See editorial page
*it 43au
Partly cloudy,
warmer tomorrow
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
MSU: Land Grabat Landran
By MARK LEVIN ealuated in 1941 at $00 an ace is contacted to build an office building on "An offi
Copright.1967 The Michian Daily today worth $5 000r the site The building was completed this ing board
EAST LANSING-In 1941 , hen John Rising property values have indeed past summer. A portion of the building is education
Hannah succeeded his father-in-law proved profitable for local real estate leased to the International Business purview o
Robert S Sha, as president of the dealers. University administrators have Machines, Inc. IBM does a substantial Michigan
M an tate College, landhtee wta shaed in the benefits r amount of business with MSU ,I 194s
hcheap and plentiful * The secretay of the Whitelsy poulty sc
As the renamed Michigan State Uni- ! From 1940 to as recently as 193, foundation is Harry Hubbard, a Lansing to acquire
o :- Hnna accumulated some 180 acres ofgtoaure
x f versity has blossomed into an educat- Hannah attorney. One of Hubbard's clients is
S- - . .land adjacent to the campus. He says Township,
g , .ional institution of international reputa- ln daett h aps esy Heatherwood Farms Dairy, which Iva.fs MUo
tion. many changes have come to pass he purchased the land for retirement cntly awarded a $545,000 contract to Steadily
-rStudent apartments have sprung up all purposes, but sold the parcel this past supply MSU with dair roducts
over the environs. A complex computer ly for nearly $1 million to the Walter What is the ty o t ae s
network is nOw an essential cog in the Vee R este ay f ant ii agrc
administration of the University. Even i.M Ve-Prnt f Bsiness Article IV section 10 of the 96s3
the school's dairy proved inadequate and and Finance and Treasurer Philip J icigan constitution states: sodehiser
was closed this spring when it could May is on the board of the Neller Cor-eNo member of the legislature noCsUanyms y .gs 'i
x SF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~no longer fill the ever-expanding student pn.saeofcrsalb neetddrcl opn
population's need for milk. 0 Vice President May himself and the or indirectly in any contract with the acre, accc
lHannah, in the wake of his ac- Philip Jesse Company, a holding com- state or any political subdivision thereof News artic
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY President John Hannah, left, recently sold land worth close to $1 complishments at MSU has become a pany whose secretary- treasurer is May's which shall cause a substantial conflict In an i
million to the Walter Neler Real Estate Company, a Lansing firm which allegedly discriminates in nationally prominent figure and is cur- wife, purchased land fronm the Whiteley of interest. The legislature shall further ad Neller,
the sale of housing. MSU Vice-President for Business and Finance and Treasurer Philip J May, Gently chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Foundation on Michigan Avenue, op- implement this provision by appropriate firm, confi
right, is one of the directors of the Neller Company. May's wife is also secretary-treasurer of the Commission posite the MSUJ campus last year. After legislation."
Philip Jesse Company, which owns an office building partially occupied by International Business And as enrollment soared and the securing a $1.1 million mortgage from Attorney General Frank Kelley's recent erty, but u
Machines and which was built on a mortgage from Michigan National Bank. Both IBM and Michi- campus mushroomed, so did land prices. Michigan National Bank (MSU's chief opinion on conflict-of-interest clarifies ported sale
gan National Bank conduct business with MSU. For example, land adjacent to campus fiscal agent), the Philip Jesse Comapny the matter further.
icer or member of the gov-ern-
of state institutions of higher
is a state officer within the
f Article IV, Section 10 of the
Constitution of 1963."
0, while still a specialist in
:ience at MSU, Hannah begai
land in neighboring Meridian
across the street from the
r boundary on Hagadorn Road.
increasing his holdings until
1963. Hannah reportedly hoped
o retii'e there and continue his
,al research.
rthis past summer, Hannah
80 acre nestegg to the Neller
for an estimated $5000 an
ording to an August Detroit
iterview with The Daily, Rich-
a director of the Neller realty
nrmed the purchase of the prop-
vould not comment on the re-
See 'LAND,' Page 2
Law Students Petition,
Gar y;
A protest staged by University
Law School students aimed at a
Dow Chemical Co. recruiter result-
ed in a debate yesterday noon at-
tended by over half of the school's
student body and a collection of
over 200 names on a petition
against the chemical company.
Protesting law students also held
a "talk-in" for most of the morn-
ing in front of the office used by
the Dow recruiter, although they
did not prevent anyone from see-
ing him.
The debate, entitled "The Uni-
versity, the American Corpora-
tion, and the War: A Moral Di-
lemma," featured Dean Frances1
Judge Stall
7 0 .0 1
Against Dow
Cleveland Race
Allen and Professors Joseph Sax tion concluded "we, the under-
and Alfred Conard of the Law signed, ask only that the Michigan
School, and the Dow recruiter, a Law School inform the Dow Chem-
University law graduate, R. W. ical Co. that we . . . deplore this
Barker, '54L. company's contribution to the
"This is the first time we've been war."
asked to participate like this," Strong Statemnent
Barker commented. One of the organizers of the pro-
The petition, which contained test termed it "an extremely strong
over 200 students' and six profes- statement from a legal point of
sors' names, accused the govern- view."
ment of "committing war crimes Allen refused to give the peti-
every day," adding that "the Dow tion the sanction of the Law
Chemical Co. immorally aids and School and declined to sign it him-
abets these crimes by voluntarily self.
manufacturing napalm." The debate was held before an
Recognizing the right of the em- overflow audience of about 500
ployer to interview students when people in 100 Hutchins Hall at
both parties were willing, the peti- 3 noon.
Sax drew loud applause from
the audience alnost everytine he
soke. He argued that, although
theelectoral system is no longer
Is Stu d en effective, there are other means of
individual political action.
..- 7f l/ru ..
Nunn Wins Kentuckiy;
i t
S.F. Poll Backs War'
White, Tate Elected in Boston, Phila.;
Williams Wins in Mississippi Race
Civil rights, the Vietnam war, and the Johnson admin-
istration's domestic policies played an important role in
mayoral and gubernatorial elections last night across the
Despite an unexpected Democratic victor in Gary, Ind.,
Republicans registered significant gains in other contests.
As the national guard and police from three neighboring
states looked on, Richard G.Hatcher, a Negro Democratic
councilman, last night slipped past his Republican opponent,
Joseph Radigan, to win the mayoralty of Gary, Ind.
With all precincts reporting, Hatcher carried 41,042 votes
to Radigan's 37,186.
Radiganconceded the race shortly after midnight last
night after one of the nation's most hotly contested elections.
Last week Hatcher asked the Indiana courts to postpone
the election because he feared "illegal election procedures."
The courts denied postpone--
Political Effectiveness
fscipline at I lachson1It is a blunt fact that the rele-
vant decision making bodies today
By JIM NEUBACHER initiated by the university to dis- are institutions such as universi-
Wisconsin Federal District Court cipline the protesters would have "Tbe and corporations," he said.
Judge James Doyle ruled yesterday a chilling effect on other students must work throught theiti
to extend a previous restraining and might prevent them from ex- The result is that protesters
order prohibiting University ofi ercising their constitutional right must use the ectlyleralsne
Wisconsin officials fronm takingI Doyle 's ruling does not prevent of saying to the government,
any final disciplinary action the luniversity administration from through these bodies, 'No, we won't
against students involved in a mailing complaints or notifying support your policies.' "
demonstration last month. studeits that they have broken ;Conard and Allen both disagreed
In extending the restraining or- existing regulations, but does pre- with this stand, though for dif-
der, Doyle ruled that it would re- vent them from beginning hear- ferent reasons. Conard maintained
ir r i~ rffpn T'1i t h1 A.1} udP-IYIAP ;e gs - .}ta~ h nc no of rrAnv n
-Associated Press
SETH C. TAFT (left), won a close victory last night over Carl Stokes, a Negro, in the election for
mayor of Cleveland. Stokes was making a second bid for the position. Richard Hatcher (right), scored
a close upset victory over Joseph Radigan in the Gary mayoralty race. Hatcher managed to win the
election without party support.
mainin ei ecL untl a uree-ug
panel rules on the constitutionality
of university regulations governing
students protests and activities on
Restraining Order
The restraining order was first
issued after a demonstration Oct.
18 protesting the presence of a
recruiter for the Dow Chentical Co.
on campus. More than sixty per-
sons were injured at that time
W when police were forced to use
night sticks and tear gas to dis-
perse the demonstrators.
The decision by Doyle to extend
the restraining order represents
a victory for the student plaintiffs
in the case. They had contended
that a university regulation pro-
hibiting demonstrations not car-
ried out through "recognized legal
means of protest" was so vague
and general that it could conceiva-
bly infringe upon their First
Antendntent rights.
Counsel for the students, Wil-
liant Kunstler, well known Ater-
ican Civil Liberties Union lawyer,
ilso argued that any proceedings
Heating Plant
Selects, Union,
Entployes in thte University's
heating plant voted Monday to use
the International Union of Oper~-
ating Engineers (IUOE) as their
bargaining agent with the Univer-
The skilled trades employes held
Three Judges ~ at~ Lhe cese 1Of UemiOC- IN--Ir-T t rF I[ UI.
Three Judges racy is the electoral process. We NORMAN OPTIMIS'II :,
Doyle has requested the Chief have been swindled once, but we:
Judge of the United States Circuit should go out and see that it
Court of Appeals of the 7th Dis- 'doesn't happen again."
trict it Chicago to choose two Research Ocials Divi
other judges to sit with Doyle on People Unconvinced
the three-judge panel that will de- He went on to say that the fail-
cide. on the constitutionality of the tre up to now was due to "limiting
university regulations. ourselves to an intellectual group. On usew Pentagon uueuJ
Faculty and students of the Uni- We haven't convinced the people."
versity of Wisconsin have set up ie concluded that the way to
a 14 member ad-hoc committee change policy was to change By DAVID KNOKE universities, mostly in the east, urging changes in
to investigate recruitment policies people's minds. Daily News Analysis before The Daily disclosed the would make the dev
and placement services on the Allen disagreed with Sax on Research officials across the ' story, science and technolo
campus. The committee plans to ' the use of institutions by indi- country showed optimism and Norman indicated that the pendent on the DO:
study how obstructive demonstra- , viduals. He held to the distinction concern yesterday over the de- policy has not yet gone into effect commented.
tions should be dealt with in the between personal and institutional cision of the Department of De- at the University but could ulti- Opponents of classi
future.roles which Sax labeled a "mis- fense (DOD) to end all basic 1mately affect some parts of $10 on campus believet
-..conception." classified research. million in classified DOD. from growing acadei
S We are quite happy with the A Stanford University spokes- over secret research
cane," ai d thevie-rovmot btan said that while she wasnot h t D s nto
forHee archd, thwev Universityeofr: aware of theDOD policy."hangeontros on the resu
"ensyv"uid h hatth IStanford does very little in h research.
Higs oinio y, was eclte etby , evaltin:,f:y he - swayeogappliedsclassifiedsresearch.
vesi"ty ceu-Presidemt for Re- o bbly o mos of the 18classified Thy say kn
:>: "classified contracts b3
seh h A. Geoffrey Norntman, whoDOD Cnc onrt e n Tecold arators such as the U
S; called it a"good development." be conducted FCithout classifica- Pennsylvania a Mu
He added, however: tion.ed the Pe
'.} d hOne would hope that thte Indications are tlat the re- "oeg itsr lassif
S "aneinapolicy, if intplemeted evaluation of policy was the re- toni'.
chdang rs a el cn- so dte Ntivnluationnc "Ifr hm nk b e y Pr now
does not reduce the amtount of s ult of urging by the Federal Ithnteyno.
money which DOD makes avail- ';Council ot Science and Technol- are becoming tore a
able for support of basic research ogY (FCST). The FCST is cont- hospitable to war res
sat utiversities." prised of najor agencies which Prof. Richard Mann o
hA Pentagon research official e- have been supporting universityogepartmt.
' >::"$tat:nly{ smll.nmbe research for decades, including the; "There were othei
of "exploratory development and; DOD, the Atomic Energy commis- tions, I'm sure, but
study efforts" as well as con-' sion antd the National Science' front Nobel Prize u'
suling arrangentents with uni- Fouitdation. even engineers are
v, versifies would be classified in !'Manty university administra-. scientists are willing t
....:>$:: the future !tors through the years have been! sified contratcts."
DOD policy with respect to - ~~ _ --
clasified contracts in aimlied re-T p- NT' - - A/
ment but Gov. Roger D. Brani-
gan mobilized the national
guard in case of any trouble.
But there was no trouble as
the election swayed back and
forth until early morning.
re( s It uCleveland, Seth C. Taft, a
1... Republican, slipped by to defeat
Democrat Carl B. Stokes, a Negro
policies that state representative, in the elec-
elopment of tion for mayor.
gy less de- In the latest incoming returns,
D," Norman Taft maintained a 4,000 vote lead
fied research
the pressure
nic protests
may be be-
ve to loosen
Ilts of basicr
spurnings of
y prime con-I
niversities of
inesota may}
antagon imto
ation policy.
nd more in-
search. "saidI
f the psych-
r considera-
winners and
that few'
to take clas-:
over the Stokes. He continued the
lead into the early morning, de-
spite incoming returns from Cleve-
land's predominatly Negro east
With 99 per cent of the votes
tabulated,' Taft carried 126,999
votes to Stokes' 124,909.
Stokes. who was supported by,
both Cleveland newspapers and
who received outspoken support
from Vice President HuberteHum-
phrey and Martin Luther King,
Jr. was seeking the mayorship
for the second tinte. In 1963 he
lost the position in a recount
ballot by 2300 votes. Stokes sup-
porters indicate he may ask for
a recount again.
Few Republicans
There were only 34,000 regis-
tered Republicans out of 326.000
registered voters.
jTaft, 44, grandson of fornter
President William Howard Taft,
and nephew of the late U.S. Sen.
Robert Taft is a Phi Beta Kappa
Yale graduate. He has never be- ;
Faxon Asks
Ruling on
By The Associated Press
Rep.. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit)
asked state Atty. Gen. Frank Kel-
ley yesterday to rule on a series
of questions which could place
seven of the eight State Board of
Education members in conflict of
Two of the points Faxon asked
the Attorney General to rule on
"-if persons employed by state
institutions of higher learningtay
sinultaneously serve as members
of the State Board of Education
in light of the constitutional power
of the Board to plan and coordi-
tate all public higher education
iand advise the the legislature as to
financial requirements.
-"If a person employed as a
legal counsel for sectarian insti-
tutions may serve on the State
Board of Education which has the
authority to assist such schools
and colleges under its rule-ntak-
ing powers."
Asked if he had any particular
Board members in ntind, Faxon
declined comntent.
However. Thontas J. Brennan
is an attorney whose clients in-
clude the Roman Catholic Arch--
diocese of Detroit.
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