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October 21, 1967 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-21

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

.. .

'here Opiniona re Free, 420 MAYN4RD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcIi.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

More Money for the 'U':
Romney Better Believe It

ing submitted their capital outlay
and general fund budget requests to Lan-
sing, must now sit tight with their fingers
crossed and hope that the Governor and
the State Legislature improve over the
disastrous performance of last July.
Students and faculty also have good
cause for concern. The inadequacy of
last year's state allotment has forced a
sharp tuition increase on only one
month's notice and a severe cutback in
faculty salary increases.
The fiscal 1967-68 state appropriation
of $59 million for the general fund budget
and $9 million for the completion of
constructi'on already begun" was arrived
at after a long, harried legislative session
which resulted in the passage of a state
income tax. Almost the entire session was
devoted to the controversial taxation is-
sue and both Gov. George Romney and
his Republican cohorts in the Legislature
paid little attention to the actual needs
of the state's colleges and universities.
Once the state income tax was enacted.
Romney left the state to continue his
unannounced Presidential campaign and
passed his already inadequate budget re-
quest into the hands of an arch-con-
servative legislature which proceeded to
do additional trimming.
THE UNIVERSITY initially requested
over $73 million for the general fund
budget. The Governor alloted the Uni-
versity $62.4 million, the sum University
administrators said would be sufficient
only to maintain existing University pro-
grams and services. A legislative con-
ference committee finally decided, after
three of its members went fishing for
the weekend, to appropriate $59.1 million.
As one Legislative observer put it, "If
Romney had been here we might have
made it a fight, but he left the state just
as the fight was going to begin. He could

have helped higher education tremen-
dously by staying just a few more days."
Romney and the Legislature now have
no tax troubles to worry about. The state
budget bureau originally predicted rev-
enues below expectations from the new
income tax. However, Prof. Harvey Bra-
zer, chairman of the University's Econom-
ics Department, using newer statistics,
has projected a large budget surplus of
over $50 million.
Money for new construction, although
of prime importance in the long run,
is only of secondary importance now.
By the time the next fiscal year begins
in July, the University's court test of
Public Act 124 should have been settled
and the Univesrity will once again be
able to bid for the limited amount of
capital outlay funds. Some legislators
have threatened the University with
other devices for controlling University
expansion if PA 124 is declared uncon-
stitutional, but it is hoped they will fol-
low the mandate of the court.
THE CRUX of the matter, assuming suf-
ficient revenue is available is whether
Romney values a politically attractive
budget surplus more than adequately
financed higher education. How he will
act in the year he is seeking the Republi-
can Presidential nomination is anybody's
The certainity is that whatever his
request may be the Republican leglis-
lature will certainly cut it. All the per-
suading, cajoling, politicking, and logroll-
ing possible couldn't give this Legislature
a progressive outlook.
'"The University cannot stand another
year like this one," says Vice-President
for Acadmic Affairs Allan Smith. Gov.
Romney had better believe him or take
the responsibility for the subsequent de-
cline of the University.

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IT IS A TIME of painful choices for a growing segment of the Ameri-
can people. The reality of a massive 'land war in Asia, "a war of
attrition" as U.S. military leaders describe it, is beginning to have an
impact on the American conscience. Yet that same reality has not
been realized in Washington's policy. The spokesmen-Johnson, Rusk,
McNamara, Dirksen-now talk in terms of the yellow peril, of defend-
ing Hawaii and the California coast, of "Asian communism."
And as the endless dialogue continues, the voice of dissent be-
comes louder. It takes the form of Monday's 1,000 draft resisters, of sit-
ins at Brooklyn College, Chicago, and Oakland, of a class boycott at
Madison, Wis. Today, the streams of anger and frustration converge
in Washington to "confront the war-makers."
While many plan to march and have their numbers counted,
others plan civil disobedience, culminating in a sit-in at the Pentagon.
The threat of civil disobedience has set Washington's military gears
grinding as army paratroopers and guards are transferred to the
Pentagon grounds. The possibility suddenly arises that "confronting
the warmakers" could become more physical than allegorical.
Whatever the outcome, it, seems certain that the week's demon-
strations have marked a turning point in the resistance's militancy.
Looming in the future are court challenges of the selective service
system, disruption of the war machinery, and peace candidates on the
local or national level.
And meanwhile, 10,000 miles across the PacificE.
Editorial Director


U R THE SECOND TIME in four years over 100,000 Americans
are marching on their capital for redress of grievances. But with
that bald numerical reflection the similarity between the two protests
In 1963, on that sweltering August day when Martin Luther King
had his dream, a Washington, D.C., shopkeeper said "I'm not going
to work today. They're going to tear this town apart." Now in 1967,
with the weather colder and damper and spirits correspondingly more
pessimistic, blood may yet spill in the streets.
In retrospect, the Civil Rights march of 1963 seems to most
Americans to have been a legitimate, almost respectable tactic-some-
thing this weekend's anti-war mobilization will never be. That dem-
onstration was directed at a wavering Congress; this one at an ada-
mant administration. That rallying of4 forces rode a wave of sub-
stantial national sympathy; today's prompted the New York Times to
editorialize yesterday that protestors will gain little by "violent ac-
tions," as if this week's head-knockings at Brooklyn, Madison and
Oakland were administered by demonstrators.
But as the administration clings tenaciously to a reactionary, an-
tiquated foreign policy the mood of dissent is growing angrier. The
Student Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee has successively re-
placed John Lewis with Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown. And
many Northerners who once .shuddered when Bull Connor cut loose
his police dogs now unashamedly applaud the new vogue for un
scrupluous clubbings.
And meanwhile, 10,000 miles across the Pacific ..


Blackmail Fraternity Style

i OUL PLAY WAS afoot at the Student
Government Council meeting Thurs-
ay night as Inter-Fraternity Council
nnounced a move which could demolish
opes for a large turnout at next month's
GC elections. .
In a progressive move, Council recently
pproved an election schedule stipulating
wo days for students to cast ballots to
11 six at-large seats. Hoping to make
GC a more Tepresentative student gov-
mment, the plan was devised to provide
ore hours which would allow more stu-
ents to vote and to mollify the dampen-
ig effects of inclement weather.
But IFC has placed an obstacle in
ouncil's path. Myron Hartwig, occupy-
ig IFC's ex-officio seat Thursday due
the prolonged absence of President
ruce Getzan, announced that IFC would
ot provide any people to run the election
ooths this semester. Such a move could
ipple the entire election since in the
ast IFC provided a substantial number
f poll workers.
In fact Hartwig, replying to a consti-
ient's question, said that if elections
ere held on two days, IFC wouldn't pro-
de workers for either of them.
)STENSIBILY, IFC withheld support for
the elections because more people than
rer would be needed to man the polls.
owever, it was made clear that IFC
ould probably provide its usual quota
students if elections were returned to
le day. Hartwig refused to say why.
What the motivations of IFC might
transcends speculation. One thing is
cite clear - IFC is playing politics in
i area where only the student body can
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
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immer session.
second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
0 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Staff

At the moment, elections are still
scheduled for two days. SGC may run
into a serious snag, however, if IFC con-
tntines its its obstinate disregard of the
needs of the students. Without IFC's
support elections might conceivably be
cancelled completely.
Rather than allowing SGC to be black-
mailed into compromising its position,
the students themselves must rally to
support their own cause. It may be up
to the independents of the University to
man the polls in November.
If enough students were to volunteer,
this week to run the election two things
might happen. First, IFC might forsake
its power play so as not to risk being left
out of election activities entirely. Sec-
ond, SGC would be able to move ahead
confidently with the knowledge that the
students whose support they are attempt-
ing to obtain are, indeed, supporting
from the whole campus, it would be
particularly effective for individual fra-
ternities to answer SGC's call and-volun-
teer their normal quotas of workers. This
would not only be a testament to the
accomplishments of SGC during the last
few weeks, but it would reject the black-
mail tactics IFC leaders who supposedly
speak for the fraternity system have
been wielding.
It would be unfortunate if SGC were
forced to compromise its integrity in
order to maintain its own existence. The
support SGC gets should not be subject
to the whim of IFC. Hopefully, many
students, whether or not they are fra-
ternity members, will reject the childish
behavior of IFC and volunteer to work
the polls next month. N C
N~o Comment
THE LEGISLATURE has urged suspen-
sion of the University of Wisconsin
students involved in yesterday's protest.
Chancellor Sewell said that 13 students,
who were described as "leaders" of the

"Dean, I

Think You've Let The Dragon
Out Of The Bag"

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