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December 06, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-12-06

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An Editorial ..a
THE EVENTS of the past week have been the most ominous
in a very long time. The threatening shadow of mass suspen-
sions in the wake of wars protest have dispelled a once-cherished
hope that "it can't happen here."
With the revelation last week that Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard Cutler secretly suggested academic discipline for
three students involved in an October demonstration, any pre-
tense of an improving student-administration rapport has been
undermined. Suspicion and mistrust reminiscent of last winter's
most disruptive days have replaced any healthy anticipation of
a fresh start with the new administration of Robben Fleming,
who assumes the Presidency Jan. 1.
NONE OF THIS mutual bitterness is good, particularly at a
University that prides itself on open inquiry and academic
freedom. Nothing that students did during the visit of Rear
Admiral S. N. Brown on Oct. 11 warranted the secretive manipula-
tions of the administration, which ended in confidential letters
to the literary college and Rackham graduate school requesting
academic discioline for three of the demonstrators. If the protesters
in the North Campus incideit were guilty of violating regulations,
there are proper and open legal channels of Joint Judiciary
Council that anyone-the Engineering College or the administra-
tion-can use.
But with , this last viobition of student rights, the breaking
point has been reached. We no longer cling to the illusion
that the administration will come clean in January.
SPECIFICALLY, we propose the following actions to clear the
air of accusations and conspiracy which are poisoning ad-
ministration-student relations:
" The literary college and graduate schools should reject the
concept of using academic discipline for non-academic behavior
violations, even "until the Presidential Commission report is issued."
Though the administrative board of the literary college made
the wise endorsement of an all-campus judiciary composed of
students and faculty, it also left itself open to hear cases-such
as the protest against Admiral Brown-until the planned all-
campus judiciary is officially established. (Such a judiciary is to
be composed of faculty and students and will be recommended
by the Presidential Commission early next year.)
Such action, though within the college's authority, is a
dangerous reversal of its past record of non-involvement in
disciplining non-academic violations. The proper authority for
these cases remains Joint Judiciary Council,' and those who
urge bypassing this proper channel for "only a month," until
the commission's' report is issued, may be rudely shocked by the
administration's and the Regents' ability to delay implementation.
Despite the best intentions of the literary college board, it will be
violating its own t'raditional principles by entering into the area
of non-academic discipline.
0 That the secrecy of administrative proceedings have con-
tinued unnoticed is in part due to the surprising indifference of
its student representatives, who have voiced few qualms that
clandestine charges of suspension can be discussed without the-
knowledge of the accused. The reason for this negligence is perhaps
their lack of responsibility to any body or constituency, except
perhaps the literary college steering committee, which itself
operates in a shroud of secrecy. The student representatives should
reject participation in any further closed meetings, or else resign.
* The events of the past week also emphasize the unfortunate
inability of the vice president for student affairs to confront
University problems. The explanation behind this situation is a
combination of the office and the man.
The office of vice president for student affairs is in desperate
need of restructuring. The post is an administrative anomaly, a
position that will inevitably crush its holder between student
demands and Regental resistance. With the wider and more
responsible role being vested in student government and judiciary,
the Office of Student Affairs also needs serious examination.
One possibility is instituting a vice president for student services,
thereby replacing a paternalistic administrator with a necessary
bureaucratic organization supervising counselliig services and
other student concerns.
Secondly, Vice President Cutle himself is unable any longer
to command the respect or receive the cooperation that a high
administrative post requires. His latest machinations have con-
vinced student leaders-of all political persuasions- that he is
untrustworthy. Whatever the wisdom of his actions-and we
seriously question his judgment-he is simply unable to represent
;the administration to students effectively, and certainly cannot
represent students before the administration. If he continues to
occupy the vice presidency, hope of future student-administration
rapport will be smothered by a legacy of mutual hostility.
THE RAPIDLY disintegrating situation in the realm of student
affairs must be correctede quickly. This will require not only

a change of policy but it will also necessitate a change in the
structure and personalities that determine these policies.
Only with a concerted and sincere effort can students, ad-
ministrators and faculty resurrect a University community free
of suspicion and enmity.




Seventy-Se ccii Years of Editorial Freedom





Ask New Draft
Plan for Grads

A blue-ribbon interagency ad-
visory committee has recommend-
ed that the National Security:
Council (NSC) permit broad draft
deferments for graduate studentsG
in natural science, mathematics,
engineering and health.
There are now about 144,000
first-year graduate students. If
the recommendation is accepted,
about half of them will continue
to be deferred after blanket
graduate school deferments expire
next year.
The other 'half, mainly stu-
dents in social sciences and the
humanities, will be eligible to be
The NSC is expected to decide
the question later this month. The
council is headed by President
Johnson and includes Vice Presi-
dent Humphrey, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk, outgoing Sec-
retary of Defense Robert Mc-
Namara and C. Farris Bryant,
'On Con-Con
*-x - u

director of the Office of Emer-
gency Planning.
Educators have been pres ng
the White House for a decis.-n
so that graduate schools can bt
gin to make plans to deal with
enrollment. Educators are wor-
ried about the effect any decision
wil lhave on size of the graduate!
school enrollment.
An American Council on Educa-
tion (ACE) report issued earlier
this year warned that if present
draft laws continue as they are,
graduate schools will soon be filled,
with "women, medical students!
and cripples."
A number of graduate schools
are now placing all male appli-
cants on waiting lists, pending a
decision by the NSC.
The University is undecided at
present as to how to deal with
the enrollment problem.
Bar Recruiters
At Columbia University, how-
ever, President Grayson Kirk has
barred military recruiters from
campus in protest of the recom-
mendation for a change in grad-
uate deferments.
Some educators are strongly;
opposed to the committee's recom-
mendations on the grounds that

Jailed in
NY Rally
Attempts to Close
Iiiduction Center
Stopped by Police
NEW YORK A - More than
1,000 s h o u t i n g demonstrators
against the Vietnam war vainly
tried to close a Lower Manhattan
armed forces induction center
More than 260 of them delib-
erately had themselves arrested,
including Dr.'Benjamin Spock and
poet Allen -Ginsberg.
As the demonstrators chanted
"Peace now!," a counterpicket,
Nelson Havis, from the Queens
County Council of Veterans of
Foreign Wars, told newsmen:
"They seem to be rooting for
the Viet Cong."
Many of the demonstrators had
been briefed in advance on the
tactics of civil disobedience to
provoke arrest. The ranks of the
protesters included the young and
the old, hippie types and the well-
'A Big Zero'
Lt. Col. James J. McPoland,
commander of the Whitehall
Army induction center near the
tip of Manhattan, called the five
hour antiwar demonstration "a
big zero." '
McPoland said there was no
interruption in the center's daily
processing schedule for 250 in-
Sponsors of the demonstration
had hoped to attract 5,000 or
more protesters against Vietnami
Police estimated about one fifth
that number showed up outside
the 81-year-old building, which
houses the induction center on a
square block facing Whitehall

-Associated Press
An Iowa City policemen shoots a spray of the chemical mace into the face of a University of Iowa
student taking part in a demonstration on campus of recruiters from the Dow Chemical Co.,
makers of napalm. Mace, which has the'effect of c ncentrated tear gas, is the latest weapon police
have added to their crowd control arsenal. The I:wa City demonstration ended in the arrest of 18
of the 200 demonstrators who had forced their way into the Student Union, site of Dow's inter-
viewing, chanting "We want our rights and we don't care how. We want a revolution now."

' \ 7 T / '7 T T'Z1. T'1 T T" r !'V T1 1 '7 1

if-ts tbstaele grantingbroaddefermentsin na- F csi jI lFRE NCLEAR:

After two hours of debate, the
Student Government Council Sel-
ect Committee on the Constitut-
ional Convention failed Sunday to
come to any decision on a select-
ion method for convention dele-
Two proposals were suggested.
One called for at-large elections
similar to the SGC elections. The
second proposal asked -for open
petitioning by which any studentj
with 150 signatures would become
a member of the convention.
The committee voted, 5-3, to
send a resolution to SGC stating
that the existence of the Select
Committee or the subsequent
existence of the convention does
not affect SGC's legitimacy until
the changes proposed by the con-
vention are ratified by the stu-
dents in a campus-wide vote.
The Select Committee w a s
created last week by SGC to sol-
icit and evaluate proposals for the
format of the convention and
then report back to SGC. SGC
will make the final plans for
convention format.
The committee also voted to
send letters to student organiza-
tions asking that they submit pro-
posals for consideration at the
committee's next meeting this
Commenting on the possible
"raisons d'etre" of the conven-
tion, SGC member Judy Green-
berg, '68, said Monday that a
member of the College Young Re-
publican Executive Board told
her several weeks ago that "the
constitutional convention is the
last chance for a conservative
group to regain control of the
student government on campus."
In reaction to Miss Greenberg's
statement, Tom Westerdale, Grad,
also a member of SGC, charged
that "the proposal 'by the cabal

neering and health after June and
denyingsthemsto students in the
social sciences and humanities
would cause great bitterness andd
resentment among the contrast-
ing students and faculties. Gradu-
ate schools would split down the
The forthcoming decision is ex-
pected to affect mainly first-year,
graduate students because those
already studying for a master's
degree by last June 30 were
See related story, Page 2
granted a one-year deferment
from Oct. 1, 1967, sufficient time
to complete their course.
President Johnson, in a draft
message to Congress last March,,
recommended that all graduate
school deferments except for
medical and dental students, the
bull of those in the health field,,
be eliminated.
Vitally Essential'

Administrative Board Action
Must Have Faculty Approval

Daily News Analysis
Although most of the details of
the recent controversy over "aca-
demic" discipline are finally
known, itdiscstillnotaclear what
impact the affair will have upon
future 'disciplinary action.
The policy statement of the
literary c o 11 e g e administrative:
board still must be apprnved by
the faculty. The statement called
for a broadening of the board's
jurisdiction until a new campus-
wide judiciary is set up according
to the recommendations of the
Presidential Commission on the
Student Role in Decision-Makilpg.

before the Presidential Commis-
sion recommends a new judiciary.
Several members of the literary,
college board admit they are not{
desirous of hearing these cases.
The board is really a reluctant
judiciary; but in the face of pres-
sure from the Regents and the,
OSA, they felt obligated to assume
an expanded judiciary .role. SomeI
board membei's think a tripartite
(administrators, faculty, students)
judiciary is a better alternative.
Other probleis are apparent in
the new system. Clearly, it is now,
up to each individual college to
take disciplinary action against
student demonstrators.
It is possible for several stu-
dents who participate in the same
demonstration to receive totallyj
different punishments. Whereas a
student in the literary college
,might get off with a warning, a
more conservative school such as

the Engineering College might ex-
pel,students involved."
Each University school is ex-
PntA dr to e n1tu announce'its


pemeu Uo eenail y L~uc u
own particular policy. 2,000 Police
In light of President-designate Prior to the demonstration,
Robben Fleming's recent speech. which is scheduled to be renewed
at Michigan State University daily during the week, 2,000 extra
condemning disruptive protests, policenien . had been assigned to
the establishment of a new judic- overtime to control crowds in the
iary may not clear up the situ- area. Estimates of police strength
ation, in that Fleming may ask on the scene ranged as high as
the administrative board to con- 3,200.

Reportedly the new judiciary unit
The revised draft law subse- would be composed of nine stu-
quently passed by Congress and dents and three faculty members.
signed by the President last June Since the faculty will not meet'
specified, however, that the NSC, again until mid-January and the
in effect the President, should Commission's report is due about.
continue to defer graduate stu- the same time, it is quite possible
dents in any fields deemed vitally that the administrative board's
essenuai i4-nL+e ±main~al i nc+ . -- ,.--

tinue to apply academic sanctions
against "disruptive" protesters.
At any rate, a confrontation
next semester should be expected.
Voice-SDS leaders will not easily
relinquish their right to carry on
such protests. The University ad-
ministration has been embarras-
sed by SDS protests and has now,
f o u n d an effective counter-
measure. Somebody has to give

essential to the national interest.
However, draft protesters whom
Selective Service Director Gen.'
Lewis B. Hershey termed deleter-
ious to the national interest may
go the head of induction lists.
Hershey has issued a directive
stating that persons who burnk
their draft cards, and those who4
continually demonstrate against
United States policy in Vietnam
may be subject to reclassification
as 1-A.
The American Civil Liberties3
Union has filed suits in severalE
states, challenging the power ofj
the selective service to establish
punishment for offenders of the
draft laws.

Student Tenants Hold Rent from Charter

policy will never be implemented.
Furthermore, there is some
doubt whether the faculty would
actually approve th'e board's policy
statement. Several members have
expressed serious reservations
about such a decision.
Procedural aspects of an ex-
pended judiciary role for the
board also need to be worked out.
Will the accused be granted coun-
sel? Whose responsibility is it to
notify the student?
Most of the members of the
board agree that it was a serious
mistake for Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard Cutler to
fail to inform Karen Daenzer, '70,
of the charges levied against her.
The affair has left many mem-
bers of Student Government
Council incensed at the lack of
due process for the accused stu-
dent. Presently, several are draft-
ing a letter to Cutler asking that
he resign his post. They hope to
have SGC approve the letter at its
regular meeting tomorrow.
Students Leaving?
It appears likely that should a
demonstrator be brought before
the board for discipline, the stu-
dent members of the board would
be asked to leave the meeting.
Three members of the all-student
literary college steering commit-
tee sit on the board.
Though the legitimacy of the
OSA's direct use of the lit-
erary college board as a discip-
linary channel has been disputed,
it appears that the administration
has an airtight case. Normally,
disciplinary affairs are referred to
the Joint Judiciary Council.
Last March the Regents re-
solved to condemn disruptive be-
havior, stating that "We particu-
larly note and commend the in-
tention to apply academic discip-
line in the event of any such con-

By DAVID SPURR Students also complained that
Over 120 "humiliated and 'en- their rooms were unfinished in
raged" tenantsuof theaplushane August, and that some of them are
Albert Terrace apartments on not yet completely done. A tenant
Geddes Road havep sgenapet- who has taken part in organizing
tion refusing to pay their rents to the strike said that apartments
Charter Realty until construction lacked curtains, shower doors,
of the building is completely fin- towel racks, some appliances and
ished b air conditioners in August, and
ishd. 'that most of these problems con-
Hilbert Beyer, Charter's rental tinued into the next two months.
manager for Albert Terrace, said There was no heat when the
yesterday that he was "willing to cold weather set in, the petition
sit down and discuss" the situation states. Heat was turned on Octo-
with any tenant individually. ber 10, but went off several times
Beder refused to talk with any after that. During malfunction,
spokesman from the striking the temperature of the interior of
groups about the problems of any the building was 44 degrees Fah-
one apartment. renheit, a violation of a city or-
Charter also has refused to meet dinance.
with the Off-Campus Housing Unlit stairways, without rail-
Bureau's Mediation Board at this ings, present for four weeks were.
time. also in violation of a city building
A petition signed Nov. 1 by al- code, and lack of weather strip-
most all of the building's 130 ten- ping under doorways violated an-
- -- _, other city ordinance. Students

Dean Stephen. Spurr of the
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies announced yesterday that
the executive board of Rackham
would meet today to discuss the
faculty's role in determining dis-
ciplinary action for graduate stu-.
Spurr said that Eric Chester,'
Grad, and Sam Friedman, Grad,
two students Vice President for
Student Affairs Richard-L. Cutler
had recommended for disciplinary
action, would not be individually
discussed at the meeting.
"Discussion is confined to aa
review of graduate school policy,"
Spurr said.
Two students,/Aepresentatives of
Graduate Assembly, will attend
the meeting with. full debate
Spurr sent a letter yesterday
to Chester and Friedman inform-
ing them that Cutler had sent
him a letter recommending each
of them for disciplinary action.
Spurr showed, the letter to the
two students..
Spurr would not comment last
night about the letter he sent
Chester and Friedman, but told
The Daily he would release a
A copy of a letter written by
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler that
appeared in the Dec. 2 Daily
is authentic. The letter was
written to Assistant Dean
James Shaw of the literary
college regarding discipline for
,.t.. L _- hh lit-

Rack ham To Review
IDis ciplinary Policies

carbon of it after the students
had given him written permis-
sion to do so.
Last March, several graduate
student members of Voice heckled
Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.)
and Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.)
during a meeting here. At that'
time, the executive board turned
over the matter of disciplinary
action to the individual depart-
ments. At that time, Friedman
I received a severe reprimand from,
the sociology department.
If the matter is again turned
over to the individual depart-
ments, informed sources feel that
Chester's case - and probably
Friedman's-will be dropped. The
sources indicated, however, that
Friedman's case is more "innocu-
ous" because he has already re-
ceived one reprimand.

Grace- Paley, a sponsor of the
demonstration, claliled p o 1 i c e
clubbed some demonstrators with
nightsticks and charged them
with horses. Officers had been
ordered in advance to protect the
constitutional rights of the pro-
testers, but also had "a clear
mandate to act when action is
Mayor John V. Lindsay ex-
pressed himself as satisfied witil
the police handling of the dem-
onstration. He declared: "The po-
lice are doing every thing in their
power to respect the right to dis-
sent, and I am, too."
The New York picketing and
civil disobedience was part of
"Stop the Draft Week," which
featured demonstrations.beginning
Monday in cities from coast to
In New Haven, Conn., a Yale
University chaplain tried unsuc-
cessfully to hand over a batch of
documents, described as draft
cards and other military papers, to
the FBI office there. Acceptance
was refused. Forty eight persons
had turned in the documents Mon-
day during a demonstration by
about 11-00 war protesters.
About 50 demonstrators carrying
banners staged a silent vigil in
Wilmington, Ohio, in support of
James R. Weesner Jr., who refused
to report for induction there yes-
terday as directed. A graduate
student at the University of Cali-
fornia, Wessner is married to a
granddaughter of Cleveland indus-
trialist Cyrus Eaton, himself a
critic of U.S. actions in Vietnam.

FlamingCreatures' Trial'
= A Test of- Artistie License
By JILL CRABTREE case on the side of the defend-
First of a Two-Part Series ants as a friend of the court.
On Dec. 11, the months of con- Editorials focusing or artistic free-
troversy surrounding the Cinema dm, principles of law enforcement,
Guild "Flaming Creatures" case ' and, the relationship of the Uni-
will come to a climax when the versity of .the community have
case comes to trial in circuit court been written in The Daily and the
he'e. Ann Arbor News.
Elliott Barden and Mary Barkey, University President Harlan
former University students, and Hatcher has issued a statement
E'len Frank, '68, members of the decrying the decline in taste in
Cinema Guild board when "Fla- American society but praising
tm in'y (reatu es" w s confiscated. Cinema Guild as "a creative and


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