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October 25, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-25

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See editorial page

Sir 43igaU


Low-4 0
Windy with good chance
of showers

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Draft Change To LimitS lt-1n,


Graduate Enrollments

zh Issue




Re sar(

By GREG ZIEREN The report states that "both The ACE report notes that de-
"Enrollment in the first two the statute and the regulations re- , spite the transitional deferments
years of graduate and professional quire that the oldest among those "for a 12 month period beginning
schools next fall will be limited eligible for induction be drafted in July 1968, between half and
to women, veterans, men physical-|first." Assuming that Selective two-thirds of all men inducted by
ly disqualified, and those over Service will draft "between 200,000 1 Selective Service will be college ;
the age of 25," states a report and 300,000 men. roughly the graduates." The report further
issued last week by the American 'number drafted this year," the re- states that a majority of those
Council on Education. port concludes that "all men whose inducted will be considerably older
John F. Morse, director of the II-S deferment will end for those than the age group most desired A t
ACE's Commission on Federal Re- receiving their baccalaureate . . . by the armed forces.
lations and author of the analysis, will be inducted unless they are Recommendations by the com-
reports that this situation will over-age or physically disquali- mission for remedying this situa-1
prevail unless "changes are made fied or have previously served in tion include broadly defining the


t... . v wa. ..w.. .v.... .. ...... o..-... _. ..

by amending either the statute or the armed forces." list of occupations which Congress i 'Ho
the regulations." The new draft law has "assured specified as being "necessary to
II-S deferments" to undergradu- the maintenance of the national To Get Your Defense
tiate students with certain limita- health, safety or interest."
R esignationtions as to age and normal pro- Bus1iness Disrupied
1gress. The II-S deferments will Another suggestion the report
end for those receiving baccalau- offers is for Selective Service to By DAVID MANN
d-"1 dnsseB reates and will not be extended adopt a given ratio of 19 year old Thirteen anti-war demonstrat-
a s ve or except for those engaged in the men to older men. The commission ors were arrested yesterday as
study of medicine, dentistry, vet-Iadvises this because it would "pro- they protested the fourth annual
erinary medicine, osteopathy and vide the armed services with the Defense and Government Pro-
optometry.desirable age-mix curement Conference, held at the
A spokesman for the Selective The commission also recom- Horace H. Rackham Educational
Service System told The Daily , mends a "random selection sys- Memorial building in Detroit.
DETROIT 0") - Democratic yesterday that the effect on grad- , tem" which would designate a Detroit's Rackham Bldg. is the
State Chairman Zolton Ferency uate schools would be limited by prime age group for first induc- site of the University's Detroit
said yesterday he will not resign "transitional period students." tion, but would include in that extension service, and is partially
his post while under fire for sug- These students, he explained, group men who had passed the age owned by the University.
gesting that President Johnson would be of two types. The first, without being inducted. This would The conference, entitled "How
may not be the best man to head students who had made arrange- include students whose under- to Get and Keep Your Share of
the party's 1968 ticket. ments to enter graduate schools graduate deferment had run out. Defense Business," was sponsored
Emphasizing that he has not and were enrolled before October The spokesman for Selective by the Defense and Aerospace In-
used the phrase "Dump John- of this year, would be granted a Service agreed that "guidelines' dustries Council of the Michigan
son," Ferency told a press confer I "for one year only, the were necessary" concerning the Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
ence that the odds point to a spokesman said. gri eermen ing tration and the Defense and
Johnson-Humphrey ticket nexts s s -granting of deferments, sayig Government Contracts Manage-
year Students in their "second or that nothing further would be de- Go Armet
But if the party can find a bet- subsequent year of graduate study cided on the issue until the Na- ment Association.
ter candidate, Ferency said, then will be granted II-S deferments tional Security Council delivers its Speakers at the conference in-
he would like to see that candi- until he has completed his pro- Irecommendationsby Dec. 31 of cud Ar high raing Amy
date nominated. fessional requirements, he added. Ithis year. them at least four generals. The
Ferency's resignation was de- conference was attended by three
manded last week by several N to four hundred businessmen,
Michigan Democratic leaders aft- Serees whose object was "to learn the
er the former gubernatorial can- ' fine art of doing business with
didate said he "deplored" the the government." No one con-

Voice Plans
Sit-In Next
Norman To Speak
At UAC Teach-In;
Six-Mall Panel Set
Voice, the campus chapter of
Students for a Democratic So-
ciety (SDS), last night called for
a sit-in next Wednesday to pro-
test classified military research
being carried on at the University.
The group agreed to a sit-in
and teach-in in front of the of-
fice of Vice President in Charge
of Research A. Geoffrey Norman
on the first floor of the Adminis-
tration Building. Immediate focus
of the action is the University's
$1.5 million secret counter-insur-
gency project for use in Thailand.
An open meeting has also
planned on the war research is-
sue. Set for Friday, the University
Activities Center-sponsored teach-
in will feature a six-man panel
debating the question. Vice Presi-
dent Norman agreed yesterday to
participate in the meeting, at the
invitation of Student Government
Council President Bruce Kahn,
Varied Views

-Daily-Bernie Baker
PRESIDENT-DESIGNATE Robben W. Fleming addresses the University chapter of the American
Association of University Professors (AAUP), his first official meeting with the faculty since he came
to campus in September. Fleming will replace Harlan Hatcher as President of the University in Jan-
uary, 1968.
Fle-ming Outlinles Role

"power tactics" being used by th
party's national establishment "
an effort to foreclose alternati
Ferency's remarks were denie
as being representative of off
cial party policy by state Dem
cratic leaders James M. Har
secretary of state; Attorney Gen
eral Frank Kelley; and forme
governor G. Mennen William
Simultaneously, four leaderso
the Ingham County (Lansing
Democratic Committee said in
prepared statement that the
"support and applaud" Ferency'
Young Dems pass resolution
asking for an alternative t
President Johnson. See story
page 2.
call for an open Democratic Na
tional Convention next year.
Ferency told newsmen yester
day, "The time, place and reason
for my resignation will be decide
by me, and I have no intentio
of making that decision while be
ing subjected to the heat of mis
guided fire."
Meanwhile, rumors have bee
circulating within the Democrat
* Party that Ferency has met re
cently with dissident party lea
ers from New York, Californ
and other states to discuss th
possibility of entering an ant
war Democrat in March's Ne
Hampshire primary. Minnesot
Senator Eugene McCarthy is sa
to oe one of the individuals sug
gested by the group.


Links Science, Man

d By JAMES JENSEN tee, stressed cooperation between
i- "It is contrary to all evidence government and science to stop
o- that social problems such as pov- ' and reverse the "erosion of both
e, erty, slums, school dropouts and our physical and social environ-!
- crime are entirely genetic," said ment."
er Fredrick Seitz, president of the Otherwise, he said, "none of us
s. National Academy of Sciences, is going to want very much to live
of opening the Academy's series of in tomorrow's world." Science and
g) symposiums here at the Univer- government must work together,
a sity Monday. he added, neither side being blind
ey Today the last of the sympo- to the needs and problems of the
s siums will be held in the Rack- other, in order to build a "new
ham Building. Leading scientists I greatness into our national life."
n and engineers from all over the In his opening remarks, Seitz,
country have come to hear the currently chairman of the Uni-
talks on the genetic future of the versity of Illinois physics depart-
, human race, the structure of the ment, spoke of the urgings of
universe, and the Great Lakes, as others for the Academy "to re-
well as to deliver papers on their duce present uncertainty about
a- own special fields. the relative importance of heredi-
The National Academy of Sci- tary and environment as causes
r- ences is a private organization of human social problems."
ns that was chartered by the federal Seitz pointed out that society
ad government in 1863. Its purpose might not use eugenic develop-
n is "to foster the orderly develop- ments to improve the situation.
e- ment of science and its use for "Our society still severly restricts
s- human welfare," according to even the voluntary individual ap-
Seitz. The Academy advises the plication of some availalle tech-
n government when r e q u e s t e d, niques." Birth control and thera-
ic without fee, on matters relating peutic abortion were used as ex-
e- to science and engineering, in re- amples.
d- turn for reimbursed expenses. "For these reasons," Seitz con-
ia "A Challenge to the Scientific cluded, "we question the social
he Community" was the topic of an urgency of a greatly enhanced
i- address to the Academy present- - program to measure the herita-
w ed by Rep. Emilio Q. Daddario bility of complex intellectual and
ta (D-Conn.) Monday evening. Dad- emotional factors . .. On the oth-
id dario, chairman of the House's er hand, no promising new ap-
g- N a t i o n a 1 Aeronautics and proach to answering these ques-
Space Administration subcommit- !tions should be discouraged."

nected with the University spoke
at the conference, which will
conclude today.
The demonstrators were arrest-
ed after entering the building
and disrupting a conference in
progress by yelling anti-war and
anti-war research slogans. They
are being held by the Detroit Po-
lice Department's Special Inves-
tigation Bureau (SIB).
According to a Detroit legal aid
representative attempting to post
bond for the demonstrators. most
of whom were Wayne State stu-
dents, they are being held by the
"Michigan State Police 'red
squad'." Detroit police, however,'
maintain that the city's SIB is
handling the case,
The demonstrators will be ar-
raigned tomorrow in Detroit Re-
corder's Court. Eleven will be ar-
raigned on charges of disturbing
the peace and trespassing on
private property, while two will
be arraigned on charges of ma-
licious destruction of private
A much larger demonstration is
being planned for today by the,
Wayne State chapter of Students
for a Democratic Society.
According to Director of Uni-
versity Extension Services Ever-
ett Soop, the University shares
joint tenancy of the Rackham
extension with the Engineering
Society of Detroit. The facility,{
he said, is used by many organ- 4
izations for meetings and confer-
ences- not necessarily sponsored
by either tenant.

"My general point of view about
administration is that there is
nothing inevitable about a schism'
between faculty and administra-
tion," said President-designate
Robben W. Fleming last night,
speaking to approximately forty
members of the University chap-
ter of the American Association of
University Professors.
In the informal address given in
the Rackham Bldg., Fleming spoke:
briefly on problems of determining
priorities for University growth,
faculty - administrative relation-
ships and the allocation of re-
Not Simple
Fleming admitted that sufficient
faculty involvement in decision
making was not a simple pro-
cedure, but said that "I simply
do not accept the 'we-they' phil-
osophy. Involvement is not al-.
ways easy to implement, but I
operate from the base that it
Commenting on the complexi-
ties of university organization,
Fleming said, "I think of myself
as an institutionalist in the old
sense. I don't believe in drawing
blocks on paper and putting1
people in them because it says to
on page 32 of an institutional or-f
ganization textbook. I think onet
tries to frame an administration
in accordance with the traditions

and precedents of the university
"Administrators can sometimes+
get so involved that they simply
forget to consult some people who
should have been consulted. In
that case, I think those people
should speak up," he said.
When the meeting was openedl
for discussion, Prof. Carl Cohen
of the philosophy department
raised the question of the stu-
dent's role in decision making.
Fleming commented that "I
think students do have a role to
play in the decision making pro-
cess. We too often assume that a
student or a faculty member will
be too bound by the environment
they come from ever to become a
university statesman."
In his remarks on determining
priorities for University growth,
Fleming pointed out that every

Of Faculty in D~

The discussion would attempt
to present all the varying view-
points on campus, according to
Dan McCreath, '69, coordinator
of UAC's Contemporary Discus-
college could make a substantial sion Committee. The location and
case for the urgency of its re- time for the meeting will be an-
quests, but even after priorities nounced as soon as arrangements
are established on a campus level have been completed.
they must be dealt with at the The Voice protest will specific-
state level. ally call for the cancellation of
"There is a move all over the University classified work; for
country right now toward more Thailand sponsored by the De--
legislativelegis- partment of Defense. The pro-
lators say they cannot continue grams include development of ra-
to allocate such huge sums of dad detection and tracking e-
money without having a chance vices and traing members of
to exercise their judgment about the Royal Thai military in their
--_f-_use. The work is designed to help

the use of funds
"I think that, to an extent, we,
need to put ourselves in the shoes
of a legislator and realize the
many kinds of strong demands
that will be put on them. But at
the same time we must fight for
the needs we have and not stand
by and see the Universiyt deteri-
orate. We must build our political
strength as much as possible."

them find communist guerillas.
Set of Goals
Voice also adopted a prelimin-
ary set of goals for further action.
These include the end of all
classified research, publicizing of
currently classified University
contracts, breaking of ties with
the government's Institute for De-
fense Analysis and an investiga-
tion of possible conflicts of in-
terest between faculty and either
government or industrial agencies.
A rally on the Diag was sug-

0 -d--l I T --1-

nl. ULe rai ervice r aces

gested as the starting point for
the demonstration on Wednesday
D c easeiand speakers may be scheduled
for Monday and Tuesday as well.
Individuals and other grou.ps were
Student Government Council's an appointment to see one of the invited to co-sponsor the actions.
legal service, which is now in its lawyers, but this form is placed Vote No Limit
secon semster r opratin wir I i a seled nvelpe anopreente

second semester of operation withI in a sealed envelope and presented
an expanded program, is faced directly to the lawyer, who treats
with a problem of support. The it with normal attorney-client pro-
service has added a second law- cedures.
yer, but student use of the pro- S
gram has dropped off to almost Students may make appoint-
nothing. ments to see one of the attorneys
nohn._ tby r in fn thp C offices in


MUSKET Sings Through Korea '

As the bus drove through
Korea's De-Militarized Zone, one
of the occupants wrote on a post
card: "May not get back alive,s
but we'll go out singing."
And they continued singing
from Korea's DMZ to Japan's Hi-
roshima: from Navy hospitals to
plush civilian clubs. They not only
got out alive, but the 1967
MUSKET cast is returning to Ann
Arbor this afternoon a widely-
acclaimed success.
Black-outs, nearby battles, lack
of stages-nothing stopped them.
In Korea the group broke all club
records and was awarded five
standing ovations.
In Japan, the director of serv-
ices at one Air Force base describ-

When the service opened last
spring, it was, according to its
director, E. O. Knowles, '70, com-
pletely booked up. Based on this
enthusiastic respons, SGC decided
s D M Z to expand the program by adding
another lawyer, thereby doubl-
ing the counseling time available
popular songs, folk, jazz and rock. to students.
The performers were 15 members This expansion increased the
of the University's 1967 MUSKET number of students which the pro-
cast, sponsored by the Defense gram could handle each week from
Department for a USO tour of Far eight to sixteen. "However,"
Eastern military establishments. Knowles says, "we are only get-
Jack Rouse, Grad, was the direc- ting five or six people a week at
tor of the revue; Bruce Fisher, this time."
Grad, its musical director. Knowles feels that the problems
The troupe entertained service- has been one of a lack of pub-
men in hospitals and service licity. "The service cannot ad-
clubs, covering more than 30,000 vertise, since this would be a con-
miles in its travels. tradiction of legal ethics. ResponseE
In Hiroshima, the 'MUSKET has been low because people just
team performed for an all-Japa- do not know about the program,"
nese audience-"One of the most he contends.
gratifying experiences we have The service was established to
had," Rouse said. enable students to obtain advice
The group's tour of Korea was concerning their legal problems.
a success, despite the fighting 'In the past, it has dealt mainly
that was still going n in parts with landlord-tenant problems,
ta ssi goii r~nPngo.in parts'with some work being done in

Dy coming zo te aLviie 1
the Student Activities Building, or
they may call 663-0553 for in-
formation. The service holds of-
fice hours from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Mondays and from 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Arrest 30 Students
At Princeton Protest
By ROB BEATTIE hit one of the demonstrators while
Thirty students were arrested attemptingto enter the building.
and released Monday on .the According to one of the demon-
Princeton University campus fol- strators, the man had been "put
lowing a demonstration which up" to doing so to enable police
blocked entry to a campus build- and the IDA director to get pic-
ing housing classified war re- tures as evidence. Asked if this
search. Gwere true, Richard Liebler, the
The students, most of whom director of IDA, replied. "Pos-
were members or friends of the sibly."
local chapter of Students for a ! About 50 students gathered in
Democratic Society (SDS) were front of the IDA building at 7:30
charged with trespassing after a.m. to block the entrance. Barry
*phn Vrl nrPV t mn 1tew frm Peters, one of the demonstrators

A time limit was voted down,
thereby allowing those actually
participating to decide how long
to stay and individually deter-
mine whether they would accept
arrest if the University decided to
force them to leave.
No specific deadline for ending
Thailand work was set, although
several members warned that this
would leave the University free
to delay decision until the project
0 is completed in 1969.

'.~ ~

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