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October 13, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-13

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Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

Thus Spoke The Fish on Women

F ;. _ :- f

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




The Rape of Privacy:
Sharing Student Records

Office of the Registrar at Wayn'e
State University in Detroit has released
confidential transcript information to the
FBI is indeed disheartening. Yet simple
expression of displeasure has, whenever
such news is discovered, failed to ac-
complish anything.
The current issue at Wayne is but
another in a series of disclosures by var-
ious college administrations that they
have opened their files to assorted gov-
ernment agencies. And, each time, apol-
ogies are made and disclaimers of inten-
ion are expressed.
This time, Wayne's Dean of student
affairs and former director of student
organizations at this University, Dun-
can Sells, said that the Wayne registrar's
action "was not right." The last time a
similar incident happened at Wayne, in
the fall of 1966, Dean of Academic Af-
fairs James McCormick severely intoned,
"I'm very sure it should not have hap-
And last year, in Ann Arbor, after
student and faculty names were relased
to the House Un-American Activities
Committee, a number of administrators
piped platitudes similar to those heard
at Wayne State.
BUT, AFTER ALL these "mishaps," stu-
dents and faculty don't know whether
will ever happen again, either at Wayne
or at the University.
Administrations steadfastly refuse to
affirm a definite policy on the release of

students' personal information. No prom-
ises are coming; only occasional state-
ments expressing sorrow and regret.
More assurance than "we're sorry" is
needed; definite safeguards must be
The principle of a student's personal
affairs remaining private is clear and
reasonable. It is against every precept of
academic freedom to hold an individual
publicly liable for personal organization-
al affiliations; it is contrary to the basic
rights of privacy that personal biograph-
ical information be openly disclosed for
the information of other agencies.
BUT EXTRACTING adequate guaran-
tees from intransigent administrat-
ors is close to impossible. So how do stu-
dents keep their private informattion
One solution is a declaration of prin-
ciple from the Regents. They should
make their stand unequivocal and pos-
itive on the preservation of privacy.
They should reaffirm the statement of
the American Civil Liberties Union fol-
lowing the HUAC subpoenas here and at
But presuming the stubborness of the
Regents, students must again turn to in-
dividual action. They certainly have
power to keep personal information pri-
vate. Would the University cease to fun-
ction without a neat little pile of regis-
trationnaires and organization member-
ship lists?

THE FISH is back in town, here with a guy called Fine
Phil who won the bo-daddy surfing championship
last summer on the Chicago River and has evidently
put Marty on to Nietzsche.
Marty himself looks pretty good, although he's lost
some weight. But it's understandable when he tells of
spending three months in somebody's broom closet before
realizing it was morning and living largely off Frosted
Flakes during his sojourn in The Haight, where he was
"the neighborhood cobbler."
Anyway, the Fish is sitting around talking about his
old girl friend Ann who used to go here and now is work-
ing somewhere in New York. The Fish is wondering how
she is and then out of the cold he says it all reminds
him of what Nietzsche says and how all girls should read
some Nietzsche so that they could come down out of
their trees.
NOW THE FISH, although at one time studying
medicine, is not much of an intellectual. His most im-
pressive feat, he claims, is having one Sunday read the
entire New York Times. "When I am reading a book,
pretty soon I am itching a lot so I get up to have a cup
of coffee and one thing leads to another and soon I am
no longer even remembering that I was just reading
a book," is the way he puts it.
So to hear The Fish casually bring Nietzsche into a
conversation about girls is very surprising.
"The Nietzsche says, Inexperienced girls flatter them-
selves with the notion that it is within their power to
make a man happy; later they learn that it means hold-
ing a man in low esteem to assume that only a girl is
needed to make him happy.' "
WE ARE AWED. The Fish continues.
"Now look how rinky-dink the whole social scene

is up here. No kidding, you pull these young virgins
in from the top .1 per cent of their high school senior
class and suddenly they are deluged with people wanting
to date them and after a while they start to believe that
maybe they really are Aphrodites even though nobody
asked them to go to the Senior Prom.
"This wouldn't be bad except that all these Joung
girls seem never to grow up, or at least many of them
never do. They're so busy keeping themselves booked
three weeks in advance and wondering who they are
going to bless with their mere presence on the week-
end that they never start to' think about the difference
between one of Nietzesche's 'inexperienced girls' and a
real woman."
THE FISH IS REALLY rolling at this point, probably
because has has been trying to get a date with somebody
for next Saturday night and it being already the Sunday,
before, he is having trouble, since no girls like to wait
until the last minute.
"The kiss of death seems to be when they join a
sorority and get locked into the fraternity Saturday nite
band-party circuit where the only conversation they have
to make is, 'hi, howrya, smile.' A rookie can go weeks
saying the same words to different Weejun wearers
and believe it is within her power to make a man happy."
(The Fish has memorized the Nietzsche quotation
and sometimes says it without giving proper credit.)
"If it were just the freshmen who were rookies it
wouldn't be so tragic. But the older girls, the ones that
are really-up tight because they are having trouble exer-
cising their power to make a man happy, they still have
the minds of the young ones, they have little to say
that they couldn't have said their first day on campus.

"Man, it's incredible how hung-up some of these birds
are. They spend all their time talking about how they
don't want to be just wives and mothers but do sople-
thing with their lives, yet they've spent most of their lives
trying to get in a position where they can be wives and
mothers, hopefully in suburbia, to a bright doctor-lawyer
who will look good at the country club dance.
"THEY GO STALE at 20. Their life is a predictable
pattern that they know is hum-drumming along yet they
are either too scared or too stupid to break out and do
something. The sex hang-up is the most dramatic one,
but there are all kinds of social fears that end up re-
stricting them and making them anxious and unhappy.
"For every liberated woman there are a hundred 'in-
experienced girls' who talk about becoming one and
don't have a prayer in the world of making it. Because
becoming a woman means knowing something about life,
and it seems that not too many of our bright young All-
American college co-eds know much.
"They study hard, almost compulsively without any
understanding why they are doing it except for their
need to be 'high achievers' but they don't know much.
It is almost as if they consciously try to avoid having
the kind of experiences that teach them what being
a woman is all about."
THE FISH WAS TIRED now. Looking around the
room he could see he had made some kind of point be-
cause everybody was nodding their head in agreement.
"It all goes back to Nietzsche and people being strong
enough to free themselves."
He was throwing on his jacket, leaving, when he
turned around and asked "We got a chance to beat



Letters: Solving IHA-East Quad's Dissolving

GA's Dead Referendum

nesday night to- hold a draft refer-
endum for the purpose of demonstrating
to the Dean of the Graduate School what
graduate students think of the draft.
The question remains, however, whether
the referendum would be in any way
meaningful or justified.
The purpose of such a referendum in-
itially seems vague. If, as its sponsors
claim, it is to inform the Dean of gradu-
ate student opinion regarding the draft,
the question remains: what is he to do
with the information? A referendum on
the foreign language requirements of
the graduate school would presumably
be much more to his interest as well
as to the interest of the graduate stu-
dent himself.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school
year ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.

The time for directing such referenda
to the President or General Hershey is
past, as the draft laws were revised and
adopted earlier this summer.
S havebeen given for the referendum
it is difficult to see how sufficient in-
terest would be aroused in suport of it.
Last year's, referendum over the con-
crete issue of ranking drew only about
thirty per cent of the student body A
referendum of graduate students with a
small turnout would serve only to dis-
credit and embarass GA. No student
government body on this campus can
afford that.
There seems little point in a draft
referendum at the present time. The
draft is a dead campus issue for arous-
ing any significant student interest. The
war in Vietnam, the student role in de-
cision-making and other hotly debated
topics are not. With relevant issues
around, why continue beating a dead

To the Editor:
AS IF GUIDED by some mystic
power, East Quadrangle Coun-
cil has apparently managed to par-
toally rejuvenate some of the con-
flicts which have existed between
it and the Inter-Quadrangle Coun-
cil, now Inter-House Assembly,
for the past half decade.
The underlying reasons for these
conflicts have varied from year to
year with the gradual evolution
of both the personalities and the
issues involved.
But irregardless of the underly-
ing reasons, the fact remains that
the executive officers of both EQC
and IHA/IQC have spent count-
less hours over irelevant proce-
dural, political, and personal dif-
ferences which are of no benefit to
anyone except maybe for an Uni-
versity Administration wh i c h
gloats over the very thought of
student government being splint-
ered and chismatic.
EAST QUAD has given two rea-
sons for its present stance of with-
holding IHA dues. The first is that
they disagree with the apparent
present IHA policy of not being
completely in favor of the indi-
vidual house governments being
able to set their own policies over
matters with which they are most
intimately connected.
The very absurdity of the stand
wihch IHA has taken here suggests
that in a discussion free of im-
plied threats of "rule or ruin," a
majority of house presidents would
vote for their own right of self-
The second reason is the his-
torical and by now quite mothy
slogan that IHA is not doing as
much as its financial support
would justify. It would seem that
if someone is willing to give up

the obligation of paying for some-
thing then he. should also be re-
quired to give up the benefits
which have inured to him because
of those payments.
So if our goal is to remove the
effects of IHA and its midwives
from this campus and East Quad
in particular, we witness a shock-
ing operation.
First we remove Bursley and put
its occupants into converted
Then we go back to the open-
open policy of last year which was
even more neanderthal than is
that of this year. Then we go back
through time and remove all in-
fluence and voice which residence
hall chief executive officers have
had on SGC, SHA, Vice-President
Cutler's Advisory Board, the Board
of Governors, and private inter-
pleaders with dormitory officials
on behalf of individual house pres-
idents and residents.
The abovei sonly a small sample
of what must be thrown out if
IHA and its effects are removed
from this campus. For only 50c
per man the residents of the dor-
mitory system are driving a good
bargain from IHA.
-Lee Hornberger, '69L
(Past President, IQC)
Parking Signs
To the Editor:
Arbor Police Lt. Zeck, I was
advised that:
1) Ann Arbor police are gov-
erned by University regulations ir-
respective of whether parking lot
signs are posted or whether they
are posted correctly;
2) Where the regulation differs
from the posted information, the
regulation, not the sign, shall gov-
3) Alterations to signs which

may have been made by vandals,
such as information obliterated
either by paint or by masking
tape, are to be ignored;
4) Where the intent of a sign
is not clear, the lot user has the
responsibility of obtaining cor-
rect interpretation from the Uni-
Parking Guide states: 'The en-
trances to all parking lots . . .
are designated with signs indi-
cating the type of lot and the
effective hours of enforcement."
This, in effect, countermands (2)
above by implying that the signs
shall be a statement of regula-
However, in view of the fact
that altered signs do exist on the
campus, altered by paint or mask-
ing tape, and presumably by Uni-
versity action, one wonders where
a lot user can obtain the neces-
sary information, required (3)
and (4), since one can read the
signs neither through the mask-
ing tape nor under the paint.
Your published reply in the
columns of the Michigan Daily
would be useful to its readers.
-Ben Z. Rubin
Vietnam View
To the Editor:
UNTIL A YEAR ago I supported
our government's action in
Vietnam. Until a few days ago I
thought the stories about our gov-
ernment's being largely influenced
by the interests of foreign invest-
ors was ridiculous.
Now my views have changed.
We are all familiar with Viet-
nam controversies, but do we all
seriously think about them? It
wasn't too long ago that I was
content to merely read Newsweek,
watch the news, and leave it at

that. I never weighed the issues--
they weren't important enough to
think about-it was easiest to fol-
low the general consensuse of opin-
But would you like to die-to-
morrow-in Vietnam? Would you
like to trade places with the Viet-
namese? Do you like working one
day of each five to kill people in
Vietnam? Are you really afraid
that the people of Asia will be able
to overrun our country? Do you
really not care that the President
has enough power to back us into
a war of these dimensions and
cause so much death?

I SUPPOSE it's not important
that Congress never fully discussed
the problem and that alternatives
to the war were never seriously
considered. Perhaps it doesn't mat-
ter that campaign promises were
insincerely proposed on the line to
defend an action we had no voice
in effecting.
Of course we're not neo-nazis
nor imperialists. Of course we
don't put material possessions be-
fore our lives. Right?
I love my country and I love
its people and I care that we do
the right thing. Do you?
-Gerald N. Rogan '68



The Rime of the Ancient Mariner



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Bishop Pike's Pique Over Vietnam


FOR A BISHOP without a dio-
cese to look after the Rt. Rev.
James A. Pike hardly leads a pas-
toral, contemplative life.
Bishop Pike spent Wednesday in
Ann Arbor during his fortnight
tour of cities which will culminate
in an appearance at the Oct. 21
anti-war rally in Washington, D.C.
There he will greet the "peace
torch" that has travelled from
Hiroshima to the 'nation's capital.
Always at the storm-center of
controversy-whether over his un-
orthodox beliefs about Episcopa-
lian theology or his recent claim
of talking to a dead son through
a medium-Pike has become an
articulate spokesman in the anti-
war movement.
"I take every opportunity to
speak and share facts on how we
got involved in the Vietnam in-
vasiqn," the 57-year-old retired
cleric says. "I also counsel individ-
uals trying to decide about joining
Johnson's war. For those who can't
claim conscientious objection un-
der current interpretations, I help
decide whether or not to go to
PIKE, WHO IS not a pacifist
(he memorized eye charts during
World War II so he could pass the
physical and become a secret
agent), believes opposition to the

individuals refusing to follow un-
conscionable orders is valid," he
added. "If they rule the individual
is not responsible, then they say
in effect there is no moral prin-
ciple to social justice.
"Then what are we fighting so
desperately to give the South Viet-
PIKE IS ALSO outspoken in his
contention that America's church-
es should involve themselves in
opposition to the war. "If they're
going to be interested in sin, they
might as well be interested in big
sin," he quips.
He doubts if the leaders support-
ing civil disobedience would ef-
fectively make available . syna-
gogues and churches across the
country as sanctuaries for con-
scientious objectors.
"There is no legal guarantee of
church sanctuary from arrest,"
Pike explains. "But there is a
value in this stand because it will
graphically portray the nature of
the issue.
"I also feel strongly that min-
isterial exemptions should be
abolished. This would increase the
number of war objectors and con-
front many ministerial students
with the choice of picking up a
gun or not."
BUT IF THE troubled times




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writers, clergymen and other pro-
fessions in a statement pledging
to raise funds to aid youths who
resist the draft and the war. The
statement calls on "all men of
goodwill to join us in this con-
frontation with immoral author-
PIKE TERMS American involve-
ment in the Vietnam conflict "dis-
honest" and says we should have
learned a lesson from the beating
the French took in 1954.

ese. Ho believes in the domino
theory just like our hawks.
"But Johnson won't get the two
million soldiers he would need,"
Pike declares. "Along with the big-
ger military budget, he had better
prepare a larger prison-building
budget to hold all the boys who
won't be going."
PIKE BELIEVES so strongly in
bringing his message to the public
that he rose from a sick bed to tell
a diag audience Wednesday that

system and to refuse further co-
"Three test cases for the selec-
tive objector are about ready to
come before the Supreme Court,"
he elaborates. "I don't think add-
ing 200 more cases is going to help
the chances that the violators will
be found innocent.
"If you want to create a test
case," says Pike, who was a lawyer
before he entered the ministry,
"one individual is enough. For that
reason I recently objected when

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