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November 15, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-15

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Seventy-Sev en Years of Editorial Freedom


The Winning Way of P. J. May


Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

...,.. *N~*"~"' N. .SN. .NNN..4


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



SThe A &D Photo Lab:
Picture of a Fire Trap

University pray to Smokey the Bear.
hey are presently risking their lives in
firetrap to work with outdated, over-
sed, inaccessible, inaccurate equipment.
The University is neglecting to main-
in a competitive level of quality in
hotography classes. Although very good
aculty and technicians are available, the
roper teaching tools are missing.
sity Plant Department condemned the
hotography classroom and laboratory as
unsatisfactory for human occupancy
nce occupants could be trapped in the
rent of fire." The use of flammable
hemicals in the laboratory and of flam-
.able paints and solvents on the floor
elow presents a real threat of fiery
eath for photography students.
Outdated cameras and enlargers pro-
ibit students from learning and prac-
sing the most recent developments in
hotography. Machines for taking and
eveloping color pictures have sat on
usty shelves for two years.
Everyday- studentscompete for the 8
alargers, 2 sinks, and 4 darkrooms-all
orn from constant use. But at least four
rnes this amount of equipment is needed
r the 60 undergraduate and 1-2 graduate
udents who crowd into the sixth floor
wer of the Architecture and Design
To reach their classes, students and
aff scale 164 steps, thus discouraging
udents from hauling materials to class
ad from taking brief breaks during
ng periods of lab work. The lack of an

elevator inconveniences everyone who
uses the photography rooms.
The building's water pressure can
hardly push fluid to the sixth floor labs,
and the water that manages to get there
is too warm for photography work. Elec{-
trical appartus often blows fuses because
of insufficient current.
Adding to the technical inconveniences,
the photography rooms vibrate whenever
someone jumps or the wind blows be-
cause they occupy the top floor of the
40-year-old tower of the architecture
Burdened with the scarce, worn, and
often unreliable equipment, students are
able to produce high quality pictures only
with difficulty and luck.
IF THE UNIVERSITY wants to main-
tain its purported high quality, it must
move and expand the photography class-
room and laboratory.
The administrative policy forbidding
renting space outside the University re-
stricts improvement of the conditions in
photography classes. The deplorable situ-
ation of photography students demands
a change in this policy, for rented build-
ings could serve as temporary classrooms
while extensive renovation or a new lo-
cation is provided.
Administrators have been discussing
improvement plans for 15 years. Con-
struction or rental of temporary, space
must begin as soon as possible to elim-
inate the intolerable teaching conditions
of the photography clas'ses-locked in a
tower of administrative sloth.

WITH A STRAIGHT face Michigan State University
Vice-President for Business and Finance and Treas-
urer Philip Jesse May has offered to open up his files
to Attorney General Frank Kelley. Kelley is investigating
May for possible violation of the state conflict of interest
law in the wake of published reports about his private
Lansing land dealings.
-Judging from what has been revealed so far, May has
nothing to lose by letting the Attorney General have a
closer look. Stories in The Daily, and the Detroit Free
Press have detailed a fascinating chapter in Vice-Presi-
dent May's extracurricular activities.
IN 1955 MAY secured a $165,000 loan from the Lincoln
National Life Insurance Co. (which writes group life in-
surance for MSU faculty and staff) through the Ann
Arbor Trust Co. (which has served as fiscal agent for $100
million in construction loans at MSU) to build a two story
building at 608 Washington St. in Lansing. The sole occu-
pant of the building until June of this year was Inter-
national Business Machines Corp: MSU does a sub-
stantial amount of business with IBM. In the fiscal year
ended June 30, 1967, MSU leased $494,437 in services from
In June IBM moved into the first two floors of the
new four-story, $950,000 "Philip Jesse Building" located
at 1111 Michigan Ave., adjacent to campus. The building
was built by the Philip Jesse Co. whose officers and
directors include May's wife and brothers. (May divested
himself of 50 per cent stock interest in the Philip Jesse
Co. late last year on the advice of MSU attorney Leland
Carr Jr. Mr. Carr has served as May's attorney in some
private transactions.)
A $1.1 million mortgage loan for the Philip Jesse build-
ing was secured through Michigan National Bank. Michi-
gan National Bank is MSU's chief fiscal depository and
May served on its board until this September. He resigned
this post like nearly a score of other state university
officials in line with a conflict of interest opinion by At-
torney General Kelley. Kelley ruled that university of-

ficers and trustees could not serve on the boards of banks
and companies doing business with the school.
One of the other two tenants of the Philip Jesse Build-
ing is Michigan Bell Telephone Co. MSU President John
Hannah is on the Michigan Bell board.
The land for the Philip Jesse building was purchased
from the Whitely foundation, a charitable group with
$1.4 million in assets. The secretary of the Whiteley
foundation is Harry Hubbard, a Lansing attorney. Mr.
Hubard's law firm represents Heatherwood Farms Dairy,
MSU's milkman. The firm was awarded a $545,000 milk
contract in competitive bidding earlier this year.
When IBM moved from Mr. May's 608 Washington
building to his new Philip Jesse Building this summer, the
MSU vice-president unsuccessfully tried to lease the vac-
ated building to the State department of education. Mr.
May offered to bring together the scattered offices of
the education department in the 608 Washington building
in a $224,225 lease over five years.
However, the Attorney General disapproved the lease,
holding that a state officers is forbidden from contracting
with the state. So instead, Mr. May leased the premium
office space to the Ingham County probate court on the
same terms.
MEANWHILE, MAY'S NEW "Philip Jesse Building"
became the topic of conversation at Lansing social gath-
erings. It wasn't long until one MSU trustee, C. Allan
Harlan, learned the details.
"I went to Hannah and recommended that May be
fired," says Harlan. He says the MSU President replied,
"I wish he hadn't done what he did. But he's good a
finance man (for the university) even though he may be
involved in conflict of interest."
Harlan adds that "I've had a unanimous opinion that
if May was in private industry and did those things, he'd
be fired."
Moreover, Warren Huff, former chairman of the MSU
board of trustees, indicated that in 1964, May un-.
successfully lobbied for the purchase of, IBM equipment.

The board overruled May and bought a $2.3 million Con-
trol Data Corp. unit.
Control of computer buying decisions was shifted
this June from Vice-President May to Prof. Lawrence
Von Tersch, head of the computer lab. "Hannah took this
IBM control out of May's hands after I raised hell,"
MSU trustee Harlan explains.
May has also had financial relationships to MSU of-
ficers. He is on the board of the Walter Neller Realty
Co., of Lansing, which bought 180 acres of land adjacent
to campus this summer from President Hannah, who had
originally acquired the property for "retirement purposes."
Hannah explained that he had to sell the-land when re-
assessment forced taxes up higher than he could afford.
May insists that the Neller company is "very informal.
About once a year the Nellers call me up and we eat din-
ner together and chat informally. I have never discussed
Mr. Hannah's property with them."
THIS LAST DEALING has prompted Attorney Gen-
eral Kelley to indicate he will also rule on whether Han-
nah's dealings violate the state conflict of interest law.
However, observers generally feel Hannah is not in serious
trouble. Says Harlan, "President Hannah bought the land
long before the University took the direction it eventually
took. He has simply been a favorable victim of circum-
stance. John Hannah is bigger than money."
But, Vice-President May, who makes $36,000 a year
at MSU, is in a different position. His far-flung dealings
probably will not stand up under the Attorney General's
conflict of interest investigation.
His best course might be to resign now from his uni-
versity position. From the public standpoint he will save
the Attorney General's office a good deal of time and
money needed to come to an obvious conclusion-that his
relationships are untenable.
And from a personal standpoint, he will be freed from
the constraints public office puts on his healthy interest
in real estate. There is no reason why May's MSU job
should continue to interfere with his outside financial



Letters: Musket and Freedom in the Far East

To the Editor:
rHIS COMES from a small vil-
age 30 miles north of Hue,
South Vietnam. I have a few hours
and would like to write this be-
:ause it says something that the
jniversity should be proud of.
Two months ago, while outfit-
ting on Okinawa, I saw a U.S.O.
show with singers, band, and
:ancers. It was the show from the
University of Michigan and it was
probably the best U.S.O. show to
date. Believe me, my men thought
it was the greatest thing since
sliced bread. I would like to have
thanked them all.
week I saw freedom-Viet Cong
style. The village chief was pro-
government so "Charlie" came in,
opened his guts with a knife and
spread them out on the ground.
Then they tied his children to the
ground and pushed bamboo stakes
through their eyes and through
the back of their heads, pinning
them on the ground. All this be-
ause of what a man believes.
Maybe this one example will
make you think, at least a small
cit, that "Charlie" is not the way
-Lt. R. Dworsky
Phong Dien, Vietnam
To the Editor:
dent's Council, a member of
the IHA endorsement committee,

and an offended President of
Markley who was accused of seek-
ing power through IHA, I would
like to make a few additional re-
marks about the IHA endorsement
and the unfair criticism of Don
The IHA President's Council has
not always endorsed candidates in
the past because it felt the candi-
dates were not in a position to ac-
complish or want to accomplish
anything beneficial for the stu-
dents in the residence hall system.
This year the council felt at least
one of the candidates, its Execu-
tive Vice President Don Racheter,
is in a position to aid the residence
halls students.
It matters little that the original
motion for endorsement was made
by a Markley President when that
motion was voted upon and passed
by the entire assemblage of the
President's Council. If they had
thought the motion inappropriate
they would not, have passed it,
since the nine presidents of Mark-
ley could hardly carry a majority
of twenty-five to thirty votes. The
President's Council then agreed to,
meet and hear the recommenda-
tions of the committee and vote
either for or against those recom-
Harry Halme is blatantly trying
to convey the impression that the
Executive Board of IHA was the
committee that recommended the
candidates for endorsement. It

definitely was not. That commit-
tee was open to anyone. from IHA,
except candidates, who wanted to
have a voice in the selection, and
the only Executive Board member
present was, rightly, Steve Brown.
M. Halme chose to be on that com-
mittee. That is, of course, his pre-,
rogative. just as it was his prero-
gative to vote no on the four
candidates recommended, - to skip
the special meeting, to neglect to
send his delegate proxy thus vio-
lating the IHA Constitution, and to
neglect to find out the results of
that meeting.
BUT NOW he criticizes the deci-
sion-making. process of IHA and
claims it is influenced by Qutside
interests, when in fact all decision
have been majority decisions of the
entire council, and it has only been
IHA members themselves who hap-
pen to care enough to take an ac-
tive interest in the proceedings of
this election, which is their pre-
Though Don Racheter was the
only candidate the IHA committee
could unanimously agree upon, if
Mr. Harme thinks that the un-
fortunate matter of the IHA News-
letter is enough to warrant con-
demning Racheter for his cam-
paign practices, I submit unequi-
vocally that Don Racheter was not
responsible for that Newsletter.
--Marty Most
Pres. Elliott House

SOC Merchandise
To the Editor:
SGC endorsement in Sunday's
paper was offensively lacking in
tact. By so stringently grouping.
the candidates under such infall-
ible sounding titles as excellent,
acceptable, and unacceptable, I
was given the impression I was
reviewing the merchandise rank-
ings in the "Consumer Reports."
-Helene Bryant, '71,
Old T.T.T.T.
ro the Editor:
WOULD LIKE to compliment
you on having finally "rounded
3ut" the Staff Writers for your
publication. The one department
in which you were so constantly
sadly lacking, has been the de-
partment of Military Analysis.
Now, I am pleased to note the'ap-
pointment- of Brigadier General
S. L. A. Klivans to fill this neces-
sity, and I would commend you in
your excellent choice of so august
a figure.
The good General did well to
explain to us in your paper of
Nov. 8th, in an article entitled
"Lyndoh Johnson: How I won the
war," that "the very nature of the
war in Vietnam, .a guerilla conflict
that negates American Firepower,"
thus "eliminating any prospect of
Johnson winning the war."

I feel sure that I need hardly
make mention of General Klivans'
experience , in such matters as
"guerilla conflict," and the ensuing
"negation of-American Firepower."
He is familiar to us all, especially
those;who had the honor to serve
under him, as "Old T.T.T.T." For
the benefit of those not familiar
with this nick-name, it stands for
the "Tremendous Tinker Toy Tac-
tician," and even a hint of his
presence near any battle front has,
in the past, caused our enemies
to emulate lemmings. It has been
said that they w re not in a rush
to get away from his immediate
battle area, but they passed a lot
f other people who were!
COME ON NQW, Klivans, Rapo-
port, and company, nobody really
minds your playing at Jounalists,
even your constant, childishly left-
slanted favors do not aggravate,
but merely disgust the ;average
adult reader.
But the military is assuredly not
the place for your remarks, either
Yea or Nay, and it is suggested
that- you put away your plastic
facsismile carbines, and stay with
your "Rifleman" kits, before Gen-
eral Klivans impales himself upon
his own rubber bayonet!


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-James A. Tomlinson
Grad, Royal Navy,
Royal Air Force

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Theooun Dems at the Crossroad


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Victory at Sea, Johnson Style


cess of the recent aquatic Gover-
nors' Conference, President Johnson
solemnly declared Saturday that he
would meet the leaders of North Viet-
nam on a "neutral ship in neutral
waters" if that would speed a settle-
ment in Vietnam.
This revival of the President's "any-
where, anytime" lament may only be
the latest installment of his frantic
search for the set of justifications
which will again make the carnage in
Southeast Asia popular with the
However, psychic defense mechan-
isms against failure may have so ef-
fectively cushioned Johnson from real-
ity that he truly believes that time and
place are what is standing in the way
of peace in Vietnam.
mi nN TV PrRO BLEMwith the Ad-

have to deal with good old neutral LBJ.
And the really important "credibility
gap" which Lyndon has been pathe-
tically unable to breech is the well-
justified conviction held by Hanoi that
to a Texan "to negotiate" is merely the
polite form of the verb "to surrender."
Furthermore, the flight deck of the
aircraft carrier Enterprise, while pro-
viding a nautical backdrop for John-
son's latest appeal for negotiations, did
little to dispel the pervasive "surrender
or else" motif underlying all Admin-
istration peace efforts.
THE "NEUTRAL SHIP in neutral
waters" bit may be viewed as the
first of a series of comedy routines
emmanatinx from the White House
during election year '68, designed to
convince the voters that the continua-
tion of the war is solely due to Hanoi's

SUPPORT of President Johnson
and his Vietnam policies is
the crucial issue which will domi-
nate the national ocnvention of
Young Democratic Clubs of Amer-
ca convening in Hollywood, Flori-
da today.
Underlying these issues is the
possibility that the convention
will split over the presidential
nomination, with a faction throw-
ing its support to an alternate
contender, such as Sen. Eugene
J. McCarthy (D-Minn.) or Sen.
Robert Kennedy (D-N.Y.).
This, however, seems slim in the
light of the action taken last week-
end at the national convention of
the College Young Democratic
Clubs of America, a dissident
group which was formerly a part
of the YD national.
which represented the Democrat-
ic affiliate clubs from about 50
schools, passed a resolution call-
ing Johnson's Vietnam policies
"unsound." The convention also
called for an end of the bombing
of North Vietnam and for the en-
try of a -United Nations peace
force to supervise a plebiscite on
the future status of North and
South Vietnam.
However, the delegates defeated
a constitutional amendment that
would have permitted the conven-
tion to endorse someone other
than President Johnson in 1968.
The Vietnam resolutions came
as no surprise to national Demo-

a graduate student at the Univer-
sity, and former YD national com-
mitteeman from Michigan, the
CYD was formed in 1959 as a sec-
tion of the YD's by YD members
who felt an organization was need-
ed specifically on the college lev-
el. Nationally, Young Democrats
their late twenties and early thir-
ties and not basically college stu-
dents, as in Michigan where an
often represent party members in
age limit is in effect.
Following the pasage earlier this
year of a resolution critical of
Johnson, the CYD was denied of-
fice space and funds by its uarent
organization. It was not formally
excluded until the Young Demo-.
crats convention in Salt Lake City
shortly after the CYD resolution
Paul explained that the CYD
"was dominated by East and West
schools." He added that as many
delegates at the YD's Salt Lake
City convention voted for exclud-
ing the CYD because they ques-
tioned the need for such an or-
ganization as those who disagreed
with the CYD's anti-Johnson res-
olution. Paul said'that since the
founding of CYD many state
Young Democrats had become in-
creasingly dominated by the col-
lege clubs.
Furthermore, the CYD was ac-
cused of falsifying signatures, mis-
using proxies and admitting mere
paper organizations on some cam-
puses, Paul explained.
LAST WEEK members of the

that "traditional sources of funds
have dried up." They attribute
this to the anti-Johnson resolu-
tion passed last month at the
state-wide Michigan Young Dem-
ocratic Convention.
Paul, now a member of the Ann
Arbor Democratic Party, explained
that, in his opinion, the Miami
convention would be a "trial run"
of the 1968 Democratic National
Conevntion. He said that "if there
is any serious opposition to John-
son in 1968 it will skew itself in
the YD convention." He added that
many of those at the Miami con-
vention would be delegates to the
Democratic National Convention
in Chicago next year.
Ten men are seeking the chair-
manship of the national YD's,
with two describing themselves as
"peace dandidates" and three sup-
porting administration policy. The
favorite is R. Spencer Oliver, of
Bowie, 'Md., who resigned about
two months ago as an assistant to
Democratic National Chairman
John Bailey in order to campaign
for the post.
One of the anti-war candidates
is Alan Reed, an assistant profes-
sor of political science at the Uni-
versity of Nebraska, who already
has issued a call for delegates to
support an "anti-war resolution"
at the convention. Reed says that
if such a movement carries, the
momentum is likely to win him the
executive director of the Young
Democrats, has confidently pre-
dicted, "Our convention will reach







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