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October 24, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-24

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See editorial page


Ink&i px


Mostly sunny with slight
chance of rain tonight

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


. . . .................. . ..... . .......





A Editorial
In universities across the country the relationship between aca-
demic communities and secret government military research has
been undergoing rexamination. It is time for this University to
begin this same reappraisal and make the inevitable changes that
should accompany it.
This University is one of the key military research centers
in the country. Last year the school took $21.5 million in defense
department contracts - third in the nation. About X9.7 million
went for secret war research.
These classified activities are now being conducted in a moral
vacuum. There are no explicit guidelines describing the V1niver-
sity's position on such work, only vague restrictions which can
be easily circumvented.
The University is a far cry from institutions like Harvard
which refuses to accept any classified contracts or the University'
of Minnesota whose president recommended to the board of
regents that the schobl stop taking classified work.
At Cornell the university faculty has voted to sever rela-
tions with the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory which is handling
a $1.5 million defense department counterinsurgency project in
Thailand. The faculty there believes the project may "inflict
irreparable damage on the university's teaching and research
throughout the world."
This University's 1 million counter-insurgency project in
Thailand demonstrates the product of a poorly-defined, research
policy and seriously compromises the academic integrity of this
Normally the university assumes research activities because
they can make an academic contribution to the school. Research
should be undertaken to advance the frontiers of knowledge, to
provide a meaningful educational experience for faculty and stu-
dents, and to find new and better ways of promoting human
The Thailand project accomplishs none of these. Much like the
ill-famed Michigan State University work. in Vietnam it is a
service contract. It will aid Thailand in developing a "fair-sized
reconnaissance program" to help the Roya9l Thai military "find
clandestine Communist guerilla activity."
Under University supervision the Royal Thai military has
purchased and equipped a C-47 airplane for surveillance wrk.
The work started last year and continues through 1969.
The Thai reconaissance technicians were trained by the
University both here and in Thailand. The photos will be inter-
preted in a new Bangkok laboratory the University helped build.
Aside from the fact, that University researchers may get a
closer look at "clandestine Communists," the school is not
learning anything from the contract. University scientists have
pioneered aerial surveillance techniques with their own fleet of
airplanes at Willow Run. The school continues to do reconnaisance
throughout the world and does not need additional practice in
Moreover, the project has no academic value to the University.
And most important, the project is only helping escalate the
Thai situation into another Vietnam-style conflict.
University officials working on the project say "The Thai
government"' is using surveillance to "locate a group of Com-
munists who have come in with military equipment. Then the{
Thai military will send in forces to capture the Communist ring-
Future implications of this kind of project are also ominous.f
The American government is involved in counter-insurgency work
around the world - Bolivia and Guatemala being two prominent
examples. Is the University of Michigan going to undertake re-
connaisance projects to aid counter-insurgency work in countries
around the globe? Is the University going to go hand in hand
with the U.S. government as it sticks its militaristic nose into
revolutionary nations everywhere?
We believe the University has no right reason, or respon-
sibility to get involved in secret counter-insurgency work,
The school should withdraw immediately from the secret
Thailand project. And because this matter raises such seriousj
questions about secret research, we believe the University should
stop accepting all new classified contracts, pending establishment
of clear guidelines that prevent University involvement in such
.- T T T i/'

Police Jail 208
As Protests End

UAW Skilled


States marshals hauled a
stand group of Vietnam wa
testers from Pentagon g
early yesterday, ending a
timei-violent weekend rail
march on the troop-surr
military nerve center of t
Sponsors hailed the demo
tion as the birth of a new
Over 100,000 persons p
pated in the two-day affa
began Saturday morning
Lincoln Memorial. A total
Young Dei
Want LBJ
Off Ticket

United people were arrested by specially-
t last- deputized U.S. marshals.
ar pro- Dave Dellinger, chief organizer
rounds of the march, declared those who
some- oppose the war now have shifted{
ly and "from simple dissent to resist-
ounded ance."
he na- On a plaza-like area just out-
side the Pentagon's north en-
tpeace trance, a hard-corelband of dis-
peace senters--mostly college age---re-
sisted to the last.
ir that 208 Held
at the At midnight S u n d a y. when
of 680 their permit to stage a "non-t
violent" demonstration expired,
marshals armed with night sticks
nis and pistols and aided by military
ll police carried the protesters to
Army vans. The Defense Depart-E
ment said 208 were hauled to a*
federal detention center atOc-
coquan, Va., where most of the 4391
persons arrested earlier had been!

Charge Reuther Sold Out

As the midnight deadline ap-
The State Central Committee of proached, an Army colonel seated
the Young Democratic Clubs of in a jeep repeatedly broadcasted
Michigan approved Sunday by an to the demonstrators a warning
almos# 75 per cent majority a res- that those "who do not leave vol-
olution opposing renomination of untarily by midnight will be ar-
President Lyndon 'B. Johnson. rested."
Representatives of the 47 state Officials estimated there were
Young Democratic clubs voted 56- 2,000 troops on hand for the
20 in favor of the resolution, which cleanup arrests.
s ated that Johnson "by his ac- After the last demonstrator de-
quately reflected the platform parted, there was a moment of
and principles of the Democratic silence and then a wave of cheer-
Party by prosecuting an unjust ing from the troops. The marshals
t Paty y prsectin an njut 3then applauded the soldiers.
war in Vietnam and neglecting the
problems of poverty, education, Peace, Mixed with Violence
racial hatred, disease and urban In a sort of war of attrition,
decay." marshals quietly arrested over-
The resolution originally also zealous protesters one-by-one most
called for opposition to Johnson's of Sunday morning, with brief in-
re-election as well as his renom- cidents of violence interrupting
ination. An amendment by Gene the passive sit-in. Arrests were
Farber, '68,, a member of the Uni- spaced several minutes apart in
versity group, removed the op- an effort to avoid trouble. Most
position to re-election. demonstrators offered virtually no
The University Young Dem- resistance as they were carried
ocrat Club, with 19 votes at the from their sit-in area 200 or 300
central committee, is the state's feet from the tall oak doors of the
largest and hence most powerful. Pentagon's main entrance.
The central committee also voted
54-53inspotoZotnFrny, By midafternoon, the demon-
emi support of ZoltonFerency, strators ruled out an attempt to
Democratic state c an, o dcrash the ranks of armed MPs but
has called for an open Democratic !decided to conduct a ''teach-in'"
convention next year and accused
the President of attempting to for their captive audience-the
close off opposition.M
Another resolution passed by one by one, they arose, includ-
the YDCM committee called for ing a girl with a flower in her
"de-escalation and/or total with- hair; Gary Rader of Chicago, a
drawal of troops from Vietnam former Green Beret; a militarily-
with resources channeled to meet dressed man who called himself
domestic crises and the revamping Gen. Hershey Bar, all to broadcast
and extension of the poverty pro- their philosophies at the rigid
gram." MPs.
W ork1ngGroup Asks

--Associated Press
Almost weighed down by his 5x12 foot flag, a ma n in Newark showed his desire to "Back Our Men
in Vietnam." He was one of almost 55,000 who m arched in this city, while countless thousands
drove all over the country yesterday with the ir headlights on to demonstrate approval for the
United States' commitment to the war in Vietn am.
City Plans LandPurchase~s
For Housing Devlpet

Union Chiefs,
Pickets Clash
At Meeting
Guaranteed Wage,
50-Cent Hourly Hike
In Proposed Contract
DETROIT (A') - Fighting in
which at least three persons were
knocked down and several noses
were bloodied erupted last night
as dissident skilled tradesmen at-
tempted to force their way into
a meeting of the National Ford
Council of the United Auto Work-
ers Union.
The council was meeting to ap-
prove or reject a newly-negotiated
contract with Ford Motor Co.
where a strike by 160,000 UAW
members now is in its seventh
Flying Wedge
The pickets were protesting
terms of the new pact to be sub-
mitted to the UAW Ford member-
ship for ratification today or to-
morrow if the council approves it.
Policeman Gene Brestle esti-
mated the number of pickets at
200 to 250.
Shouting "No! No!" and fol-
lowing television cameramen, the
pickets invaded a lobby outside
the downtown auditorium where
the council was meeting. A flying
wedge of council delegates and
UAW international represent-
tives, moved out to force the
pickets back from the auditorium
Fighting quickly broke out, but
the flying wedge was effective
and emptied the lobby shortly.
Guards were placed on doors lead-
ing to the outside, where UAW
President Walter P. Reuther had.
been loudly heckled and accused
of "selling out" skilled tradesmen
in the new Ford contract.
Inside, the 200 - member Ford
National Council, which includes
local union presidents from across
the -country, voted over-whelm-
ingly to recommend ratification of
the new contract to Ford workers.
Guaranteed Income
The new contract carries an
immediate 50-cent hourly increase
for skilled tradesmen, plus a three
per cent boost in the second and
third year of its three-year span.
It also inludes a guaranteed
annual income of approximately
95 per cent of a worker's straight
time wage when'he is laid off.
Meanwhile, the guaranteed an-
nual income which the United
Auto Workers won in a new con-
tract at Ford Motor. Co. does not
become effective until December
of 1968, union spokesman said
last night.

By ANN MUNSTER options, selection of sites, andI
Ann Arbor's Housing Commis- selection of architects.
sion is currently considering pur- "We are waiting for the archi-
chasing eight sites in seven ele- tect's preliminary cost estimates
mentary school attendance dis- which will probably be ready late
tricts for distribution of 200 pub- this week in order to determine
lie housing units. whether we will need additional
The city has a grant of $3.6 federal financing," Housing Com-
million from the federal govern- mission chairman H e n r y V.
ment to build these 200 units un- Aquinto said yesterday.
der a program under which the "It is quite conceivable that
government must approve all the architect's estimates will be
phases of constructon, including within the $3.6 million grant we


parcels of one and two acres that
might not be needed for school
construction. He suggested that it
might be possible for the Board
to trade land or options with the
Housing Commission.
Acting Superintendent W. Scot
Westerman Jr. said the Board of
Education will bring up some of
its "marginal" land holdings for
informal discussion at the com-
mission's next regular meeting,
Oct. 26.
Trustees at Friday night's meet-
ing gave the Housing Commis-

have already received from the!
government," he added.


Of Tri-Partite Judiciary Panel
By JAN MALINOWSKI sions could only be appealed to the executive secretary without a vote.
A "Joint University Committee" Regents if the plan were accepted. The Working Group on the Uni-
(JUC) which would act as a final JUC, as suggested by the group, versity Judiciary was established
court for cases involving individ- would be comprised of seven stu- by the President's Commission on
ual and organizational student dents, three faculty members and Decision-Making in April, "to stu-
xmisconduct in the University last? a representative of the vice presi- dy existing ways of handling non-
week was suggested in a plan by dent for student affairs. Students academic discipline . . . and to
the Working Group on the Uni- would vote on decisions in all propose changes in current proce-
versity Judiciary. cases, faculty would vote only in dures if changes, seemed neces-;
A system containing the JUC cases involving possible suspen- sary.
could replace the current Joint sion, probation or expulsion, and "The most important new feat-
Judiciar Committee. JUC deci- the representative would act as ure in the system is the establish-
ment of a central judicial body
dominated by students responsible
to and only to the Regents," says
David Baad, assistant to the vice
- president for student affairs an4i

Last Friday night, at a joint sion data prepared by Ivan Bare,
meeting of commissioners and coordinator of grant programs for
Board of Education trustees, the schools, listing concentrations
Aquinto said the commission holds of low-income families by census
15 options for possible site pur- tracts and enrollments of Negro
chase. He said the city council! students from 1963 to 1968, in
and Federal Housing Assistance E Ann Arbor area schools.
Administration will be asked The trustees passed a resolution
within two weeks to approve at Oct. 11, stating their desire that
least eight. "disadvantaged children" should
Trustee William C. Godfrey said1be "dispersed as widely as pos-
that in reading a list of land sible among the school neighbor-
owned or under option by the hoods rather than concentrated
Board of Education, he sees 10 j in only a few."

Exhibit Chinese Artifacts

SIH RAirs Student Grievances

chairman of the Working Group.
Individual schools, under the
plan, can choose to handle ruler
infraction cases of their own stu-

The medical practices of ancient
China, generally unrecognized ine
the West, are the object of an un-
usual exhibit currently on display

_ ____ ___ f_ ___ YL ___ it_ _ _ ; -.-..I-A 4.. 1 ,..v ... 1i Tn tays

By DAVID SPURR offender. There are more com- a verbal agreement rather than startea to nappen.' In oher dents ratner tan aow JUjuris-in the loyo0teMeica ci- 1
Entering the Student Activities plaints on file at SRU for it than signing a lease are sometimes apartments owned by this firm diction over their students. ence Building.r
Building, one mayencounter a for any other landlord. The firm evicted without advance notice. students complained of a backed- Several courts would be under The exhibit, brought to the Uni-t
sign that reads, "Damage Deposits has allegedly withheld damage SRU tries to solve these prob- up sewer, clogged toilets and leaky JUC including a student traffic versity by the Center for Chinese
Withheld? Poor Maintenance? No deposits without explanation and lems by talking to landlords. faucets-all with at best delayed court and judicial bodies for In- Studies, is part of a larger display
has not done necessary cleaning Kelly says that "most landlords action from the agency. Accord- ter-Fraternity Council, Panhel- originally assembled in London
Repairs? Call SRU. We Solve or repairs for several tenants. act as if they're willing to co- ing to this firm: "We haven't lenic Asociation and Inter-House and shown later in New York City.
Your partment Complaints. Filthy Living moving! but the fact that they're had many problems. On every Assembly. Decisions from these
Free!"One girl complained of moving et scase, work orders are issued im- courts could be appealed to JUC The tes of' disg tr rae
One t us doesn't mean they are cae;orscudb in the West, according to Chineser
The answer to all of these ques- into a "filthy" apartment thatI doing anything . . . some of them; mediately. On a situation like and ultimately to the Regents. studies gradute student Ron Se-
tions seems t be yes for a large the agency would not clean. An-- spin us around in circles. Another that one, it may take a while for The working group recommend-
portion of Ann Arbor's tight hous- other student phoned SRU after large agency doesn't seem to know the repair man to fix a dishwash- ed a revised system of penalties ei buseo more of u an i
ing market. The Student Rental three weeks of plumbing prob- where their records are or what's er. We haven't withheld any dam- which would abolish fines. , is put on Chinese literature and
Union, now receiving about ten lems and no action from the happened to their damage de- age deposits." The working group's report also "r t he " peid.
apartment complaints a day, is agency. A student paying $300 a posits. And some of these little Little Privacy listed student "rights of due pro- We just remember he added,
trying to solve idividual student month moved into a dirty apart- landlords are just invisible, with A fourth major rental firm re- cess" binding on JUC and the "
tenants' problems caused by land- ment with bugs, a broken-down their unlisted phone numbers, ceived a complaint from one ten- lower courts. These would allow: n the exhibit are still being car-
lords, dishwasher, and rugs that had etc." ant about a large living room win- -Advance notice to students of
SRU's chairman Mark Schreib- not been cleaned as promised. Occasional Success dow which remained broken from charges against them: There has even been a renewal of
er, '69, says, "The small land- The firm says, however, that the time he moved in in August - -A choice of open or public them in Communist China."
Despite these difficulties, howx- utlDcme;atremnh'erns
lords are responsible for the worst these are "generalizations about until December: a three-month hearings: The art of acupuncture, one of
causes of irresponsibility, broken things that happened' a year ago.' ever, SRU is having a faim amount delay in painting the apartment; -A choice of making public or the creations most foreign to mod-
leases, and lack of maintenance, A spokesman from that agency s and lack of privacy (the landlord confidential the records of the ern Western science. was featured
but some of the larger manage- said, "I can't coniment on any of they get some sort of agreement would show the rooms to pros- hearings. on several large carved male fig-
ment agencies, particularly one, your specific situations because r time commitmet on repair pective tenants without notifying The group also recommended ures.

co. once widely practiced in
China, is attested to by the long
stemmed pipes on display. An
extra "kick" was derived from
tobacco smoking by flavoring it
with opium, and it seems that
the percentage of opium in the
mixture may have increased as
time went on.
"Ancient Chinese medicine is
(largely) superstition but we must
bear in mind that parts of it

did work," Prof. Munroe of the
philosophy department said. He
pointed to their eleventh century
cure for small pox as an example
of this.
Among their other cures which
were probably not fabulously suc-
cessful are the use of liazrds to
cure asthma and as a disinfect-
ant, snakes to cure insanity and
epilepsy, and horse's tails to help
cure hemmorrages.

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