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November 22, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-22

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'Israeli Fighters,
Jordanian Tanks
Defy ease-Fire

Johnson To Offer $4 Billion
Cut in Government Spending

TEL AVIV (A)-Israeli jets and
Jordanian tanks were thrown into
battle yesterday in the worst out-
break along the Jordan River
cease-fire line since the June war.
Each side said the other fired first.
At least one of the French-built
Mystere jets that swooped at, 100
feet on strafing runs in heavy rain
was shot down. It was the fourth
straight day of battling 'along the
river and the first time since the
war that Israeli planes and Jor-
danian tanks were reported in
action in the cease-fire sector.

Diplomats in'
belived Syria
smarting from

Tel Aviv said
and Egypt,
their defeat


Draft Calls
To Inerease
draft calls jumped to the highest
total in 14 months, 34,000 for
January-more than double this
year's average of slightly over
16,500. It was topped by the No-
vember 1966 call of 37,600.
The Pentagon said the reason
for the high call is that the Army
is now replacing the relatively
large number of draftees origin-
ally inducted about two years ago
during the manpower buildup for
the Vietnam war.
Average draft calls in the Jan-
uary-June period next year are ex-
pected to be at a somewhat higher
average than the level during the
last six months of this year, fluc-
tuating as usual from month to
month. The Army is the only
service needing the 'draft to
maintain its strength levels.
The calls in this fiscal year
beginning July 1 are running at
a lower rate, however, than cor-
responding calls two years ago
mainly because enlistments have
been considerably higher, the
Pentagon said.

June, had taken advantage on the
absence from Jordan of King Hus-
sein to urge Crown Prince Hassan
to step up the pressure on Israeli
forces. Hussein, Hassan's brother,
was in London on a tour seeking
arms and support for the Arab
Seeking Support
"Hussein is seeking support,!
which obviously depends on his
keeping the border quiet," one
source said. "It is unlikely he would
have allowed the situation to de-
teriorate so far."
Amman radio said Hussein was
in constant telephone contact with
Prince Hassan during the fighting
and that the government asked
Jordanian Ambassador Muham-
mad H. El Farra to present a com-
plaint to United Nations Secretary-
General U Thant and the Security
.Fighting across the Jordan has
followed increasing Arab guerrilla
activity in the west bank territdry
Israel occupied during the war.
There were conflicting accounts
of Tuesday's battle between the
Allenby and Umm Shart bridges.
The Israeli army said Jordanian
tanks began pounding Israeli ob-
servation posts on a front several
miles long. It said planes called in
to silence the Jordanian guns de-
stroyed six tanks and an armored
car. Israeli casualties were re-
ported at two dead and one
2 Shot Down
The Jordanian radio said two
Mystere fighter-bombers were shot
down but the Israelis conceded
only one. The broadcast said one
Israeli pilot bailed out and was
Amman said Jordanian forces
suffered no casualties and lost one
military vehicle. It claimed that
Israeli tanks were set afire, two
Israeli gun positions were destroy-
ed and most of their personnel
were killed.
The Jordanians said the Israelis
fired first with tanks, field guns
and artillery. Jordanian units shot
back and Israeli planes attacked,
they said.

-Associated Press
THE FOUR AMERICAN SAILORS who deserted from the carried Intrepid in Japan on Oct. 24,
are shown in Moscow yesterday. The four men s aid on Moscow television Monday night they
deserted in protest again U.S. policy in Vietnam. From left, are, Michael Lindner, 19, of Mount
Pocono, Pa., John M. Barilla, 20, of Catonsville, Md., Richard D. Bailey 19, of Jacksonville, Fla.,
and Craig W. Anderson, 20, of San Jose, Calif. The United States has made an oral protest against
what it called the "highly improper" exploitation of the defection of the four sailors by the Soviet

grams and on some items of the
$70 billion defense budget that
can clearly be separated from the
Southeast Asia effort.
Although the administration is
now mounting a real drive to get
the 10 per cent surcharge on in-
come taxes through Congress this
year, and is counting on the shock
waves from Britain's devaluation
to help propel it, there is no as-
surance that the economies offer-
ed will meet congressional tax-
writers' terms.


WASHINGTON (P) - President can make cuts, why aren't they House Republican Leader Ge.-
Johnson's administration will of- being made? Why bargain?" ald R. Ford of Michigan said
fer to cut military expenditures- Another roadblock for the "federal s p e n d i n g reductions
but not those directly connected Johnson package could be some amounting to at least $4 billion
with Vietnam - in an effort to congressmen's complaints t h a t this fiscal year must and will be
meet Congress' price for a tax in- the administration counts as sav- written into the income tax in-
crease, legislative sources said ings expenditures merely post- crease bill."
yesterday. poned from one year to another. Speculation was that the re-
They predicted that reductions He said yesterday that, in the duction in military expenditures
in the package to be offered to hearings before his committee not directly connected with Viet-
the House Ways and Means Com- shelved the tax bill, "the only nam would take the form largely
mittee next Tuesday will total commitment for expenditure re- of postponing purchases of var-
about $4 billion, to be imposed duction the administration wit- ious kinds of weapons-other than
about equally on nondefense, pro- nesses were prepared to make was those needed for replacements in

Mate Department
Exploitation of U.S.


States delivered an oral protest
yesterday against what it called
the "highly improper" exploita-
tion of four American sailors.
"Such conduct cannot fail but
to complicate further the rela-
tions between our countries," the
State Department said.
The oral complaint, somewhat
less forceful than a written pro-
test, was voiced by deputy Under-
secretary Foy D. Kohler at a brief
State Department meeting with
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F.
TV Appearancej
It followed the appearance of
the young Americans on a Mos-
cow television program, during
which they criticized U.S. policy!
in Vietnam.
The sailors, who jumped ship
while the carrier Intrepid was in
Japan Oct. 24, were quoted by
the Soviet Communist party news-
paper Pravda as saying they
were en route to other countries
to continue their work against
"the inhuman war in Vietnam."
They did not say what other
Newsmen were informed of the
U.S. protest by Robert J. Mc-
Closkey, StatedDepartment press
officer. He said: "The Soviet am-
bassador, Mr. Dobrynin, was call-
ed to the department this morn-
ing and informed that the United
States government finds the ac-
tion of the Soviet government in
assisting, harboring and exploit-
ing these men to be highly im-
U.S. Views
McCloskey said Dobrynin told
Kohler he would report the U.S.
views to his government.
The four sailors, now reported
"resting" in Moscow, are Richard
D. Bailey, 19, of Jacksonville,
Fla.; John Michael Barilla, 20, of
Catonsville, Md.; Craig W. Ander-
son, 20, of San Jose, Calif., and
Michael Lindner, 19, 'of Mount
Poncono, Pa.
McCloskey told a State Depart-
ment news conference that the
four youths are "unauthorized
absentees" from the Intrepid who
have "made statements reflecting
adversely on the United States
and its military services."


He said the U.S. government is
"examinimtg the question of pos-
sible consular access" to the four,
meaning that the U.S. embassy
may ask the Soviets to arrange
for an American consul to talk
with them. McCloskey said he was
not implying that the Soviet gov-
ernment is holding the men.
The press aide said U.S. au-
thorities do not know how the
seamen went from Japan to Mos-
cow, nor where they are going

Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (D-
4 IArk.) of the Ways and Means
Committee was carefully non-
committal in his announcement
Monday that the committee,
c o s which suspended action on the
tax bill nearly seven weeks ago,
In an interview yesterday in will reconvene next Tuesday to
Pravda, Barilla said he turned hear what the administration has
against the war after watching to offer. Mills had said economies.
bombers fly off the Intrepid day of $7 billion or so would be re-
after day on raiding missions. quired, generally matching the
"It became clear to me that we expected tax increase.
were killing people," he said. "I Rep. John W. Byrnes of Wis-
am convinced that the United consin, senior Republican mem-
States does not have any right ber of the committee, was more
to be in Vietnam." explicit: "I don't want to prejudge
Anderson told the Soviet TV the proposal, but the general out-
interviewers: "We would like to lines don't seem much different

a $2 billion reduction in nonde- 1
fense spending for the fiscal year
Mills added, "Even in the case
of this reduction it was not clear
how much of this simply would
represent a deferral of expend-
tures until the fiscal year 1969."
Hopes for Tr(
Rest with Soul
liam C. Westmoreland laid hopes
for initial "token ' U.S. troop
withdrawals from Southeast Asia
within the next two years squarely
on the shoulders of the oft-crit-
icized South Vietnamese army yes-
Westmoreland, commander of
American forces in the war zone,
said efforts in 1968 will be directed
to preparing the South Vietnamese
"to take over an ever-increasing
share of the war."
The South Vietnamese army, he
declared, is "on the road to be-
coming a competent force."
New Phase
"With 1968, a new phase is now
starting," the four-star general
told a National Press Club lunch-
eon. "We have reached an impor-
tant point when the end begins to
come into view."
Westmoreland avoided predict-
ing when the end might come but
his prepared speech asserted that


be an example to those who
beginning to understand
Vietnamese war."

are from what we have already been
the offered. What I have considerable
difficulty with is this - if they



World News Roundup

MIAMI, Fla. (R) - Two fliers WASHINGTON (P) - The Sen-
whose charter plane was hijacked ate, grinding toward passage Wed-
to Cuba returned to the United nesday of the Social Security bill,
States today and said they were knocked down Republican efforts
victims of a mysterious Hungarian yesterday to boost payroll dedu-
who said he "had nothing against ctions next year and to reduce
us but plenty against the United benefit increases back to House-
States." approved levels.
James V. Raymond, 40, a former Under present law and both the
pilot in England's Royal Air Force, House version of the bill and that
said the man "took out his gunI of the Senate Finance Committee,
and said 'nobody get excited, we're deductions would remain at 4.4
going to Cuba.'" deductnxs would th
"He seemed under the feeling per cent next year, as would the
he would get an honor guard employers' matching payments.
when he got to Havana," said * *t
Raymond. "But all they did was ATHENS, Greece (P)-A specialj
take his gun away and ask him military court yesterday convicted
a lot of questions." 21 of 31 persons charged with
Raymond said the mysterious attempting the violent overthrow
hijacker told them he had lived of the army-led government. Two
in the United States for 11 years persons were given life sentences
and on the plane said he was a while the rest received prison
Russian but told Cuban officials terms ranging from one to 15
he was Hungarian when they years.
questioned him. Contantine Filenis and Ioannis

Leloudas, tagged by police as the "the enemy's hopes are bankrupt."
ringleaders of a subversive group In the course of his talk he
called the Patriotic Front, were changed "bankrupt" to "dim."
sentenced to life. More Assignments
Composer Mikis Theodorakis, Westmoreland, in illustrating
now ill in prison, is alleged to have U.S. plans to turn over more com-
served as the nominal head of bat assignments to Vietnamese
the front. Authorities said he forces said the Vietnamese army
would be tried at a later date. in 1968 will be given "a major
i * * * share of front line" defense along
LANSING P) - Democratic the demilitarized zone separating
State Chairman Zolton Ferency North and South Vietnam.
said yesterday he will announce U.S. Marines have taken heavy
next Tuesday whether he will con- poundings in recent months re-

the war zone.
11 was not expected that the
Defense Department would pro-
pose any reduction in U.S. troop
strengths abroad beyond the
comparativelym iin o r redeploy-
ment, already announced, of some
forces now in Europe.
th Vietnamese
mopping-up operations against the
Viet Cong.
Finally, the war effort will enter
what Westmoreland called "the
final phase," presumably sometime
beyond 1969, although he did not
predict exactly when.
During that period, infiltration
will slow down, the Communist or-
ganization will be "cut up and near
collapse," and U.S. units can begin
to "phase down" as an improved


tinue to head the Michigan party.
Ferency declined to comment
on what his decision will be, say-
ing that he "has some things to
talk over first," but indications
are that he would end his nearly
four-year reign as the party's
controversial chief.

pelling North Vietnamese thrusts
into the DMZ.
In coming months, Westmore-
land said; more American advisers
will be assigned to help train "the
younger brothers" of the Vietnam-
ese army, the regional and pop-
ular forces, for a future role in

South Vietnamese army takes
charge of final clean up opera-
tions, Westmoreland stated.
The "mopping up," as he put it,
probably will last several years.
Then, as American troops begin
withdrawing, "the military phys-
ical assets, bases and ports, will
be progressively turned over to
the Vietnamese," Westmoreland

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Associated Press
British Prime Minister Harold Wilson (right) and Peter Shore,
secretary for economic affairs, leave No. 10 Downing Street in
London yesterday en route to the Parliamentary Labor Party
meeting at the House of Commons. At the meeting, Wilson ex-
plained more fully the reasons for devaluation of the pound.

U i

1 f4



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