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December 08, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-12-08

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AOi au


Good chance of slight drizzle
possibly changing to snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
17Y- rT lur-~- -'fi1T~Wm~~ v_ -



In 1« ON..

.u~s. V .t~.1 1 ULT.N~l1 l. 1 U1 L~lVOllC( t)P1ce 1op
Housing Committee N.Y. Protest,




Completes Lease

Arrest 138

Final wording of the new Uni-
versity eight-month lease was
completed yesterday by members
of the Student Housing Advisory
Committee, a joint group of stu-
dents and administrators.
' Members of the board empha-
sized that student tenants should
ask their landlords for the new,
lease before renting apartments,
and that the Off-Campus Hous-
ACCept sit-in
At Brandeis
Special To The Daily
WALTHAM, Mass. - The ad-
ministration of Brandeis Univer-
sity acquiesced to students yes-

ing Bureau will distribute only this
lease from now on.
The term of rental is for a per-
iod "not to exceed eight months,"
and the lease includes an optional
clause for those wishing to rent
for "a period up to four months
in addition" to the eight months.
A set of instructions at the be-
ginning of the lease is intended to
make the rental terms clear to
students who might otherwise be
Not Mandatory
The lease does not force land-
lords to rent for a term of eight
months, but the format places
emphasis on an eight-month term
with optional extensions.
Thomas A. Brown, Assistant Di-
rector of Student-Community Re-
lations, said he felt the new lease
to be a "substantial improvement"
over the old twelve-month lease.
"The format . . . is clearer," he
said, "and the rental agreements
are fairer to both landlords and

Use Helicopters To
Follow Anti-Draft
Groups Across Town
NEW YORK (P)-Antiwar dem-
onstrators mounted a third day
of "stop the draft" protests yes-
terday, but again were thwarted
by police despite recourse to new
Police kept up with the pro-
testers on the ground and in hel-
icopters after the 700, who gath-
ered at the Battery, split into small
forces that scattered to numerous
targets around town.
They were outmanned and out-
maneuvered by police at such
spots as the Whitehall Street in-
duction center-the main target.
during the first two days-the
United Nations and the Times
Square recruiting station. The ac-
tion was generally ended by 9 a.m.
442 Arrests
Police picked up 300 persons, but!
only 138 were formally charged,
bringing the three-day arrests to-
tal to 442. Most, of these have been




uerday aftuer a mnasive sit-in Landlord Reaction
against Dow Chemical Corporation Typewritten copies of this final
recruiters. lease are being sent to Ann Arbor Correction
One-hundred fifty students sat landlords "for reactions and noti-
in at the Administration Building fication," Brown said. Landlords' The Ann Arbor Housing
Wednesday where recruiting was reactions, however, will not change Commission will not circulate a
held. Another 300-500 students the Off-Campus Housing Bureau's petition on behalf of a group
picketed and paraded outside. decision to use the new lease. opposing the relocation of the
The administration had threat- Richard Barnhill, a rental man- Washtenaw County Welfare De-
ended after a month-long series of ager for Apartments Limited, partment, as reported in yester-j
*negotiations to take "extra dis- which uses its own private lease, (ay's Daily. The housing com-
ciplin*ry measures' against any said his firm had not yet decided mission is in no way involved
student or faculty member who !what to do about the new Univer- with the group's efforts.
sat in. Privately' an unidentified sity lease. Apartments Limited
high official said up to 500 stu- (like most Ann Arbor landlords) charged with disorderly conduct.
dents and faculty with tenure now uses twelve-month leases for Almost all were released without
would be severed from the univer- all but 50 or 60 of its some 500 bail for court appearance in Jan-
sity. apartment units. uary.
Yesterday it was learned that Lurie pointed out one clause With Manhattan overrun by
as a result of the ,success" of which frees students from the bands of the demonstrators, Presi-
he sit-in, the administration had terms of the lease if they are dent Johnson was spirited in and
apitulated and disciplinary mea dismissed from school by Health out of the city in semisecrecy for
ures against a select 25 students Service for medical reasons. "The Francis Cardinal Spellman's fun-
ere to be done by the Student owners aren't going to like it one eral.
bit," he said. As a result, the President never
udiciary Committee. The Coin-
ittee, if it acts at all, can only Legal Check had to confront the Vietnam war
'ecommnend that the students be Before the lease is sent to the protesters, although five V ed -
admonished t eprinters, a group of members of up among the throng ova e St.
Admoished. fthe Law School faculty will review Patrick's Cathedral on " ,n Ave-
tio highlight pof the denstr it to make sure there are no legal nue. where the service .ere held.
Jerome Badanes '62. Badanes was mistakes. "It should go to the Charge A1 s
flown front demonstrations in printers early next week," said In the wake of a three-hour
,.,awv,, r 7nt.demnstr+ Atons IBrown, and will most probably be demonstration, d asations of bru-

*Sends Bill
OfRights To01
Declines To Request
(Cutler's Resignation;
Proposes GSA Study
SGC last night voted to move
ahtad with plans for incorpora-
tion, passed a proposed student
bill of rights and decided not to
call for Vice-President for Student
Afairs Richard L. Cutler's resig-'
The incorporated plans passed
by a 9-1 vote, include. a proposed
contract with the Regents in
which the Regents would agree
to collect SGC dues in return for
SGC performing its present ad-
ministrative duties,
Incorporation would make SGC
financially and legally independ-
ent of the University and allow it
to solicit gifts from sowrces other
than the University and students.
Council will also have power to sue
in court, float bonds, A take out
loans and buy land.
Dues paid to students under the
proposed incorporation would be
50 cents per student per semester,
25 cents higher than present dues,
which are collected as part of
Under the proposed bylaws, stu-
detns will be able to decide the
amount which they will pay for
SGC dues. One thousand signa-
tures or approval of Council is re-
quired to put the issue on the
Michael Davis, Grad, Admrinis-
trative Vice-President of SGC and
originator' of the incorporation
plan, said, "Council has taken a
step toward explaining to the Uni-
versity what student power means

University Hospital inaugurated airborne ambulance service this week as a simulated emergency flight ran from Westland to the
Medical Center, carrying the pilot's wife as its first "patient." The ne w service is by contract with Superior Ambulance Co. of Wyandotte.


Phy s Ed Aids Mental Gymnastics

New York atl Whitehall to dram
tie Dowowam- available to anyone by the time tality, neglige' and gross abuses
#tize Dow's role m the war, dum- students return from Christmas were leveled a. police by Dr. Ben-
mies were ignited with napalm vacation. jamin Spock, one of the leaders
and students paraded to tape- Committee members, however, of the demonstration, and the New
recorded war sounds. said they expected that some land- York Civil Liberties Union.
Late last night the Brandeis lords would probably drop the Dr. William Rothman told news-
.,aculty voted overwhelmingly to University lease and use their C men: "I saw individual demonstra-
cancel military recruiting until own forms, for a while at least, tors lying in the street for half
the use of the draft for political rather than adopt the eight-month an hour without medical atten-
*urposes is halted. lease. tion."
GA To Investigate Alternatives
To raft, Deferment Policies

Despite bowling balls
'continually end up in the
' or the 10-miute run from F
in the Freize Building to N
ball in the Intra-Mural bu
"a student would regret it
if he didn't take physical e
tion," says Prof. Esther Fr
Mrs. French is director o
men's physical education a
"It's very important to
in condition for living the k
life people want to live," she
tinues, "and to develop the
fidence to play some sport
for future relaxation."
Prof. Paul Hunsicker, cha
of the entire physical edu
department, agrees.
- - Enjoy, Enjoy
"If you play a sport, you
joy it and want to play it1
he says.
An undergraduate is pre
required to take two sem
of the physical education "s
program" as a pre-requist
graduation. No credit unit

given, and the grades do not major reason for the University's
which count in academic averages. requirement. "If we were just in-
gutter, ;"I don't know if anyone has terested in students having phy-
French I ever been denied a diploma be- sical activity, we could take every-I
volley- cause he failed to fulfill his phys- one all at once and run them
wilding ical education requirement," says . around the track for an hour,"
later Dean William Haber of the liter- ;says Hunsicker.
educa- ary college. "It's never concerned "But a guy who places no value
ench. us - maybe it should." on his body is a little bit sick,"
f wo- Mind-Body Problem he adds.
MindBod Prolem"We want students to devlop
at the Haber adds that the require- e consden s ticular
mentwasinsitutd "0 yarsenough confidence in a particular
ment was instituted "30 years slport so that they will enjoy it
keep ago or so when the University de- prlathandtecwille t
And of cided that it should concern i in later life and encourage their
e con- self with developing bodies as well
con- as minds." ID
,well Dr. A. Samborski, chairman of u( tIo trf
Harvard College's physical edu-
irman cation department, says, "We have
cation a required physical educationC 0 n1t Uft i
program freshman year mainly to1
develop the physical condition of
'll en- our students." By RON LANDSMAN ,
later," "Fitness is the primary objec- Shortage of funds, a burden of
tive of our requirements," says administrative work' and the feel-.
lsentlyLeonard A. Larson, director of ing of "not accomplishing any-
testers physical education at the Univer- thing" has resulted in the re-or-
ervice sity of Wisconsin. ganization of the Ann Arbor Tu-
e for However, both Mrs. French and torial Project.
s are Hunsicker disclaim fitness as the Officers of the student-com-

children to do so," says Mirs.
Dr. Jack B. Begelman, Univer-
sity alumnus and chairman of
physical education at Hiunter and
Bronx Colleges in the City Uni-
versity of New York, explains,

"We have a three-term require-
ment, and the student receives a
mark which counts as part of
his gradepoint and credit which
counts toward graduation."
"About 60 per cent of all col-
See 'PHYS,' Page 2
lject Widens



Matthaei New State
AAU Head
Regent Frederick Matthaei,
Jr., was named President of the
M i c h i g a n Amateur Athletic
Union yesterday.

in a language that is understand-
able to those both within and
outside the University commun
i ty."

A policy to enroll all male Uni-
versity Graduate students in draft
deferable fields no matter what
their actual discipline may result
%rom a draft referendum spon-
sored by Graduate Assembly.
"All students not deferred might
be arbitrarily registered, for ex-
ample, in the Medical or Dental
Schools whose students are defer-
red," explained GA member Stuart
Katz who is coordinating the ref-
This proposal is only one under
study if the graduate body chooses
"a policy of non-cooperation with
the present draft laws," Katz said.
Official Policy
"Dean Spurr of the Graduate
School has announced that the re-
#ults will be official policy," Katz
said. "Spurr himself asked GA
to conduct a poll."
The poll will be conducted among
graduate students during registra-
tion Jan. 2-4 and throughout late
registration until the middle of
January. Results should be com-
fled by the end of January, Katz
The first section of the referen-
Oum deals with alternatives to the
raft system, Katz said. Students

study student body decides that
the policy of the graduate school
should be different from the pres-
ent system."
One option calls for "a policy
of non-cooperation with the pres-
ent draft laws." Katz said that this
was left purposely vague but that
many proposals for dealing with
the present laws had been sug-
Katz said that he hopes for an

80 per cent return rate for the
"We hope to trigger off other
similar referendums at other grad-
uate schools and determine the
opinion of the nation's graduate
students," he added.
The Graduate School belongs to
several organizations with paid
lobbyists in Washington, Katz
said, and the referendum results
will be forwarded to them.

~u .,.. ,


Hatcher Recalls Years of U' expansion

Associate Managing Editor
"I've enjoyed being president-
but I'm looking forward to return-
ing to my literary work on the
Great Lakes," says retiring Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher.
Hatcher who took office on
Sept. 1. 1951, will be succeeded
Jan. 1 by Robben W. Fleming,
former chancellor of the Madison
campus of the University of Wis-
Looking back over his achieve-
ments at the University, Hatcher
takes most pride in the develop-
ment of the library complex. North
Campus, student housing and "the
research arm of the University."
"When I first came to the Uni-
ve! sity there were no undergrad-
uate library facilities. After the
Ugh was built, the next step was
:edoing the General Library to

He also sighted the "serious'
shortage" of a theatre at the Uni-;
versity which has "deprived stu-
dents of the chance to see and!
produce. We have not yet found a
;way to raise the money. We have
the gift from Regent Power but1
prices keep going up."
In regard to the controversy over
classified research Hatcher said,
"We give support to the faculty,
to carry on research that is ap-
propriate such that if we had lots
of money we would supply them
with it. Some projects start as
normal investigations and then
turn out to have defense applica-
Hatcher says defense-related re-
search was started at the Univer-
sity during World War II. "There
was support and conviction for
that war and so there wastno
aquestion about ireseaich of that
" ~nature being done. The new thing;

munity organization explained
that they want to change the di-
rection of the project from being
primarily a student group to one
which works more closely with the
community. They feel students
tutored by the pr'ogram will then
be able to gain more from it.
The move also resulted in direc-
tor Richard Sleet being relieved
of his $200 a month position.
Members of central staff, which
oversees the project, explained
that they could not afford to re-
tain Sleet at that salary partly
because of the need for more
handling of administrative details.
In requesting Sleet's - removal
from his position as director,
the staff offered him the post of
"co-ordinator of new projects" on
a volunteer basis. Sleet, who
founded the tutorial project, was
reported to have refused the offer.
He was unavailable for comment
last night.
Project President Lynn Shapiro
said that after six years the pro-
ject has "established a firm base,
and has a good relations with the
school system and the commu-
nity." But there are many things
the project could be doing that it
ic 't e nle os 3_

3 s
f 1

cutting down on the time that
they can spend on more important
Project co-ordinators have also
received the job of planning their
own programs without the aid of
central direction. The students ex-
plained that this weakens the con-
tinuity of the programs.
The statement announcing Sleet's
removal said the central staff felt
"that in order to fulfill our re-
sponsibility to the tutors, tutees,
and to the community, that Rich-
ard Sleet should be released from
his position" as director of the
The officers explained that this
was as much an abolition of the
position of director as it was the
releasing of Sleet.
A meeting has already been
planned to consider the problem of
re-organization and to make a
general evaluation.

Council voted 11-6 to endorse
the bill of rights and recommend
it to the President's Commission
on Decision Making for considera-
The bill of rights generally en-
dorses broad civil liberties and
student decision making ,along
with providing guarantees in the
areas of judicial procedure, cone
trol of student records and Uni-
versity policy.
SGC took no action with regard
to the recent controversy over the
OSA's move to have academic
units discipline three students for
participating in an Oct. 11 dem-
SGC took no action with regard
to the recent controversy. A mo-
tion to send an open letter to
Cutler listing SGC's specific com-
plaints against him and asking
him to resign was withdrawn be-
fore it *could be debated and
Council moved into a committee
of the whole discussion of the


Last Issue for '67
This is the last issue of The
Daily for the winter term. Pub-
lications will resume Friday,
Jan. 5 with a special issue.

U' Professors Organize
McCarthy Support Group
By DANIEL ZWERDLING and lobbying for delegates high o.
Thirteen faculty members have ;the list of possible campaign tech-
freAn Arbor's fimrs M-e niques.
formed Ann Arbor's first M~c~ The McCarthy for President
Carthy for President Committee in Committee grew in response to "a
an effort to help block President major concern (of its members
Johnson's renomination and alter with the war in Vietnam, and with

Imay vote either to retain the
draft laws as they now standor
select among such alternatives as


the present course of American
foreign policy.
Organized by Prof William Al-

the general direction of current
American foreign policy," explains
Ai A,*,w,


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