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November 18, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-18

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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:v The Fourth Branch

Moshe Dayan Goes Mad Ave
By Ron Klempner
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Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
EditorilPrieinhihgnDiyeprs h niiuloinoso tf rtr

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Eliminating Irresponsible
Members from SGC

IN SUGGESTING a mandatory attend- SGC is to be constructive, members must
ance rule for SGC members, Bruce take their work more seriously and carry
Kahn, SGC president, said that Council out these responsibilities. If they fail to
members were considersing attendance at do' so, they should be removed from
meetings more as a "matter of conven- office.
ience" than a responsibility.
The reasons for Kahn's concern are RECENTLY IT has become fashionable
obvious to ayone who has recently sat to criticize SGC for being unrepre-
tl'rough an entire SGC meeting. Not sentative. Yet, members like E. O. Know-
only are there frequent absences, but les, and ex-officio members such as Steve
many of those members who do attend Brown, president of IHA, and Bruce
fail to take enough interest in the Getzan, president of IFC, are most vocal
meetings to stay until the end. about SGC's unrepresentativeness. But
At Thursday night's meeting, SGC they are the ones who most frequently
took a mayor step by initiating discussion fail to see a session through to its con-
of a possible new role for Council in aca- clusion. It seems absurd that certain
demic reform. Unfortunately, by the members are criticizing SGC for being
time this discussion came up on the unrepresentative while they fail to rep-
agenda, about half of the members had resent even themselves at meetings.'
left. In addition, several members wan- Other schools have rules or methods of
dered in and out throughout the discus- forcing members to attend meetings: It is
sion, missing important debate and fail- likely that Kahn will introduce a rule
ing to vote. at the next meeting calling for auto-
Some members may have complained matic expulsion from SGC of members
Thursday of being tired from their who miss two consecutive meetings, or
campaigns or of having other obliga- make a practice of leaving early with-
tions, but this is no excuse for those who out an approved excuse. If certain mem-
attended the meeting to miss its most bers lack the maturity to meet their re-
important part, especially since it was sponsibilities, such a rule is desirable
one' of the year's, shortest sessions, and necessary for any kind of effective
SGC members must accept responsi- and representative Council.
bility as well as a position of power. If -GREG OXFORD
Is Violence Legiti~mate?

SPEAKING IN McLUHANESE, the new electronic ad-
vertising media has permeated every aspect of our
modern culture. We can't spend our lives anywhere with-
out being attacked by somebody's "pitch."
It is know by those around The Avenue (Madison) as
the "art" of selling. For years the tactics of Mad Ave
"art" have proven invaluable to those concerned with ad-
vancing the commercial society, and recently politicians
have noted the use of this "art" in selling their campaigns
and themselves.
Lately, it has been rumored from the usually un-
reliable State Department sources that several foreign
delegates from the United Nations have been seen taking
the cross town trip from First to Madison Avenue and
patronizing some well know ad firms. One New York cab
driver reported that he even saw Dean Rusk, disguised as
a mild manner academician, run up to ,the offices of
The motives behind all this are obvious: nations are
going to try to enlist the talents of Madison Avenue in
selling their political causes on the foreign market.
THE FIRST PROMOTIONAL campaign is being con-
tracted by Israel's foreign minister, Abba Eban. In an
attempt to persuade the Arab inhabitants on the West
Bank of the Jordan River to form a peaceful Israeli-
annexed state, the advertisement shows a smiling Moshe
Dayan saying;
"You don't have to be Jewish to enjoy Levi's all-,
Jewish state."

Israel will also start a campaign to convice others of
the legitimacy of their recent land acquisitions. Employing
a firm that recently handled the ad campaign for a
"longer cigarette," their ad shows "wonder boy" Dayan
pointing to the vast expanse of the Sinai desert and
"But, its just a silly kilometer longer."
PRIOR TO THE death of his ace salesmen Che
Guevera, Cuban premier Fidel Castro was planning a
campaingn to further the export of the one product his
island paradise can successfully produce-revolution. Try-
ing to convince Latin American dissident leftists to use
the resources of his organization in their attempts at
government take over, his sales pitch, borrowed from a car
rental agency, went something like this:
"The camera shoots onto an open road with a car
coming out of the distant terrain and a= voice says,
'Let Che (rent-a-revolution) put you in the driver's
seat.' At this point a bearded figure comes dropping
out of the mountains and lands in the front seat of
a four door Red Coup(e)."
IN GREECE the new regime is trying to convince the
world of its wide acceptance among Greeks. An ad show-
ing Gen. Stylianos Patakos with his arm around smiling
Andreas Papandreou, both standing in front of a new
motorcycle and proclaiming,
"You meet the nicest people on a junta."
The smaller underdeveloped nations are banning to-
gether to encourage the larger powers to contribute more

lavishly to their budding economies. Employing the serv-
ices of a firm that specializes in liquor ads, their cam-
paign shows an African delegate sitting at poolside during
a diplomatic party, and saying to the visiting Ambassador,
"While Your up get me a Grant."
Thailand facing possible rebellion from the guerrilla
eliments in the Northeast section of their nation are using
the United Airlines' agency with the slogan,
"Join the friendly Thais by Uniting."
THEN THERE IS Mao Tse-tsung who, trying to con-
cinve the Arabs to take up the Communist Chinese anti-
capitalist furvor, is imploring his semetic friends to:
"Put a Tiger in your tank."
When the campaign was formulated back in May, the
Arabs still had tanks to put tigers in.
The Soviet Union is using an ad campaign based on the
former slogan of a present conservative American Gov-
ernor. In demonstrating the advancement of 50 years
under Soviet rules they are proclaiming to their Com-
munist allies:
"Revisionism is our most important product."
FINALLY, RONALD REAGAN, if elected President, is
also said to be thinking about promoting support for his
foreign policy. In trying to play on American fears of the
Chinese masses, Reagan remembered the lily-white claims
of Pepsodent and has formulated the campaign slogan:
"You'll wonder where the yellow ran,
When we clean their land with hydrogen."



Letters:Fair Housing or The Fire Next Time

To the Editor:
WHEN A WHITE land-owner
refuses to sell to a Negro solely
on the basis of his color, he is in
effect saying to him, "I won't sell
to you because you are the dirty
scum of the earth and I wouldn't
want to subject decent people to
your kind."
That such an implied statement
can be made, and made repeatedly,
is suicidal to a city and country
on the brink of racial explosion.
It not only sanctions racial hate of
whites towards Negroes, but it
saps Negroes' self-esteem and/or

makes them justifiably inflamed
against the white community.
To say that open housing should
not be allowed, because it inter-
feres with the right of a man to
chose his companions is a patent
an dobvious rationalization for al-
lowing racial discrimination and
mistrust to continue. Not only is it
hypocritical and immoral, but I
wish Detroit and the nation a
happy summer of '68 if every
measure isn't taken, and taken im-
mediately to reduce Negro-White
-Robert Loewenster

IT IS IMPORTANT to realize that those
who would employ "the use of vio-
lence" to end U.S. involvement in Viet-
nam are outside the framework of
standard American politics by virtue only
of the particular partisan stand they
take, and not by their use of violence as
such. It is concurrently important to real-
ize that it is wrong to allow the law, not
the action itself, to define what is and is
not "violence."
To term those who perpetrate the war
in Vietnam "non-violent participators in
a democratic process" is to badly mis-
gauge both them and the process. It is
an act of violence when the Secretary of
Defense deliberately misleads the public
about battle statistics. It is an act of
violence when the President suppresses
information about communications with'
Hanoi. It is an act of violence when the
popular press, from the networks to the
Times to the Tribune, lies about the num-
ber of people on a peace march to a pub-
lic dependent solely on them for infor-
mation pertaining to their political lives.
AND PERHAPS less abstractly, it is an
act of violence when marijuana laws
are manipulated to forcibly detain anti-
war workers. It is an act of violence when
troops are deployed to forcibly prevent a
group of citizens from speaking to the
men who manage their army. It is indeed
an act of violence when one is forced to
choose between the army or jail.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and Winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail),
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48504,
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN ...,........ Associate managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
JOHN LOTT ........ Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP ....... Personnel Directoi
NEIL SHISTER ... .... .... Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLAII ....... Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS.... ..............Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS ...................... Photo Editor
ROBERT SHEFFIELD ............. Lab Chief
NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Neal Bruss,
Wallace Immen, Lucy Kennedy, David Knoke, Mark
Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve
DAY EDITORS: Marcy Abramson, Rob Beattie, Jill
Crabtree, Aviva Kempner, Carolyn Miegel, Walter
Shapiro, Lee Weitzenkorn.
Grix, Jim Heck, Richard Herstein, Helen Johnson,
Lynne Killin, Ron Landsman, Urban Lehner, David
Mann, Ann Munster, Steve Nissen, Dan Share,
Jenny Stiller, Michael Thoryn, Richard Winter, Greg
Business Staff

The government, then, quite clearly
participates in violent activity - legal
violent activity, but violent activity
To say such violence should be afforded
the legitimacy of moral or at least demo-
cratic law is not only to ignore (John
Moscow notwithstanding) what that law
is doing to people, but also that in 1964
the country elected a peace candidate
for its President, that men of primary
draft age cannot vote, and that there
are no legal channels for registering
with direct force one's aye or nay on the
nation's most important specific issue,
the war in Vietnam. To afford the pres-
ent system of legalities the legitimacy of
"rules of democracy" is to kiss the ass of
a government that more nearly resem-
bles an oligarchy than even the republic
whose title it bears.
MANY ARGUE that the use of counter-
violence (as it should rightly be
termed) is a bad tactic. This I would dis-
pute. Aside from most effectively raising
the cost of running the war I think it
most relevent to our hyper-regulated
mass society that people recognize and
demonstrate their right to act on the
-basis of individually perceived moral
justice and to assert that right against
any illegitimate authority. Any social
change of far-reaching significance will
be based on that consciiousness, not on
merely ending the Vietnam war.
To say that it is justifiable to meet
legal violence with non-legal counter-
violence is not to say that two wrongs
make a right. It is only to make the ini-
tial recognition that it is not "anti-demo-
cratic" to break rules made by a group
of men accountable only to their immed-
iate self-interest. With that realization
perhaps an evaluation of the Vietnam
issue and the types of action that are
morally allowable becomes somewhat
less clouded.
It is impossible to violate a democratic
process that does not exist. It is immoral
not to use any means at hand to stop a
"law and order" that means mass murder.
Editorial Director, 1966-67
Hearing Regents
AN OPEN LETTER to the Regents:
Dear Regents:
People are not allowed to enter your
monthly meetings once they have be-
gun; the people who are lucky enough
to get in at the start can't hear you
when you speak; all your important de-
bate is confined to your private meet-

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LBJ Speech
To the Editor:
HEARD LBJ's speech today
Iand, really, he should resign
Excepting our 1776 War of In-
dependence, it seems quite obvious
to me that our nation has been
in a number of useless wars-the
Spanish-American War re Cuba
was useless. Viet Nam is a useless
I am totally surprised at the
so-called legality of drafting men
younger than 21 - they should
have been given the opportunity
to vote on their fate in Viet Nam,
etc., in at least two elections, us-
ing the line of legal reasoning
that the 13 colonies adopted: no
taxation without representation.
The under-21 have had no repre-
sentation, period.
I BELIEVE that the rank and
file of our country have better
judgment than LBJ-in fact, we
ought to have a nation-wide ref-
erendum on Viet Nam, and the
sooner the better.
-Lewis C. Ernst
Advisory Board
To the Editor:
T HIS LE'TTER concerns the
Student Ad v i sory Boards
which I still feel haven't been
done justice. I can only speak for
Vice-President Radock's Advisory
Board of which I am a member
as to the success of these Student
Advisory Boards when I say that
I think the relationship has been
and is still excellent.
We (the members of the Board
and Radock) have sounded each
other out on many issues. Some
of thesethave been: The failings
of the Orientation Program, stu-
dent participation at the Sesqui-
centennial Conferences, more ef-
fective ways for students to em-
ploy University News Service, the
reaction of students to the tui-
tion increase, and presently we

have been engaged in discussing
the relationship between the stu-
dent publications and the Board
in Control of Student Publica-
I don't think the Boards were
ever intended to be decision-
making bodies or were ever in-
tended to represent a student
consensus. We on Radock's board
agreed at our first meeting, which
we held last semester, that we
saw the board as functioning in
a capacity similar to a lobby and
not attempting to be a legislative
body. Our job is to hopefully
translate some of the constructive
ideas reached at our meeting to
the corresponding student, facul-
ty or administrative organization

which is involved

with these

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will greeto ngotite atax ike?

I CAN AGREE, however, with
others that attendance of Board
members is a problem. Perhaps all
members of the Boards should be
at-large members, of which there
are some, and not on the Board
simply because of their position
with some other organization
which takes up most of their time.
Possibly the working relationship
that exists between Radock and
his Advisory Board is unique, but
at any rate, I feel that those op-
posed to the Advisory Boards are
premature in writing the Boards'
death- sentences.
-Susie Anspach '69


An Academic Look at Scholarships

Daily Guest Editorial Writer
John Bishop is a graduate stu-
dent in the Economics Department
and Chairman of Vice-President
Richard Cutler's Advisory Commit-
tee for Student Affairs.
A SCHOLARSHIP budget too
small to fulfill the require-
ments of all who meet an initial
need criterion may be rationed
either by reducing or eliminating
awards to those with only border-
line need or by eliminating stu-
dents of presumed lower ability.
Scholarship officers determine
need by adjusting a parents
income for assets and any other
financial problems and then de-
termining an expected family con-
tribution toward college education
by reference to the number of de-
pendent children in the family.
The College Scholarship Service
suggest a system of standards that
will result in larger scholarships
being awarded to some students
whose parents are in the $5000 to
$11,000 dollar range and some stu-
dents whose parents earn more
than $11,000 receive scholarships
they would not have received un-
der the above standard.
There would be no quarrel with
the University's being more gener-
ous if sufficient funds were availa-
ble to treat every instate student
lequally. But like most schools
G.P.A. and or performance in high
-scnol and on antitide tests are

equalize the opportunity for a high
quality college education and to
maximize the number of people
who receive a high quality college
education, then one favors not
paying attention to G.P.A.'s and
concentrating on need.
Scholarships have traditionally
been thought of as rewards. This
does not make the concept right;
however, I will not repeat the
many arguments for reducing
pressure for grades. The pass-fail

the further crutch of a recruitment
oriented scholarship policy. Even
if the University did not have these
advantages scholarships used for
recruitment would be suspect. Is
the goal of the University to col-
lect together as many past high
achievers as it can or to promote
as much educational growth as
possible-the initial level being
IN MY OPINION the proper pur-

If ... scholarships should be rewards for achieve-
ment as measured by G.P.A. and standardized tests
... then one favors allocating scholarships to the
more able.
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based on G.P.A. means that (1)
only low income students suffer
the danger of having to leave the
school if their grades are low but
nevertheless passing, (2) the grade
pressure due to competition for
scholarship is concentrated on the
students from low and moderate
income backgrounds.
Allocating scholarships on the
basis of measured ability rebounds
to the disadvantage of the low and
moderate income student for he
tends not to do as well on tests or
in high school as his more well
off peer. In effect we apply a more
stringent entrance requirement on
the sons of the poor than the rich.
The practice of allocating schol-
arships according to ability re-
duces the chances low income stu-
dents have of getting into college
and, if they surmount that hurdle,
of making it to a high quality in-
stitution. Project Talent found
that even for high school students
in the top quarter of the nation in
achievement, the effect of S.E.S.
on college entrance rates was con-
siderable. 87 per cent of the girls in
the top quarter of the S.E.S. scale
went to a 2 or 4 year college. Only
42 per cent in the bottom quarter
on S.E.S. went. The educational
system worsens the picture further

boy's parents make less than
$7,000 he has only a 15 per cent
chance of going to a school that
spends more than $1,900 per stu-
dent, and a 41 per cent chance of
going to one that spends less than
$1,000. If, .on the other hand, his
parents' in come is above $11,000
his chances of entering a high
quality institution are 35 per cent
and for the low 20 per cent. This
phenomenon is due in part of the
fact that the ability cut off point
at each school is higher for schol-
arships than for admittance.
The goal of increasing the num-
ber of people going to college is
also best served by a scholarship
program based solely on need. Here
we should ask ourselves what is the
student who does not receive a
scholarship likely to do. A stricter
need criterion will eliminate small
scholarships being received by stu-
dents in the $11,000 and above
family income range. The proba-
litiy is very low that the student
will drop out as a result. In con-
trast, the loss of an $800 or $1,500
scholarship by a low income stu-
dent in academic, difficulties is
likely to have a devastating effect
on his will to keep trying. His fam-
ily does not have the resources
to make up the much greater dif-


option is a recognition of these
arguments. Society outside the
University p a r e n ts, graduate
schools, employers, draft boards--
already reward G.P.A. measured
achievement more than it should
be rewarded. There is no reason
for the University to add this
pressure through its administration
of the scholarship program. It
should be aware of and recognize
the inactness of its own measures
of performance.
Using scholarships to recruit
better students has always been
a common but slightly frowned

pose of scholarships at the Uni-
versity is equalizing opportunity
for a high quality education. The
logic of this position leads one to
ask that the University give stu-
dents from families in the lower
three-quarters of the income dis-
tribution of the state the same
financial alternatives as parent's
in the upper quarter give their
children. Do upper middle class

I f . . . scholarship programs should do their best to equalize the opportunity
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