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November 01, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-11-01

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"t aflNTFe fla V Wa 1 1 'Tfl 0i' u' t w -' . ' Ag"!



lations S e m i n a r - "Communication
Work-ers of America Local Leadership
DAILY OFFICIAL School, Second Year": Michigan Union,
8:15 a.m, to 4:15 p.m.

Ann Arbor Society, Archaeological In- health statement, social security num- tious Stalemated Issues at the UnitedIWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1967
stitute of America and the Department ber, and the Bureau of Appointments Nations", on Wednesday, November 1 Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear
of Clasical Studies-Professor Michael material. The oath should be taken as at 3:00 p.m. in Political Science Con- Division, Oak Ridge, Tenn.-M & F.
Gough, Director, British Institute of soon as possible in room 2000 Univer- i ference Room, 4609 Haven Hall: Chair- P.M. ONLY. All degree levels in Math


BULLE7 m T NArchaeology, Ankara, "Alahan Monas- si~v High School. The office is open man: I L. Claude.W
University of Michigan Extension tery: The Campaigns of 1965 and 1967," from 8-12 and 1-5, Monday through,--
Service and the Michigan Congress of Auditorium B. Angel Hall, 4:10 p.m. Friday.
Parents and Teachers Institute-"Par----acement
The Daily Official Bulletin is an ents Set the Pace": Registeration, Botany Seminar-Cosponsored by the German Exchange Scholarships-AI
official publication of the Univer- Lobby, Rackham Building, 8:30 a.m.; Program in Genetics, Dr. R. C. Tuveson, limited number (7) scholarships are PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS. Please makeI
sity of Michigan for which The Opening Assembly, Rackham Lecture University of Chicago, "The Relation- available for one year of graduate study appts. before 4:00 p.m. day preceding
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Hall, 9:30 a.m.; Afternoon Session, Rack- ship Between UV-Sensitivity, Crossing in Germany for the 1968-69 school interview.
Ia! responsibility. Notices should be ham Lecture Hall, 1:30 p.m. over and Induced Mutation in Filamen- year. Candidates must have completed MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1967
sent in TYPEWRITTEN farm to tous Fungi," 1139 Natural Science Bldg., a bachelor's degree by the end of the Cornell University, Graduate School of
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- Interdepartment Seminars in Fluid 4:15 p.m. summer term, 1968, be proficient in Business and Public Administration,I
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Mechanics-Professor Keith Stewartson, German, and should have a well- Ithaca, N.Y.-Any major and degreeI
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday University College, London, "The Tay- UM Juniom Year in France: An in- defined purpose for wishing to study in level interested in MBA and MPA study.E
for Saturday and Sunday. General for Column" 325 West Engineering Bldg., formational meeting for freshmen and Germany. The scholarships apply to any,
'Notices may be published a maxi- 4:00 p.m. Coffee hour will be held in sophomores interested in spending their field of study and may be used for re- Agency for International Development
mum of two times on request; Day 214 West Engineering, at 3:30 p.m. junior year in Aix-en-Provence, France, search activities by advanced graduate (AID), Washington, D.C.-M & F. Ad-
Calendar items appear once only, will be held on Tuesday evening, No- students. Awards range from 400 DM vanced degrees only in Econ., Auditing,
Calenartemsg a pearn nce ore ny Department of Architecture Lecture- vember 7 at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 3-R to 800 DM per month plus round-trip Acctg. Mn 24 hrs. acctg. for
Student organization notices are not mnDepartmenti ofctg in24hr.actg frDev.
accepted for publication. For more Norbert H. Gorwic, Crane and Gorwic, UM Junior Year in Germany: An in- transportation. Econ. in Wash. D.C. and overseas.
information call 764-9270, and Wayne State University, "The Me- and 3-S of the Michigan Union. Applications are available at the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1967
dieval City": Architecture Auditorium, formational meeting for freshmen and Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB; the Ger- R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company,
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 4:00 p.m. sophomores interested in spending their man Department, 1072 Frieze Building; Chicago, Ill.-M & F. Dec. grads. BA
junior in Freiburg, Germany, will be and the International Center, 603 East Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Math, Psych., Gen.
Zoology Seminar-Dr. David W. All- held in Room 3-D, Michigan Union at Madison Street. Deadline for submission Chem and Psysics for EDP, Mgmt.
D/ay Calendar man, Institute for Enzyme Research 7:30 p.m. of applications is November 22. For ad- Trng., Production, Purchas, Sales, (in-
University of Wisconsin, "Isolation and (_ditional information, contact Mr. Wil- side and territ.).
lCharacterization of the Outer Mem- liam LaVine, International Center, 764-____
brane of Heart and Liver Mitochondria," Department . of. Speech University 2137.Mrtm diitrtoWs.DC
Gyenera NotcestPlayers Production-JohnhArden's Ser- Maritime Administration, Wash. D.C,
1400 Chemistry Bldg., 4:00 p.m. jeant Musgrave's .Dance: .Trueblood -M & F. BA/MA Econ., Joudn., andr
The approval of the following student Math for Mgmt. Trainees for careers
Flu Shots: There will be a "flu shot" Department of Speech Student Lab- Theater, 8:00 p.m sponsored events becomes effective after in transportation.
clinic at the Health Service from 8-11:30 oratory Theatre Program-G. B. Shaw's the publication of this notice. All pub- b
a.m. and 1-4 p.m. The charge is $1.50 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 December Teacher's Certificate Can- licity for these events must be withheld Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, E
for students and spouse and $2.00 for The Village Wooing: Arena Theater, didates: All of the requirements for until the approval has become effective. Millbank, London, England-M & F. f
faculty, staff and spouses. Frieze Building, 4:10 p.m. the teacher's certificate must be com- Approval request forms for student British Citizenship required. PhD. in
pleted by November 20th. These re- sponsored events are available in Rooms Biochem., all area~s of Chem., Math.,
Institute of Labor and Industrial Re- Illustrated Lecture-Sponsored by the quirements include the teacher'soath, 1001 and 1546 of the Student Activi- Microbiol., and Physics for research -
__________ _______-~ties Building, positions. I
VOICE1SDS-Diag Rally-Oct. 31, 1967 st
-12:00-1:00 p.m.-Diag. Michigan Department of Social Serv-
VOICE-SDS-Diag Rally-Nov. 1, 1967 ices, Lansing, Mich.-M & F. BA An- F
-12:00 noon-Diag. thro., Educ., Engl., Gen.Lib.Rrts, Geog.,
Journ., Music, Philo., Poli.Sci., Psych, t
International Travel Com m ittee Doctoral Examination for:Nasim Akh- PublHealth, Speech, Soc., and Soc.Wk. 1
UNION-LEAGUEttar Mir, Pharmacy, Thesis: "The Mech- for Social Work.a
anism of Action of Solution Fluoride
upon the Demineralization. Rate of Allstate Insurance Company, Detroit,
Enamel," on Wednesday, November 1 Mich.-BA Gen.Chem., Educ., Engl., Gen.D
PDAYSforEUROPEAN Fat 1:00 p.m. in Room 3002 Pharmacy Lib.Arts, Geog., Journ., Law, Math, Pub.
Building. Chairman: W. I, Higuchi. Health, Speech for Insurance. Mgmt.
Doctoral Examination for: Barnabas Trng, Property or Casualty Adjuster, i
!i n-Racz, Political Science, Thesis: "Repeti- Ins. underwriter, Supervisor.
rebate Sign-up - .gp
FlightNo.1Price before day'____ a
Sabena Jet-May 4-June 1 N
Flight No.2 e
Air France Jet-May 5-June 2N
DETROIT-LONDON PARIS-DETROIT $230. Wed., Nov. 1 Sabbath Service
Flight No. 3 with the Beth Israel'Congregationj
TWA Jet-May 1 2-Aug. 13 TH IS FRIDAY ONLY at 8:00 P.M.
N.Y.-LONDON PARIS-N.Y. $230 Thurs., Nov. 2 j
Flight No.4 An Oneg Shabbat With
TWA Jet-May 20-Aug. 12
Flight No. 5!
British Eagle Jet-June 27-Aug. 14
N.Y.-LONDON LONDON-N.Y. $230 Mon., Nov. 6 Famed Chassidic Folksinger,
Composer, and Rabbi
SIGN-UPS in Rm. 2-X Union on sign-up days-Starting at 9 a.m.
Students, faculty, University employees and immediate family Sabbath music chanted by JOHN PLANER
eligible, and The Choir, directed by STEVEN OVITSKY!
Joan Spitzer, Organist
FULL REMITTANCE-$230-must be paid at time of sign-up. 1429
-payable to University of Michigan UnionH
__.,.____.__..____________'v.-_' -___-_-___ -vr

Biochem., and Phys., for EDP, Produc-
tion, Stat., R & D., Nuclear related.
Kraft Foods, Chicago, Ill.-BA Gen.
Lib.Arts, Biochem., and Gen.Chem for
Inside Sales, Q.C., and Prod. Mgmt.
City of Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion, Detroit, Mich.-M & F. BA MA
Arch., Econ., Gen.Lib.Arts, Hist., Math,
Forestry, Pharm., Psys., Poli-Sci., Psych.,
Pub.Health, Chem. for Mgmt. Trng.,
Personnel, Pub.Admin., Purchas., Rec-
reation, Soc. Wk., and Stat.
Sears, Roebuck and Company, Chi-
cago, Ill.-M & F BA Econ., Gen.Lib.
Arts, for Mgmt. Trng and Merchandis-
Air Force Logistics Command, Wright-
Arch., Econ., Libr.Sci., and Math for
Patterson AFB, Ohio-M & F. BA/MA
Library, Personnel, Stat., Bus. Mgmt.

i'. (bEFtt. MOI.L~1N FOR AN
-'AUNCEMENTS is available to offieially
re rni:'ed and reateered Student orza-
i', tmnns only. Forms are available in
-' 011 SAB
University Lutheran Chapel. 1511 Wash-
University Lutheran Chapel. 1511
Washtenaw, Nov. 1. 10:00 p.m.-Mid-
week devotion with Pastor Kavasch.
7:00 p.m. SAB 3511.
Enginering Council, meeting. Nov. 2,
UM Scottish Country Dance Society,
dance meeting every Wednesday, 8:00-
10:30 p.m., WAB lounge. t
UM Rifle Club, invited you to learn
to shoot, every Wednesday, 7-9, ROTC
IDeutschter Verin, kaffeestunde, every
Wednesday 3-5 pm.k 3050 F ieze y
The Berlin Philharmonic OctetI
will give a concert in the Cham-
ber Arts Series at 8:30 p.m. Sun-
day in Rackham Aud., under the
auspices of the University Musi-

(Continued from Page 1 )
fessor of French, author and direc-
tor of the "three-in-one" French
course. "Students call me up and
talk with me in French. We think
French and live French."
Everett's famous class has been
so successful that some students
with no previous training in .the
language have placed over the
650 mark on college board scores
after one term in his class.
"The older, studentsbecome the
teachers through their dialogue,}'
Everett adds.
This is not an isolated case. One
evening class discussing whether
or not a giraffe could be seen if
it walked through the streets of
Yellow Springs :
"Yes, but what is a giraffe?" a
student asked.
"A tall, hairy thing with a long
neck coming down--," the profes-
sor answers, but is quickly inter-
"What if a giraffe hasn't been
defined, or trees, or anything?"
An "outsider," might consider
such an exchange as "ludicrous."

City of Detroit, Civil Service Com-
mission, see Wed. listing.
Detroit Bank and Trust Company,
Mich.-BA Econ., Engl, Gen.Lib.Arts,
Hist., Law, Math, Psych., Speech, Sac.,
or Banking, EDP, and Mgmt. Trng.
Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Mich.
-M & F. BA/MA Biochem., Chem,
Microbiol., Pharm., Pre-Med., and Pre.
Dent for Ins, and Territ. Sales.
Travelers Insurance Company, De-
roit, Mich.-Any degree, any major for
nsurance, Mgmt. Trng., Merchandising,
and Production.
City of Detroit, Civil Service Com-
mission, see Wed. listing.
New York Central System Railroad,
Detroit-M & F. B./MA Arch., Econ.,
Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., Lib.Sci., Math.,
Philo., Poli.Sci., Biochem., Chem, and
.ny others interested in railroad trans-
portation career. EDP, Mgmt.Trng.,
Mktg., Res., Purchas., Territ.Sales, Stat.,
Make Interview Appointments at
Room 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
NOVEMBER 1, 19671
General Motors Corp.
Goodyear Aerospace Corp.
Goodyear International Corp.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co.
Motorola Inc.
Raychem Corp.
Raymond International Inc.
Rohmn and Haas Co.
Sangamo Electric Co.
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Technology Inc.
United Staties Gypsum Co.
United States Seet.Corp.-
Applied Res. Lab.,
American Bridge Div.
Steel & Cement Producing Opera-
tions & Michigan Limestone &
Minnesota Ore Oper.
U.S. Naval Weapons Center-China
Lake, Calif.


cal Society. And yet, it is one of the most
The program will be: "Diver- sought after on campus.
timento No. 1" by Mozart; "Octet" Later in his academic career,
(1958) by Hindemith; and "Octet the Antioch student begins to take
in F major, Op. 166" by Schubert. a few courses in the field of his
The Octet includes members of 'major. He is graded for these and
the Berlin Philharmonic Orches- academically they are considered
tra which has made several sue- "very tough." More and more in-
cessful U.S. tours, the last in 1965 dependent study takes place-so
when 17 major cities throughout much, in fact, that a student in
the country acclaimed their per- his last two academic terms may
formances. never attend a formal class.
** * Seemingly strange instances
The Department of Speech Stu- of independent tudy make the
dent Laboratory Theatre Program rounds of the campus. One stu-
will present G. B. Shaw's "The dent has supposedly received
|Village Wooing" at 4:10 p.m. to- credit for a physical science course
day and Thursday at the Arena by taking his Volkswagen apart
Theatre, Frieze Building. and putting it back together. An-
e Fz B other is presently receiving credit
The Department of History will I for distilling beer in his dorm
present Sister Dolorosa Kennelly, room.



"Let us style a
to your individual needs."
-no appointment needed
-expert personnel
The Dascola Barbers

College of St. Catherine, Minn.,
to speak on "The Peace Move-,
ment in Medieval Catalonia" in
room 110, Physics - Astronomy3
Building at 4:1.0 p.m. Thursday.
* * *
Social observers who expect, that
rising audience disenchantment
with current television produc-
tions will lead to more sophisti-
cated programming are bound to
be disappointed, a University re-
searcher suggests.
Dr. John P. Robinson, who di-!
rected a study of American leisure t
habits for the Survey Research1
Center, Institute for Social Re-r
search, thus estimates that sig-c
nificant program improvement on t
the networks is not likely soon.

Another Antioch feature is the
work-study plan. After each term
the. student leaves the college to
go to work on some Job preferably
related to his major. He is ex-
pected to work as though he is out
on his own for good.. The average
salary fora workingAntiochian is
around $60 a week, and very few
students manage to save any of it
during their 22 working weeks to
pay for the $3100 per year it costs
to attend the school.
"A curious thing happens to
the Antioch student when he
leaves the school for his Job,"
muses one student. "The hair is
cut, the mini-skirt is lengthened
to knee-level, and the lingo be-
comes coherent."


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