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November 21, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-21

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ight snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom






in East


Abandon Plans
Sun Jose Students Riot
SAs Police Block Protest


Move to

By JIM HECK tion building where local police for three city blocks until it dis-
Over 2,000 San Jose State 001- had been posted since 6 a.m. persed.
lege stiudents rioted yesterday af- yesterday. Protesters gathered IVick Lee, president of the San
ter 30 policemen marched a two- around the doors of the build- Jose student government, blamed
column wedge through 500 massed ing, and police called for rein- the riot on the police.
demonstrators protesting the pres- forcements. "San Jose is not a police state
ence of Dow Chemical Company Police then marched into the and should not be used as such.
recruiters on campus, crowd which had grown to over The use of tear gas by city police................
Dow is the sole' producer of na- 500 wvith a two-column wedge, was deplorable, and in my opin-................,.
palm for- the Vietnamese war, dispersing students gathered about ion totally unjustified," he said.
Police arrested 11 students and, the door, San Jose President Robert
several minor injur'ies were re- When the police entered the Clark flew in last night to handle
ported. building, one demonstrator threw Ithe "growing problem." Other ad- I
7tStudents rallied at noon on a sack of blood into the building. ministrators gave no indication
through the- San Jose campus. wrecs thenk haved tehroughrtche mands by tomoro monn hen
Student leaders, at the rally, glass doors of the administration Dow is scheduled to recruit again.
chargedun byha th aadministratio building. Early yesterday evening the
lowed Dow Chemical Company to Police then warned the crowd crowd of demonstrators had
recruit on campus. Demonstrators4 that if they d d not disperse tear grown to between 3,000 and 4,000
demanded that students have the gas would be used. students protesting the off-
right to decide who should be The crowd grew to over 2,000. campus police presence. hio esm brofteIaliPlaeta
allowed on campus to recruit. Police shot tear gas bombs and Local officials indicated that a hmnPesmmbrfthIsalPramta
The group of several hundred over 100 new reinforcements repeat occurrence may cause overflow crowd in the Union Ballroom yesterday Is
then marched to the administra- pushed the crowd down 7th street Clark to ask California Gov. Ron- identity and to arrange a system of self government
__________________- - - --- ---~ -,ald Reagan to mobilize the Na- ample, Peres said creation of a binational state co
DWU ~tional Guard. - .
- eR10R~~~trRIOTS Unwhie students a BethentPRLYSCESU:
voted Sunday to postpone their~nvriyo aiona ekly I A TAL Y UC E FJL
planned disruptive "mill-in" of
university buildings.
they will wait for a decision from i
MADISON, Wis. (AP)-About 250 armed with riot sticks and tear Chancelor Roger Heyns as to
arntiwar demonstrators paraded gas, were ready for any trouble. whether he will expell the 11 stu- 7/
peacefully on the 'University of The force was called in from dents he placed on a list of /3/
Wisconsin campus Monday, within surrounding counties by Uiniver- possible suspensions last week.
ficers. ington commenting, "We're inter- illegal anti-draft rally.ByKN ELEinhehlbere
The demonstrators marched a etdin protecting telicneves of uMovement Against Pnolitcal Byi ENbr KEndE ite t-t nt the l Mefr
conmil toghcket sthe Cam Ran- Harrington ordered newsmen yesterday that it had removed dents protesting the presence of 'office.,
da ll Meorpial Buidin whmeren and the public barred from the the Monday deadline given Heyns Marine and Navy recruiters on "He told me
Navyan Maine personneg were areas where the interviews took to announce his decision and campus were only partially suc- ,correctly and
coy ndn on-campurs inteeres place, in order to avoid a re- would hold back any planned ac- 'cessful in their attempts to gain shave," said Sc
codcigo-apu riw.Icurrence of October's violence. tivities until then. interviews with the military down on the ap
The Air Force last Friday called ' .-.- -,- representatives yesterday. wanted to join
of f its pla'ns to conduct interviews Figures on the numbers of ap- kill women, men
ptests. in vew th theateed avaiable. Howeritis ered He th en told' in
toays invewo tethetee A cc pt ? 6 t piabes intevewed weisrepuntld e e tat' th
' The Central Intelligence Agency, that Sam Friedman and Eric not to come bad
announced it would conduct job (' u.C~u1~~Chester, both grads, were suc- in other clothes,
interviews on schedule Nov. 27- ~y l~ u e i~ UI U. ~ ~ s cessiul in obtaining interviews veloped a new att

North ampus
1'' ay Construct
~Other Branches
Lack of Funids, Campus Proxiimity
F Iorce A dnistrators To Alter Plans
The Residential College will not move to North Campus
Sas originally planned but will remain in the East Quad area,
Residential College Director James Robertson announced
. i / ,yesterday.
Plans now call for the college to eventually take over
all of East Quad.
"The delay occasioned by financial difficulties and the
experience of living closer to main campus in East Quad led
the faculty to reconsider the location which would give the
Residential College the best chance of succeeding," Robert-
son explained.
Dean William Haber of the literary college emphasized
Daily-Anita Kessler the fact that plans for an-1--'
other residential college on
the North Campus site have R ejects$
ster of Defense, told an nobenande.
be to maintain its Jewish "Since the long term hopes are J ~ ~ ~ rv~

nd former Deputy Mi
rael's top priorities must

28at Mvadtison. B~ut tne agency
said it would hold the sessions on The Faculty Assembly Student assembly's advisory committee on
federal property rather than the Relations Committee's r e p o r t research policies, "no precipitous
campus. ' favoring student control over non- modification of the present Uni-
Protest leaders cautioned their academic conduct was "well re- versity policy on classifed research
followers to avoid a repeat of the ceived" at yesterday's University ,should be made until the Comn-
violent Oct. 18 .demonstration Senate meeting, says Faculty As- mittee has the opportunity to
against Dow Chemical CO. sembly Chairman Frank Kennedy fully explore all the issues in-
About 60 persons were injured of the law school. volved."
then when violence flared between In addition, reports from Uni- He also reported the Committee
police and demonstrators during .versity President Harlan Hatcher would try to complete its in-
campus interviews by Dow, which ,and Prof. Robert Elderfield of vestigations on University clas-
makes napalm for the Vietnam the chemistry department were sified research by the end of
war- accepted without comment. December.,
This time, when the demonstra-: Hatcher explained the action. A move to i'econsider Faculty
Lors arrived at the building the taken by the Regents last week Assembly's action of last August
Navy and Marine Corp interviews regarding Student Government allowing research personnel to
already had been completed. But Council's abolition of University have voting membership in the
the demonstrators sang and rules and regulations. He also iUniversity Senate was defeated.
chanted as they walked past cam- praised Faculty Assembly's stand Currently, Senate membership
Spus police, taken at their October meeting is limited to high-level adminis-
In the fieldhouse less than 100 favoring University autonomy. trators and staff members of pro-
yards away, the officers, many Elderfield, chairman of faculty fessorial rank.

with the recruiters.
While over 15 Voice members
filled out interview applications,
"very few of the Voice members
got into the recruiting office," re-
ported V o i c e member Jeff
Schneider, Grad.
Seven of the Voice members
demonstrated against the recruit-
er's by staging mock battles and
fake ambush attacks on each
other with water pistols and ply-
wood rifles on the Diag, in the
Michigan Union Grill and on the
third floor of the Student Activit- '
ies Building, where the recruiting -
took place.
The recruiters reported inter-
viewing 27 people. Neither Marine |
Capt. Frank Huey nor Navy Com-
mander James Donohoe could be
reached for comment last night. ,
Schneider said he was stopped

Chester was su
In defiance of
striction banning
tion in Frederi&
Quad, eleven mr
house invited girl
last night.
And, Walter I
Resident Directc
House, collected
of Frederick res
vited girls into t]
trary to Universi

for the Arab minority. Citing Cyprus as an ex- for several residential colleges, the
uld lead only to more bloodshed, north campus site is by no means
excluded. It may well turn out to
be the second or the third resi-
dential college," he said.
The impression of the first 90
days of this educational venture
makes us all very enthusiastic and *
we hope that by the time the
Sjunior or senior class is in the i
larged. we may be ready with a
second residential college, t'ither
wesetutvesby converting another dormitory i
and properly modifying it, or by |
developing the north campus site,"
having a chance jug an interview. "But," he said, Haber continued.,
rine recrunment "the recruiter wouldn't talk Dean Burton Thuma, retired
about the war, or any question, director of the Residential College
[ wasn't dressed relating to it. He told me the only 'last night said the change in
that I should reason he was even seeing me plans were "unfortunate, because
hneider, "I put was that he had no one else to one of the original notions of. the
plication that Ii see." Residential College was to get it
the Marines to When the mock army moved away from the densely populated
,and babies, H-e into the corridor where the inter- center of central campus. We
e wrong attitude. views were being conducted, both worked an awfully long time on
e to leave, and chief recruiting officers Huey of the plans in order to build build-
k until I dressed the Marines and Donohoe of the ings suited to the philosophy of the
shaved, and de- Navy, agreed that a demonstr- sconu.a o ege 'sb r that di-
itude." ation which did not disrupt norm- carded completely. I'msure tey'll
ccessful in gain- al activity "is fine with us." maeaoo it.
The Residential College was
scheduled to move from temporary
quarters in East Quad to a per-
e August, 1969
4 1 The decision to remain in East
Parieta ' P.ic Quadrangle was made after sev-
er'al months of discussion between
T? GANNES However, Frederick House as- I adCef Fin ancial ice reWil-
a University ie- sistant resident director Joun bur K. Pierpont and Vice-Presi-
24 hour visita- Burns, 69L. said he didn't know Ident for Academic Affairs Allan
k House, South what would be done with the F. Smith.
iembers of the .names but he supposed they would Th pln cretyalfo -
s to their rooms be forwarded to University Hous- modeln ofr Eas Qua cand the
ing Directoi' John Feldkamp. acustoofdiinlfclte.
Kurcewski, '68L, All the women had left Fred- Acuiingo ad rding acomi-
or of Frederick erick by 11:30 p.m. last night. Amitdteg haen establishe o-
a list of names The 11 students, who were pro- lointo hben fesbliye of ac
idents who in- testing South Quad Director'"okit h esblt fa-
heir rooms con- Thomas Fox's action banning the quiring the facilities we need and
ty Regulations. 24-hour visitation policy passed emodelig," Robertson explained.
by Frederick residents last Tues-I Rotsoeileea hecmmt
den GoverInme"ntCouncil mem- Although the new plan calls for
bers Sharon Lowen, '71, Anne Pat- a permanent site close to main
6 ton, '69, Sam Sherman, '68, and jcampus within the East Quad area,
Tom Westerdale, Grad. remodeling will not be completed
~c~y.The SGC members went to every by 1969.
room wher'e girls were cr1esent "There will probably be a year's
"and just talked and explained hiatus and there has to be a tran-
e for the history SGC's rules policy," a house resi- sitional period" providing apart-
of the literary dent said. ment com plexes or houses where
nd most presti- "21 people originally planned to the Residential College students
er may go a se- pairticipate but a lot chickened out wol iea uirRobertso
eeting one-tenth because Fox was taking names," a exp la ie unos.sn
id he feels badly Frederick resident explained., epaie.
arge classes are According to another house "The idea is being exploi'ed; we
rden of the as- member, a staffer would enter a 'have to scrutinize it very careful-
the newcomer to room where one or more girls were .ly," Robertson said.
present and ask the girl to leave.' Although m a n y Residential I
akes up at 8 a m. If she refused to leave, the staffer College freshmen had looked for-
a nine o'clock, xvould then demand that she leave ward to the 1969 move to the
est of his non- .and take down the resident's name. ,North Campus site, Robertson
ni departmental If she remained, the staffer would 'said he has spoken to the class
ng next year's 'himself refuse to leave the room.' collectively and individually and
r in his office, "Mr. Fox suggested we do this,"; concludesi tat "provided we getk
nd meeting with , Burns said, al th faiite we ned thnk"
t.o faculty lunch- The 11 who participated stated: ,they'll be happy closed in.
teaching fellows' "In recognition of the right of Robertson told the students of
anywhere from students to determine their own the plan at the last joint faculty-
an m~non rules of nersonal conduct. Freder- *student meeting.

Of Regens
SGC President Bruce Kahn, in
a letter to the Regents, said yes-
terday that "until you (the Re-
gents)l recognize the rights of
students, students will continue to
make and live by their own rules."
Kahn's letter came in response
to a Regental statement Friday
which said SGC had exceeded Its
jurisdiction by purporting to abol-
ish existing University rules and
regulations. Without Regental ap-
proval, continued the statement,
"such legislation is totally with-
out effect."
"The practical, as opposed to
legal, authority to make rules for
any group must be based on the
consent of the governed," Kahn
argued. He said the Regents have
ignored the changing needs of a
changing community.
"University rules and procedures
have remained a morass of pa-
ternalistic, self-contradictory pre-
cepts better suited to the needs
of the 1920's than the -1960'3," he
"The situation has been toler-
ated even this long only because
these rules are, as is commonly
known, more honored in the
breach than in the observance."
Kahn noted that during the past
five years, the Reed Report,
Kauss er and most recently
endorsed the rights of students to
establish their own rules of coyi-
"Regents must recognize that
students at the University are
fully capable of governing (them-
selves) ," said the SGC President,
"Isn't it about time . . . that stu-
responsibilit fr their own lives?"
In their statement last Friday
the Regents asked SGC to prepare
a written report explaining "the
basis on which unilateral actions
have been taken." The statement
ao requested ethat SGCeconfer
Kahn's letter welcomes the op-
portunity for such discussions, but
warns, "Before basic problems can
be solved on this campus, stu-
dents must be recognized as full,
participating members of the U~ni-.
versity community, with the full
rights and responsibilities of any
other members of the commu-

AdA.O Whu DoYuD tte' u

EDITO's .NOTE: The University ministration, service on faculty dent survey cours
admre andr smotalignedy tem- committees, orengrossed in writ- department, one
ber of the academic community, ' ig for the scholarly and profes- college's largest a
has one of the most misunderstood sional journals, He may be tempo- gious units. Tenth
of jobs. To all those who question 'rarily on leave or he may teach all :mester without m
nothing bfut teach perhaps to three semesters of the academic jof his students, ar
classes per semester, the following year. He may be compiling data labout this. But 1
is meant to be something of an for the Kerner Commission or test-'necessarily the bu
enligltenment. ing infrared spotting devices for .sistant professor,
By DANIEL OKRENT Prince Bhumibol of Thailand, the staff.
and Po ete
STUART GANNES The average faclty member iofde tlerke
No, that scholarly man standmng I~f he happens to be a paricularly He'll spend the r
up there in front of class does not 'noteworthy member of the law z lassroom day i
earn his salary for lecturing for 'school faculty, that could go as meetings discussi
maybe six hours a week to word- 'high as $33,750 yearly. If he's an icourse schedule, a
deadened ears. 'instructor' in, say, the music school, grading papers ar
In fact, its hard to say exactly he may have to feed his family on students. He goes 1
what he's getting paid for. As a aslittlea $5,000. es, he goes to his
member of the wildly and widely-as es . . assespns
,,wnoinu TUnivovitv funiitv his Wherever his number falls, cls,he ,spends

I ~

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