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November 19, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-19

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Discussing It with the General


Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1967


A Classified Motivation
Behind the 'U' Loyalty Oath

IT IS UNFORTUNATE that the vast
majority of non-academic University
employes signed without hesitation an
employment agreement which gives the
University the right to investigate and
fire its employes if they fail to get mili-
tary clearance.
According to personnel secretaries,
Alice Fialkin, an assistant in the School
of Public Health, was the first person in
a "long long 'time" to refuse to sign the
employment agreement. This form dis-
regards an employe's privacy, makes it
possible that he be forced to work under
government contracts without his knowl-
edge, and undermines the University's
educational autonomy. The form is a sad
reflection of University personnel policy.
Personnel officer Russel W. Reister said
that all future applicants will have to
sign the agreement which reads, in part,
"I understand that the failure of any
military agency to clear me will be suf-
ficient cause for immediate dismissal."
WHAT IS THE purpose of this clause?
Vice-President for Research Geof-
frey Norman explains that any employes
who are being considered for positions
under military sponsored University re-7
search are first contacted and asked to
sign forms indicating their cooperation.
At that time they are allowed to decide
whether or not they wish to be a part
of such research.
Thus, there already exists procedures
for overly involving an employe in mili-
tary research, and the clause loses its
purpose regarding such involvement.
IF AN EMPLOYE is to be contacted for
official clearance prior to his engage-
ment in military research it seems

absurd that he must receive clearance
before this contact.
The only way this absurdity could be
rationalized is if the University is inte-
grating employes into classified research
without their knowledge. In this case, the
University would be accepting the dic-
tates of the United States Army as the
basis for keeping or firing any of its
employes. Has the government become
so merged into education that it has an
equal option of firing any employe sim-
ply by denying him military clearance,
and if so, can the University fight for its
autonomy in the state courts, if it has
already accepted military domination?
The administration must, therefore,
eliminate the employment agreement
section of personnel applications. There
already exist the necessary channels for
involving people in military research.
Anything more is ambiguious and pro-
duces severe connotations.
EMPLOYES MUST have complete free-
dom in deciding whether or not they
wish to become a part of military re-
search. A statement as now exists threat-
ens that freedom.
Any employe should be totally aware
of his status at all times. He must know
what he is working on and for what
purpose. The employment agreement
suggests the possibility that at any time
an employe could be integrated into
military research without his knowledge.
If the agreement is not eliminated
then the ambiguity which now exists can
be considered an attempt at coercing
University employes into working for the
military without their knowledge.

IONE OF THE GREAT THINGS about America is that
even the most obscure individual can talk with leaders
about crucial national policy.
For example the other night I became so confused
thinking about the draft that I decided to call Selective
Service Director Lewis B. Hershey for advice. I wasn't
sure what to do because it appears graduate students will
not be deferred this year. Should I enlist, get drafted, join
the reserves, go to jail, flee to Canada, or just go to grad-
uate school and hope for the best?
I called the 74-year-old Selective Service director
about 10 p.m. at home after getting his number from
Bethesda, Md., information. I wanted to start right off
and ask for his counsel about my draft problem. But as
it turned out he had problems of his own.
FOR ONE THING the Selective Service has been get-
ting alot of unsolicited mail recently. General Hershey
said that several thousand draft registrants have been
turning in a variety of cards to their local draft boards.
Hershey has indicated publicly that he wants the
justice department to prosecute all young men who turn
in their draft cards. The idea is to draft these "delin-
quents" into the army.
Hershey's problem is that "about 75 per cent of the
cards we're getting turned in are bogus. Some guys are
just turning in old draft cards. Some of them date as far
back at 1950. Others are just turning in anti-war cards
and other kinds of literature.
As a result Hershey feels he can "only prosecute about
25 per cent of those who are turning in cards." ("In-
cidentally," he asks, "how are these men who turn in their
cards going to have proof to buy liquor?")
GENERAL HERSHEY IS also miffed because Supreme
Court Justice Abe Fortas, Senator Philip Hart, Justice
Department officials, college presidents and numerous

newspapers have criticized his decision to draft pro-
And Hershey is also being criticized for requesting that
lawyers turn in to the Justice Department clients trying
to dodge the draft.
In January a New York federal court said the Selective
Service can't draft people for protesting the war. And
currently the justice department is studying if it can
prosecute protesters like Hershey suggests. He concedes
that a "court will ultimately have to decide some of the
questions being raised."
IN THE FACE of all this trouble he still remains op-
timistic. "I think I'll get the support of the Justice De-
partment. I believe that the Department will undertake
quite a bit of litigation against the draft protesters."
The general feels this course could actually reduce
draft calls in the short-run. "If we drafted everyone who's
gotten into the news recently for flaunting the Selective
Service we wouldn't have to make a regular draft call for
a month."
He also indicates his "mail is very favorable. In the
past few days I've gotten 100 letters. About eight out of
ten say 'to get'em (the protesters).' Alot of people are get-
ting alarmed at the license that is being used in lieu of
WHEN THE SUBJECT turned to what I should do
about the draft General Hershey didn't have much to
"If I were you I'd get in a place where you are access-
ible to going in three or four directions. Go on the as-
sumption that you are preparing for the worst."
He explained that the chances of "extending defer-
ments for this year's crop of graduates and first year
graduates are not very good."
"I don't believe the graduate students have sold the
public on the idea that they're indispensable."

AS A RESULT the National Security Council has set
up an inter-agency committee to establish guidelines for
deciding draft priority for graduate deferments next year.
Hershey sits on this crucial committee but concedes
"things are going very slow. We haven't set a deadline
and I don't know when they can finish."
Although it appears likely that medical and divinity
students will continue to get graduate deferments most
everyone else is in doubt. Hershey says the delay is the
result of a major struggle between the committee mem-
bers, who represent various government agencies.
"For example representatives from the Health Educa-
tion and Welfare and labor department want to defer
people for manual training. The Department of Com-
merce people want to defer people related to economic
activities, while the Defense Department is trying to keep
the right people out of action to keep industry going."
General Hershey feels humanities students will be drafted
ahead of science and math students.
HERSHEY SAYS that in lieu of clear criteria from
the government "draft boards will have to use their own
judgement in handling December and February college
graduates." He feels that there may not even be a decision
in time for April graduations. "It's pretty hard to get
these (on the committee setting the guidelines) people
to think of graduation coming before June," he explains.
"I realize all this uncertainty isn't doing you much
good, but then there aren't very many places in life that
are certain."
Still Hershey feels relatively certain that students
entering first or second year liberal arts graduate studies
next fall probably aren't going to get deferments." And
he is positive about the fate of journalism majors.
"I'm sorry but you people who write just haven't con-
vinced the public you're as important as the guy who puts
together two solids and gets a gas,"



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Deer and Elephant Hunting

rHE MICHIGAN Legislature voted to
recess for three weeks last Thursday.
Its members want to go deer hunting.
The Michigan governor plans to leave
on Dec. 7 for a tour of Europe and Asia
that will keep him away from Lansing
for the remainder of the year. Gov. Rom-
ney, since he is officially running for
president, wants to improve his weak
public image in foreign affairs.
Meanwhile back at the capitol an open
housing bill sits in an interim commit-
tee. If it comes out of there with sup-
posedly "a number of improvements" it
goes to the House Civil Rights Commit-
tee. Even though committee approval is
expected within two weeks there will be
no Legislature to act upon it until Dec.
12. By that time Romney will be overseas
despite his pleas for the bill's passage
and the Democrats request for him to
change his plans.
T HE OPEN HOUSING bill, however,
should be the primary concern for
state officials. After the summer riots in
Detroit and disturbances in other Mich-
igan cities, Negroes projected the frus-
trations of their lives. One cause of these
feelings other than condition of the
slums and ghettoes, is the obvious dis-
crimination in house buying.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
Barrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104.
Editorial Staff
MERE3DITHEIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
9JSAN ELAN ............ Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN.......Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW ......Associate Managing Editor
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
JOHN LOTTIER.......Associate Editorial Dlirector
SUSAN SCHNEPP ............. Personnel Directoi
NEIL SHISTER......... .... .Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLA .......Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS:...................... Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS ....................... Photo Editor
ROERT SHEFFIELD... ...... Lab Chief
IGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Neal Bruss,
Wallace Immen. Lucy Kennedy, David Knoke, Mark
TV mi. Patiian n inhp_ nni . nkmnt, t v

ALTHOUGH THE bill would not help
the poor Negro to buy a house, it is
a step in alleviating racial tensions. By
serving as an instrument to break the
vicious cycle in which middle and upper
class Negroes find themselves, a fair
housing bill would reduce the pressure on
Negroes who have the economic means
but have never had the equal social op-
portunity to buy a house. As Father Neu-
berger from Milwaukee stated last week,
the law would also give "backbone to the
cowardly white who would be afraid not
to allow the Negro to buy the house."
This bill, even though it represents
only a start, must be passed with good
faith. The Legislature and governor's
delay only prevents this from occurring.
The Negro has been denied the equal op-
portunity to buy a house for too long, and
the state officials cannot ask him to wait
because they want to go deer or presi-
dent hunting.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON drew an intri-
guing historical analogy to defend his
Vietnam policy at a press conference Fri-
Commenting on his poor showing in
the polls recently Johnson said " I re-
member ... when President Truman very
courageously and, I think, very wisely
went into Korea, one of our pollsters
dashed out with a poll, Dr. Gallup, and
found that the position was approved
by about 81 per cent.
"Six months later when the sacrifices
were evident and the problems began to
appear, the same pollster, taking to the
same people, found that (approval) had
dropped from 81 to 25 per cent."
A GOOD POINT. And not long after-
wards the Democrats lost the presi-
dency to Eisenhower who extricated the
country from Korea.
No Comment

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McClellan: Rebel With a Cause

Unierstyhired a promising
young history professor named
Dr. Robert McClellan they got
more than they bargained for. An
incessant critic of a variety of the
university's policies and pro-
grams, NMU found McClellan
just too hot to handle. But get-
ting rid of him proved to be a
very tough task indeed.
When the university announced
that McClellan's contract would
not be renewed, a wave of student
and faculty protest shook NMU
and the sleepy little town of Mar-
quette to their very roots. An es-
timated 50 per cent of the 7,000
students boycotted classes for a
week in early November, bring-
ing a threat to close the school
from thetstate'seSenate and
House Appropriations Committee.
The NMU faculty voted 165-90
to censure the university's Board
of Controllers for upholding the
decision of NMU president Dr.
Edgar L. Harden to fire Mc-
Describing the action as "the
most flagrant violation of aca-
demic freedom he has ever en-
countered," Ernest Mazey of the
American Civil Liberties Union
quickly announced that the ACLU
would take the McClellan case to
federal court unless the Con-
trollers reverse their action.
ON THE CAMPUS student and
faculty leaders hastily formed an
organization known as the Com-
mittee for the Defense of Aca-
demic Freedom (CDAF). The
group was created to "raise funds
for McClellan's legal defense and

the university's new residence
-He supported the cause of
homeowners on the north side of
Marquette who were in the path
of the university's expansion.
But criticism of this kind is
voiced by instructors at most
other universities without precipi-
tating such drastic action. Why
was McClellan's criticism so un-
acceptable? According to univer-
sity spokesman Paul Soumi "it
just came at an inappropriate
firing of McClellan are more com-
plex and deep-seated than that.
McClellan had a habit of stepping
on peoples toes, and theauniver-
sity's president was a hard old-
line administrator who maintained
a philosophy that students and
teachers should be seen and not
As-McClellan himself put it,
"there was no issue that I was
confronted with that I would
leave alone." Frustrated NMU
president Harden made numerous
futile attempts to get him to stop
criticizing university policy. Hard-
en just "couldn't get me to shut
up," says McClellan.
For the 1966-67 academic year
Harden even reappointed Mc-
Clellan with double the normal
increase in salary. McClellan saw
this as an obvious attempt to
"buy him off." It didn't work.
McCLELLAN HAS an impres-
sive ability to win people over to
his side. In two years at NMU he
made friends. Among them was
the head of his department, Dr.

THE STUDENTS, too, were im-
pressed by McClellan. In their
course evaluation booklet they
ranked him as one of the best in-
structors on campus.
One student wrote: "Some
would call him a revolutionary,
but his integrity is unquestioned.
In short, he is one of the finest
men I have ever known." Another
student described McClellan as
the "best instructor I have ever
taken a course from."
But as McClellan's popularity
grew, so did Harden's anger.
After all attempts to pacify Mc-
Clellan had failed, Harden de-
cided to fire him effective June,
1968. But in the meantime Hard-
en had stepped down as president.
The Board of Controllers appoint-
ed Ogden Johnson as interim
president beginning last Septem-
NOW, WHERE Harden had
been a tough inflexible adminis-
trator, Johnson was worse. A
former s c h o o 1.superintendent,
Johnson was described by one
NMU faculty member as running
his schools in a manner "as close
to that of a military school as a
public school can get."

Johnson immediately recognized
the pro-McClellan movement to
be a-kindof4ebacklash against
years of rigid rule by NMU ad-
ministrators. To Johnson and the
Board of Controllers it was no
longer a case of McClellan versus
NMU, but power struggle to main-
tain control of the university.
Very many faculty and students
were just plain fed up with the
"We're living in the 19th cen-
tury up here," said one faculty
member. "I just can't tolerate it
any more. I hate to just give up
and leave, but I think the situa-
tion is hopeless."
bitterest part of the controversy,
some 50 per cent of the NMU fac-
ultydmay resign. One department
head said that 23 out of 30
teachers in his department have
said they will not return next
A bucket drive to raise funds
for McClellan's defense has net-
ted nearly $3000 with money still
pouring in, and the CDAF con-

tinues to function in a three-
pronged attackon the university's
position. They-seek to:
-Persuade the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors to
censure the university for its
-Get the State Labor Media-
tion Board to conduct negotia-
tions seeking compromise settle-
-Fight the university in court
with an ACLU suit under the Ku
Klux Klan Act of 1871, charging
that McClellan has been deprived
of his civil rights.
But the Board of Controllers
have shown little willingness to
compromise. On Nov. 28 they will
meet again to discuss the case,
but highly placed sources doubt
that the board will change its
Behind the bitter power strug-
gle stands the unlikely figure of
a youthful history professor, now
a kind of hero-sairt, vvo just
refused to be silenced. He struck
at this backward little college
where it hurts. Northern Mich-
igan University will not soon for-
get Dr. Robert McClellan.



Letters to the Editor
Who Says Its a Left-Winzg Propaganda Sheet?

AS A RECENT graduate of the
University who once was affili-
ated with The Daily I was not sur-
prised to receive a letter from my
father recently informing me that

But I was surprised to learn that
the Michigan State University
paper, the State News, had quoted
an official of the University of
Michigan as saying of the MSU
nnflit-fifprf rv. Th

past associations be free of any
left-wing taint, and am therefore
dismayed that the official quoted
by the State News did not identify
himself so I could learn more

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