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December 03, 1967 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-12-03

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Foul Happenings in the SAB


.. :.ate

ere Opinions, Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWs PHONE: 764-0552

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, DECEMBER 3, 1967


Administrators Can Sleep
While Others Must Wait

HE WEEKEND IS upon us, and some
administrators are relaxing at a bas-..
tball game. It is unfortunate, how-
er, that not all of us can enjoy such
Eric Chester, Sam Friedman, and Kar-
i Daenzer haven't anywhere special to
* They learned this week that they
ve been recommended for disciplinary
tion, but administrators will not pub-
ly comment about their status as stu-
nts. So, they must wait-until Monday,
hen administrators go back to work.
Because administrators won't reveal the
atus of these students, the lives of all
ilversity students remain in jeopardy.
ie meaning of academic freedom; the
;hts of students in non-academic activi-
s, the role of student-faculty com-
ttees, the validity of previous reports
.d investigations-and the right of the
liversity community to know exactly
gat is happening in the University at
. times, have been distorted and mis-
terpreted because of administrators'
mes of intrigue.
1EAN VAN WYLEN of the engineering
school sent a letter to President
itcher after the Oct. 11 demonstration
Cooley Labs requesting that disciplin-
y action be taken against Daenzer,
ledman and Chester. Cutler received a
rbon of the letter.
Cutler decided that disciplinary re-
,w shouldn't be asked of Joint Judiciary
uncil, the normal channel for such
ents. Perhaps, he thought just because
C refused to enforce his unilateral rules,
ey would also refuse to enforce any
Eis low regard for students' ability to
t fairly prompted him to begin action
Lch' when later revealed made him
pear a fool. He sent a confidential letter
Dean James Shaw of the literary
liege and Dean Stephen Spurr of the
,ckham Graduate School asking that
;ciplinary action be brought against
e three students.
But both Spurr and Shaw for reasons
ly they understand will neither pub-
ly confirm nor deny Cutler's letter.
d their silence has brought pressure
on the whole University. The 40 other
rnonstrators who were at Cooley are
aid that they, too, will be brought up
r disciplinary review. And no one will
en confirm or deny this report.

Those who are now protesting dorm
regulations believe that they also might
be subject to the unilateral discretion
of a single Vice President. Even the
very power of Cutler remains in doubt,
because Vice President Norman had pre-
viously said no action would be taken
against the demonstrators.
rr SUGGEST THAT a complete inves-
tigation by a non-partisian student-
faculty-administrative committee be un-
dertaken is hardly enough to rectify this
complex situation. It is the student's
right to review other students' conduct,
and not the privilege of a single Vice
President, as ingle group of deans, or a
single faculty committee, because each is
apparently now coerced by the other.
At its next meeting JJC will probably
state its position clearly and begin ac-
tion to review Dean Van Wylen's request
that the three students be subject to
disciplinary review.
President-designate Robben Flemmingf
should also state his position clearly, and
not hold his respect for his faultering
predecessors in higher regard than the
urgency of the question. If Flemming does
not give a policy statement, Shaw's board
and Spurr's board would be hesitant
about issuing a policy statement that
might be reversed on Jan. 1.
Dean Spurr, Dean Shaw and other ad-
ministrators should follow Flemming and
announce their positions immediately
rather than wait for Cutler's attempt at
pasting together an obviously divergent
University policy.
PERHAPS THE REAL events of the past
week will remain unknown. But the
mystery of the week and the conniving
of administrators is not the greatest
harm. In addition to the petty disgrace
of certain administrators in handling this
important and vital situation, the con-
fidence between individuals in the Uni-
versity community has collapsed. The
once famous communication typified by
the October war-research sit-in with Vice
President Norman has dissipated in a
schism between students and administra-
tors the likes of which we have never seen
before. And this kind of wound heals far
more slowly than wounds of policy.

ONE OF THE CURRENT worries of the Navy is that
all those miraculous new "black box" instruments
used in aircraft and other vehicles are becoming so
numerous that there is no place to put them.
So on October 12 Rear Admiral S. N. Brown, head of
the Washington based command control and electronics
division of the Navy visited the University to look over
campus "potential for integration of future complex
electronic systems."
Essentially the top reasearch personnel including the
Vice-President for Research, the Dean of the Engineering
College, the director of Willow Run Laboratory, and many
others gathered together to show Admiral Brown uni-
versity capabilities for reducing the size of the black
boxes devices.
All the University research brass were present because
Admiral Brown was in a position to push lucrative re-
search contracts the University's way. (After all the
Thailand project isn't going on forever.)
Admiral Brown was lunching with the University
officials at North Campus Commons when a group of
15 students sat down and began asking questions. After
lunch 25 more students joined and followed the group
over to Cooley Electronic Laboratory where a classified
briefing was set for Admiral Brown.
The students walked into the room where the briefing
was scheduled and indicated they wanted to listen in.
University officials asked the students to leave. When
they refused the officials contemplated calling the police
in but decided simply to call off the briefing.
The next day I asked Vice-President Norman if dis-
cipine was contemplated against the 40 students. He
said "No, the administration will not discipline the stu-
dents. I think we'll overlook it this time."
On October 18 the Executive Committee of the Engin-
eering School sent a private letter to President Harlan
Hatcher that asked that the students in the protest be
disciplined. A carbon went to Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard L. Cutler.
Dean VanWylen refuses to disclose the letter, but
insists that it did not ask for any specific form of punish-
ment. He says that personally he felt a reprimand rather
than suspension was called for.
(On October 27 the Engineering School released a
statement through its newsletter that called for "aca-
demis discipline" for student who participate in similar

demonstrations and "appropriate legal act on" for non-
The Regents held their regularly scheduled monthly
meetings on October 19 and 20, presumably in time to dis-
cuss the Engineering School's letter to Hatcher and
Cutler. Although OSA officials say the Regents were in
on the decision, the Regents can't remember hearing
about the letter at the formal meeting.
(Possibly Hatcher or Cutler discussed the letter with
the Regents informally.)
It is considered virtualy certain that the administra-
tive officers themselves discussed a response to the En-
gineering School letter and that President-designate
Robben W. Fleming was in on the decision.
FLEMING ISN'T SAYING anything until he turns
into a pumpkin on January 1 but he probably had no
serious guarrel with Cutler's decision to send letters to
the literary college and gradute school administrative
boards asking for "academic discipline" against three of
the 40 students in the protest.
Fleming and Cutler have been getting along famously
and the University's ninth President is strongly against
,any form of disruptive protest.
Cutler sent out two letters without bothering to dis-
cuss the facts of the protest with the students involved.
One went to Associate Dean James W. Shaw head of the
literary college board and the other to Dean Steven Spurr,
head of the graduate school board. Cutler wanted the
literary college board ,to discipline SDS Chairman Karen
Daenzer '70, and the graduate school to discipline veteran
SDS members Eric Chester, Grad, and Sam Friedman,
Both Shaw and Spurr told their groups about the
letters without naming the individuals. Shaw's group de-
cided to discuss the general concept of disciplining a stu-
dent for non-academic protest.
The group decided that it would not take up dis-
ciplinary proceedings against Mrs. Daenzer partially be-
cause such a move would be retroactive and a violation
of due process. Cutler has been informed of this.
It also framed a general policy on non-academic dis-
ciplne which has been sent to Cutler but is unavailable
to the press. Shaw will not disclose it.
Meanwhile the graduate school has deferred con-

sideration of whether or not it will take up the case of
Chester and Friedman until a January meeting.
IN AN ATTEMPT to lift a month long secrecy lid,
Friday Cutler released what alledged was a copy of the
letter sent to Shaw.
In an effort to verify that the xerox copy was bona-
fide, the Daily asked Dean Shaw if he would disclose his
actual letter. Shaw said he would be happy to furnish the
copy, if Cutler consented.
Cutler specifically denied Shaw permission to release
the original letter. When asked why, Cutler told The
Daily "I want to see if you have guts enough to call me
a liar in print."
Concern over the veracity of Cutler's copy stemmed
from several sources. For one thing Cutler brought up
the issue of disclosing the entire Shaw letter to the press
in a meeting with Hatcher and Fleming Friday.
According to one report Cutler specifically seuggested
deletion of two paragraphs in the letter that mentioned
expulsion of the students and merely leaving in the fact
that disciplinary measures were recommended.
And two members of the literary college board believe
that something may be missing from the t copy Cutler
On the other hand one literary college board member
believes that the copy is authentic.
The letter is only one of many unanswered questions.
Why did Mrs. Daenzer have to read The Daily to find out
that the administration has secretly been trying to dis-
cipline her for a month? Why were only three of the forty
protesters singled out for punishment by the administra-
tion? Why has the literary college board transmitted
a letter to Cutler regarding the entire question of aca-
demic discipline without giving it to the press?
SOME OF THE answers are in the literary college ad-
ministrative board. But that group has agreed that only
Shaw will speak for the group. However, Shaw re-
fuses to make any statements at all now because literary
college Dean William Haber has told him not to.
Whatever little inconvenience may have been done
to Admiral Brown's shopping expedition hardly seems
worth this perversion of the entire University. Is the
minor North Campus tempest worth turning the Uni-
versity of Michigan into another Michigan State? '



Letters:Explaining Hatcher 's Hypocrisy to Mother

To the Editor:
Cutler's recent disclosure that
the University will take discipli-
nary action on non-academic af-
fairs, I experienced an ironic op-
posite of that new policy last year
at this same time.
I was the victim of an assault
and battery (as decided in court)
on South University Ave. by a stu-
dent enrolled here. While I was in
the hospital, my mother, naturally
disturbed, sent a telegram to Pres-
ident Hatcher expressing her con-
cern over the fact that this ob-
viously violent man was allowed to
remain a student here. In a later
inquiry to an administrator, I was
told that the University policy was
one of strict non-involvement in
non-academic affairs.
Even though the attacker had a
disciplinary record in the dorm,
had threatened violence against a
teacher giving him a "D," and had
been on academic probation, the
University did not allow a non-
academic incident to become a
"final straw" for expulsion-and I
commend the University for its
neutral position and for letting
the police do the job of protecting
the public.
Mr. Hatcher (and associates),
you never replied to my worried
mother explaining the policy here,
nor did you ever trouble yourself
to inquire into my condition. I
hope you pay more attention to
your own way of thinking - a

policy which, uniquely, found gen-
eral support from all.
I'm sure my mother will under-
David Shapiro, '69
Arbitrary Action
To the Editor:
October 11 protest against the
secret negotiations between Ad-
miral Brown and members of the
College of Engineering, would like
to comment upon the recent ac-
tions of the Administration. We
are appalled at this attempted per-
secution of individual students for
political. activities, but in addition
we feel that two important issues
have been neglected.
Three students have been singled
out for disciplinary action. If these
people were chosen as examples to
discourage further political activ-
ity, then the choice was completely
arbitrary, since their participation
was in no way different from ours.
Karen Daenzer, Eric Chester, and
Sam Friedman can in no way be
construed as "ringleaders" of this
We - Carolyn Alport, Charlie
Arnold, Susan Berkowitz, Nancy
Bingham, Barry Bluestone, Leslie
Bluestone, Dan Boothby, Tom,
Ernst, Phyllis Elkind, Alice Fial-
kin, Harriet Friedmann, Julien
Gendell, Tim Germany, Nancy
Meyerson, Julie Nichamian, Barry
O'Neill, Eddie Robbins, Edwin

Reep, Harriet Rosenberg, Louise
Smith, Ted Steege, and Paula
Webster-were among those who
participated in this protest and
hold ourselves equally responsible.
By singling out three leaders of
Voice as the only targets of dis-,
ciplinary action, the Administra-
tion has revealed its real motive
-purge Voice.
is that some form of guilt has been
assumed. We seriously question
whether anything requiring dis-
ciplinary action by any authority
was in fact done. Our actions in-
1) Picketing outside North Cam-
pus Commons. This right of free
speech has never been questioned.
2) Entering the room where Ad-
miral Brown and University fae-
ulty and administrators were hav-
ing lunch. Not only is North Cam-
pus Commons open to all, but the
luncheon itself was labeled "non-,
3) Entering the room in Cooley
Lab where the "secret" sessions
were held. The idea for this spon-
taneous action came during the
luncheon when Vice-President for
Research Norman stated-in typ-
ical Administrative double-think-
that classified researeh is free re-
search. We suggested then that
they would not find if we quietly
listened during the afternoop ses-
sion. Once at Cooley, no one, in-,
cluding any authority, accused us

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Coming of the 8 Month Lease

F-CAMPUS Rousing Bureau's new 8
month University lease is. a long-:
aited improvement in efforts to relieve
dents from financial pressures of
,rtment renting and other problems
olved in summer subletting.
n the past, most student tenants were
red to sign twelve-month leases and
e losses by subletting at drastically
uced rates during summer months.
h the new lease, students can either
ve after 8 months or have their lease
ended through the summer: the option
ngs to the student. In either case
nage deposits for the 8 month con-
ct could be returned in April. Those
o extend the lease have the opportun-
to change roommates and bargain for
ter rental arrangements for the sum-
r session.
tudents, however, should realize that
lease in itself cannot force changes
te Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
egiae Press Service.
1 and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
er ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
($9 by mail).
ly except Monday during regular academic school
illy except Sunday and Monday during regular
mer session.
cond class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Stafff
MEREDITH EIKER. Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
AN ELAN........... Associate Managing Editor
PHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor
RENCE MEDOW ......Associate Managing Editor
ALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
N LOTTIER ........Associate Editorial tirector

on the housing market. Much remains
to be done by students, as well as land-
lords, before the rental situation in Ann
Arbor (the city with the second highest
rental prices in the nation) can be sig-
nificantly relieved.
to use the University lease. Most have
indicated to members of Student Housing
Asociation, however, that they will not
adopt the 8-month lease unless there is
a dramatic indication of student support
for it.
Students, therefore,; should not sign any
contract for next year unless it is an
8-month lease. Because of the five to
ten percent perpetual vacancy rate in
Ann Arbor apartments, students cannot
be closed out of the housing market by
waiting. Also, the longer students wait
before signing leases, the more land-
lords will be pressured to, at least, keep
rent prices stable.
THE NEW 8-month lease will undoubt-
edly provoke a tendency in landlords
to increase monthly rental rates, but not
nearly enough to equal the loss students
have been forced to take in summer sub-
letting. Furthermore, SHA officials are
hopeful that as more landlords adopt
the eight-month contract, competition
for filling vacancies will work to keep
prices down.
Such changes, however, cannot occur
unless student tenants as a whole pres-
sure and pester landlords for the 8-
month lease.
DancingFick s

"Gene McCarthy is the kind of a man-as we say in
the ranch country in Texas-who will go to the well
with you...

of acting illegally or warned us of
consequences. Feeling that they
were unable to continue their dis-
cussions in our presence the meet-
ing was adjourned. We left quietly.

We feel that our only crime has
been the unpardonable sin of
Participants in the
Octeber 11 Protest

Harlem Is Paradise Compared to Saigon

Collegiate Press Service
THIS IS AN ugly city, a no-
where city, a city without
charm or character. Its pervasive
odor of corruption is recent; it
grew here in response to the
American market for corruption.
Saigon is a city of hustlers-
of - anything, of draft - dodgers,
and of whores. It features one of
the world's most active black
markets and they'll sell you any-
thing, usually after it has been
paid for at least once by the U.S.
At a slight mark-up you can
buy the free cigarets sent to the
USO, the medicines intended for
the hospitals, and, I am told,
gasmasks and guns, all snatched
off the docks before the vouchers
are collected. And, since the NLF
makes a lot of money taxing
property in Saigon, it has enough
money to buy much of our good
American merchandise. Weapons
captured from the NLF in battle
show a keen competition between
America and China.
THERE ARE, reportedly, 29,000
whores in Saigon and they aren't
difficult to locate. In a war-torn
country where Vietnamese pri-
vates make $25 a month, some-
one has to keep the economy go-

rarely something as dramatic as
the recent demolition of the Na-
tionalist Chinese embassy.
No, undoubtedly the greatest
danger in Saigon is the traffic.
If we remember that it was the
French who taught the Vietna-
mese to drive, we understand why
they cut each other off indis-
criminately from either the left
or right and why there are so
few traffic lights and stop signs.

voys, endless streams of jeeps and
trucks, lights on horns ablare, to'

structed are the lushly landscaped
military compounds.

scatter the populace every which Saigon water should be boiled
way. before use, but most of the resi-
dents drink it as is, to God knows
BECAUSE OF the refugee prob- what result. Because running
lem-mostly refugees from Ameri- water is, a luxury here, most of
can bombing, not from Commun the water has to be carried in
ism-Saigon's population density cans, usually two on a carrying
ranks it with the giants. As an pole. Sewers in Saigon are inade-
over-stuffed city, it has, tucked quate. Many people don't have
away in its bowels, some of the access to them and some are of

the Tu Do tea bar district and
other establishments catering to
Americans, the streets are in a
state of ruin. They are rarely, if
ever, cleaned, and many are actu-
ally pressed dirt and rock-roads
when the sun shines, mudholes
when it rains. Power failure is
frequent enough that the hotels
provide candles.
If I didn't know better, I'd say
the Vietnamese were too busy
Yet aside from the nightly ha-
rassment fire of the cannons on
the town's outskirts, there is noth-
ing in Saigon that other than in-
directly indicates the presence of
war. It could all be a movie set.
What I took for a furious gun
battle down the street one night
turned out to be a neighbor's
television set; playing an old
Robert Taylor picture. It is sur-
THE WORLD of the U.S, mili-
tary establishment is even more
bizarre. The enlisted men's mess,
where you can get an -excellent
hamburger special for 30 cents,
provides such niceties as waitress-
es, a 40 foot bar, a rock group, a
vivacious singer, and slot ma-
Americans here are, therefore,
living in splendid, air-conditioned




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