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November 28, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-28

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Sir igzw


Windy with occasional
snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedont


c amara




East Quad Council Cuts

IHA Membership
By KATHY MORGAN dents coming from IHA, it would The
East Quad Council withdrew be involved in policy-making." "each h
from Inter-House Assembly last The East Quad motion included of IHA.
night after IHA earlier this month the stipulation that East Quad IHA p
refused the Quad's motion to would withdraw if the motion that "t
elect student members of the was not passed. last nigl
Residence Halls Board of Gover- East Quad has questioned IHA Steve
nors at-large from dormitory resi- procedure since September when said th
dents. the Quad council announced it power ti
The Board now consists of four would withhold IHA dues, as- stitution
faculty members and the IHA sessed at 50 cents per student, withdra
president and executive vice- until an investigation proved "I kn


constitution , states that
house shall be a member
passed a resolution statingI
he union is indisoluble
Brown, '69, IHA president,
at the organization has
o decide whether the con-
prohibits houses from
ow they say'we can't with-
ut we have," Maras said.
see any disadvantages in
onging to IHA. East Quad
be represented separately
Board. We want fair repre-
n and we haven't been
it through IHA."
Residential Agrees

To Assume Top
World Bank Post
(onnally Denies He Will Head DOD:
White House, Pentagon: No Comment
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
Namara will be selected as president of the World Bank on
Wednesday, it was learned last night.
McNamara, defense chief since 1961, will resign from
President Johnson'k cabinet to take the $40,000-a-year tax-
free post, succeeding George Woods.
The selection of McNamara will be formally accomplished
when the board of directors of the international lending
organization meets tomorrow.
By custom, the United States nominates a candidate for
president of the World Bank. The role goes to the United
States because it is the largest single financial contributor to
the bank. McNamara's nomination was forwarded to the bank
last week.
It was understood that President Johnson concurred in
the move. The selection of McNamara for the World Bank
job had been reported earlier by the Washington Post and
the New York Times.
The Indian Nations radio network in Oklahoma also',said
it had learned that McNamara's spot in the Defense Depart-
mnent might be filled by Gov.~
John Connally 'of Texas. The
homa stations.
Neither the White House nor '
the Pentagon would confirm that!IM ay Declare
McNamara is on his way out as
defense chief and would not com- 1
ment on the report that Connally
micth hic mncn

president. The Board recently de-
cided to add two student Mem-
bers appointed by IHA.
East Quad proposed electing
all four members at large. "East
Quad wants IHA out of politics,"
said Jim Maras, '71A&D, East
Quad president. "With four stu-

East Quad benefitted from IHA
Following presentation of East
Quad's withdrawal from t h e
organization, I H A interpretedI
their constitution to mean that;
no house can withdraw from'

draw, b
"I can't
not belc
will now
to the B+

Five houses of East Quad votedf
Cl * for withdrawal. The Residential
a Search College, which makes up two
houses in the Quad, was never a
" e member of East Quad Council, but
T~ C ' Gd S .j supported the decision, Maras
'uRn 1inema R1U R aOne house, Hinsdale, did not
By JILL CRABTREE Lieut. Eugene Staudenmaier and vote. Hinsdale paid IHA dues and
is still officially a member of
Illegal search and seizure Assistant Washtenaw C o u n t y lHA.
charges and the legality of a Cine- Prosecutor Thomas Shea. The suit "As far as we're conce:'ned.
ma Guild suit in federal district asks for an injunction restraining we're still in IHA and will con-
court were argued yesterday in the local police from subsequent prose- tinue to be," said Matt Keefe,
opening hearing in the case of the cution, arrests, and seizure for 69, Hinsdale president.
Cinema Guild vs. Ann Arbor Police showing art films, a judicial de- Keefe said Hinsdale did not
!lrtoprhbtn"pircensor- vt o heoiia3mto hc
Chief Walter Krasny in Detroit. ship" of films by the local police, svotefor the original motion which
The case stems from the arrest immediate return of the seizedstedhaEstQ dwolwi-
of three University students an a a hi of ing reyth e s and draw if the representationdmotion
faculty member of the Cinema copy f Flaming Creatures" and was not passed or for the actual
Guild Board last Januay on $15,000 damages.withdrawal.
charges of displaying an obscene Seizure Debated Maras said a proxy for Hins-
ch".ges :... .., t. .n..i..n> dale's president did vote for with-

-Daily-n-Bernie Baker
Hero to chemistry majors with shattered retorts, glassblower Dave Myers, Jr. performs his
handicraft to order in the University Chemistry Stores. He makes all repairs of broken glassware
and creates items to fit special requirements.
E IMin 0ation of Curfewa

mghnt oe ns successor.
There was some speculation, the
Times said, that Johnson would
name anotherhRepublican to the
defense post.
Next Yea


motion picture, -niaming Creat-
ures." The defendants have since
bound over to Washtenaw County
Circuit Court for trial Dec. 11.
The case in federal court is a
counter suit against Krasny, Police
Dow Denies
NapalM Halt

central in the case is the seizure
of the film without prior review by
an independent magistrate.
William Goodman and Dean
Raab, attorneys for the plaintiff,
charged yesterday that this seizure
constitutes illegal censorship. Raab
said it was "elementary hornbook
law" that in order for seizure of
property to be legal, it must be in-f
cident to an arrest. (Cinema Guild
members were not arrested until
two days after the seizure.)
Goodman explained that "con-
traband" such as books and films
must be treated differently than
marijuana or guns seized in an ar-
rest, because they come under the

"I see no conflict in belonging
to both East Quad Council and
IHA," Keefe said.
Change? ,
Maras claimed Hinsdale's status
may soon be changed.
No East Quad members were
present at the IHA meeting. Their
withdrawal was stated in a one-
lsentence letter.
IHA will ask East Quad to re-
consider before taking any action
against the Quad, Brown said. "If
they still refuse, we can cut off
their block tickets and prevent
them from sponsoring open social
No proposals for action against
East Quad were passed at last
night's meeting.
Brown said he was going to dis-
cuss the situation and Hins-

Brings Mixed R~

Daily News Analysis
The endorsement of the elimin-
ation of freshman women's hours
by Vice-President Richard L.
Cutler does not mean that the
issue is completely settled.
The Daily reported last week
that Cutler had recommended the,
change to the Regents at their
closed meeting last week. One
Regent said that Cutler was

make their own hours." It also
asked for an immediate vote of
the freshman women in their in-
dividual residences to determine;
hours policy.
Not Hours Per Se
SGC Vice-President Ruth Bau-
man. '68 said, "I am glad that
the hours will be eliminated but
the issue was never the hours
per se.
"I would rather have seen the


to it himself." The vice freshman girls make the decision
was unavailable for themselves, even if they had voted
last week and refused to keep the hours."

Dow Chemical Co. yesterday protection of the First Amendment
denied reports that it is consider- unless previously deemed obscene.
ing dropping napalm production
for use by the government in the Washtenawi County Prosecuting
Vietnam war. Napalm is a mixture Attorney William Delhey, defense
- .l ~ attorney contended the film was

Next Year
If it is approved as expected by
the Bank's 106 member nations,
McNamara probably will begin his
new career early next year, The
fre lman hours are being e 1i;1-Post said.
a ed will probably arise i~ the Connally, however, flatly denied
'the report last night, saying, "there
near future. Thy question of the is not a word of truth in it," The
net-i for parental pernlssio'n slipsPast said.
will 1,e the next issue. Ps ad
McNamara's departure from the
ti-:ghes forsees that these sips Johnson administration has been
vv!! be the next point of concern rumored for months. According to
and of special importance at the The Post, a long-time friend of the
. nai y Board of Governors McNamara family said: "He's been
me ' eEig. wanting to leave for so long. And
One freshman girl, Lots Ruben- he needs it, too. He's dead."
stein. '71, explained that "I did Confirm Move
not think that the restrictions of That McNamara has now fi-
hours were necessary and the nally decided to move on was con-
necessity for permission slips is firmed by sources within the inter-
silly." national financial community, The
The elimination of freshmanI Post reported, adding that one of
woman's hours is another progres- the World Bank's directors said
slue step that the University has the nomination was submitted last
taken in the past seven years. In eek by Livingston Merchant,
the 1960-1961 school year all United States representative on the
wome ha hous. bank board.
women had hours. akIt was submitted," this source
During the next two years hours said, "as the final choice of the
were abolished for senior and United States. Other names had
junior women respectively but with been considered earlier but Mc-
the requirement of parental slips. Namara was the one decided
Last year hours were eliminated upon."
for sophomore women with the The job of the World Bank-
need for slips, formerly called the International
The University is the first Big Bank for Reconstruction and De-
Ten school to eliminate freshman velopment-is to supply to under-
hours for women. In the west developed countries capital that is
not available through normal com-
Berkeley, UCLA and Stanford all mercial channels. The bank has
have hours, but Stanford will lent $23 billion-supplied by its

01 polystyrene, gasoiniie anal ornerI

organic materials used in incen-
diary bombs.
Dave Coslett of Dow's news and
information service in Midland,
Mich., told The Daily, "We will
continue making napalm despite
the fact that it is hurting us. If
there was any profit, it's gone out
the window. We make it as a ma t-
ter of principle." He said Dow
has already re-bid a new con-
tract to make napalm.
Times Article
The Los Angeles Times quoted
Carl A. Gerstacker, a Dow board
member, on Nov. 23 as saying
that Dow had been hurt by a boy-
cott of consumer products that
recent colkc-e demonstrations had'
hindred i ecruiting, and th;i t the
company was dubious about re-
newing its government contract to
produce rapalm.
But C eflett denied Gers'acke"s
statement contending it was
"twisted by a reporter."
"The reporter asked an opened-
end question as to whether we
would continue to produce na-
palm in the future," Coslett ex-
plained. "As far as the president
is concerned we have no change
of policy."
Coslett admitted some "long-
term damage" due to recent dem-
onstrations, but added, "We have
not been able to measure any ef-
fect on sales."
Lost Time
Dow loses money by producing
napalm through lo.t time that
top executives must give to the
public explaining Dw's position,
he explained, also adniitting that
"some stock holders have been

not seized on the basis of hearsay, dale's action with each house in
but after fifteen minutes of the East Quad. "I want to find out
film had been shown. He said that if other houses feel the same way."
a requirement for reviewing films he said.
before seizure would in effect al-j
low "one-night stands for smoker
.movies."Change Meri
Regents Abdicate
Judge Thaddeus Machrowicz said
that the Regents had abdicated
their responsibilities by not pro-
viding the Cinema Guild with By JIM NEUBACHER
specific guidelines for what type The National Merit Corpora-
of movies they could show. He tion will phase out the four-year
said he was disappointed that the National Merit Scholarships pro-
University had not entered the gram over a two-year period be-
present case on either side, des- ginning in September.
pite a personal request from him. Harold Harding, Director of In-
D e 1 h e y questioned whether, formation for the corporation,
Cinema Guild had the authority= said yesterday the scholarships,
to sue in court. which this year were awarded to
Hse pinteout the.621 National Merit finalists, will
He pointed out the Guild was bedsotne nfr o o-
not an "unincorporated voluntary be discontinued in favor of non-
renewable stipends of $1,000
association," having power to sue!
under the law, but an appointed awarded in the freshman year.
board of Student Government ! h fu - year scholarships,
Coundilsue t Gvernmelandwhich provide students with funds
Council subject to Regental and ranging from $100 to $1,500 per
presidential veto. year for the full four years of
State Provision college, are awarded on the basis
Goodman contended that Cn- of academic excellence and fin-'
ema Guild comes under provision ancial need. Harding pointed out
17b in state law which enables that under the new policy finan-
organizations normally not so em- cial need would not be a require-
powered to sue, providing they ment.
are contending violation of con-. Two Reasons
stitutional rights. There are two reasons for the
Goodman said after the hear- policy shift, said Harding. First,
ing that he does not believe SGC's -the new policy will allow more
separation from the Office of students to receive financial aid
Student Affairs, which took place from the corporation. Under the
prior to the Cinema Guild ar- new program, an expected 1,000
rests, will have any effect on the' of the $1,000 awards will be given
cae. hecase Cinema Guild is al- to National Merit Finalists. as

to make a comment yesterday.
Although Student Government
Council members are happy that
the regulation will be abolished
they feel that the concept of
decision making was ignored,
On Oct. 12 SGC voted to recog-
nize "the right of freshman wo-
men in individual residences to
$1000 Grants

But Robert Hughes. assistant to
Director of University Houamg
John Feldkamp, denied that SGC
pressure entered in to Cutler's
decision. A change in regulations
is based on its "educational rele-
vance," clarified Hughes.
Administrative Vice-President to
SGC, Michael Davis, Grad, called
Cutler's action an example of
"enlightened despotism."
"Not only are the girls not
going to decide for themselves but
they are also not being asked for
their opinions," Davis said.
Send Letter
But Feldkamp said last week
that a letter will be sent to the

But Robert Hughes, assistant to

Thur sday Disclosure
Expected; Edwards
Supports Campaign
S The Associated Press
J. McCarthy'(D-Minn), yesterday
scheduled a news conference for
Thursday at which he is expected
to-announce he will seek the Dem-
ocratic presidential nomination as
an anti-war candidate.
In this connection, McCarthy
made publicca list of critical state-
ments he has made a'bout Presi-
lent Johnson's Vietnani policies,
beginning in January, 1966. This
seemed intended as a campaign
paper to document his opposition
to the presidential course.
Clear Indications
McCarthy has given clear in-
dications that he plans to enter
some presidential primaries in an
effort to muster a significant pro-
test against Johnson. He has said
he doesnnot expect to defeat the
President for nomination but
hopes to influence Johnson to
change his policies.
Meanwhile, McCarthy got his
first open ally in the House. Rep.
Don Edwards, a California Demo-F
zrat, pledged to try to swing his
state behind McCarthy.
The Minnesota senator listed as
his first "significant break" with
the President on foreign policy a
Sept. 30, 1965 Senate speech in
which he complained that he, and
his colleagues had not been con-
sulted about Johnson's decision to
send troops to the Dominican
McCarthy was one of 16 senators
who wrote Johnson Jan. 27, 1966
opposing resumption of the bomb-
] ing of North Vietnam which had
been suspended for a month.
UN Move
On Jan. 31, 1966, McCarthy ap-
plauded Johnson's move to bring
the Vietnam question before the
United Nations, but said he be-
lieved the step would have been
more effective if it hadn't been
taken simultaneously with the re-
sumption of air attacks.
As one of those who voted for
the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in
1964, McCarthy told the Senate
March 1, 1966 that it did not give
the President any more power than
he already possessed. He '-said it
ought neither to be rescinded nor
He disputed administration con-
tentions that the conflict is neces-
sary for U.S. defense, to contain



the four-year scholarship plans
will continue to rece;ve funds.
However, no new scholarships of
this type will be awarded after
le also said the corporation's
sponsored" scholarshius will not;
be affected by this new policy.
Sponsored scholarships are fund-


pai ents of all freshman wvomen
"e= ainmng the new regjiations."I
The letter will also expiain that
freeshmcn women will have to re-
c;ive pa ental pern.issio .bfcie
their hours are eliminated accord-;
izig to Fe'dkamp.

change its policy soon."

See McNAMARA, Page 2

el by private corporations (dIU Hwghes, who is drafln ; the
universities and are administered lrf t'r to the parents, sail that
by the National Merit Corpora- the Board of Governors will review
tion. the entire issue in Januar'y after
H-larding added that a gradual Thrent, staff and student react-i n
wi' lhdrawal of finanC.a support ae collected. But he did not
by thf ,Ford Foundation has been kow how student reactiu.i w:s
expected for some time. gong to be assessed, and knew
Next Year of no questionnaire being drawn'
Projections for 1968 scholarship ,ip for that pul'pose.
awards call for aproximately 2,-
900 scholarships of all types to Anzcther problem beside the wa-
be administered by the corpora- b'°' (Ut feelings about the way
tion. 5 I-

Open Regent Agenda
Favored by SACUA
By LUCY KENNEDY -urrent national selective service
- The Senate Advisory Committee policy was also considered at yes-
-n University Affairs yesterday terday's SACUA meeting.
placed a resolution asking for di- The letter, written by Harry
rect communication with the pub- Powers of the zoology department,
lic at Regents' meetings on the was sent to the Assembly Educa-
agenda of the Dec. 18 Faculty As- tional Policies Committee for
sembly meeting. 1 further consideration.
There may be a petition for an
SACUA's action was motivated additional Senate meeting to re-
by a Graduate Assembly request . onsider a resolution defeated at
for direct student communication last week's scheduled bi-annual
with the Regents. SACUA chair- Senate meeting.
man Frank Kennedy of the Law The defeated Senate resolution
School. said he felt the SACUA would have forced reconsideration
resolution is "in the spirit of the f an Assembly action of last August
student resolution but is less spe- allowing research personnel to
cific." have voting membership in the
"SACUA favors," the resolution University Senate.
states. "the general conception Three professors requested, in a
that more effective means should letter discussed at yesterday's

Of these, 500 will be $1,000 one-
year stipends, 400 will be four-
year National Merit Scholarships
and the remaining 2.000 will be
sponsored scholarships, said Har-
However, the total amount of
financial aid to students by the
corporation is still expected to re-
main the same over the next three


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