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December 05, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-12-05

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The University is working on a re-
search project in Thailand that is so
secret that its name, sponsor, purpose,
and the researchers involved cannot be
The mysterious Thailand work came
to light yesterday in a report of the
Faculty Senate Research Policy Ad-
visory Committee on "Projects of the
Willow Run Laboratories . . . in Thai-
The super secret project goes under
the code name "Project 1111" and in-
volves a $261,192 sub-contract from
the Stanford Research Institute to the
WRL Geophysics Laboratory. It started
in July 1967 and continues into July
A Daily investigation revealed that
the project, the fourth handled by
WRL in Thailand during the past three
years is sponsored by a defense de-
partment agency.

It is being conducted by David E.
Willis, head of the geophysics lab, and
Rowland H. McLaughlin, a research
engineer in the same unit.

The exact nature of the spcret pro-
ject is unclear. The Stanford Research
Institute reportedly has three projects
in Thailand. Most likely Willis and
McLaughlin are workiig on an SRI
project relating to measurement of na-
tural noise frequency, sources indicate.
Both men are specialists in the field
of acoustic and seismic research. They
worked on another University Thailand
project (which was conducted from
March 1964 to January 1967) that de-
termined background noise levels to de-
tect the presence of guerilla intruders.
SRI reportedly also has two other
projects in Thailand. One relates to
electronic countermeasures (r a d a r
"jamming" might be one example)
and measuring radar parameters with
radar.,sites at installations in Thailand
and South Vietnam. Willis says he has
not been in Vietnam this year,
SRI reportedly also has a project on
operations research that specifically

deals with the effects of economic and
political programs in the area. It is
doubtful that either researcher could
be involved in such a project.
Willis was reluctant to discuss, the
SRI sub-contract. "The names of the
two investigators are not to be re-
leased," l;e said.
But McLaughlin told The Daily that
he and "Willis" are in fact the two
men working on the project. According
See Partial Text of Report, Page 5
to the research committee's report the
"t w o investigators from Michigan
spent three months in Thailand during
t he past summer, completed the field
work, and returned to Willow Run.
The remainder of the contribution by
the Laboratory will be data processing,
analysis and report writing to be done
at Willow Run."
Prof. Donald Portman of the metor-
.ology department, who helped prepare

the faculty report on Thailand work
with Prof. Alvin Zander of the edu-
cation school, said he "has seen the
classifed reports" on the secret pro-
"But I'm constrained by the law not
to reveal any more than is written in
the report. I don't want to go to jail,"
he said yesterday.
And Prof. Robert Elderfield of the
Chemistry department who heads the,
faculty research policies committee said.
the sponsor was "The Advanced Re-
search Project Agency'' but then cor-
rected himself, saying ARPA was not
it and described the sponsor as "a very
sensitive agency in Washington."
ARPA has sponsored the University's
other three projects worth $2,466,400
in Thailand, over the past three years.
One member of the research com-
mittee confirmed that the project was
sponsored by a department of defense

James T. Wilson, director of the In-
stitute for Science and Technology
said he and other University officials
made repeated attempts to get the
government to let the University release
some of the details of the contract.
Wilson said he tried to convince
government officials to declassify the
basic details (like name, sponsor, re-
searchers) during two of his regular
trips to Washington last week.
"I also spent four hours on the phone
one afternoon last week trying to talk
them into letting us disclose this," he
Adds Elderfield, "We moved heaven
and earth but couldn't convince them
to release this."
Rune Evaldson, director of Willow
Run Laboratories, said he did not be-
lieve the project would remain classi-
fied indefinitely: "When the project is
no longer important to national secur-
ity it will be made public."'


See editorial page


f Ofht:


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Psychology GUidelines




In Social

By MARY LOU SMITH "The sociology department is joint program that the psychology
The 20-year old graduate pro- more centralized and smaller than department sought, and the psy-
gram in social psychology will be the p s y c h o 1 o g y department," chology department responded by
phased out because of a con- Gamson said. voting unanimously to disband the
tinued administrative problem be- "But staff and students are program.
tween the departments of sociol- more important than adminis- Dean William Haber of the lit-
ogy and psychology, according to travtive arrangements, and we !erary college and Dean Stephen
acting 'program chairman, Prof. have excellent people," he added. Spurr of the Graduate School
William Gamson. However the acting chairman of convened the two departments and
"We will no longer offer a de- ;he psychology department, Warren found they were willing to seek a
gree in social psychology," pro- Norman, said that "a change in compromise.
gram assistant chairman Melvin administrative constitution does Haber and Spurr. then formed
. Manis explained. "Instead stu- not imply that we're dropping an ad hoc joint department com-
dents may specialize in social psy-I training in the area of social psy- mittee to search for a solution,
chology in either the sociology or chology." but Prof. Herbert Kalman, then
the psychology department. They Break Inevitable social psychology program chair-
could petition for a joint pro- This conflict of differing struc- man, resigned shortly after.
gram to get a more even mix if tures snowballed into a situation Although the committee fre-
they wished, but their degrees of such low trust between the two quently seemed close to a solution,
would probably be in one depart- departments that a break-up was it finally recommended disbanding
ment or the other." inevitable, a source close to the the program, Gamson said.
The problem stems from a case problem said. Last month. Gamson and acting
of two departments with differ- Last April the sociology depart- s o depam chairan
ently structured administrations ment rejected a proposal that Guy Swanson urged adoption of a
not being able to achieve a com- would have granted the program ;utiwnsimila r to the one the
promise. much of the autonomy for theh

DisCi pline
Dean Executive Body
Must Grant Approval
eCollends Establishin 'U' Wide
Jluliciary for Disruptive Violations
The Administrative Board of the literary college yestgr-
day disclosed proposed guidelines for determining and im-
plementing its disciplinary jurisdiction.
In a statement presented yesterday to the literary
college faculty at its monthly meeting, the board held that
disruptions of University activities constitute academic mis-
conduct because "a free and open exchange of ideas is
central to the purpose and very existence of the University
. . (and) interference with such an exchange is a serious
offense against the entire academic community. .."
The board also recommended that a judiciary be estab-
lished at the University level on the grounds that disruption
of a University-sponsored ac-
tivity should .be heard at theLA Faculty
University "rather than at the

Few Universities Discipline
Research, War Protestors

universities have

(CPS}- Few from taking any final action,
taken action against the demonstrators.

against students who participated Wayne State University, Colum-
in the mid-October rash of cam- bia, Princeton, Oberlin, and the
pus demonstr'ations against war- Universties of Maryland and Min-
related recruiting and research. nesota apparently will take no
Only four have actually punish- action against demonstrators. The
ed students so far. The strongest Maryland administration has,
action was taken by the Univer- however, threatened disciplinary
. sities of Colorado and Illinois, both action.
of which have suspended demon-! Princeton and WSU are leaving
strators. Harvard and the Univer- the disciplining of demonstrators
sity of Iowa have placed students j up to the courts, while protesters
on probation. at Iowa and Wisconsin face action
Action Pending by both university and civil au-
Disciplinary action is in process thorities.
at Stanford and the Universities Study Policy
w of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Committees to study campus po-
although Wisconsin has been en- licy on disruptive demonstrations!
joined by a federal court order have been established at Oberlin
jn y- College and the Universities of
Minnesota and Pennsylvania. ,
I wPn -ot st Strongest pro-demonstrator ac-
tion was taken by Columbia Uni-
versity, which has banned mili-
S ietLnali W ar, tary recruiting from the campus
until Selective Service Director
Dow Recriter Lewis Hershey rescinds his rec-
ommendation to draft boards that

socioogy aepar ment na rejecceu
in April. This time the depart-
ment voted unanimously to accept
the proposal, with the hope the
psychology department would find
it acceptable.
Too Late
"It was too late," Gamson said.
"The program was mortallyI
wounded in April. Many in the
psychology department felt that
no new proposal could heal the
split that had developed."
"The psychologists in the pro-
gram were divided on keeping the
joint program at first, but finally
decided that with so much dis-
agreement there was no point in
continuing. Last Friday the psy-
chology department voted to dis-
band the program," he continued.
Responses from some of the pro-
gram's 165 alumni indicate that
they feel dissolution is a -"trag-
edy," according to Gamson. He
said that "one of the attractions
of the joint program has been the
flexibility and breadth of train-
ing counter to the frequent em-
phasis on specialization in grad,
education. Students cane out par-
ticularly broad, less sectarian."
Gamnson said it is impossible to
tell what effect the breakup will
have on applications for admission
and students interested in this
discipline will now select it as a'
specialty area for a degree in'
sociology or psychology.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
LEONARD SCALIA, '68, left, and Michael Bad amo, turned in their draft cards last night to
Reverend Erwin A. Gaede of the Ann Arbor Uni terian Church at the Friends Meeting House. Ten
other persons severed ties with the Selective Service System after a talk-in at the Ann Arbor
Selective Service Board.
E iht.Return Draft Registration
fter Seect ive Service Talk-hI

college level."
The proposal is currently beingAse
considered by Dean William Haber skstFreeze
onhider bary college and the
college's Executive Committee. Ha-
ber read the statement to the
faculty so that it could appear
on the faculty's January agenda.
However, Haber pointed out that In other action at yesterday's
the faculty may not act on the meeting, the literary college fac-
proposed policy statement until ulty unanimously endorsed a re-
after the Presidential Commission port from the Committee on Ad-
on Decision-Making releases its missions which recommended that
report. That report is expected the college enrollment "be fixed
early next semester. at the 1968 levels until increases
Sought a Statement can be adequately supported."
Haber and the college's Execu- I

By BILL DE JONG tive Service office and gave state-
Six University students and ments of "non-cooperation" to
Six nivesit stuentsanddraft board officials.
an Ann Arbor resident last night Rev. Gaede said the seven had
gave their draft cards to a clergy- performed "an act of respect,
man to be mailed to their respec- courage and conscience. I hope
tive draft boards. more of us will soon follow them."
The seven who handed cards to The seven who turned in draft
Rev. Erwin Gaede of the Unitarian cards were Arnie Bauchner, grad.;
Church were part of a group of Leonard Scalia, '68; James Mason,
Student Peace Union members grad.; Jay Callahan, '69; David
who earlier today participated in Duboff, '69; Michael Donnelly, 69;
a talk-in at the Ann Arbor Selec- Michael Badamo.


of Iowa students students who block military re-

yesterday burned 1'0 dolls to pro- cruiting be classified as I-A.
test Dow recruiting on campgus, Suspensions at the UniversitiesI
as authorities sealed off the part of Colorado and Illinois have pro-
of the student union where the yoked further protests at those'
Dow interviews took place to pre- schools.
vent anticipated disruptive dem- At Colorado,sthedecision of the
onstrations. University Discipline Committee.
The incident occurred in a field to suspend 10 students who tried
outside the union'where members to block access to a Central Intel-
of the Iowa Students for a Demo- ligence Agency recruiter has:
cratic Society chapter have been aroused heavy opposition. This in
holding a campout and fast since turn caused the resignation of the
last Wednesday to protest U.S. dean who pressed for the suspen-
presence in Vietnam and Dow sion of eight graduate students
campus recruiting. involved in the demonstration.
Associate Dean of Students Student Suspensions
Roger Augustine was reported to The discipline committee, be-
be "disgusted" by the doll-burn- sides suspending these eight grad-
ing. uate students and two under-

Student Thc
If Last-Ditcl
Plans to bring the two student
theatres on campus out of debt
may fail to prevent a hike in ad-
mission costs to 75 cents next
To hold the line on rising film
presentation costs; a proposal to
allow Cinema Guild and Cinema
II to hire their own projectionists
hocq h~, pn, vre 1 hv by icrdr

paters Face Dissolution
h Money Measures Fail'

They turned in their cards at tive Committee had asked the Deant Will am iaber, of the
an inter-faith service for peace board "to formulate a statement literary college, said he wasvin-
at the Friends Meeting House or- for its consideration and that of structed "to consult with the vice-
ganized by the co-chairman of the the faculty" in October, Haber president for academic affairs
Inter-Faith Council, Rabbi White. said. an~d with the admissions office to
About 35 SPU members partici- The policy statement came after facilitate a downward revision in
pated in the earlier talk-in, a a month of debate by the board the number of freshmen and
non-disruptive demonstration. following "but unrelated to" Vice- transfer students . . . in view of
The purpose of the protest said President for Student Affairs space and faculty shortages."
Leonard Scalia, '68, chairman of Richard L. Cutler's request on Oct. Revision Needed
the group, was "to educate the 30 that "appropriate n cademic dis- The faculty also approved a
draft board members. We wanted," rcipine be applied" against Karen I h aut loapoe
he said, "a person to person dis- Daenzer, '70, VOICE-SDS chair- resolution by Prof. Joseph Kal-
Scussion with the board members." man for participation in an Oct. lenbach, of the political science
The protest was remarkably 11 North Campus demonstration department, and chairman of the
quiet and normal activity was al- against visiting Navy Rear Ad- Committee ' on the Conduct of
lowed 'to continue at the office. miral S. N. Brown. Associate Dean Facultyhbusiness. The resolution
Four SPU members were. in the! stated that "it is the view of' this
office at all times, alternating with See Texts of Shaw Letter, faculty that... the present Re-
other group nembers. Literary Colloge Administrative gental By-law . . . defining the
Robert Norris. a draft board Board Statement, Page 2. Governing Faculty of a college
member, said, "This is all routine___________________
with me and I'm not very im- in the University should be revis-
pressed with the whole thing." James Shaw of the literary col- ed . . ." to permit the College to
Norris added that he respected lege yesterday released the letter include senior teaching fellows,
the opinions and 'right to speak he received from Cutler. Cutler
ofothe s an ghad released this letter last Fri- lecturers, and first-year instruc-
o But Albert Holman, a draft day. tor's as members of the Govern-
board coordinator who talked to Haber explained that the Execu- ing Faculty of the College.
the protestors for most of the day, tive Committee's request "pre-N r
said, "I've learned something, I've ceeded the North Campus incidentN r
heard new arguments and have a and is unrelated to it except that The literary college faculty will
new outlook on the motives of the it is now perhaps more desirable consider a resolution which would

University at $3.48 an hour and"
do away with the overhead costs
as well. This would save at least
$60 a week which could cover
rising film rental costs.
But Cinema Guild has accumu-.
lated a $3800 debt in its courts
defense of the showing of ."Flam-
ing Creatures." Cinema II is over
$1,000 in debt and faces possible
dissolution next semester.

new sources of savings or rev-
enue," Ayers warned, "our prices
will have to rise next semester."
Ayers said that three years ago,
the University paid only 50 per
cent of the Cinema Guild em-
ploye's wage and before that the
entire cost was covered. The Guild
was able to build up a $4,000 sur-
plus, which has been depleted by
five semesters of defecit.

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