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October 29, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-29

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Problems Arise in

Vietnamese Refugee Situation

By The Associated Press
SAIGON-No one is sure how
many refugees there are in South
Viet Nam. Equally uncertain is
how many of the U.S. dollars
meant to help the homeless ac-
tually are getting down to their
The United States is giving
more than $25 million to the South
Vietnamese government this year
to aid refugees and will give more
than $30 million next year.
Government figures show there
have been more than two million
refugees at one time or another
during the past 21/ years.

A ranking U.S. refugee official
says the number of refugees since
the beginning of 1966 actually may
number closer to four million-a
quarter of the South Vietnamese
U.S. officials who oversee the
American role in helping refugees
number only 38 in all South Viet
Nam. Only 21 men are in the field,
supervising work in most of the
44 provinces.
"Our problem is not money,"
said one U.S. official. "It's getting

enough manpower to work beside
the Vietnamese in the field."
Another U.S. official confided
that, "Of course we know that
some of the money that's supposed
to go to refugees is diverted and
I don't suppose there's any less
corruption in the refugee program
than in any other U.S. aid pro-

The official said he was aware
that some payments were made
for refugees who did not exist, and
the money pocketed by corrupt
officials. He said cases were found
where province and district offi-
cials sold supplies meant for refu-
gees. Often supplies meant as gifts
were sold to refugees.
The United States provides close
to 100 per cent of the funds for

cial Commissariat for Refugees,
is an honest, dedicated and con-
scientious man. But the commis-
sariat, a little more than a year
old, lacks trained personnel. It
must also work with province and
district officials who know noth-
ing about taking care of refugees
and care less.
Most come from areas hard hit
by the war, and the attitude of
many in the South Vietnamese
government has been against help-
ing them when many obviously
were Viet Cong supporters or
Some press releases issued by

the U.S. Mission and most released
by the Saigon government refer
to the refugees as "anti-Commun-
ist refugees."
This was true of Roman Catho-
lics and others who fled North
Viet Nam after 1954; most of these
have been resettled and do not
enter the present picture.
The current crop of refugees,
whether pro- or anti-Communist,
are fleeing to areas where there
are no bombs falling.
Those who come to the govern-
ment for help usually are put in
temporary camps. Most of the
camps are dirty and crowded,

simply communal tents in which
dozens of famiiles live, completely
dependent on officials for food
and water.
Many refugees are returned to
their homes from these camps
and others are relocated with
relatives in other villages. Some
are put in relocation centers,
where houses are built for them
and fields set aside for farming.
Often rice farmers are told to
raise vegetables, something they
know nothing about. In some cen-
ters, the refugees are taught how
to raise new crops, but tradition
is strong.

U.S. officials here expect things
to get better. A few say they are
happy that a congressional com-
mittee is invtstigating the refugee
program in Viet Nam, and suggest
new priority may be given to get-
ting more U.S. manpower to sup-
ervise the program.
More and more of the Special
Commissariat's 800 personnel are
being trained.
More than 25 private agencies,
including the Red Cross, CARF
and the International Rescue
Committee also are continuing
their work.

"But with the number of people refugee support, but U.S. officials'
we have we just can't keep a say persuasion is the only way
check on the diversion of funds they can get Vietnamese officials
and supplies. I frankly don't know to toe the line.
how much is getting to the refu- The U.S. officials say Dr. Ngu-
gees." yen Phuoc Que, head of the Spe-



._.._.... .


UAW Picks


Senate Commission
To Investigate Riots


As Bargaining Target
For Next Set of Talks

Congress To Permit Limitation
Of Latin American Immigration

DETROIT (') - The United
Auto Workers, with a newly ne-
gotiated Ford Motor Co. contract
in its pocket, headed for Chrys-
ler yesterday for round two of the
auto labor talks.
A brief UAW announcement at
noon ended days of speculation as
to whether Chrysler or General
Motors would be the next stop on
UAW President Walter Reuther's
contract seeking tour.

UAW spokesmen said only that
the union's international execu-
tive board had "decided that the
union will bargain to conclusion
on a new contract with Chrysler
Behind those few words, it was
obvious that Reuther had made
the decision to obtain a Chrysler
contract next and then turn his
full attention to his longtime fa-
vorite adversary, General Motors.

Ho Says U.S. Campaign
Aims To Destroy North

E.A. Sullivan, a local GM of-3
ficial, indicated that General Mo-
tors will give the UAW a fight on
two major points the union won,
in negotiations with Ford.'
Sullivan, chief of personnel and
labor relations at the GM assem-
bly plant in Fremont, told report-1
ers GM "will go out on the street
before we agree to" two of the
UAW demands.
Sullivan said GM will fight the
ratio of committeemen to hourly
wage workers and the two 12-
minute breaks. Both are con-'
tained in the Ford agreement.
Even as the UAW picked
Chrysler as its next target, the
union was striving to get Ford
local plant issues settled so that
company could get back into auto
production tomorrow.
Ford's assembly lines have been
down since a strike was called at
the plants of the nation's second
largest auto firm, at midnight,
Sept. 6.
The national contract between
Ford and the UAW was ratified
by the majority of the 160,000
Ford workers last Wednesday but
local plant problems still have
to be settled before the Ford as-
sembly lines can roll again.
As of midmorning yesterday,
Ford said 22 of its 101 UAW Ford
locals were still trying to work
out agreement on a host of local
The Chrysler bargaining team
met with UAW representatives
within two hours after the union
designation of Chrysler as the
next target.

WASHINGTON (-) - Public1
hearings will start Wednesday in
a full-scale investigation ordered
by the Senate last summer into
riots and other civil disorders.
The Senate permanent sub-
committee on investigations an-,
nounced yesterday its initial set,
of hearings, extending over the,
next three weeks, will focus on "a
group of cities which show a
cross-section of riot activity."
Authorized Aug. 11
The cities were selected on the
basis of reports from investiga-
tors the subcommittee had ap-
pointed to work in riot-hit cities
since the Senate authorized the
investigation last Aug. 11.
The hearing will begin with
testimony about a riot May 17 at
Texas Southern University in
Houston, the state's largest Ne-
gro college.
Riots that occurred in Nash-
ville, Tenn.; Plainfield and New-
ark, N.J., and Detroit and other
Michigan cities also will be ex-
amined in the first set of hear-.
In these and subsequent hear-
ings, the subcommittee intends to
look into riots that apparently
were spontaneous and others that
seem to have been organized.
Riot Causes
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-
Ark.), the subcommittee chair-
man, said in a statement "the
hearings initially will be con-
cerned with the immediate or
precipitating causes of the riots."
The subcommittee said that
since January 1965, about 140
cities have suffered outbreaks of
violence and that approximately
80 of these cities had over 100 oc-
currences which can be classified
as major civil disorders.
Many of these outbreaks, it
said, had their origin in racial

unrest and were accompanied by
such criminal activity as arson,
sniping, looting and vandalism,
"The subcommittee will at-
tempt to determine whether the
riots were spontaneous or wheth-
er they were instigated and pre-
cipitated by agitators and advo-
cates of civil disobedience and by
lawless elements, organized eith-
er locally or nationally," McClel-
lan said.
He said the subcommittee also
will try to ascertain the effects of
inflammatory speeches by agita-
tors, the role of mass news media,
the adequacy of federal poverty
programs, and the effectiveness
of city officials in handling riots.


is about to take a step the State
Department fears all Latin Amer-
ica will resent. It is going to let
a controversial ceiling on immi-
gration from the western hemis-
phere take effect next July 1 al-
though 12 of 15 members of a
special study commission are op-
posed to the move.
The 120,000 ceiling on immi-
gration from Latin America and
Canada, which traditionally have
enjoyed unlimited access to the
United States, was written into
the Immigration Act of 1965. But
the commission was established


to make a study and recommend
whether it should actually go into
Twelve of the commissioners
want at least another year to get
more information before making
any recommendation and the
House has unanimously agreed to
the time extension. But largely
at the urging of Sen. Everett M.
Dirksen (R-Ill.), the Senate has
Under the law, the commission
goes out of existence next Jan. 15,
and in the absence of any action.
by the Senate, the ceiling will
automatically go into effect.

SAIGON (AP) - Radio Hanoi
said U.S. jets struck the Hanoi
area again yesterday in the cam-
paign that Ho, Chi Minh com-
plains is intended to "destroy
everything and exterminate ev-
erybody" in North Vietnam.
Battle operations in South
Vietnam's hard-pressed 1st Corps
Area shared attention with the
air war as the Communist station
broadcasted a declaration that
five American planes were shot
down over the capital and some
of the pilots were captured.
The pace of the air war over

the North was stepped up last
Tuesday with the first attack on
the Phuc Yen MIG base.
The announced aim of the air
campaign is to curb the south-
ward flow of Communist troops
and war supplies from North
Ho charged that American bar-
barism "exceeds even the Hitler-
ite fascists." He said, however,
the North Vietnamese will win
the war anyway because they
have the help of the Soviet Un-
ion, Communist China and other
Communist nations.

Catholic Lea,
Request Pon
meetings momentous in the his-
tory of the Roman Catholic
church - a synod of bishops and
a visit by Orthodox Patriarch
Athenagoras to Pope Paul VI -
ended yesterday with appeals to
the peoples and leaders of the
world to work for peace.
The 200 bishops of the synod
concluded their month-long meet-
meeting with a plea directed to
the world's major powers, and
with a recommendation to Pope
Paul to ease even further the
church's restrictions on mixed
Pope and patriarch issued a
joint declaration at the close ofI
their three-day get-together im-
ploring "the authorities of na-

tions and people of the world in
the name of God to seek by every
means to promote peace and jus-
tice in all countries of the world."
In this way the leaders of the
world's two largest Christian
bodies - the half-billion member
Roman Catholic church and the
150-million member Eastern Or-
thodox - demonstrated common
concern for closer ties among all
Christians and for the safety of
mankind. The synod's peace plea
was particularly striking. It was
the only issue outside the formal
agenda of internal church prob-
lems the bishops brought up in
their first-stage experiment in
helping the Pope govern the

To help foster a spirit of peace
and closer ties between Catholics
and other Christians, the synod
advised the Pope to do away with
the rule requiring explicit prom-
ises from non-Catholic spouses in
marriages with Catholics that the
children will be raised in the
Catholic faith.
The synod further recommend-
ed giving local Catholic pastors
the power to make exceptions to
the general rules that a valid
marriage must be performed by
a Catholic priest. At present only
the Vatican can make such ex-
Pope Paul is expected to start a
period of rest tomorrow to pre-
pare himself for prostate surgery.

ders, Orthodox Patriarch
ers To Strive for Peace

Dirksen, one of five Senate mem-
bers of the commission - there
are also five House members and
five appointed by the President-
has insisted at commission meet-
ings that imposition of the ceil-
ing was the price the administra-
tion agreed to pay in exchange
for his support of the 1965 act,
which made sweeping changes in
immigration policy.
In the House, an attempt to
impose the ceiling was narrowly
defeated with strenuous help
from the administration, but in
the Senate the fight was aban-
doned and it was overwhelmingly
Dirksen has the support in the
commission of Sen. James 0.
Eastland (D-Miss.), chairman of
the Senate Judiciary Committee,
and its immigration subcommit-
tee, and of Sen. Roman Hruska
(R-Neb.), who ranks just behind
Dirksen on the subcommittee mi-
At a commission meeting last
week it was reported the other 12
members yielded to the Senate
trio and agreed to endorse the
ceiling. In return, however, they
still hope to get a one-year ex-
tension for the commission so it
can see how the ceiling works.
Mexico would be one of the na-
tions most severely affected by
the ceiling. In the past, Mexican
immigration has run as high as
50,000 a year, but a requirement
in the 1965 law that incoming
aliens must give proof that a job
is waiting for them has already
caused a big cutback.

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official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two tines on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,
Student organization notices are not
accepted for vublication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
School of Music Concert - Jerome
Jelinek, Cello: School of Music Recital
Hall, 4:15 p.m.m
Professional Theatre Program - George
Kelly's The Show-Off: Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater, 8:00 p.m.
University Musical Society - Les
Ballets Canadiens - Carl Orff's "Car-
mina Burana": Hill Auditorium, 8:00
Events Monday
University of Michigan Extension Ser-
vice and National, State, and Local In-
dustrial and Fire Prevention Organi-
zations seminar - "Eleventh Annual
Fire Control Seminar for Michigan
Industry": Registration, R a c k h a m
Building, 8:00 a.m.; Morning Session,
Rackham Amphitheater, 9:30 to 11:30
a.m.; Afternoon Session, Rackham Am-
phitheater, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; After-
noon Session, Rackham Amphitheater,
1:00 p.m.
ism ost pleased to announce
as its new board members

Institute of Labor and Industrial Re-
lations Seminar - "Communication
Workers of America Local Leadership
School, Second Year": Michigan Union,
8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: ;ro-
fessor Y. C. Fung, University of Calif-
ornia La Jolla, "Mechanics as an Ap-
proach to Bioengineering" on Monday,
October 30, in Room 325 West Engin-
eering Building, 4:00 p.m. Coffee will be
served at 3:30 p.m. in Room 214 West
Engineering Building.
Department of History of Art Lec-
ture - Roberto Abbondanza, Director
of Archives, Umbria, Italy, "The Fate
of Itlalian Libraries and Archives in
the Recent Flood": Auditorium B, An-
ge"l Hall, 4:10 p.m.
University of Michigan Extension Ser-
vice and Michigan State University
Evening College Lecture - Dr. Marvin
Felheim, The University of Michigan,
"Is Contemporary Fiction Worth Read-
ing?": Rackham Amphitheater, 7:30 to
9:30 p.m.
School of Music Concert - University
(Continued on Page 8)
dirs. Marion Cooper and
E. B. Schoedsach, 1933
7:00, 9:00 and 11 :00


Writer of "URGE FOR GOING" and


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