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October 21, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-21

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See editorial page




Windy with slight
chance of raini

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Justice Dept. Refuses





To Accept Draft Cards
Special To The Dally Melman added that the reason door, which was blocked by 12
WASHINGTON-Assistant Dep- why McDonnough had refused to uniformed security guards.


C ontract

uty Attorney General John Mc-
Doniough yesterday refused to ac-
cept nearly 1,000 draft cards
handed to him by anti-war groups
at Washington headquarters of the
Justice Department.
The draft cards, presented to
McDonnough behind closed doors
in a conference room on the first
floor of the Justice Department's
main office building, represented
the climax of a week of similar
demonstrations at Army installa-
tions and draft boards.
The Rev. William Sloane Coffin,
chaplin of Yale University and
leader of the 10-man delegation
that met with McDonnough, told a
sympathetic crowd of approxima-
tely 400 persons that had gatheredj
on the steps of therbuilding that,
by McDonnough's refusal to ac-
cept the cards as part of a dig-I
nified, solemn, moral and legal
confrontation," the Administra-
tion is "forcing another kind of,
Pre-march Washington has been
filled with rumors that the plannedj
demonstration at the PentagonI
might conceivably erupt in vio-
lence, as have demonstrations this
week in Oakland, Calif., Madison,
Wis., and Brooklyn, N.Y.
The total of 992 cards that the
delegation, according to- pedia-
trician - author Dr. Benjamin
Spock, "dumped on a table in the
conference room when McDon-_
nough refused to 'accept' them,"
were brought to Washington by
delegations from across the coun-
try. The largest number of cards
was brought from Berkeley, Calif.
There were none from Ann Arbor.
Seymour Melman, a professor at
Columbia University in New
York, told the crowd after the one-
hour meeting that McDonnough
"gave no answer when we asked
if cards that had been mailed this
week from New York had, as re-
ported in some news media, been
turned over to the Federal Bureau
of Investigation."

accept the cards was that "the Five members of the American
object of the Justice Department Nazi Party hooted and jeered at
is to divide, to pick off men one those gathered to listen to the
by one." speech. One Nazi, who identified
McDonnough, who was standing himself simply at "Capt. Reynolds,
in' for Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark, i SS," said that "my men are here
whom Justice Department infor- to get rid of these creeps that are
mation officers said was "unable trying to stab our boys in Vietnam
to attend the meeting," declined in the back."
to make any 'comment after the TI


meeting with Coffin's delegation.
Throughout the rally, while
speakers from numerous antiwar
and antidraft organizations spoke
from a makeshift lectern in front
of the Justice Department's' main

He added that his organization
has planned for today's march
from the Lincoln Memorial to the
Pentagon, but added that he was
"not at- liberty to disclose our

Wisconsin Protesters
To Mourn 'Brutality'

'Agreement Includes
Guaranteed Income
DETROIT (- - The United Auto Workers Union anu
Ford Motor Co. reached tentative agreement yesterday on
contract provisions that could increase the average worker's
wages 43 to 59. cents an hour, an industry source said,
For a small minority of workers - the 20,000 skilled
tradesmen among the 160,000 UAW members striking Ford
for the 55th day - the wage gain could mount to 95 cents
an hour over the three-year life of the pact,
The UAW and Ford ended a marathon 31-hour bargain-
ing session late yesterday with neither confirmation nor
denial of the source's report. They still operated under a
news blackout the two sides invoked Oct. 10.
Another source said a few details remained to be worked
out, but were not expected to greatly alter the total price tag.
The UAW and Ford said another'
bargaining session was set for
11 a.m. today.
On the basis of details out-
lined by the source, it appeared
that the UAW pact may have J
fallen short of goals as announced
by the union's president Walter P.
Reuther did however get his
main objective-guaranteed an-
nual income, or a form of it, By PAT O'DONOIIUE

Special To The Daily
MADISON, Wis. -"We are on
the eve of the worst civil disrup-
tion this nation has ever seen,"
Dick Schiedenhelm, student sen-
ator, told an emergency meeting
of the Wisconsin Student Associa-
tion yesterday.
The Student Senate tried in
vain yesterday to resolve the
I problems of the past several days
caused when 65 persons were in-
jured as a protest of a Dow Chem-
ical Co. interview exploded into
a riot.
Students were protesting the
Dow interviews because Dow is a
producer of napalm, a vital weap-
on in the Vietnam war. In two
weeks 4the Central Intelligence
Agency has appointments for
similar interviews.
The Student Senate was unable
to pass any ' decisive resolutions
and adjourned for the weekend
as loudspeakers blared outside
the senate meeting room an-
nouncing today's continuation of
the protest.

Stir Oakland, Brooklyn

Even as the cold, windy week-
end seemed to bring a tense still-
ness to the Badger campus, stu-
dents were planning organiza-
tional meetings to plan today'ss
A march on the Wisconsin
State Capitol and the Madison
police station is scheduled for 10
a.m. today. Students will march
two and a half miles and pre-
sent their demands to the Madi-
son police force. They have been
asked to "dress in coats and ties,
or dresses" for the "march of
sorrow for the past."
Religious Protest
Following the marches, religious
groups will congregate about the
center of the campus to pray "for
the ones who are victims of bru-
tality." The ceremonies are sched-
uled to continue through Sunday.
A student senate motion to
condemn the university and the
police force for "not maintain-
ing tighter reign on the action of
the police and preventing the
brutal excesses which resulted"
became bogged down in parlia-
mentary procedure.
The Student Senate then split
into two factions: those seeking
a solution to "unorganized protest"
and those seeking to keep organ-
izations such as Dow off campus.
"Our problem is not a lack of
foresight," Andy Good, a student:
sentor, told the body. "Nor is it
whether or not Dow should come
onto campus. Our problem is al-
lowing a company that produces
a compound of polystyrene and
other organic materials that re-
acts with human skin to melt
people's faces onto their chests."
"We have to stop this thing,
now," Good pleaded to a com-'
' pletely silent audience. "People
are being melted now. What will!
happen in ten years?"
Student senator Robert Bjork
argued that Good was making a
moral judgment. "You're making
a judgment just like the civil
rights issue. We can't do this. Our.
Job is to stop yelling and scream-
ing and to evaluate procedures."
In a related development, the
Wisconsin State Senate yesterday
named a seven-man committee to
investigate the club-swinging me-
lee between police and anti-war
The Senate's investigation panel1
will be headed by Lt. Gov. Jack1
Olson, acting chief executive in
the absence of Gov. Warren P.
Knowles. It was directed to make
i its study and report in a week. %.

Dissention Splits Dm
Pentagon Braces fc

By The Associated Press

to block a street intersection near


The large dragon of Theta Delta Chi and Alpha Omicron Pi captured first place in the Homecoming
Float Competition with an entry entitled "Should a Wizard Offer a Hoosier to a Dragon?" Kappa
Sigma and Pi Beta Phi came in second and tllird spot was awarded to Lambda Chi Alpha and Delta
Delta Delta.

OAKLAND, Calif. - Reinforced the induction center.
police, pelted by tin cans and At Brooklyn College, scenel
pushing aside streetblocking debris, Thursday of a bloody battle be-1
cleared the way today for seven tween student demonstrators and
busloads of inductees at the Oak- city police, hundreds stayed away
land Army Induction center. from classes. College officials said
In other antiwar demonstra- four departments had no students,I
tions, students-at Brooklyn Col- four others had only a few stu-
lege in New York closed down part dents, but at least six others re-
of the school, while Columbia stu- ported good attendance.
dents marched on the office of The Brooklyn boycott, observed
president Grayson Kirk. by 2,000 students according to
Disorderly segments of an esti- their leaders, protested the col-
mated 10,000 demonstrators in1lege's calling in of police Thurs-
Oakland caused an hour's delay in day. Dozens suffered bloody noses,
arrival of the buses. And when the cuts and bruises as police sought
vehicles came they had to be to clear the student center of stu-
moved in the wrong way on a one- dents protesting the presence of
way street. two Navy recruiters.
Attempt Fails Brooklyn College, a branch of
But the demonstrators failed in the City University, has about
their announced attempt to keep 10,000 day students and about 15,-
the buses from unloading the in- 000 night students.

By DANIEL OKRENT Bragg, N.C.-some of whom saw
Daily News Analysis riot duty last summer in Detroit
Special To The Daily --will be on hand at the Pentagon
WASHINGTON - When the tomorrow to greet marchers plan-,
National Mobilization Commit- ning to commit civil disobedience
tee's "peace torch" arrived in Ann by sitting-in on the steps of the
Arbor two weeks ago, official es- building.
timates predicted the crowd for Btmr eiu-tlatt
today's end-the-war march at But more serios-at least to
anywhere from 150,000 to 500,000. heads of the increasingly disorg-
nfranized national mobilization com-
Last night,, however, govern- mitea' eot httedm
mentspoesmn Ha rr yVanmittee-are reports that the dem-
ment spokesman H a r r y Van1
Cleeve, general counsel for the onstrations scheduled for tomor-
CGeneraleri cudmnstrtionthrow will not be of quite the samej
General Services Administration, asv auea nia r-
predicted a total of 40,000 march- passive nature as antiwar pro-
ers while official mobilization tests in the past.
committee predictions ran from The first indication of change
70,000 to a peak of 100,000. came two days ago in an an-
One member of the committee, nouncement that Student Non-
however, told The Daily that he violent Coordinating Committee
"really didn't think the number leader H. Rap Brown would be
would go over 50,000." leading a counter-march from
There are a number of reasons the Lincoln Memorial in the op-
for the dimunition in estimates. posite direction from that plan-
Primary among these are pub- ned by the mobilization commit-
lished reports that as many as tee.
6,000 paratroopers from Fort Brown's march, under the aus-
State Labor Mediation Panel
Sets ates for ' Elections


the source said. The University Regents yester-
Total . value of the package day gave final approval to the
could not be determined since preliminary request for a state
some of the wage gains are gear- appropriation of $75.8 million for
ed to any fluctuations in the the 1968-69 fiscal year.
ISSO111e S* Cost-of-Living Index in the com- The preliminary request was
ing three years and may not filed earlier this month with the
even be known by either side state budget director. The appro-
until then. priation request, according to
The source said the guaranteed Vice President for Academic ,Af-
income provision apparently m- fairs Allan F. Smith, includes re-
volves a weekly deduction of $7.50 quests for funds to continue pros-
pices of the "Black American Lib- from a worker's pay to finance up ent programs, increase salaries
eration Movement,". will hold a to 95 per cent of wages he would and wages and inflation,
rally in Southeast Washington's draw if laid off for an extended The request, approved at the
Anacostia ghetto. And as black period of time. The program is tied Regents' regular monthly meet-
militaiits are beginning to split to seniority, but the source could ing, is $16.6 million greater than
from the mobilization committee, reveal no further details about the $59.2 million the Legislature
so are white militants. this phase. appropriated for University op-
The rumors concerning these on the basis of this information, erations during the current fiscal
sepaatit mvemntsare as vr however, the company has agreed ya
separatist movements var- to increase its contribution to an year.
ied as the faces flowing intos t A separate request for capital
Washington to take part in the Ungplanthe Spplgal outlay, which includes funds for
mobilization. They range from - B p new buildings and renovations of
highly unlikely calls to "storm for paying a worker when he is older structures, was filed with
the White House" to a somewhat a the State Budget Office Wedofes-
more probable cry spewing forth The old contract provided such day. The University requested
a daykThe Universityarequested
from radicals that this "is not a orker, at an average weekly, $18.4 million.
Just a march: thi's is the begin- pay of $136.40, about-62 per cent University expenditures in the
jing of the revolutionb" gnof his normal income through a fiscal year ended June 30, 1967,
n oi . combination of state unemploy- totaled $201,816,000, according to
Reports that gun - carrying ment compensation and the SUB the annual financial report i'e-
members of the Trotskyite Pro- program. the lfn s repte-
gressive Labor Movement are >:;>w.:::".:<<;:.>:v ceived by the Regents yesterday.
planning to put their hardware }x The University's total expendi-
planingto pt teirhardare, 'tures during the year increased
to use at the late afternoon Pent- tyre..dprnt.
agon rally have contributed to the ,.&.by17pecnt
cancellation-by fearful bus comAt the end of the fiscal year,
panies--of 60 to 70 buses char- the student loan fund totaled
u $:s-:sr:0 to{:::vss{ fai-$11,623,966. These funds come
tered to carry marchers from the fr$ m 62d,966 These fnds come
New York area.,{ .V;.> from federal loans, individual gifts
N Yk eand grants and funds from foun-
At fashionable Washington ho-
tels, suburban housewives here }4'6'daton adridutres
e'eduThe question of student con-
with their families have packed rules and regulations and of
their bags and gone home. freshman women's hours were
The outlook for the Pentagon not discussed at the meeting.
sit-in is changed too. Quick plan- r The Regents also approved the
ning by Van Cleeves and Defense appointment of Dr. Hansford W.
Department officials has called Farris as associate dean of the
for the deployment of the 6,000 College of Engineering.
paratroopers solely at the Pent- Farris, chairman of the elec-
agon, leaving law enforcement trical engineering department
elsewhere up to U.S. Marshalls since 1965, will be responsible for
and District of Columbia police- expanding research operation and
men. All police leaves in both the improving relationships with in,
District and Virginia's Arlington dustry in his new post, Smith
County have been cancelled. I HENRY FORD II said.
Kaufman Claims U.S. Democracy
At Home Suffers from Viet Policy

ductees for processing. A human}
hallway of officers-including po-
licemen from suburbs of Oakland
-protected the arriving inductees.
as the crowds hooted and jeered.
In four previous days of demon-
strations, police had managed to
bring in the buses along the nor-
mal one-way route on Clay Street;
from the south. Today officers had
to route them in the wrong way
on Clay from the north.
Pelt Police
Police were pelted with soft
drink cans and picket signs as
they tried to clear the streets and
force the crowds back.
Five busloads of inductees had
waited since dawn in San Fran-
cisco with a police escort. Their
start across the Bay Bridge to
Oakland apparently was delayed
because of the disorders.
Numerous attempts were made
Student Blood
Drive To Begin
Four student organizations will
sponsor a Red Cross blood drive
on campus next week. The drive,;
,nonnre yi hv Panhellenic Associa-

At Columbia, several hundred
students marched to the office of
university president Grayson Kirk
to demand that he bar the U.S.
military services from recruiting
on campus.
Kirk was in Washington.
At a third New York City col-
lege, Hunter, about 150 students
rallied in support of Brooklyn
College students. College spokes-
men said there was no trouble.,

The State Labor Mediations
Board yesterday set dates for two
elections in which about 300 Uni-
versity employes will determine
whether they want union repre-
sentation for collective bargain-
ing with the Administration.
Approximately 270 s k ille d
tradesmen will vote Nov. 7 for
the Washtenaw County Building ,
Trades Council or no union at all, I

and 32 heating service workers
will vote for the International
Union of Operating Engineers
Local 457 or no union on Nov. 6.
A majority of those voting inj
each unit must vote in favor ofI
the specified union in order for
it to be certified as the exclusive
bargaining agent.
Though the University is ques-
tioning in court the right of pub-
lic employes to bargain collec-
tively (granted by Public Act
379), it has agreed to abide by
the board's decision to grant bar-
gaining rights until its litigation
is settled.
The University claims PA 379
violates its autonomy set by the
State Constitution.
A hearing date will also be set
soon on a recent petition to the
SLMB from the American Fed-
eration of State, County, and Mu-
nicipal Employes (AFSCME) seek-
ing to represent the roughly 2,800
service - maintenance workers at!
the University untouched by the
two decisions yesterday.
But the board also faces three
petitions from the Building Serv-
ice Employes International Union
(BSEIU) seeking to represent
three segments of the 2,800 em-

Changing the United States
policy in Vietnam is an essential
part of the fight for democracyy
and justice both at home and
abroad, Prof. Arnold Kaufman ofI
the philosophy department said
Addressing about 20 persons -atj
the Michigan Conference of Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People
Youth Councils and College Chap-
ters at the Ann Arbor Hilton,
Kaufman, an NAACP vice presi-
dent, said he thinks fighting for
"freedom and democracy is im-
portant. but we must get prior-

that money, we could serve all
welfare needs except housing."
The war will continue to curb
welfare programs, Kaufman add-
ed. Congress has asked President
Johnson to pare $5 billion from
his proposed budget "and as long
as we're fighting a war, it won't
come from the war budget. Its
going to come from the poor
people, from the poverty pro-
grams," he continued.
Kaufman questioned the justice
of the draft system. "The selective
service seems to be equitable, but
because of college exemptions,
those who have less chance to
get an education are taken."

only 11 per cent of the nationa.
"For such great expense in men
and money," Kaufman said, "there
should be good reasons for the
"We hear that if we don't fight
the communists in Vietnam, we'll
have to fight them in Hawaii or
Mexico. It is" absurd to fear an
attack on the, mainland when we
have the capacity to destroy the
world with our nuclear power."
Kaufman refuted the current
State Department claim that the
United States must remain in
Vietnam to contain the agressive

I "MaW

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