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October 17, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-17

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE:, 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Hubert Humphrey Meets
The 'Bogeyman Syndrome'

WITH A SOMBER and almost menacing
glint in his eyes, Vice-President Hu-
bert Horatio Humphrey warned an as-
senblage of 25,000 Polish-Americans
Sunday in Doylesville, Pa., that "the
threat to world peace is militant, ag-
gressive Asian Communism with its head-
quarters in Peking, China."
The Vice President's latest anti-Com-
munist manifesto is far more than just
another dreary chapter in that ever-
continuing story of Lyndon Johnson's
transformation of "a fiery liberal spirit"
into a ghostly echo of John Foster
Rather the Humphrey diatribe, fol-
lowing on the heels of "old China hand"
Dean Rusk's slightly more subdued den-
unciation of the "yellow peril" on Thurs-
day, indicates that the Administration,
after reading the latest polls, has dipped
into its ideological grab-bag and emerged
with a revised version of its politically
most persuasive rationale for our in-
volvement in Vietnam.
Humphrey's contention, couched in
ritualistic Cold War rhetoric, and typical
Midwestern piety that "the aggression of
North Vietnam is, but the most current
and immediate action of militant Asian
Communism" probably is also at the
root of the messianic zeal with whic
the Administration pursues its holy war
in Vietnam.
easily aroused American people have
reacted predicatably to the prolonged,
and hopefully perpetual, thaw in the Cold
War by turning their combative atten-
tions Eastward at precisely the moment
that previously ignored "Red" China has
come of nuclear age.
For example, the recent decision to
construct a $5 billion "thin" anti-ballistic
missile defense system can be seen as
the opening stage of, a new not-so Cold
War with China, as well as an unearned
subsidy for our far from needy defense
Our preoccupation with "militant,
agressive Asian Communistn" is quite
understandable, for as any fan of Fu
Manchu movies will testify, fanatical
Orientals make the best kind of enemies.
With Japanese newsmen now denied ac-
cess to "wall newspapers," the Chinese
will only become more inscrutable, and

thus more menacing, as our blow-by-bloog
descriptions of the trials and tribulations
of "The Great Cultural Revolution" cease.
To a large degree the Administration's
portrayl of China as an aggressive power
has and will become a self-fulfilling
FOR IF OUR policymakers take as a
political postulate that China is our
major enemy, any action which our
government takes against her, even a
war like Vietnam, could be sincerely jus-
tified as defensive, or piously described
as "resisting aggression."
Conversely our "defensive actions"
would be interpreted by China as aggres-
sive or an indication that the United
States is still committeed "to winning
back the Mainland." Thus our actions
would provoke a defensive responsive
from China, which, to America would ap-
pear to be aggresive, thereby justifying
our policymakers' faith in China as our
pre-eminent enemy, beginning the same
insane spiral once again.
The situation is further aggravated
by our vigilant, efforts to create a casual
nexus between Chinese words and rela-
tively indiginous revolutionary move-
ments. At least, when the Rissian Cold
War was in its heyday, we could always
point to specific Communist deeds to
justify our response. In the case of China
we have replied to their bombastic, and
ideologically satisfying, propaganda with
visible, tangible, provocative deeds.
POTENTIALLY FAR more devastating
than the iVetnam War, are the mental
shackles of the Johnson Administration
which have prevented it from perceiving,
let alone applying, the lessons of the
Cold War and the subsequent d'entente
with the Soviet Union to our relations
with China.
For the "bogeyman syndrome," through
which the Admistration has substituted
"militant, aggressive Asian Communism"
for the "international Communist con-
spiracy" of the Eisenhower era, can only
lead to a decade of renewed talk of nu-
clear holocaust, the renewed stench of
nuclear testing, and renewed game of nu-
clear brinksmanship played for ever-
higher stakes.

An Obituary: In Loco Parentis ...
ANN ARBOR, MICH.-In Loco Parentis, that ancient Wrote Martin Meyerson, who became temporary EXACTLY WHAT happened next is difficult to dis-
administrative alibi for keeping pupils in place, chancellor of Berkeley after the 1965 protests: "As Edgar cern. SGC delegated the authority to determine hours (a
died here today following an extended illness. In Loco's Friendenberg points out in 'Coming of Age in America,' right it never really had) to individual residence hall
age was unknown. parents respond to children as persons, and institutions units. IHA tried to keep the right for itself, but the
An autopsy was in progress this morning, but Uni- do not. Even though parents may believe their families Board of Governors of the Residence Halls told IHA it
versity sources attributed In Loco's demise to a pro- are governered by rules, they are in fact governed by a couldn't do that since it wouldn't give up the authority.
longed student assault combined with administrative process of mutual accommodation. Institutions can What all these foolish student organizations were
confusion and old age. rarely respond sensitively to individual needs but can doing, In Loco's pals argued, was building castles in
Long a boon to administrators and a bane to stu- only apply general regulations as impartially as possible." the sky. But what In Loco's lackies didn't realize was
dents, In Loco Parentis had been suffering greatly that students were living in these castles, oblivious to
over the past few years. Its Latin name had been rudely WITH THE ATTACK increased from all sides, it administrative reprimands. And thus, as freshman
mistranslated to become "crazy like parents" and poor became apparent that In Loco's life could be measured women went ahead and made their own hours and men
Loco became the rallying cry for student activists and in terms of months rather than years. decided to abolish peevish dorm dress regulations, In
demonstrations across the countryALoco's oldest friends sat by-dazed by the confusion and
. As the intensity of student commitment heightened uncertain of their next step.
inAthe middle 60's. In Loconbecame a hunted criminal. In Loco Parentis was officially pronounced dead last
IN LOCO PARENTIS'was born simultaneously with With the rollicking confusion of of Mack Sennet movie, night following a head count in women's dorms that
the University, an ingenious substitution for rules of student government leaders took potshots at In Loco, revealed 45 per cent of the freshman women out after
the home. During its early years it was rather incon- with occasional near-hits and, frequent ricochets that midnight. Simultaneously in West Quad, men were en-
spicuous and harmless. The late education writer, David ended in frustration. tertaining the opposite sex in their rooms under a new,
Boroff, noted that in the 1920's American colleges did The truly fatal wound was administered in the Spring self-determined policy.
not undertake such a professional fostering of the In of 1967, when the University's Student Government
Loco Parentis role. He explained that students' "infantil- Council appointed new members to Joint Judiciary AMONG THE SURVIVORS, In Loco leaves the im-
ism wasn't sponsored by the administration, which these Council, the students' supreme court. A majority of the potent Residence Hall Board of Governors, the ineffec-
days lays down the ground rules and acts as umpirefieVc-rsdnfoStetAfasndheup-
for the nursery games." new judges pledged to convict only students who violated tive Vice-President for Student Affairs, and the unpre-
student-made regulations. In the fall, two landmark dictable Board of Regents.
In recent years, the assault on In Loco Parentis was Funeral services will be held tomorrow at Burton
escalated sharply. While students protested arbitrary decisions were handed down acquitting students of Tower. Friends may visit the bereaved at the Adminis-
regulations on dress, behavior, and curfews, even highly- crimes against administration-made rules. In Loco tration Building and the Student Activities Building
placed educators suggested the execution of In Loco. Parentis was listed in poor condition. between 9 and 5 on weekdays.
Letters: Reflections on Mendel's 'Reflecting
To the Editor: ly educated to the end that the day to day is the only way to Evangelism? of selfstyled revolutionaries, dis-
THE SCIENCE of society re- working class industrial army achieve a sane and peaceful so- dained by Prof. Mendel, may well
quires more careful and recis which capitalism has trained will ciety in 20th century America. To the Editor: be necessary for such organiza-
use of uiresmore language rfulthanadthat em-e accomplish a real revolution, the Learned discourses, strikes, ral- PROF. MENDEL, in his analysis tion.
ployed by Professor Mendel (Re- socialist reconstruction of society lies, street marches, protest meet- of current social revolutions I agree, however, with Prof.
flecting on Two Revolutions - by which poverty will be ended ings and political protest which ignored much of what these rev- Mandel in his doubts about the
Michigan Daily, October 14, 1967). and self-respect and mutual es- do not impart this information lutions have in common as re- conception of where the reform is
There is nothing revolutionary in teem will replace self-deception are of no avail against the eco- form movements. One can conceive leading, if anywhere. Will there
rebellious protests against the im- and general distrust. Uderstand- nomic and political dominance of of all of these revolutions as con- simply be a balance of power, of
morality and the improverishment ing by the working class major- the American plutocratic capital- cerned with one basic problem: the questionable morality and stabil-
for which capitalism is respon- ity of its constitutional right and ist oligarchy. unjust domination of minorities ity, like the one that exists now
sible. of its industrial might when or- by an apparent majority, which between labor and management?
As a matter of record, there has ganized as it now functions from -Ralph Muncy, '23 either is itself manipulated by in- Or is there some better, yet re-
been a long history of protest terest groups or simply construes alistic solution? I feel that the
against the effects of capitalism, its powers too broadly. university community in particular
These protests have not only pro- Seen from this point of view, has a responsibility to clarify the
longed capitalism with its de- the uprising of black people and image of the end result. It must
manding consequences but they their helpers is again a system consider all possibilities, including
also have turned (middle class which effectively denies them the changes in our basic assumptions
petty capitalists and members of rights that others have. These about government.
the working class from the revolu- rights are denied them by a major- -Jonathan Baron, Grad.
tionary program of scientific soc- ity which is at least unresponsive
ialism which could have ended the to their plight.
fears, frustrations, poverty and The peace movement may be Manhood.
war against which the protests seen as objecting to the forcing of To the Editor:
SStudents for a Democratic So-individuals (many of whom cannot EOOTBALL coach Dennis Fitz-
ciety and Citizens for New Politics even vote) to risk their lives, gerald (Daily, Oct. 14, P. 9)
are repeating the tactics (and s whether through the threat of is quoted as saying, "We don't
areis) reeain the tnactiss(and total war or through the draft, in have to get our players up to this
anti s) of the anarcSts, the spite of the firm belief of these one. Most of them consider it a
Socialist Party and the trade tindividuals that war is unneces- test of their manhood to play in
union movement which enabled sary, that policies are possible that the game." I would suggest to Mr.
capitalist reaction to gain an ever don ot require any risk of life- Fitzgerald that if any of his
greater stranglehold on American i k such as the fostering of interna- charges still question their man-
society. Eugene V. Debs, Earl N tional interdependence, hood after being exposed in a
Browder and Norman Thomas ad- .43The hippies are concerned- locker room then the procedure
vocated 'action now" to ameliorate whether by choice or not-with the of the Olympics Committee should
the dehumanizing and improver- suppression, in part by law, of be followed. An anatomical ex-
ishing consequences of capitalism. what they see as at least a harm- amination followed by a chrome-
Their actions produced reaction less style of life. somal examination would, I think,
which extended the life of poverty- be far more reassuring than an
breeding - warbreeding capitalism WHEN A MINORITY is deprived athletic event.
thereby further dehumanizing and M .' . 7hX'of its rights, it has no means of .
impoverishing Americans. \ democratic action except persua-
sion. As persuasion becomes futile, would hope that no one is dis-
IN THE MEANTIME, the So- ,"a minority will organize and apply appointed by the result.
cialist Labor Party has consistent- Nothing Suceedts Like Failure pressure. The "evangelist musings" -R. E. Nicholls, Grad
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Fan Mail From the CIA

the Administration's Vietnam policies
these days often get back more press
clippings than they bargained for, thanks
to the Central Intelligence Agency.
Sen. Clifford P. Case (R-N.J.), for ev-
ample, shortly after criticizing the John-
son Administration's conduct of the war,
received a batch of teletype copy from
the CIA showing how much hay the Com-
mmunist press made out of his remarks.
The CIA runs what a spokesman there
called a "courtesy clipping service, not
a lobbying operation," to keep lawmakers
posted on what the Communist press
says about them.
The teletype transcripts are accom-
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN.............Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN......Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN LOTTIER........Associate Editorial Director
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP ................ Personnel Directoi
NEIL SHISTER........... ... .Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLA1 ........Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS ...................... Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS..................... Photo Editor
ROI3ERT SHEFFIELD. ...........Lab Chief
NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Beniot, Neal Bruss,
Wallace Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia
O'Donohue, Daniel Okrent, Steve wildstrom.
Sports Staff

panied by covering notes saying the CIA
believed the translation "might be of in-
A CIA SPOKESMAN said there are no
specific rules for this service of several
years standing, adding that some law-
makers request it while other cases the
agency's legislative liason officers de-
cide on their own who should get it.
A member of Case's staff, when quer-
ied, could not recall requesting the tran-
slations or receiving them before the
Senator made his recent series of
speeches challenging Vietnam war policy.
Checks of the offices of such other
war critics as Sens. Joseph S. Clark (D-
Pa.), J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) and George
McGovern (D-S.D.) disclosed that they
also have received the CIA service.
But so have such proponents of heav-
ier bombing of North iVetnam as Sens.
Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) and John
Stennis (D-Miss.).
One of the Senate's earliest doves, Sen.
John Sherman Cooper (R-Ky), said he
could not recall getting any CIA copies
of whatever the Communists might have
said about his opposition to bombing
North Vietnam.
"I'VE HAD THIS position forever," he
said of his bombing stand. He added
that reprints of foreign radio braodcast
would not change it as the Administration
well knows from direct talks with him.
Stennis - among the Senate's hawk-
iest - assailed his dovish colleagues yes-
terday. He said the Vietnam war debate
"which is running now largely on the
Senate floor, unfortunately, is definitely
an aid and encouragement to the enemy
. They'll hold out all the longer and

Nigeria: A State of Kaleidoscopic Disarray

AS IT BECOMES increasingly
apparent that the central gov-
ernment of war-torn Nigeria is
gaining ascendancy over the se-
ceding provinces of Biafra and
Benin, a faint glimmer of hope for
the infant African nation begins
to shine.
What has given Nigeria's woes
a nightmarish quality is the fact
that during the five-year period
of its independence, Nigeria seem-
ed to be making such remarkable
headway. Rich in tin, cocoa, and
oil, with a railroad network in-
herited from the British, a bur-
geoning private industrial system,
and an entrepreneurial class to
manage it, the Federal Republic
was on the verge of solving its
economic problems. By 1966, it
had reversed its chronic balance
of payments deficit and negotiated
a highly favorable agreement with
the European Economic Commu-
But by 1966 the social and po-
litical problems that were clamor-
ing for solution had plunged the
republic into the cycle of confu-
sion in which it has been mired
ever since. Pluralistic Nigeria lack-
ed the political mechanisms to
resolve the dilemmas of an es-
sentially heterogenous society.
tratively convenient great Britain
had ruled the North, the West, and
the East, as a unit. But unity was
strictly an administrative myth.
The Negroid Ibo and Yoruba
tribesmen of East and West were
economically-motivated, "modern"
people; the Sudanic Hausa-Fulani
of the North had maintained their

To make matters worse, the
political partieswere regional-
much to the detriment of national
integration. The North, with 30
million people the (combined pop-
ulations of East and West is only
22 million), dominated the federal
Furthermore, corruption riddled
the government of the Western
segment of the federation. After
a 1962 unsuccesful coup attempt,
a splinter group identified with the
federal coalition took office in the
West with only shaky popular sup-
port. The faction of the young
rebels who hadn't been purged
during the coup-reprisals became
more and more dissatisfied.
But the young rebels, and the
non-rebel who was to inherit their
rnante after the aborative coup
of Jan. 15, 1966, Major General
Johnson T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi were
all Ibos. The rebels had murdered
many of the prominent federal
and district officials but not the
Ibo Eastern prime minister. Un-
happy with the arrangements, the
Hausa between May and October
massacred over 10,000 Ibos living
in the North, and destroyed in-
estimable Ibo property. More than
1 million Ibos fled back to the
As a backdrop to the massacres,
a series of coups and minor revolts
had catapulted Lieutenant Colonel
Yakubu "Jack" Gowon to the fore-
front. A Northerner and a nation-
alist, Gowon became head of the
new Military Confederation of Ni-
geria with a wise and generous
program to "bind up the nation's
BUT BY NOW the wounds were



Nigeria army soldiers on patrol in Biafra

new unity might be achieved. But
by May 30. of this year that pos-
sibility had at least temporarily
disappeared when the East de-
clared itself seceded from the con-
federation and proclaimed itself
the independent state of Biafra.
Since then, civil war has been
raging with renewed vigor and in-
substantial results. But just two

require the power of a strong cen-
tral government.
IT WAS RACIAL hatred which
at least in part undermined Nige-
rian unity in Jan. 1966 and the
brutal slaughter of Ibos has only
added kindling to the smoldering
racial fires. Nevertheless, the
seemingly rational argument that

mands the existence of a national
government. The West was un-
able to solve its problems of polit-
ical corruptions to appease the
disident young rebels in 1962 and
1964, but a federal government
with equal representation for each
of the areas might have been.
Without it, none of the new "na-
tions" are likely to be well-gov-


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