See editorial page'
CYI rr
High in mid-O0's
Continued warmer, with
chance of showers tonight
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Financial Problems Hinder
"The state of Michigan has not
kept pace with the total national
picture of higher education," ex-
plains Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan F. Smith.
"Because of the Legislature's
small appropriation to the Uni-
versity this year, there will be
no - or very limited - recruit-
ing of new faculty for next year.
Until more money is available,
we can't spend it."
A university's reputation is
based on the quality and size of
its faculty. And recruitment is the
lifeblood of a faculty, compen-
sating for retirements, increases
in enrollment and "raiding"
from other colleges and univer-
In the past, the University has
actively engaged in advance re-
cruiting of new faculty members.
Following standard practice new
professors were recruited from
other university staffs and from
the annual crop of new PhD's
emerging from the nation's top
graduate schools.
The prime factor for a pro-
fessor in deciding at which school
to teach is salary. However, money
is only part of the question. It
may take an offer that is $5,000
above the salary a professor re-
ceives at another school to lure
him away. Many professors will
not come to the University for
only a larger salary.
The relative prestige of the edu-
cational institution, general sec-
tion of the country and atmo-
sphere of the city in which the:
school is located are also major
factors. Office space, staff, and
even the quality of the student
body may also be important fac-
In the past the Univesrsity has
had many of these factors work-1
ing in its favor, namely it pres-
tige, salary level, the community Leveque explains that the slip- ment expects "very little money
of Ann Arbor, availablilty of pri- ping salary scale is caused by the for new staff appointments next
vate offices for professors and expansion of the total higher edu- year." Norman admits that the
adequate teaching and secretarial cation program in Michigan, limited budget "will be an un-
support. which is draining off money pre- usual strain." He adds, however,
Recently, however, the picture viously used primarily for the "We've had them before."
has begun to change. University and the few other The strain will be felt in the
According to Prof. William J. state supported schools. teaching load. Despite early
Leveque, chairman of the math- Math department faculty mem- course closing, says Norman, the
matics department of the literary bers on leave will be replaced for teaching load is up 15 per cent
college, "The salary scale in the the duration of their sabaticals,' over and above last year's growth
math department is not as high Leveque says. It was still very in admissions. Either courses will
as formerly. If it continues to dip early, he says to comment on have to be deleted or the teaching
in comparison with other corn- recruiting of faculty to fill new load per class will increase fur-
petitive institutions, possibly we'll positions needed in the depart- ther. "Not being able to add staff
sustain some lossses in coming ment. will hurt us," notes Norman.
versity however, that salaries will,
be increased for all academic and
non-academic positions," he con-
Norman is confident about be-
ing able to match salary bids
from other schools. "There is no
question that we'll be able to
match bids," he says. He adds!
that the psychology department
had been "remarkably fortunate"
not to lose more faculty mem-
bers than it has. Norman ex-
plains this is partially attribut-
able to the "very high staff morale
in the department. People really
like the University."
Prof. William B. Willcox, chair-
man of the history department,
says the same financial pinch is
being felt in his department that
is affecting recruiting plans for1
all the departments in the Uni-
"We'll be all right next year
except in two areas where we
need men. We can live with it hew notes, salaries in the depart-
if we have to, on the assumption ment are competitive with com-
that next year we'll get more parable institutions. According to
money for salary increases," he Mayhew, the fact that the Uni-
explains. versity's sociology department has
Willcox is confident that his tremendous prestige throughout
department can meet bids from the country helps it keep its pres-
other schools for the present. ent staff and recruit new mem-
However he says that in his de- bers.
partment, the general salary William L. mays, associate dean
scale is no longer as competitive, of the literary college, explains
as it once was.-± that a "very substantial" request
Prof. Leon H. Mayhew, associ- for funds has been made for next
ate chairman of the sociology year's budget, but until more
department expresses similar con- money comes through. "we'll have
cern. "We would like to see new to be more cautious than usual.
recruiting, but we've been told We don't have the flexibility that
that there won't be any." we've had in the past."
"We haven't been able to figure
out how it's going to effect us, According to Hays, who must
out how it's going to affect us, approve all faculty appointments
detrimental,"' he adds. the most pressing need for faculty
Not being able to tell whether increase in the literary college is
salaries will go up or down next at the professorial level, although
year "has us in a quandry," ex- "approximately 80 full time people
plains Mayhew. Currently, May- See 'LOW,' page 2
years." He notes, however, that thus As in the case of the math
Leveque, who is in charge of far except because of "unusually department, new faculty ap-
recruiting for the math depart- high salary offers" from other pointments will be limited to re-
ment, adds, "We won't be able schools, or offers from Harvard, placing professors on leave.
to make new appointments for there are "rather few instances Salaries, according to Norman,
next year until the budget for where the Univesrity has lost will probably be higher next
the department becomes clear, out strictly because of money." year, but relative to the national
But more caution in recruiting ha; Prof. Warren T. Norman, act- scene, they will not be as high
been introduced this year becau , ing chairman of the psychology as in the past. "There is strong
of small appropriations." department, says that his depart- opinion at all levels of the Uni-
Pre -mpting
- °Kelley Ruling
On U' Rights
WSU Board Joins u;
Dorm Board
Seeks New
A utonomy Suit Distribution
Asks Regents For
By ROB BEATTIE forbids them to undertake new or For the University, which has;
Wayne State University's board I expanded programs without legis- J'a 25 per cent out-state enrollment
ay..n e n sbrd lative approval. This includes any (7,526 students), the act forbids
Equal Representation
For Students, Faculty
of governors agreed yesterday to
Michigan programs financed by gifts or any increase in non-resident en- By BRIAN FORD
join the University andicha federal money. rollment. The Board of Governors of
State University in a suit to chal- The act also forbids contracts PA 124 is a capital outlay (con- the Resid Hl G serday
lenge the constitutionality of for self-liquidating projects such struction financing) bill which e Residence Halls yesterday
portions of two legislative acts. as dormitories without legislative gave the state controller's office passed a recommendation that the
The suit requests judicial inter- approval. new powers to supervise planning Regents change the Board's com-
pretation of the constitutionality A further provision states that and selection of architects for position to four students and four
of Public Act 124 of, 1965 and universities shall not permit more construction of state-financed faculty members. This proposal
Public Act 240 of 1967. The gov- than a' five per cent increase in buildings. In the past the univer- will go to the Regents, who may
erning boards of the schools feel tafeer centincreasei isdin s-'consider it at their December
out-state enrollm ent. No increase sies .haveldoneo planningtsandhose-
that both acts contain provisions shall be permitted if current out- lection of architects on their own. meeting.
which are legislative infringements Presently there are five faculty
othauhrtgrnetotestate enrollment exceeds 20 per Since the enactment of PA 124, onteatoiygatdt h members on the Board, but if the
boards by the state constitution. cent of total enrollment. For each the University has refused to ac-mrscnhe Bsadbtedfthe
student enrolled in excess of the cept $170,000 of state money to proposed change is adopted the
The purpose of the suit is to !provision, the university's appro- begin planning on $28.9 million faculty Senate Assembly will hold
"clarify the constitutional respon- priation will be decreased by $600. worth of new buildings. elections to choose four of its
sibility and authority of, the gov- members for the Board.
erning boards," a statementt is- ' To increase the number of stu-
sued by the presidents of the three W " I:dents from two to four, Inter-
institutions explained yesterday. iSCOISiH f1L o1 lyG eneraI House Assembly (IHA) will select
The presidents believe such a students including at least one
clarification will help to develop j I girl from dwellers of the resi-
a more cooperative and effective Seeks R estraint on Protests, dence halls.
relationship between the state leg- IHA Executive Vice-President
islature and the universities' gov- In an attempt to eliminate any might be construed to restrain Don Racheter, '69, originally in-
erning boards. threat of "danger to the order, any individual from committing troduced a proposal to add three
The Detroit law firm of Miller, peace, health, safety, and welfare acts of obstruction, not just the students to the Board and to re-
Canfield, Paddock and Stone has of the university community," defendants and those acting on move one f a c u 1 t y member.
been retained to handle the case. Bronson LaFollette, Wisconsin At- behalf of SDS. This proposal would have given
According to E. A. Comminski, the torney General, is seeking re- The restraining order is aimed students. a 5-4 majority. The mo-
University's legal counsel, the suit straining action against eight Uni- at preventing a disruption of uni- tion was amended when the four
will be filed before the end of versity of Wisconsin students and versity operations during a dem- faculty members voted to reduce
November. the campus chapter of Students onstration planned for next week the number of additional students
The WSU board decided to par- for a Democratic Society (SDS). to protest the presence on campus to two.
ticipate at a meeting yesterday. LaFollette asked for a state of interviewers for the CIA. Racheter supported his proposal
The Regents and the MSU Board court ruling to declare illegal any In a demonstration last month with the argument that if the
of Governors had aproved it attempt to intentionally obstruct protesting the presence of recruit- Board of Governors had a student
earlier. ' entrances and exits to university ers for the Dow Chemical Co., majority, its rules would be certi-
Executive Vice-President Mar- buildings or persons attempting to makers of napalm for Vietnam, fied and enforced by the Joint
vin Niehuss said yesterday he gain free access to such entrances sixty persons were injured when Judiciary Council which upholds
didn't know how long a court and exits. police were forced to use night- only student-made rules. Chair-
could take before a decision is: The proposed order states that sticks and tear gas to disperse man of the Board and Director
reached. Any policy changes which the defendents "and all other demonstrators. University officials of University Housing John C.
result from the court's ruling will persons who have or may now or hope that the restraining order Feldkamp said "the feelings of
be up to the Regents, he noted. hereafter combine, conspire, or act will prevent a similar disturbance. SGC and JJC concerning rules
PA 240, one of the acts being with them, or as individuals be This restraint will be in effect are foreign to the whole atmo-
challenged, is the appropriations and the same, hearby are restrain- until a three-judge panel can sphere of the University; these
act which provided operating ed" from committing the acts of rule on the constitutionality of a phereiof he niveit:athese
funds for state universities for obstruction. university regulation prohibiting positions have no legitimacy.
the '67-'68 year. Among the pro- Several persons have already demonstrations not carried out Feldkamp concluded that the
visions which the universities feel questioned the validity of this through "recognized legal means Board should not support illegal
s unconstitutional is one which clause in the order, claiming it of protest." actions of JJC by making the
___ _________________________Board a student-controlled body.
~~ ~The Board recognized the stu-
McCARTHY TO SPEAK ON DIAG: dent interest in its actions,b
did not want to restructure itself
so that students could have a
~~~~majority vote in areas not limitedl, ett tuetcnen
SGC, SRC Test Union's B3m tosuetcnen
In other business, the Board
discussed and tabled proposals'
By LYNNE KILLIN sion prohibiting the use of the cratic. It was purely practical." from Frost Houseand East and
Union's steps according to Walter SGC passed a resolution saying West Quadrangles to change the
and the Student Relations Con- Heiser, '68, a member of the Board. that "as a matter of right, stu- policy on visitors of the opposite
ndte estherudantqestionsd Che Kuenzel alone has the proper au- dent organizations should be able sex. All three proposals asked that
deision yo theyichiganUnion thority to decide on such matters to use the Union steps for purposes the visitation policy be liberalized+
decision of the Michigan he said. of political speeches and to invite and that the individual houses
Carthy (D-Minn) to speak on theI However, Dan McCreath of the townspeople if they so desire." be permitted to determine their
steps of the Union tonight. UAC yesterday denied that UAC The SRC yesterday unanimously own regulations.
Mcparthy wilspeak inshtea .i had ever given permission for the approved a motion asking the act- Prof. Frank X. Braun, of the!
s in o nf the stens. He said that ing chairman of the SRC, Prof. German department, called him-1
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
In Soph Show's opening performance in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night, Princes Winnifred
(Bonnie Buderus) complained of her fatigue as Queen Aggravin (Lin Kaatz) urged her on to her
gigantic bed. (See review, page 2.)
Council Reveals Bus Survey
Requests Schedule Expansion
By JIM NEUBACHER can be discontinued and added Inter-House Assembly Housing
Representatives of the Engi- at another time, he said, thus Committee Chairman Art Reed,
neering Council and Bursley Hall staying within the budget. Feld- '69E has promised Bloch and
residents met Wednesday with camp mentioned that prelimin- Rontal any help he can give as
Director of University Housing ary data from his survey shows far as manpower and supplies are
John Feldkamp to discuss the that "hardly anybody" uses many concerned in conducting a more
possibilities of improving bus of the late hour runs. extensive survey of North Cam-
service to North Campus. After listening to the presenta- ;pus residents.
Chris Bloch, '70E, of the Engi- tion by Block and Rontal, Feld- Reed criticized the administra-
neering Council. and Howard Ron- kamp said they should expand tion passenger-count survey. Al-
tal, '71, vice-president of Bursley's their investigation to more of the though this survey shows which
theunre of a survey of Budklmp North Campus community and buses are being currently used
S results r Bursley gather more information relating and to what extent, "this does
sd sd Tues-to specific needs of students who not show which buses would be
day. feel that they would use later or used if they were added on." he
The survey showed that 156 of mr xesv evc ad
fmore extensive service, said.
176 students participating in the _ _ _____ ----.-_-_- -_._
survey felt that they would use
bus service if it was extended on u tc ~ a t n n
Frda ad Saturay nght."AJust ice De art-ment Reviews
majority of the students also I n
thumake use of increased se ice o Selective Service Proposal
Sunday afternoons.
Presently, the last bus for North
Campus leaves from North Uni-; WASHINGTON (?)-Top Justice Selective Service registration and
versity at 1:00 a.m. on Fridays, Department officials are reviewing classification cards.
1:30 a.m. on Saturdays, and 12:30 an executive order proposed by the The proposed order would de-
a.m. on Sundays. Buses run once SelectiveSrvice System to facili- ci are as delinquent anyone who
every half hour on Sunday after- tate drafting protesters who vio- violates the Selective Service Act
noons. late the draft law. -burns a draft card or impedes
Rental emphasized that the The officials are said to strongly the administration of the draft by
survey asked students to indicate oppose the order - actually a physically protesting at a draft
the times they would use extended change in draft regulations - be- boardd
bus service, not just the times cause they feel it would substitute If an individual is declared de-
_ _ __ . ._! A.ffhnnrar n-0 n~i+.clinquent, he is listed first for in-
Student Government, Council
last night by a 7-5 vote abolished
all Student Vehicle Regulations
except those pertaining to bicycles,
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Mike Davis, Grad, said, "This
means that any student-regard-
les of class year-may keep and
drive an automobile in the Ann
Arbor area without fear of pun-
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said, "The
Student Government Council does
not wipe out a Regents bylaw. I
guess we'll have to wait for the
Regents to do that before it's of-
However, Davis and at-large
member Judy Greenberg, '68, com-
mented that "it is extremely
doubtful that the Regents' con-
stitutional authority to govern the
internal affairs of the University
can be extended to infringe upon
the legislative right to tax and
license. Therefore we are not doing
away with Regental authority,"
[they continued. "Rather, we are
refusing to join an almost cer-
tainly illegal extension of it."
Sources indicate that state At-
torney General Frank Kelley will
render an opinion on the issue in
the near future.
And Ken Mogill, '68, head of
the Student Traffic Court (STC)
observed, "STC will only recognize
rules made by the proper student
authority. In this case. SGC is
the proper student authority."
STC, a lower court of Joint
Judiciary Council, hears all cases
of alleged infractions of student
vehicle regulations. JJC has since
last April consistently refused to
enforce rules unless students have
passed them.
When SGC earlier this year
threw out the University Regula-
tions-of which student vehicle
regulations were a part-it incor-
porated the University's rules into
its own "upon condition of study."
At-large Council member Janis
Sorkin, '68, said "It is illegal ac-
cording to a state attorney gen-
eral's opinion for the University
to regulate traffic on streets it
doesn't own. The only way they
can get around this is by saying
they're regulating student con-
Neither Mogill nor Miss Sorkin
expects the number of cars on
campus to increase dramatically as
a result of SGC's move. Both ad-
mit that a parking problem will
ensue, although they feel the Uni-
versity will be able to solve it.
Mogill noted, "Enforcement In
the past has been so impractical
that there are many more cars
on campus illegally than the ad-
ministration is willing to admit.
Miss Sorkin pointed out that
"because of the new Fletcher