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November 17, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-17

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Get Reprieve'
In Vietnam
Haiphong Shipyard
Raided by U.S. Jets
Near Center of City
By The Associated Press
Three convicted Viet Cong ter-
rorists condemned to die before
a firing squad in a Saigon prison
at dawn today got an eleventh-
hour reprieve from Premier Ngu-
yen Can Loc.
In other developments, U.S.
Navy Skyhawks staged a first-
time raid yesterday on Haiphong's
Shipyard No. 2 and Gen. William
C. Westmoreland conferred with
President Johnson on the Vietnam
Communist broadcasts yesterday
had threatened reprisals by the
Viet Cong if the prisoners-Bui
Van Chieu, Le Minh Chau and
Truong Thanh Danh-were exe-
Chieu was a leader of the ter-
rorist 100 group, responsible for
several major bombings in Saigon.
Chau and Danh were convicted of
throwing grenades at several police
stations, checkpoints and patrols
between July and September 1965,
when they were captured.
All were convicted on several
charges, including treason, by a
special military court here last
spring and sentenced to be shot.
American authorities expressed
concern to South Vietnamese of-
ficials when they learned of the
arrangements to execute the three.
Two such executions in 1965
were followed by Viet ,Cong an-
nouncements that they had killed
American prisoners in retaliation.
American officials also felt the
decision to put the three Viet Cong
to death today was poorly timed
in view of the Viet Cong's recent
release of three U.S. Army ser-
geants, now hospitalized in the
United States.
They declined to say, however,
whether they had asked for the
reprive in the interests of Ameri-
cans who remain in guerrilla
There was no immediate assess-
ment of the damage at the ship-
yard, on the Tram Bac River a
mile west of Haiphong's geo-
graphical center. Three similar
yards, farther away, were bombed
last month.
A U.S. spokesman said the
strike-among operations that fol-
lowed up 110 missions overNorth
Vietnam Wednesday-was carried
out by pilots from the carrier Coral
He made no mention of any
A broadcast dispatch from
Hanoi declared two U.S. planes
were shot down at Haiphong and
three elsewhere over North Viet-
nam during the day and some
pilots were captured.
Though the Pentagon in the
last three months has authorized
attacks on various North Viet-
namese objectives that had long
been off limits, American fliers
remain under orders to steer clear
of the Haiphong piers where
Soviet and other ships unload war-
After conferring with the Presi-
dent, Gen. Westmoreland gave the
Senate Armed Services Committee
what was described as a cautiously
optimistic report.
No Timetable
But the U.S. commander in
Vietnam "does not see any early
termination of the war and sug-

gested no timetable of when the
fighting might end," Committee
Chairman Richard B. Russell, (D-
Ga), told newsmen.
Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-
Wash) another committee mem-
ber, said Westmoreland reported
that although the North Viet-
namese troops are better equipped
now than before, they are not
well led and their quality is going
"He feels quite confident," Jack-
son said of Westmoreland. "He
sees the enemy losing steadily and

-Associated Press
GEN. WILLIAM WESTMORELAND and President Johnson conferred yesterday at the White House.
Westmoreland, the U.S. commander of troops in Vietnam also gave a "cautiously optimistic report"
to the Senate Armed Services Committee.


weaver Reveals List of Cities
To Receive Planning Grants

For Mid East Open Housing Bj
Taken to UN As State Legislat
Proposal Calls for LANSING (4) - Dealing a po- housing measure an
Israeli Withdrawal tential death blow to Gov. George reach agreement on
Romney's controversial o p e n The committee "wil
From Arab Lands housing bill, the Michigan Legis- the substance of theI
lature today agreed to ad- take care of a num
submitted to the UN jSuritIjourn for three weeks and return provements," Romney
sunmilteterda yah c Security after Romney has left on an conference.
Council yesterday a compromise :
resolution it hoped would break overseas trip. He said, the comm
the prolonged diplomatic dead- In a move to save the housing begin work today an
lock on a settlement in the Mid- bill, Romney and a bipartisan complete its effort
dle East. group of leaders from both houses Wednesday, at which
agreed to designate an interim tisan leaders willi
Lord Caradon, British UN am- committee to perfect the open "hopefully for the
bassador, urged a prompt and _
unanimous, council decision. The
alten at to effectiv eri c ounsciCylu
action, he said, is "too terrible to CI m C p u p
c ne pae""So great is the need,"N IN
Caradon said, "and so great is Turkishr otdent ro
the measure of agreement among
us that I cannot believe we will ANKARA, Turkey (P)-Anti- had delivered an
fail." Greek demonstrations erupted in threatening military
Israeli Withdrawal Ankara and Istanbul yesterday in against Cyprus and G
The resolution provides for Is-1 the wake of communal fighting on Cypriots did not pull
raeli withdrawal "from territori- Cyprus that left 25 Turkish Cyp- Cyprus has been a s
ties occupied in the recent con- riots dead. Two Greek Cypriots cord between Greece
flict," a reference to the six-day were killed. the two easternmost
Arab-Israeli war in which Israel M o r e than 1,000 students the North Atlantic Tr
seized hundreds of square miles marched on the Turkish Parlia- ization, since civil wa
of Egyptian, Jordanian and Syr- ment building in Ankara, shouting, on the island in 1963.
ian territory. "The army to Cyprus!" Most of the 600,000
It also affirms the need for the 1Poieof Greek origin and tI
termination "of all claims or I uleader, Orthodox Arc:
states of belligerency." The Arabs In Istanbul, club swinging police karios, is the nation's
have maintained a state of bel- dispersed 100 young men who tried minority are Turkish
ligerency against Israel since the to reach the Greek consulate. The: Bloodshed
Jewish nation came into being 19 demonstrators placed a black The UN -peace fo
wreath at the gate of the U.S.
years ago. consulate. island 40 miles sout]
It further makes provision for Cyprus' Cabinet went into ex- has helped to minimi
a special UN representative to go taordinar session in Nicosia, but Cyprus Greek
to the Middle East "to promote where observers said they feared parent es ta
agreement an'd assist efforts to the possibility of countermeasures se ent of tia
achieve a T caceful and accepted both by the Turkish government Turkish Cptheir
settleme -.. ' and by Turkish Cypriots. Turkish Cypriot ea
Grek ypriots of
Restate Positions Greek Cypriot soldiers withdrew fighting Wednesday.
Egyptan and Israeli represent- at dawn from Ayios Theodorus Cypriot governments
atives, speaking after Caradon, and Kophinou, two villages they when shots were fires
made no direct comment on the had overrun in eight hours of patrol.
resolution, but they restated their fighting befoe ayUN-arranged -
positions on a settlement. cease-fireWednesday night
Informed sources said Turkey
Egyptian Foreign Minister Mah-' ------
moud Riad declared that Egypto Toni9g
was "absolutely firm" in its de- -
mand for complete Israeli with-
drawal from all captured Arab C
"Under no circumstances will
I we compromise on this point," he
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba TON IGHT TI
Eban reiterated that to his gov-
ernment, "agreement on secure T
and recognized boundaries is ab-
solutely essential."THetrn THE F LYING
He said Israel could not "return
to the shattered armistice regime T RA PEZE
or the fragile demarcation lines."

WASHINGTON (R)A- Officials
named 63 cities yesterday, includ-
ing Detroit and Highland Park,
for participation in the model-
cities program, the central thrust
of President Johnson's attack on
urbap ills.
The cities, involving 65 projects
in 33 states and the District of
Columbia and Puerto Rico, will
share in $11 million in initial
planning grants. Amounts of the
grants are to be announced in the
near future.
The cities selected from 193
applicants for the experimental,
"total attack" on single neighbor-
hoods range in size from Pike-
ville, Ky., with 5,000 residents, to
New York City, with 8 million.
National Effort
Secretary Robert C. Weaver of
the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), who
announced the selected cities, has
said that the six-year program
should provide the basis for a
national effort to rebuild Ameri-
can cities rivaling the Marshall
Plan for European recovery after
World War II.
Cities not chosen for the first
round of grants still may be select-
ed for a second round, the terms
of which are to be announced
About $12 million is available
for the second round, and sources
said about the same number of
additional cities will be chosen as
on the first round.
Most noteworthy among major
cities not chosen yesterday were
Los Angeles and Cleveland, both
scenes of racial rioting. Weaver
said at a news conference that
Los Angeles had not met the pro-.
gram criteria and that Cleveland

had not submitted an impressive
After a planning period of about
one year, the cities announced
yesterday will share in $312 million
in funds for carrying out their
But Weaver has explained that
this amount will represent only a
small part of the total investment
-even the federal investment. All
of the spending of federal, state
and local governments is to be
focused for the first time on single
neighborhoods, and officials hope
there will be a big private invest-
ment in the projects.
The chosen neighborhoods, in-
cluding some of the most de-
pressed and blighted eyesores of
the American landscape, are to
be turned into showpiece areas.
The program will attack the
deeply rooted problems of employ-
ment, housing, education, health
and crime.
In spite of the proliferation of
federal programs for the cities
and the poor, no program ever has
ocmbined the efforts of all agen-
cies. The same thing is true of
programs at the city level.
The model-cities program for
the first time will require residents
of the selected neighborhoods to
take part in the planning and
operation of the effort.
As first proposed by President
Johnson, the program would have
cost $2.9 billion for the five-year
President Johnson and federal
officials argued that the program
had taken on even greater urgency
following the bloody riots that
shook the nation's cities during
the past summer.

But after a long battle, the ad-1
ministration won only about half
the $637 million it had asked from
the current economy-conscious
In Pikeville, Ky., they want to
mnove the Big Sandy River docks
away from the downtown area and
save an outlay of $70,000 a year for
cleaning up coal dust.
Eagle Pass, Tex., where 95 per
cent of the families have incomes
at poverty level, needs education,
health, child care and recreation
Trinidad, Colo., hopes to improve
the water supply and other public
utilities and attract new industry.
Winooski, Vt., would like to get
started on a slum clearance project
and the construction of a com-
munity center.
Pikeville is a town of 6,000 in
the big eastern Kentucky soft-coal
mining field, which turned out 30
million tons last year.
Dr. W. C. Hambley, the mayor,
said at least 30 per cent of Pike-
ville's 1,700 housing units should
be torn down and replaced.
He wants the river docks shifted
elsewhere so that the coal trucks
will no longer have to pass through
the business section, dribbling dust
as they go.
The mayor also plans an inte-
grated educational and cultural
complex built around an existing
civic center.

ill Paralyzed
ture Adjourns
d hopefully reaching agreement on the bill."
it. The measure then would be
I not change sent to the House Civil Rights
bill, but will Committee "and it is hoped that
fber of im- the committee will be in a posi-
told a news tion to act fairly soon-at least
by the early part of the following
ittee would week," the governor said.
d hopefully However, the full Legislature
s by next still would be unable to act on
time bipar- the bill until it returns on Dec. 12.
meet again Despite an appeal from 41om-
purpose of ney that they return on Dec. 5,
the Senate passed a House-ap-
k 1proved resolution calling for ad-
rjournment from today Until
Dec. 12.
f Candidacy
test Romney, expected to announce
his candidacy for the 1968 GOP
ultimatum presidential nomination tomor-
rep risall row, plans to leave on Dec. 7 for
Jreece if the a tour of Europe and Asia that
out. will keep him away from the
ource of dis- capital for the rest of the year.
and Turkey, Senate approval of the adjourn-
members of ment resolution, on a strict 17-11
eaty Organ- party line vote, brought an im-
ar broke out mediate storm of protest from
minrity Democrats.
Cypriots are They charged that the major-
heir religious ity Republicans were plaing deer
hbishop Ma- hunting junkets above the issues
president. A of open housing and lower court
Moslems. reorganization-the two most im-
portant issues on the special ses-
rce on the sion agenda.
h of Turkey Travel Plans
ze bloodshed Democrats also called on Rom-
and Turkish ney to change his travel plans
lade no ap- and remain in Michigan to push
d a political for enactment of an open hous-
ders accused ing law.
starting the Earlier in the day Romney told
The Greek a news conference that he had no
said it began plans to delay his trip, but ex-
d at a police pects to "persist" until open
housing legislation is passed.
Sun. 7:00 and 9:15 P.M.
-19 Aud. A, Angell Hall

It was understood that both
Israel and Egypt were seeking in-
structions froln home on the
British initiative.

Dir. Clyde Bruckman, I935
W. C. Fields!
"A riotous blend of
eloquent pantomime,
inspired inanities, and
7:00 and 9:05

Nov. 17

World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
DETROIT - A strike by the
Teamsters Union prevented the
afternoon Detroit News from pub-
lishing yesterday while the status
of the morning Detroit Free Press
remained in doubt.
The surprise walkout was the
first contractural strike to hit
Detroit's newspapers since a 134-
day strike at both papers in 1964.
Edwin K. Wheeler, vice presi-
dent and general manager of the
Evening News Association, termed
the walkout "unfortunate."
* * *
PANAMA-Investigations chief
Hector Valdes said Thursday he
has reached the "firm conclusion"
that a peddler arrested here this
week at the request of West Ger-
man authorities is not Heinrich
Mueller, the former Nazi Gestapo

The peddler has claimed to be
Francis Willard Keith, 61, born
in Webb City, Mo.
The investigator said a thumb-
print of the man in custody
matches a thumbprint of a Mr.
Keith who arrived in Panama May
14, 1942, before the end of World
War II.
WASHINGTON - The govern-
ment reported yesterday the fifth
straight quarterly increase in the
U.S. dollar drain and immediate-
ly announced a tightening of the
voluntary business program to
help stem the outflow.
But Secretary of the Treasury
Henry H. Fowler said approval of
higher taxes is the "single most
important and indispensable step
this nation can take now to im-
prove our balance of trade "


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