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October 25, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-25

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Egypt, I



Ratify Pact Increasing Enemy Air Actions

UN Council
After Fight
See Israeli Bombing
As Answer to Sinking
Of Destroyer Elath
By The Associated Press
Egypt and Israel fought a roar-
ing battle of artillery and mor-
tars at the southern end of the
Suez Canal yesterday that caused
heavy damage in Egypt's Port
A huge refinery complex there
was left blazing and Egypt
charged the port's inhabited area
was "almost demolished."
The U.N. Security Council was
called into urgent session yester-
day night at Egypt's request to
deal with what Egypt called "new
and premeditated flagrant' ag-
gression" by Israel.
Answer to Sinking
The Israeli bombardment was
seen in Tel Aviv as Israel's an-
swer to the sinking of the de-
stroyer Elath by Egyptian mis-
siles Saturday with the loss of 47
A Cairo communique claimed
an Israeli Mirage jet was shot
down and 10 tanks were de-
stroyed~ but this was denied in
Tel Aviv.
A later Egyptian communique
said Egypt's gunners also de-
stroyed four fuel dumps, three
ammunition dumps and five
rocket launchers.
Each side accused the other of
starting the battle. A report from
U.N. observers in the Middle East
said Israeli initiated artillery fire
on a Port Suez refinery. Israel
said it opened up on Port Suez,
only after Egyptians began firing
from adjacent Port Ibrahim.
Egyptian Ambassador Moham-
ed A. El-Kony, denouncing Israeli
shelling of the city of Suez at the
southern end of the canal earlier
4 in the day, asked for the meeting
in a letter to Ambassador Senjin
Tsuruoka of Japan, council pres-
ident for October.
'Act of War'
It went "far beyond" any minor
violation of the cease-fire, the
ambassador said, and cannot be
considered less than "full mili-
tary operations, which are an act
of war "under the U.N. charter."
He said the Israeli action had
not been provoked by Egyptian
forces, 'which did not take action
on its part which might have led
to this new, wanton aggression."
There was no word of casual-
ties in Port Suez. But Egypt al-
ready had evacuated about half
the 250,000 population because
of tension along the cease-fire
line where the June war was
halted with Israeli forces drawn
up on the canal's east bank.
Why Sinking?
Diplomatic quarters in Beirut,
Lebanon, speculated on why
Egypt sank the Elath while back-
stage talks are going on at the
U.N. for a peaceful settlement in
the Middle East.
They thought President Gamal
Abdel Nasser wanted to restore
public confidence in the armed
forces or may have intended to
show Israel that Egypt is able to
negotiate from a relatively

stronger position at the U.N.
At about the time the firing
along the Suez Canal was report-
ed to have stopped, news reached
Israel that Fthe .U.S. had lifted a
ban on arms shipments to the
Middle East imposed since the
June 5-10 war.


-- ~ 1 ResumuS.

With Ford

Draw U.S. Strike on Key Base


DETROIT (MP)-Skilled trades-
men in the first three local WASHINGTON (R) - Signifi- and so far this fall - seven MIGs
unions to vote on the United Auto cantly increased aggressiveness shot down in air-to-air combat
Workers new three-year contract by North Vietnam's revived MIG and six U.S. jets destroyed by
with Ford Motor Co. gave an ex- force prompted the first U.S. air MIGs.
act 2-to-1 majority for ratifi- strike on the key Phuc Yen air This parity of losses in itself
cation. field 18 miles northwest of Hanoi, was a significant development
Production workers in the first defense officials said yesterday. ; since U.S. pilots previously en-
two locals to report gave over- Pentagon figures show the joyed a better than 3 to 1 advan-
whelming approval. number of MIGs challenging tage over the North Vietnamese
Skilled tradesmen for the first American jets over North Viet- in combat kills.
time hold veto power over any nam totalled 78 in September Phuc Yen, North Vietnam's
new contract and some of them and the first half of October, biggest air base, is also the site
made a lo t-minute, strenuous compared with 17 in August. of a direction center controlling
bid to win rejection of the new Combat losses on both sides jet fighters defending the Hanoi
pact. Fisticuffs broke out in one were nearly even last summer and Haiphong areas.
Monday night demonstration -----------------.
against it. _ sr 4"__*c-


-Associated Press
UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCALS voted through today on
ratification of the newly-negotiated contract with Ford Motor
Co. Counting ballots from Local 182 are, above, Pete Camiani,
left, and Hugh Tierney
Southern Districts
Plan Desegregation

Middle East
Arms Sales a
Jordan Not Included I
As 5 Arab Nations, E
Israel Buy Materiel
United States has decided to go
ahead with shipments of "select-
ed items" of military equipment
to Israel and five Arab states, the
State Department announced yes-
The action lifts a ban on U.S.
arms deliveries to the Middle East{
imposed since last June's six-day
Jordan was not included in thej
embargo repeal at this time.
State Department press officer
Robert J. McCloskey indicated U.S.
desires to curb the arms flow to
the crisis area had run into
counter-pressures from heavy So-
viet shipments and offers to the
Arabs plus needs by America's!
Middle East friends to keep up
their defenses, previously stocked
with U.S. equipment.
McCloskey would say only that
no decision has yet been reached
concerning Jordan. He declined
to speculate whether U.S. de-
liveries were being held up be-
cause Jordan was actively en-
gaged in the fight against Israel,
or because of reported Soviet arms
offers to King Hussein.
He emphasized that only "se-
lected items of military mate-
riel" will be sent under the U.S.
decision, which he said was made
some time ago-before last week-
end's sinking of an Israeli des-
troyer off Egyptian shores and
the current Washington visit of
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba
Israel is slated to get three
dozen Skyhawk A4 jet fighter-
mobers, and parts, repair equip-
ment and components for items
like radios which are assembled
in Israel, McClosky said.
The five Arab states-Lebanon,
Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya and
Tunisia-are to be supplied mainly
with communications equipment,
trucks, repair parts and construc-
tion materials plus "a small num-
ber of aircraft" for Libya and
Morocco, he said.

Support Forecast
First reports from voting in the
UAW's 101 Ford bargaining units
supported forecasts of union
leadership that the new agree-

ment, carrying a guaranteed an LANSING {) -Six members
nual income, will win overwhelm- of the Democratic State Central
ing ratification and send 160,000 Committee's Lansing office staff
strikers back to their jobs. resigned Monday night, climax-
Voting continues through to- ing a near six-hour dispute with
day. If ratification prevails, the top party leaders over proposed,
union says workers will begin staff reductions.
c~ruminig au 7 lum~niuoiuw safardutins

streaming back tomorrow and
Friday at Ford plants in 25 states
across the country.t
The strike against Ford enters1
its 49th day today and thus be-
comes seven weeks old. Strikerst
have been, living on strike bene-
fits ranging from $20 to $30 a:
Reuther Warningt
UAW President Walter P.I
Reuther warned in a telecastl
from Detroit to his some 80,0001
Ford members in Michigan that1
"if you strike for three more
months, it is our judgment, there
will be no substantial improve-
ment in this contract."
In choosing Ford as his target
for winning a pattern-settingf
contract, Reuther said flatly he1
would go next to Chrysler. But1
apparently he now is undecided.
He declines to name the next tar-I
get, and speculation is growing
that he likely will test next the
industry's giant - GM.
Many have forecast for weeks
there will be a strike against GM.

The resignations, effective Fri-
day, leave the financially and po-
litically troubled party's Lansing
office manned only by State
Chairman Zolton Ferency, him-
self a subject to controversy
among party leaders.
The resignations came as a
surprise to newsmen and many
of the 17 top party leaders, who
had expected the meeting at
party headquarters to deal with
the furor set off by Ferency's
remarks last week, interpreted as
a "dump Johnson" call.
However. State Treasurer
Stuart E. Herzberg of Detroit said
there was no discussion of Fer-
ency's comments in which he
said President Johnson's decline
in popularity, as reflected in
polls, threatens to hurt the entire
party ticket in 1968.
Submitting their resignations
Monday night were James Har-

Democrats attending the top
level meeting included Atty. Gen.
Frank Kelly and Secretary of
State James Hare, the party's two
top elected officials; and former
Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
"We're going to have to sit
down and figure out how to op-
erate out of the Lansing office,"
said Herzberg. "This office will
be open, but I assume after the
end of the week only the chair-
man will be here."
He said the committee will at-
tempt to find replacements.
Herzberg said the leadership
originally proposed to the staff
that one professional staff mem-
ber and two clerical staffers, one
in Lansing and one in Detroit, be
laid off until Jan. 1, 1968.
"Economy is the problem,"
Ferency said. "I understand the
Republicans are having the same
Another Democratic official
said the party currently is some
$150,000 in debt.

Ottf Deits ate ohee
Of Democrat Committee

Early this year, before the U.S.
Air Force and Navy were per-
mitted to attack home bases of
North Vietnamese jets, civilian
opponents of such action con-
tended attacks would force the
North Vietnamese to a safe haven
in Communist China. -
To a considerable extent, this
appears to have been borne out.
Kept in China
Pentagon sources said 51 of
North Vietnam's 80 MIG 17s and
MIG21s are usually kept in
China until needed. Then they
are flown to Phuc Yen, Gia Lam
and other North Vietnamese air
bases for launching on combat
The sources said it appears the
Ms are maintained in China
and some pilot and crew training
is conducted there.
All told, the record shows the
U.S. still has a wide air-to-air
combat edge over the North Viet-
namese air force, despite the re-
cent losses.
The total now stands at 86
MIGs shot down since the air war
began in February 1965, as
against 26 U.S. war planes lost in
aerial combat.
Only Two Left
The attack on Phuc Yen leaves
only two of North Vietnam's 11
air fields untouched. Both are
close to Hanoi.
One field still exempt is Gia
Lam, the Hanoi International
Airport, and Bac. Mai, a transport
field just to the south of the
capital city. Only Gia Lam is
capable of handling jets, defense
officials said.
There are indications North
Vietnamese pilots have been re-
trained to use their MIGs more
efficiently. Experience has also
proved their combat worthiness.


Southern school districts have
voluntarily set for themselves
deadlines to meet federal deseg-
regation requirements, govern-
ment officials disclosed yesterday.
Involved are 37 school districts
across the 17 Southern and bor,
der states. All have agreed to
eliminate dual Negro-white school
systems by set dates over the
next three years.
Another 44 of the total 4,600
school districts in the South have
presented to federal officials new
plans aimed at producing accept-
able desegregation in public
schools over a slightly longer
Government officials define ac-
ceptable desegregation as evi-
dence of substantial progress to-
ward school integration.
"We still have a long way to
go," one federal official com-
mented. "The vast majority of
Negro children'in the South still
are not getting an adequate edu-
cation. We also need to deal with
the same situation in some North-
ern centers." '
"But you; can only take One
step at a time and the voluntary
establishment of deadlines lets us
begin to see the light at the end
of the tunnel."
Most Southern school districts

which have set their own dead-
lines for compliance with civil
rights rulings on school desegre-
gation have requested, anonymity
while they go about the ,job.
"Educators realize the necessity
for compliance if termination of
federal financial support is to be
avoided," a government civil
rights official explained. "But
they don't want to stir commun-
ity antagonism while they're
working on it."
A breakdown by states, how-
ever, reveals this picture:
-Twelve southern school dis-
tricts have agreed to eliminate all
school segregation by the end of
1968. Of these, two are in Georgia
and 10 in Texas.
-Fourteen have agreed to
eliminate desegregation complete-
ly by the end of 1969. Of these,
two are in Arkansas, six in Texas,
three in Florida, two in Georgia
and one in Tennessee.
-Eleven have agreed to inte-
grate schools by the end of 1970.
Of these, ten are in Texas and
one in Georgia.
All in all, 221 Southern school
districts have been asked by the
government to come up with
more definite progress on school
desegregation or face the termi-
nation of federal financial sup-


rison, director of party develop-
ment and editor of the Michigan
Democrat, and five employes
holding clerical-secretarial jobs.




Dir. James Whale, 1931
(The original; Boris Karioff)

Curse of the
Cat People
Dir. Val Newton, 1964

Beginning Wednesday, October 25
7:3 0 P.M.
921 Church St.
How has history shaped the current relationship
between China and Vietnam?
Resource Leader - MRS. LE THI ANH
Vietnamese writer and philosopher
Other topics: Concepts of

SHORT: Chapter 6
Flash Gordon

FRIDAY, Oct. 27
The Thing from
Another World
dir. .Howard Hawkes, 1951
7:00, 9:00 and

SUNDAY, Oct. 29
King Kong
dirs. Marion Cooper and
E. B. Schoedsoch, 1933
S11:00 P.M.




For further information, call 662-5529







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