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November 12, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-12

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

The Grand Old Man of Journalism



Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SGC Endorsements

THIS FALL'S SLATE of candidates
to fill the six seats on Student Gov-
ernment Council represents a generally
more progressive and activist breed
than in many past races. Most of the
candidates approve of SGC's wider in-
volvement in housing, counseling, and
student conduct rules. They generally
urge a greater student voice in Uni-
versity decisions and greater student
participation in the academic and non-
academic life at the University.
The following are our recommenda-
tions, according to category, for the
SGC positions:
TOM WESTERDALE-is a graduate
student who has been serving for two
-months as a Council member and pos-
sesses a depth of experience and in-
sight about the University virtually
unequalled among the candidates. A
student at the University for over a
decade, Westerdale has an historical
perspective of the changes and goals
for SGC. He has been valuable on
draf t counseling and during his short
term has offered knowledgeable advice
and wise votes. He should be re-elected.
SAM SHERMAN-has, been serving
as SGC treasurer since March and
now Wishes to focus his interests on
a number of student problems outside
the scope of his office. During his term,
he has been an extremely competent
SGC oficer, and has consistently been
an important and leading voice in
most of the Council's discussions. His
idea for student Involvement in aca-
dpmic . seminars on campus problems
is excellent, and he- should be elected
to Council.
MICHAEL KOENEKE-deserves re-
election on the basis of his contribu-
tions to SGC during the last year. A
conscientious worker, he has led the
Student Housing Association to an im-
pressive early record in the vast,
largely untouched area of student
housing injustices. He was also very
effective in the voter registration drive
last year. Koeneke should be re-elected
if progress in these important areas
is to be maintained and accelerated.
man who displays a surprisingly ma-
ture insight into University operations

and student problems. Although her
inexperience somewhat hinders her at-
tempts at novel solutions or ideas,
she nonetheless seems a well-informed
candidate whose involvement on SGC
would be valuable.
SHARYN LOWEN-is also a fresh-
man who has been active as an organ-
izer in the dormitories. She offers a
number of interesting proposals in her
platform (prepared jointly with Wes-
terdale and Sherman), and would most
likely be a hard worker and active con-
tributor to Council affairs.
ANDREW QUINN-has had little ex-
perience with SGC and University af-
fairs, but displays a willingness to
become involved and has a good sense
of needed reforms. After some time on
Council, Quinn could become an asset
to SGC.
E. O. KNOWLES-is running for re-
election on a voting record that has
been against many of SGC's most pro-
gressive actions. Though a forceful
spokesman and active worker, his views
on the University have not matured
during his term of office. However, his
enthusiasm for Council should not be
wasted, and he should be re-elected
with the hope that his insight into
student problems will improve.
WAYNE MILLER-has previously
been active in more casual University
activities than 'SGC, and his insight
of the University's true functioning is
sadly out of focus. He offers little new'
perspective to any issues and would
not contribute to Council progress.
DON RACHETER-has served as an
InterHouse Assembly vice-president
(and will not resign from that position
if elected!) but fails to have gained
any fundamental understanding of the
University from the experience. His
contribution on SGC would be only
as another tired voice, and not as a
valuable member.
-are both newcomers to the SGC
arena who have little knowledge and
even lesser insight into student prob-
lems and solutions. They should both
become better informed of, University
issues before seeking election again.

'NEW YORK - At 78 Walter Lippman, the dean of
American journalists, retains a sharp grasp of the
national scene. But he is not omniscient.
Fred Friendly, a longtime Lippmann friend and now
a professor at the Columbia School of Journalism (he
left his lucrative post as head of CBS News when the
network decided to program "I Love Lucy" over the Ful-
bright Hearings on Vietnam) tells of one small gap in
Lippmann's vocabulaly.
Not long ago Friendly turned to a blonde coed in
one of his classes and asked about her "Make Love Not
War" button. She laughed and replied, "Oh Mr. Friendly
you don't understand, 'Make Love' is just a general term.
It doesn't mean getting laid."
Friendly subsequently related the amusing story to
"What does 'getting laid' mean?" asked Lippmann.
WHILE LIPPMANN may not know everything, he
still offers a lucid analysis of the political scene. Many
have missed him since he decided earlier this year to
relax a bit and write only one long column a month plus
pieces for Newsweek. He left a gap in American jour-
nalism that has yet to be filled.
Thus it was a welcome opportunity to question
Lippmann during the taping of a group interview to be
broadcast over the National Educational Television net-
work's Public Broadcast Laboratory. PBL is doing experi-
mental two and a half hour shows every Sunday night.
Tentatively, Lippmann's views will be aired next Sunday
night (shown locally over channel 56 at 8:30 p.m.).
As expected, Lippmann was profound - especially
after Friendly (who helped produce the show) halted the
taping long enough to give out Scotch and water.

' Although Lippmann feels these are "the worst times
for the country I can ever remember," he still retains
faith in the American political structure. "A new Presi-
dent," Lippmann argues, is the key to moving toward
a solution of the nation's ills.
Once a close friend of Johnson's, Lippmann no longer
sees the President. ("When a friend becomes President,
a journalist has to go on a last name basis with him, not
a first name basis.")
He suggests that much of the problem "with Johnson
is that no one trusts him. He doesn't give people faith
in their government. At least the public felt Kennedy
was working in their best interest. But Johnson has
weakened public morale."
LIPPMANN FEELS that the United States will not
get out of Vietnam "until we get a new President. Presi-
dent Johnson is too tied up in' the war personally to
withdraw." He believes that Johnson's goal of a "pro-
American, non-Communist, .capitalistic Vietnam is un-
"Johnson wants Ho Chi Minh to come to Washing-
ton and surrender. That's impossible." Lippmann be-
lieves a Communist Vietnam ruled by Ho Chi Minh
would be best for American interests. He sees such a
country as a strong deterrent to Chinese aggression.
Moreover, he feels the U.S. should pull back its Asian
commitment "to Australia-where we are welcome."
Lippmann is highly critical of the President's cabinet,
suggesting that "Dean Rusk is the last living disciple of
Cordell Hull. Rusk hasn't learned anything new since
the Second World War. He has completely ossified."

Unlike many analysts who see the upcoming 1968
Presidential election paralleling the 1948 elections, Lipp-
mann says he feels it will parallel the 1932 election.
"Like Johnson, Herbert Hoover was extremely unpopular.
He could scarcely go out in public without being derided.
His last year in office was spent in total isolation. He
was tangled in a losing policy, and gave the public no
Lippmann says he supports Gov. Nelson Rockefeller
for President in 1968. He feels that Rockefeller is the
most competent of the leading Republican candidates
and assumes that the New York governor will be able
to get the U.S. out of Vietnam. (because his personal
prestige is not tied up in the war like Johnson). Lipp-
mann feels that Rockefeller's record in New York state
establishes him as a competent political leader on
domestic problems. "The real crisis for our country will
be in the big cities," says Lippmann.
Asked about Bladk Power, Lippmann suggests that
its impossible for the Negro community to completely
separate itself from the whites. "Whites and Negroes
must work together as partners. It can't work any other
GENERALLY, LIPPMANN reflects an unusual brand
of pessimism. He feels these are the worst of times, yet
they are not hopeless. He is deeply troubled by the
Vietnam war, yet feels that the world is not going to
plunge itself into World War III. He finds the President
repugnant, yet thinks that the "Presidential system"' is
basically sound.
"I get discouraged, but I haven't lost hope. We have
to continue fighting to make democracy work. There's
no other choice."


Letters: On the Propriety of IHA's Endorsements

To the Editor:
, AS A MEMBER of the IHA
President's Council, hereby state
that I do not agree with the re-
cent IHA newsletter w h i c h
"proudly endorses" Don Racheter
and others in the SGC election.
I feel ,that Racheter and certain
other representatives from Mark-
ley have used IHA to further their
own political interests.
It is my belief that the IHA
President's Council has never en-
dorsed any SGC candidates in
past elections. Yet,this year. a
motion to have the executive
board recommend four candidates
for the President's Council en-
dorsement was proposed by a rep-
resentative from Markley. Rache-
ter is a member of the executive
board and is president of Markley.
The board met with the candi-
dates and selected four of them
for endorsement, including Rache-
ter. At the regular IHA meeting,
where the vote for endorsement
was to, take place, a quorum was
not present. Two days later, a
special meeting to endorse the
candidates was suddenly called.
I assume that the endorsements
were passed, as I was unable to
AFTER THE endorsements, the
supporters of Racheter seemed to
forget that ; three other candi-
dates were equally endorsed. Fri-
day, an IHA newsletter, written
by IHA's publicity chairman, also
from Markley, was distributed
through the residence halls, stat-
ing that "IHA proudly endorses"
Don Racheter, IHA executive
Vice-President, in capital letters
with the name underlined. The
other three candidates' names fol-
lowed in regular type.

erted on it by outside interests.
Last, I feel that Steve Brown as
president of IHA should assume
a leading role on the executive
board and work to inform the
Presidents' Council of these out-
side interest groups.
-Harry Halme
President, Frederick House
South Quad
To the Editor:
M LETTER will hopefully serve
a three-fold purpose: 1) it
will explain the significance of,
the IFC reapportionment motion
that was defeated Thursday eve-
ning at the Fraternity President's
Assembly meeting; 2) it will an-
swer some of the seemingly in-
accurate and unfair criticisms put
forth in Mr. Nissen's editorial:
and 3) it will make a general plea
for more responsible journalism
on the part of The Daily and its
As one of the fraternity presi-
dents Mr. Nissen interviewed be-
fore writing his article, I feel obli-
gated to present the alternative
point of view that he failed to
discuss. There are many presi-
dents who saw the question in
this way: 1) the majority of is-
sues that come before the FPA
are of such a nature that the
finial decisions made rest more
upon what is good for the frater-
nity system as a whole. than
what is good for large houses and
what advantageous for small ones;
and 2) giving fraternities dif-
ferential voting powers would only
serve to create a consciousness
of big versus small that does not
exist at the present. It appears
that the issue arose originally
because of what was argued to

be an inequity in the system of
assessment. W h y attack the
machinery of legislation if the
question is in essence a financial
Finally, some comment on the
accuracy and fairness of Mr.
Nissen's criticisms would seem
necessary. To begin, with, at no
time was the solidarity of the
IFC threatened. Such a claim
seems rather senational when in
truth' debate upon this "last
chance to prevent a complete
break-up of IFC" lasted only ten
minutes at most and was singu-
larly lacking in emotion.
As to the disenchantment with
IFC, it is only honest to say that
the structure and function of the
fraternity presidents are quite
pleased with the organization that
now serves rather then polices
fraternities in such areas as open
rush, membership, I-M sports, the
hiring of bands, legal advice in
the contracting of goods and
services, and a wide variety of
other aids through Dan Fitzpa-
trick and the Office of Student
time the FPA passed a measure
which had been reported un-
favorably out of executive com-
mittee, one need only think back
to the last FPA. At that time the
presidents voted to allocate two
hundred and fifty dollars to the
Writer - In - Residence program
when executive committee advised
that no funds be given.
I hope that in the future, The
Daily will give all interested mem.-
bers of the University commun-
ity, a fair-hearing and more im-
portantly a fair report.
--Daniel Silverman
Hectorians Men's Honorary


IDA and 'U': Sticking Together,

This letter 'was financed with
IHA funds, and vas purposely
written to misrepresent IHA's en-
dorsement. The posters at the
IHA office also reflect the way
Racheter supporters are seeking
to distort the IHA endorsement.
I feel that there are three steps
that should be taken by the peo-
ple involved.

First, before this week's elec-
tions, Don Racheter should with-
draw his candidacy for SGC be-
cause of his highly questionable
campaign practices, and that the
SGC credentials committee should
examine those practices. Second,
IHA President's Council should re-
examine its decision-making pro-
cess and the influences being ex-

IHE INSTITUTE for Defense Analysis
(IDA) released a report on proposed
non-lethal weapons for "those situations
in which the police cannot effectively
use firearms and have no other means
of physical apprehension."
Since the University is a member in-
stitute of IDA along with 11 other higher
education centers the report bears closer
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail),
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48:04.
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN ...........Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW......Associate Managing Editor
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial 'Director
JOHN LOTTIER ........ Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP .............Personnel Directoi
NEIL SHISTER..................Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLAt........ Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS,.....................Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS ...................... Photo Editor
ROBERT SHEFFIELD .........Lab Chief
NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Neal Bruss,
Wallace Immen, Lucy Kennedy, David Knoke, Mark
Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve
DAY EDITORS: Marcy Abramson, Rob Beattie, Jill
Crabtree, Aviva Kempner, Carolyn Miegel, Walter
Shapiro, Lee Weitzenkorn.
Grix, Jim Heck, Richard Herstein, Helen Johnson,
Lynne Killn, Ron Landsman, Urban Lehner, David
Mann, Ann Munster, Steve Nissen, Dan Sharey,
Jenny Stiller, Michael Thoryn, Richard Winter, Greg
Business Staff

"Non-lethal weapons are not likely to
replace firearms," the report is prefaced.
However, when police "cannot effectively
use" their pistols, etc., the men in blue
are advised to control rioters and fero-
cious student sit-inners by such means
-Explosively or mechanically spread
sticky strings, bands of adhesives to stick
everyone in' a crowd to each other and
ball up the whole works.
-A super-huge dragnet dragged by
hand or from a helicopter to sweep out
part of the crowd.
-Plastic confetti strewn on the ground
to act as thousands of tiny banana peels
and make walking difficult..
-A foam generated by machine in vast
quantities to immerse persons and cause
psychological disorientation and panic.
-Sneezing powed and itching powder
scattered by a super water pistol to
render rock-throwers and picketers help-
-Also further research into applica-
tions of "tranquilizing darts which have
been used successfully on wild animals"
and into the effectiveness of that old
stand-by, the night stick.
THE IDA REPORT has been filed with
the President's Commission on Law
Enforcement and Administration of Jus-
tice. It would appear that the University,
as a participant member of IDA (Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher sits on the board
of directors), concurs in the proposals
of the report.
Despite the humoresque aspects of' the
IDA study, it shows evidence of one-sided
thinking and of pre-conceived notions of

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Pro ac kes Con on on- C6n

" CEASED to be impressed by
SGC a long time ago," an
honors classical studies junior
confessed dryly upon learning that
Student Government Council had
abolished regulations on student
But the apathy explicit in this
student's reflection is still several
notches above the far more per-
vasive unconcern of the many
students in whose perceptions
Council's undertakings are so ir-
relevant that they fail to inspire
even a negative reaction.
To combat this apathy, to
arouse student opinion and make
Council more "representative"
and "democratic," many students
-and some Council members-are
pushing for a constitutional con-
vention which will be charged
with effecting a thoroughgoing
reorganization of student govern-
ment. A proposal to convene such
a convention next semester ap-
pears as one of two referenda
questions on the ballots for this
Tuesday and Wednesday's elec-
YET SOME OF the most influ-
ential and respected students on
campus intend to vote against
that proposal. Not all of them
are opposed to the idea of hold-
ing a constitutional convention.
But for myriad and sundry rea-
sons, they are convinced that
next semester is simply the wrong

tion, it would merely fail to ful-
fill the requirements for corpora-
tions demanded by state law.
While waiting for the conven-
tion's report, SGC, Inc. would, be
free to go ahead with the dra-
matic innovations some Council
members would like to see: book
and food co-operatives, the re-
ceipt of gifts (donors in the past
have been turned away because
unincorporated organizations can't
receive gifts), a student-owned
YET IT TOOK several minutes
of determined debate for Council
to convince itself that incorpora-
tion would not undercut the con-
stitutional convention.
Davis's point gained added
credence during The Daily's in-
terviews of SGC candidates. /
incumbent who has lobbied hard
for a constitutional convention
candidly admitted he would ex-
pect SGC to spend the semester
during which the convention took
place largely dormant.
"Seocnd, and more important,"
Davis continues, "a constitutional
convention would make it very
easy for administrators to claim
that SGC cannot and has no
right to claim to speak for stu-


SGC's Davis and Kahn: Will Con-Con Undermine Their Work?

that preliminary debate, the con-
vention would be in grave danger
of meandering off into anarchy.
But their most intriguing argu-
ment rests on the premise that to
hold the constitutional conven-
tion next semester would cripple
student efforts to bargain with

NOTING THAT "the first few
months of a president's ,term is
the time when he is freest to
change things, and when care-
fully applied pressure from stu-;
dents would lead him to try to
change a great many things"
Davis argues that a constitutional

of that kind of hesitancy occursned
ji:st last week in the debate on
a motion to empower Council s
executive board to explore with
Vice-President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Wilbur K Pierpont
and other administrators the pos-
sibility of making SGC a legal,


IN FACT, what is even more
likely is that the administration's
"commission logic" will be lifted
out of its present context and
applied to the purely student

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