called a
late Tuesday night press confer-
ence at the Chiefs hotel head-
quarters and admitted a casual
acquaintance with Donald Daw-
son of Detroit a restauranteur and
no relation who was seized with
gambling records and $45,000 in a
raid by Internal Revenue' agents
on New Years Day.
"I have \k n o w n Mr. Dawson
about 10 years," Dawson said in
his Tuesday statement referring
to his acquaintance with the De-
troit restauranteur who has been
charged in the investigation. "My
only conversations with him in
recent years concerned my knee
injuries and the death of my fa-

Baltimore 121, Detroit 116 St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 2, tie
Chicago 7, Detroit 0
Milwaukee 138, Cincinnati 119 Nei York 5, Pittsburgh 3
Atlanta 112, Boston 106 Minnesota 3, Toronto 3, tie
New York at San Francisco, inc. Boston at Oakland, inc.


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-Daly-hoas R Cp

The Wolverines' Wild Bunch moves in

Fate strikes wolverines
inRose Bowl traged

The Ultimate in Self-Defense and Physical Fitness
-Spectators Are Welcome During Class Hours-

(Continued from Page 1)
the entire Rose Bowl trip was per-
vaded by the eerie feeling that the
Trojans had invoked one of their
oracles to turn the gods against
their foes from far off Michigan.
The Wolverine lockerroom scene
after the game was indicative of
this. First, defensive coordinat-
or Jim Young, Schembechder's
temporary replacement as, h e a d
coach, got up and told the writ-
ers what Schembechler's absence
had meant to the team and him-
Then he introduced the t e a m
doctors, Gerald O'Connor a n d
Robert Anderson, who gave their
own press conference on ScIlem-
bechler's medical status.
It could have been a scene out
of The Doctors, Medical Center,
or some other bedpan drama. But
it wasn't. It was real life.
I never made" it over to t h e
Southern Cal dressing room. From
what I heard it was par for the
course for a victorious lockerroom
after a bowl game: a lot of "tre-
mendous efforts" and "fine per-
formances" quoted by coach and
player alike. Sort of similar to the
a'ka-seltzer commercial about the
"Great" game.
Besides, the USC people were
talking about football strategy, the
"Wild Bunch", and who was num-
ber one; all of which were petty
and 'unreal for the Wolverines,
whose main concern was not the
game gone past b'ut the C o a c h
they wanted back.
Young, like his boss Schem-
bechler and the rest of the Mich-
igan coaching staff, is a man who
thinks football every minute of
every waking hour of his day. But
at that moment in the lockerroom

he broke his pattern. "I h a v e
nothing in my mind about foot-
ball now," he told the gathered
throng. "I can only think about
The Wolverines weren't think-
ing about Bo's absence in terms of
post-game rationalizations. Their
feelings were feelings of remorse,
of sadness for their coach's plight.
"After all the hard work he
(Schembechler) did to get us to
the Rose Bowl, he could't behhere
to reap the rewards of his ef-
forts," stated Captain Jim Man-
Quarterback Don Moorhead ech-
oed similar sentiments, "I'm so
sorry for Bo. He worked so hard
for us all season and now this has
to happen."
The tragedy which happened in
the Pasadena spectacular will long
be discussed by Michigan follow-
ers. Had Schembechler been pre-
sent on the sidelines when his
teah was twice driving deep into
Trojan territory in the f o u r t h
qurter, the outcome might have
been different. Mandich aptly
pointed out in the lockerroom that

Schembechler called every single
play during the regular season.
Brian Healy's missed tackle also
will be remembered for some time
to come,. even though it is an un-
fair appraisal of Healy's value to
the team as a starter three years
in a row. It wasn't defense, but
rather offense which statistically
killed the Wolverines' chances. As
manager Rik Kohn lamented the
night of the game, "You're not
going to win too many ball games
with three points on the score-
In the end, I wouldn't pin the
loss on any worldly cause like a
missed tackle or stalled offense.
Instead, I turn around, look up
into the clouds, and shake my
hand at Mount Olympus and that
damn Trojan deity.
Duke 78, Wake Forest 72, o.t.
North Carolina 78, N.C. State 69
LaSalle 108, Syracuse 101
St. Bonaventure 96, Loyola, Balt. 52
Villanova 87, Fairfield 59
Air Force 74, Concordia, Minn. 59
Georgia Tech 96, Clemson 84

There will be a organizational
meeting of Residence Hall Ath-
letic Managers in the Boxing
Room of the IM Bldg. today at
4:30 p.m.
There also will be on organ-
izational meeting for Social
Fraternity Athletic Managers in
in the Wrestling Room of the
IM Bldg. at 8:00 p.m. tonight.

HOURS: Week Days 7-9 P.M., Saturday 10-12 Noon
PLACE: Angell School on South University at Oxford
HEAD INSTRUCTOR: James B.C. Yu, Korean Black Belt
INFORMATION: Cal 665-8822 or 769-4619


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