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November 19, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-19

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Ohio State ....21 Minnesota ....33 Purdue .......21 Illinois ........27 USC
Iowa.... ...... 10 Indiana ....... 7 Michigan St.. .. 7 Northwestern . 20 UCLA

........21 Tennessee.....20
.. .. . .;20, Mississippi .... 7

Central Mich.. .34 Moravian ..... 19
Wayne State ... 0 Muhlenberg... 8

See editorial page


Siir ti9au


Cloudy with
chance of flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Romney To Run in '68; Britain


Plans To 'Fight to Win





DETROIT .(P)-Standing on al-
most the exact spot where he
launched his political career less;
than six years ago, Gov. George
Romney announced yesterday he
will "fight for and win the Re-
publican nomination for President
of the United States."
Romney became the first major
figure in either party to announce
aspirations for the highest politi-
cal office in the land.

"I have decided to fight for and
win the Republican nomination
and election as President of the
United States.'
The anouncement came in an
11-minute speech, which attacked
President Johnson and was filled
with declarations of moral duty
typical of the devout Mormon.
After the speech, he hurried
into the first acknowledged camn-
paign strategy meeting with top

Attacks Johnson aides from Lansing and Washing-
He said he would enter at least ton, where campaign offices have
four Presidential primaries-New been humming for months.
Hampshire, Wisconsin, Nebraska "The richest nation on earth
and Oregon. is in a fiscal mess," Romney said
Flanked by his attractive wife, in his announcement. "We are
Lenore, the 60-year-old three-term mired in an Asian land war which
governor told a new conference, drains our resources and sacrifices
You ng [ems Elect
Jolrnson Supporter


our young men with no end :n
sight. We are becoming a house
"The crime rate mounts and
over half the major crimes are
committed by teen-agers," he
added. "We have begun to see
acceptance of irresponsibility as
a way of life. There is a growing
aimlessness and flabbiness in our
American life."
Romney told scores of news-
men after his announcement that
the No. 1 plank in his campaign
platform will be "leadership and
the re-establishment of truth and
morality in America."
'Just Peace'
He also said he would remain
in office as governor while cam-
Romney did not say he was the
only candidate who could solve
America's problems, but he said
a Republican alone could pursue
a "just peace" in Vietnam "un-
shackled by mistakes of the past."
He said he would complete his
schedule of primaries, regardless
of the outcome in the early ones.
He describes himself as an "under-
A group of his campaign aides
head for New Hampshire tomorrow
for a nine-day trip to, lay ground-
work for Romney's bid for votes in
that state's primary, the nation's
first, March 12.
Romney plans to leave Dec. 7
on a trip abroad that will take him
from Western Europe around the
globe to Southeast Asia. He said a
setback this week in his attempt
to drive an open housing law
through the state legislature will
not keep him at home although the,.
debate may reach a peak during
-his absence.

U.S., Other Nations
Keep Money Values
Cut Pound from $2.80 to $2.40,
Impose Drastic Credit Restrictions
The British government has devalued the pound, but led by the
United States, the world's big banking nations announced they would
not alter their currency, thus at least initially permitting the
devaluation to work its full effect in stimulating Britain's sagging
export trade.
In addition to cutting the value of the pound from $2.80 to $2.40,
the British government imposed drastic new credit restrictions and
sought a $1.4 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund
to stave off bankruptcy.
The British government's emer- 'r

The National convention of
Young Democratic Clubs of Amer-
ica in Hollywood, Fla., yesterday
elected as president of the na-
tional organization a strong sup-
porter of President Johnson and
rejected a peace caucus proposal
which called for an unconditional
halt to , the bombing in North
R. Spencer Oliver, who resigned
from the staff of the Democratic
National Committee to run for
president, was elected without
opposition as the nine other can-
didates withdrew during the
course of the convention. The
leading peace candidate, Alan
Reed, withdrew after the defeat
of the peace caucus resolution.
Humphrey Speaks
Vice-President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey addressed the convention.
before the election and told his
haudience, "The retreaters will
have trouble settling on one Pres-
idential candidate who will suit
their divergent views of the
Humphrey added, "Those who
think America is involved in the
world for keeps and who want
this nation to play a role of firm
and creative leadership will vote
for President Lyndon Johnson.
"Those who want to let the
world settle the issues of war and
peace, development and starva-
tion without American participa-
tion will have to find themselves
' another candidate," the Vice'-
President declared.
'Communist Aggression'
The nation, he told the dele-
gates, must realize "we face in
Vietnam no peaceful reformers
but cynical, Communist-
initiated aggression and terror."
He said that the Communists,
now unable to win the war mil-
itarily, are now hoping for a
victory "on the American home-

After rejecting the peace cau-
cus resolution, the convention
adopted, after an all-night ses-
sion a moderate supported pro-
posal which "suggested for the
consideration of the President"
temporary halt in the bombing
of North Viet Nam. The resolu-
tion, seen as satisfactory to the
administration, also supported
the President's efforts to bring
about negotiations. It also des-
cribed the Young Democrats as
part of -the "responsible majority
of the American people" who sup-
port Johnson.
'GOP Leader
Romney A1
DETROIT P)-Leading Repub-
licans arpund the nation hailed
Gov. George Romney's entry into
the race for the GOP Presidential
nomination yesterday. Democrats
reacted caustically.
New York's Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller, a Romney backer, said
the Michigan chief executive most
closely fits what would be a "mod-
erate, able, winning candidate in
Nixon Complimentary
Former Vice President Richard
M. Nixon said Romney was "an
effective and energetic campaign-
er" with "an excellent record of
service as governor."
Another potential GOP nom-
nee, California's Gov. Ronald
Reagan, said it was too soon for
him to back Romney or anyone
else. ; .
Sen. Charles H. Percy (R-Ill.)
welcomed Romney's announce-
ment. He called him "a great
credit to the free enterprise sys-
tem, the most outstanding gover-
nor in Michigan's history."
Mayor John V. Lindsay of Ncw

-Associated Press
MICHIGAN QUARTERBACK DENNIS BROWN is dumped hard by Wisconsin's Don Bliss in third
quarter action in yesterday's 27-14 defeat of the Badgers. The Wolverine junior, however, enjoyed
another fine afternoon, completing 12 of 17 passes for two touchdowns. He also scooted 44 yards
for a third score, and despite getting caught several times in the backfield, netted 42 yards on
the ground.
Michigan Wins Third Straight,

gency action came after weeks of
attacks on the pound that had sent
it to its lowest level in years. De-
valuation was the result of an
agreement patiently worked out in
tough bargaining with top bank-
ing nations.
Banks Closed
All British banks and stock ex-
hanges were ordered closed to-,
morrow while arrangements fort
the new exchange rate were work-
ed out.
In Washington, the Internation-
al Monetary Fund said in a state-
ment that it is giving "prompt at-
tention to the request with the ex-
pectation of reaching a favorable
decision in a few days."
As expected, Ireland devalued
its pound yesterday at the same

rs welcome


Clobbers Wisconsin, 27-14

id f0MADISON - "Michigan is as'
good or better than those other
teams (Indiana and Ohio State)
York said yesterday that New we played.
York Republicans will support Sen. "And they're getting better.
Jacob Javits for the Presidential Don't forget they've won three in
nomination in 1968. But he urged a row."
Republicans to "welcome the an- This opinion belongs to John
nouncement of Michigan Gov. Coatta, the unhappy rookie coach
George Romney's candidacy for of Wisconsin, unhappier yet after
President." a 27-14 loss to the Wolverines.
One of the most pointed re-I
actions came from John Bailey, Michigan coach Bump Elliott
Democratic national chairman, calls Wisconsin a really fine
who apparently noted seeinirg team. I don't see why they haven't
contradictions in Romney state-woangme.
ments on foreign policy. Well, at least Wisconsin threw
Debate Himself a scare into Michigan in the first
"Since he has been on both quarter yesterday. The first time
sides of every issue, I suggest the Wolverines got the ball they
Gov. Romney start his campaign 1 started to drive until Dennis
with a series of debates with him- Brown's pass was tipped by Jim
self," Bailey said. Berline and interceptedby Mike
"Such Romney versus Romney' Cavil], who returned it to the
debates might give both the public Wisconsin 39.
and Gov. Romney some inkling Then things started to happen.
of where he stands on the issues." In four plays the Badgers were on
Michigan State Rep. Alex Pilch the Michigan 14, thanks chiefly to
D-Dearborn) said meanwhile he a 16-yard John Boyajian to Mel
would sponsor a move which would Reddick pass and a 22-yard run up
require Romney to resign as gov- the middle by Boyajian when all
ernor f he should win the Presi- of his receivers were covered.
dential nomination. With first down at this point,

G a 1 e Bucciarelli (pronounced.
Buck-a-relli), the best-named full-I
back in the Big Ten, advanced to
the one on three plays, althought
he tried to provide some excite-l
anent by fumbling on the six.
Wisconsin, however, recovered. I
Boyajian plunged one yard for
the touchdown.
Michigan came back so fast thatI

After a good kickoff return by rate as the British pound because
Frank Titas and a couple of short the Irish are tied closely to the
gains, Dennis Brown rolled right British economy.
on what was supposedly a pass U.S. Stand


lay, not an option play, and ran
4 yards for the score with the
elp of a tremendous block on Mel
Walker by Jim Berline.
When Michigan got the ball
ack Ron Johnson ran up the
riddle for three yards to the
See Gophers, Page 7

the Wisconsin fans were still n
Attitude Chas
integration E
"Educating Americans is the : "
most important thing I can do,"
says Rev. Paul Dotson head of the :
Ecumenical Campus Center, "but t
education is a race with catas- th
The Ecumenical Campus Center in
of the Protestant Foundation for t
International Students aids in di
winning this race by sponsoring ht
programs to inform foreign stu- m
dents of American culture while al

nge, Cultural
nixed reactions. One girl said that
although I couldn't possibly learn
uch about the Negro people in
ne weekend, what struck me is
he tremendous range, the variety
hat exists in Negro society.
An Indian student who has lived
America for ten years reported
hat he "didn't make any startling
scoveries" as a result of the trips
t had taken. He stayed with a
iddle-class couple and "didn't see
ny poverty. If I want to meet Ne-
roes, I don't have to go on a spon-
red trip."
As part of their program to in-
orm Americans on international
sues, the Ecumenical Campus
enter is currently conducting a
cture series on Southeast Asia.
"Japan and China," Rev. Dot-
(See ECUMENICAL, page 3)

In Washington, President John-
son immediately dampened specu-
lation that the dollar also might
be devalued. Johnson declared in.
a statement that he could "re-
affirm unequivocally the com-
mitment of the United States to
buy and sell gold at the existing
price of $35 an ounce."
The President declared that
"the nations of the free world are
united in their determination to
keep the international monetary
system strong."
The finance ministers of the
six European Common Market
nations-France, West Germany,
Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium
and Luxembourg-will meet with
their central bank governors to-
day in Paris to weigh the con--
sequences of the British action.
International Aid
Informants said the ministers
and bank governments will ex-
amine what international aid can
be given to the British currency.
At the same time, it was learned
that an emergency meeting of
the so-called Group of Ten - the
world's major trading nations -
would probably be held next week
to consider Britain's request to
draw $1.4 billion from the Inter-
national Monetary Fund.
The Labor government said
special measures will be taken to,
relieve any hardship caused to
the poor by devaluation and the
sweeping credit restrictions.

E conomnists
Praise Pound
Devaluation of the pound ster-
ling will have a favorable impact
on the economies of Britain and
the world, 'according to University
"Hopefully, Britain will now be
able to make up her balance of
payments," says Prof. Robert M.
Stern of the economics department
"Devaluation will make British
exports more competitive with
those of other countries."
Devaluation, or lowering the ex-
change value, of the pound will
enable Britain to sell her exports
at lower prices, because the price
of an item sold for a pound in
another country will be the equiv-
alent of 40 cents less, while pro-
duction and transport costs -- as
well as income from sales -
will remain the same to the Brit-
ish producer.
But in order to make the policy
work, Stern warns, "the British
government will have to keep the
lid on its domestic economy."
Besides making British goods
cheaper abroad, devaluation will
make imports more expensive.
Since Britain imports most of
her raw materials and much of
her food, the average Briton will
find his standard of living re-
duced by increased prices.
If the Labor government can
keep trade unions from working
for increased wages to compensate
for the higher cost of living, in-
flation within the United Kingdom
can probably be kept under con-
Prof. Daniel Suits of the econ-
omics department explains that
"the British chose a couple of years
ago to try to change buying power
internally by deflating their econ-
omy, rather than devalue the
pound." This has not succeeded, so
they have been forced to devalue
"I think it is a move to be wel-
comed," he adds. "I had hoped
that Wilson would take this step
when he first took office.


informal Metho
,'EEA is!% ..'giiW& N sMMs~is Miiis

teaching Americans about other{
countries. .
Education, he explains, in-
fluences our ability to control the
SparkCs ucce Ss power we have before that power
destroys us.
Knowledge Needed
By SUSAN SCHNEPP ments or houses for the parties,! Americans, he says, must be
Personnel Director inviting people, and finding people educated to different attitudes
It's Sunday morning. Make that to help clean up. toward foreign people. "Instead
about noon. You're sitting at the Parties unlimited has had a of being paternalistic," he says,
kitchen table with a big cup of South American band at their par- "we must realize how much we
coffee and the Sunday Daily. ties and plans a formal Thanks- have to learn about other cultures
Undoubtedly you'd rather not be I giving dinner for about 50 of the about American contributions
reminded of last night's party at 1 regulars, but the secret of parties oi negative contributions to war
this point. unlimited success seems to be that an t peace.
Maybe'you'd rather ignore your they throw an interesting, well-or- I am basically very pessimis-
devastated apartment or fraternity ganized party.
house and drop back into bed for Foreign Students of the world. What America spends
a few more hours. The idea for parties unlimited way of approaching peace." d
New Approach was conceived last February, says Af yarsith e' E
You've been to the traditional Farah, as a way to bring foreign menical Center, Rev. Dtson tries
frat party or apartment party! and American students together in to evaluate the organization's suc-
where your main concern is to am informal atmosphere. "The cess by "looking for whether ork
finish off your six pack before weekly teas at the International not there has been a deepened
someone lifts, it. If you swear it's Center were dying out," he says, comprehension among Americans
your last traditional Saturday "so some of us decided to try of how you establish internationalt
night, there's a group on campus having a party." understanding.",
that can give you a new approach. _ "The first party was small, most- C P
The name of the organization, ly foreign students from the To achCenter Programsof inter-1
Parties Unlimited, pretty well de- ternational Center. Now the ratio national understanding, the Ecu-
scribes, it. According to the in- of American and foreign students m , r ,-- ntn


Name Three, To Fill Positions
Vacated After Kelley Decision.

Gov. George Romney has ap-
pointed two men to the Eastern
Michigan University board and one
to the Western Michigan Univer-
sity board to fill vacancies created
by resignations that followed a
"conflict of interest" ruling by At-
torney General Frank Kelley.
On September 26 Kelley ruled
that an officer or member of a
governing board of a state institu-
tion of higher education may not
serve as an officer or director of

fill out terms which will expire
on Dec. 31, 1968.
Charles H. Ludlow, of Kalama-
zoo, was appointed to the board of
control of WMU to replace Alfred
B. Connable, also of Kalamazoo.
His term expires on Dec. 31, 1970.
Those who have yet to be re-
placed include 0. William Habel
of EMU, Dwight Stocker of WMU
and E. Allan Morrow of Central.
Others Resign
In addition to the six board
resignations, eight other state col-

National Bank and Trust Co. prior
to the ruling, in 1966:)
Michigan State University Pres-
ident John A. Hannah resigned
from the board of directors of the
American Bank and Trust Co. of
Lansing and the Manufacturers
National Bank of Detroit.
The Vice President for Business
and Finance and Treasurer of
MSU, Philip J. May, resigned from
the board of the Michigan Nation-
al Bank when the ruling came out,
but is now being investigated by



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