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December 03, 1967 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-12-03

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Turkey -Greece Proposal
For Cyprus Troop Pullout
Unacceptable to Makarios

White House Raps
Steel Price Hikes

NICOSIA, Cyprus OA) - Greece
4 announced yesterday night it had
reached agreement with Turkey
to end the Cyprus crisis, but U.S.
special envoy Cyrus R. Vance was
still trying to persuade President
Makarios of Cyprus to accept the
Speculation arose immediately
on what tactical impact the
Athens announcement may have
on Makarios holdout position.
Rejects Demands
Makarious, a bearded Greek
Orthodox archbishop, objected to
Turkish demands that he has re-
jected for the past four years and
would not accept the six-point
peace plan designed to prevent a
Greek-Turkish war over this is-
land of intercommunal conflict.

The peace package has been
accepted by Greece and Turkey
from the Greek Cypriot majority.
but is causing widespread protest
With hopes of a quick settle-
ment of the Cyprus crisis fading,
Greeces military regime announ-
ced agreement had been reached
and the communique said the
same announcement was made in
Ankara, the Turkish capital.
The communique 4ssued by the
Greek Foreign Ministry said both
Greece and Turkey would gradu-
ally withdraw troops they had il-
legally stationed on Cyprus. It said
the relatively small contingents
allowed on Cyprus by the 1959-60
Zurich accord would remain.
The Greeks said Turkey would
"take the necessary steps to re-

UN Council Expected)

to Discuss
diplomats expected yesterday that
the UN Security Council would be
called into session in a few days
to deal with the Cyprus crisis.
Some said that if Cyprus ac-
cepted a Greek-Turkish plan to
widen the powers of the UN peace-
keeping force in Cyprus, only the
council could grant the wider

Others said that if Cyprus kept
insisting on international guar-
antees for its territorial integrity
in connection with any settlement,
the council would' be necessary
for that.
Still others said that if the
newly announced Greek - Turkish
agreement about Cyprus broke
down because Cyprus would not
accept it, Turkey probably would
renew her military preparations
and the council would be called
in to deal with the situation.
The present six-month term of
the 4,500-man force ends Dec. 26,
and the council will have to meet
by mid-December to extend its
lease on life in any case.
Soviet Opposition
One source 'said the Soviet
Union had let it be known pri-
vately that it would oppose any
widening of the authority of the
UN force, called "UNFICYP." That
raised the threat of a veto that
could hamper the carrying out of
the Greek-Turkish agreement.
Cypriot Ambassador Zenon Ros-
sides said of the reduction in
Greek and Turkish troops, "There
is no obstacle to that from the
point of view of Cyprus."
But he told reporters here "the
internal situation and the powers
of UNFICYP" were another thing
-and they were the subject of
"proposals from one side and
counterproposals from the other"
in Nicosia, where U.S. Envoy Cy-
rus Vance was talking with Maka-
Look for Peace
"What we are looking for," Ros-
sides said, "is to have a result
achieved by which peace would be
insured and the territorial integ-
rity, sovereignty and independence
of Cyprus would be preserved."
He had said earlier in the week
he was working for a guarantee
to Cyprus from the Security
Council or from the Big Four on
the council-Britain, France, the
Soviet Union and the United
States. Now he said, "The Secur-
ity Council is alerted, as you
know, and may meet at any
Rossides talked with the re-
porters after a 50-minute confer-
ence with Secretary-General U
Thant-their fourth discussion of
the Cyprus situation in two days.
Thant stayed late in his office
and UN officials stood by for, a
possible announcement from him
on that situation.

duce tension by restricting its war
preparedness in Turkey."
Vance, who returned to Nicosia
for more talks late Friday night,
conferred with Makarios until
shortly after midnight. Discussions
were resumed seven hours later.
Following an afternoon break,
talks continued ?ast night.
Deep Concern
A dispatch from Athens said
the Greek government appeared
deeply concerned during the day
that objections by Makarious
might wreck the Greek-Turkish
peace accord.
"What we are interested in now,"
a high Greek Foreign Ministry
source said, "is not to upset the
agreement. We are interested in
ending the crisis."
The Makarios government and
the Greek Cypriots were stunned
by what they considered to be a
a total surrender by Greece's
military regime to the Turkish
war threat.
Realize Aim
Informed Greek Cypriot sources
here termed the over-all effect of
the package plan as amounting
to a realization of the long stand-
ing 'Turkish aim to partition the9
island between its Greek-speak-
ing majority and its Turkish min-
Makarios stood firm during the,
crisis in 1964 when Turkey first
threatened to invade the island.
Sources said he was equally de-
termined to stand firm now. They
added Makarios considered that
the package proposals as they'
now stand would mean an end of
the island republic's integrity as
a nation and that rather than ac-
cept it he would even risk Tur-
key forcing it on him.
China Accuse,
Of Bomb Att
SAIGON (P)-Communist China;
accused U.S. pilots yesterday of
making a "savage" dive-bombing
attack on a Chinese freighter in
a North Vietnamese port near

-Associated Press
GREEK CYPRIOT STUDENTS march through the streets of Nicosia, Cyprus yesterday carrying
banners reading "union with Greece," and "we'll not let the soldiers go back." Demonstrations went
on as U.S. presidential envoy Cyrus Vance was meeting with Cypriot President Makarios in effort to
prevent Greece and Turkey from warring over the the Mediterranean island.
Young Enters Ohio Primary
T Protest Vietnam POlicies
W A S H I N G T O N W) - Sen. f will be free to vote as they to say this: I fully intend to sup-
Stephen M. Young said yesterday choose, port him."
he will run as a favorite son in "A first ballot vote for me McCarthy plans to enter pri-
Ohio in a move aimed at record- would be interpreted as a protest maries in Wisconsin, Nebraska,
ing a 1968 Democratic convention against Vietnam war policies," Oregon and California. In addi-
protest against President John- Young said. "There is a great deal tion, a peace delegate slate in New
son's Vietnam policies. of antiwar sentiment in Ohio. The Jersey is about to latch onto his
Young, a persistent critic of President's popularity is not very candidacy.
Johnson's Asian course, said in an high there and I don't believe he Although Kennedy is not ex-
interview that if he wins the would do very well if his name pected to provide McCarthy with
designation in the May 7 primary, were on the ballot." any help in New York, he cer-
the Ohio delegation will be bound Young denied that he would be tainly will remain on the sidelines
to vote for him on the first ballot stalking horse for either Sen. Eu- if Vietnam war dissenters enter
at the presidential nominating gene J. McCarthy (D-Minn.), an some candidates favorable to the
convention in Chicago. announced opponent of Johnson, Minnesota senator in district dele-
Although he is at odds with theor Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D- gate contests.
President on'Vietnam, Young said N.Y.) who is being boosted for
he supports Johnson for renomi- the nomination despite his re-
nation. He said that after the peated assertions that he is notN
initial ballot delegation members a candidate. W orld N e
"I'm too old to be a stalkinJ
T T D horse for anybody," Young said.
S U . rianes "I'm going to support the Presi- MIAMI BEACH () - The Uni-
dent for renomination and re-
* elecion."ted Steelworkers Union pronoun-
is election-"
acks on Ship oung's decision to seek the ced formal death rites yesterday
favorite son designation, backed on a controversial no-strike pro-
as a London newspaper, the Daily by state party officials, adds evi- posal that would have tried to
Express, claimed. dence that next year's conven- avert a major bargaining crisis
The paper reported that the tion is almost certain to be a live- with the big steel industry next
United States had told the British ly one unlikely to jgive Johnson
government that it wanted the the nomination by acclamation as year.
A 1 a.id . tp pi f mm nieC ha

son administration struck hard
yesterday at a new increase in
steel prices. Its spokesman addedt
some barbs for recent auto wage
hikes - and got in another plug
for a tax increase.
Gardner Ackley, chairman of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers, read grave in-,
flationary impact into a boost in
in sheet-steel prices and into labor1
contracts reached by Ford and
Chrysler with the AFL'CIO Auto
Workers Union.
He called in a statement for "a
return to more responsible be-
havior on wages and prices by
both labor and management."
$5 Per Ton
U.S. Steel announced Friday an
increase of $5 a ton-about 3.4 per
cent - on two grades of sheet
sheets. These types are widely
used in consumer products from,
automobiles to small home ap-
pliances and such a raw-materialj
price increase could be reflected
quite quickly at the retail level.
Other steel producers have not
announced their plans but "Big
Steel" is the industry's largest
corporate unit and normally is the
bellwether on prices.
Linking the steel-price hike and
the recently fashioned auto wage
pattern-Ackley called them equal-
ly disturbing.
He added:
"Government estimates of the
magnitude of this settlement place
its cost at about 5% per cent a
year - and more than 614 per
cent year if the cost-of-living al-
lowance reached the maximum
permitted under the contract.
"Recent events clearly make it
more imperative than ever," Ack-
ley argued, "that we arrest the
vs Roundup
ed by West German Foreign Min-
ister Willy Brandt yesterday.
Brandt told a West German
television network the offer was
an important step forward in the
efforts to achieve a satisfactory
solution of all control questions in-
volved in the proposed treaty to
halt the spread of nuclear wea-
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A) - The
International Longshoremen's As-
sociation ILA ordered its 50,000
members yesterday to quit the
AFL-CIO Maritime Trades de-
partment in a widing split be-
tween dock-workers and seagoing

wage-price spiral which presently
is in process."
Ackley said one necessary means
to that end is prompt enactin~mt of
an income tax increase sought by
President Johnson. The chief exec-
utive has asked Congress to enact
a 10 per cent surcharge on corpo-
rated and individual incomes to
help reduce an inflation-breeding
federal deficit and meet some of
the mounting costs of the Viet-
nam war.
Tax Defeat
Won't Effect
Spending Cut
son Administration intends to put
its plan for $4.1 billion worth of
spending cuts into effect without
special authority from Congress
and regardless, of the fate of the
10 per cent tax surcharge.
It's already under a congres-
sional mandate to cut $1.5 billion
of the cuts it proposes.
"Everything points to it," one
source said yesterday when asked
whether the spending cuts would
go into effect without the special
legislation requested from Con-
Administration officials said,
however, there has been no firm
decision on sticking to the $4.1-
billion and it could be altered if
the tax bill does not go through.
They said President Johnson
would want to review the whole
situation in the light of what hap-
pens on taxes, either rejection of
the bill, modification of it, or-
what appears more and more un-
But even with the cuts, spend-
ing will still be higher in the fiscal
yea~r which ends next June 30
than President Johnson contem-
plated last January when he sub-
mitted his 1968 budget to Con-
Spending is now projected at
$136.2 billion for the year com-
pared with the $135 billion esti-
mated in January. High interest
rates could swell the deficit-al-
ready figured at the highest level
since World War II even if the
added surcharge revenue is in-
From all indications, the ad-
ministration lost its battle during
the days of hearings by the House
Ways and Means Committee last
week for quick approval of the
surcharge and a formal directive
for spending cuts.

C ardina l
Dies at 78
NEW YORK (P)-Francis Car--

dinal Spellman, who looked like
a cherub but spoke with author-
* ity as senior prince of the Roman
Catholic Church in the United
States, died yesterday after a
"massive cerebral accident." He
was 78.
Cardinal Spellman experienced
some "difficulty" following a sur-
prise appearance at a charity din-
Sner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
Friday night.
Members of his household dis-
covered his illness yesterday
morning. He died ,at 11:45 a.m.,
less than two hours after he was
taken to St. Vincent's Hospital in
Dean of Cardinals
Cardinal Spellman was dean of
American cardinals and as arch-
bishop of New York since 1939,
headed the church's richest
He was a fervent Atheological
conservative, a militant anti-
Communist, an ardent patriot, a
tireless fund raiser, an efficient
administrator, and a firm disci-
plinarian and moralist.
His annual Christmas visits to
American forces around the world
were legendary. On one of them,
last year, his call for an "allied
victory" seemed to go against a
plea by Pope Paul VI for a truce
and negotiated peace. Cardinal
Spellman later explained that he
meant "victory for the sake of
genuine peace."
Shock and Sorrow
1 His death brought expressions
of shock and sorrow from the
famous and the obscure.
"I am deeply saddened by the
loss of a dear friend," said Gov:
Nelson A. Rockefeller of New
York, a protestant.
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-
N.Y.) said that "as an American
and a Catholic, Cardinal Spellman
always spoke and acted vigorously
in support of the causes he be-
lieved in.
Symbol of Devotion
Dr. Arthur S. Flemming, presi-
dent of the National Council of
-------.L.,.-^;-.~ mn ne 4

Haiphong. It said eight Chinese canal to remain closed to thwart
crewmen were wounded. Communist shipping, and also to
In Washington yesterday State block the most direct Soviet route
Department spokesman said it is to the Red Sea.
"just plain wrong" to say that For these reasons, the report
the United States Wants the Suez said, the United States has not
Canal to remain closed to thwart put enough effective pressure on
Communist shipping to North Israel to withdraw its forces so
Vietnam. that the United Arab Republic
The official New China News would agree to reopen the canal.
Agency said bombs exploded above Press officer Robert J. Mc-
the water 11 yards from the Closkey said that such supposi-!
freighter Hongqui No. 154 on Nov. tions were "just plain wrong."
25 and damaged the vessel in 20
places' as she lay at anchor at
Hong Gai, 18 miles north of Hai-
phong. Ticket Office Op
U.S. military spokesmen in Sai-
gon and Washington declined to
comment. The U.S. Command hadE E
reported Nov. 25 that American
pilots raided a naval dispersal
area 39 miles east of Haiphong
and about nine miles east of Hong
NCNA quoted the Chinese For-
eign Ministry as saying American
planes have attacked Chinese
freighters in international or
Vietnamese waters many times. It
said the ministry issued a strong
The State Department spokes-
man in Washington said, this
country is not standing in the
way of reopening the Suez Canal, :

itddi16.Ael SUM steel UU1PU 8 m.w
dot i icl19 sev4. .keitalready started stockpiling in pre-
Most political observers take it paration for next year's contract
for granted that Johnson will seek battle, which some Johnson ad-
re-election, but he took a coy ministration officials fear might
attitude toward the situation yes- present grave political problems in
terday in a talk telephoned to a the midst of the 1968 presidential
regional party conference at election campaign.
Charleston, W.Va. * *
"We haven't had our primaries, BERLIN (R) - President John-
we haven't had our convention," son's statement that the United
Johnson said. "So there is really States was willing to accept ex-
no way of guessing who the can- tended international controls over,
didate might be. But I do want ( its nuclear activities was welcom.-

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