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October 11, 1967 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-11

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French Orchestra:
Listless, Thin, Timid

Romania Calls for Withdrawal
Of Foreign Troops in Europe


AERIAL VIEW OF PLAZA between the Clements Library (left) and the new addition to the general
library shows use of shrubbery and open space contrasting to vertical development of 1977 campus.
FutureCampus To Create
New Look of Malls Parks

Variations on a Theme
by Haydn .........Brahms
Concerto No. 4 for Piano '
and Orchestra ... Beethoven
Pictures at an Exhibition
In the last few years it has
become almost axiomatic that it
takes a good European orchestra!
to make you realize how really
good American orchestras are. I
suppose by that same token, it
takes a lousy European orchestra
to make you realize that the
Sandusky Philharmonic isn't real-
ly so bad after all.
The French National Orchestra
gave a poor performance at Hill
Auditorium Monday night.
Although they weren't exactly
lousy, there was a certain listless-
ness about the French National
Orchestra's playing. It was almost
as if they were leafing through an
old copy of "Business Week" in-
stead of some of the most in-
vigorating music in the reper-
toire. Especially disappointing
were the woodwinds. Consistent-
.y thin and timid, they played
with the enthusiasm and indi-
viduality of a row of over-cooked
string beans.
But in all fairness, I think
that the "National" business
probably led many people to ex-
pect too much, that "National"
somehow meant they were the
best that France has to offer.
Anyone who has heard the La-
moreux or the Paris Conservatory
Orchestra knows that this sim-
ply isn't the case.
The Brahms "Variations on a
Theme by Haydn" got them off
on the wrong foot. Conductor
Maurice Le Roux' sanely-con-

(Continued from Page f)
"It's hardest to get funds for the
'floor' of the campus-the planting
and pavements," explained Hak-
ken. "Alumni are usually more
willing to donate funds for build-
ings and federal grants are not
available for grounds. Hopefully
the situation will improve."
Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-presi-
dent and chief financial officer,
recently gave his faculty and stu-
dent advisory boards a graphic
example of choices the University
faces. For the amount of money
that would develop a plaza at the
new general addition, he said, an-
other floor could be placed on the
Forego Amenities
"Our planning decisions often
tend to try for the most from our
money," commented Sinnott. "In
the process some of the amenities
like walkways and greenery may
get shunted aside.
"Those pleasant little plazas may
cost only $250,000 each, but several
of them really add up," he con-
tinued. "The University could pay
more attention to maintenance
of present structures."
The sub-campus will be linked
by three major walkways that
run like spokes of a wheel through
the heart of the ceritral campus.
As major University units like the

A&D School and engineering col-
lege begin gradual moves to North
Campus and as new construction is
approved, the sub-campuses will
begin to take on their distinctive
To the northeast will be located
primarily biological and health
science buildings. To the south,
the Law Quad, business adminis-
tration and old A&D building will
become the focus for older profes-
sional students. Physical sciences
will gravitate around the P&A
and humanities will largely take
over buildings around Angell Hall
and the old Ad building.
"The faculties don't like to be
scattered all over the map," Sin-
nott remarked. "They like to-
Math Building'
The mathematics department,
for example, currently has offices
in Angell Hall, East and West En-
gineering and the computing cen-
ter. Under the sub-campus plan,
a single departmental building will
be placed on the site of North Hall
with computing equipment oc-
cupying the first floor. The Math
Building is already fourth on the
list of construction of priorities.
The evolution of self-contained'
sub-campuses poses the advantages
of small-scale organization against
potential isolation of major seg-

innts of the University commu-
nity from each other.
"It's difficult to have it both,
ways," commented McKevitt. For-
ty per cent of the students have
already passed the liberal arts
mixed and entered professional
"It doesn't follow that if classes
were scattered all over the map
that students would mix any bet-
ter. Actually it's up to each stu-
dent to make the most use of the
campus for himself," he added.

ceived performance was resound-
ingly sabotaged by the sole obo-
ist, the gentleman I'm sure
Danny Kaye had in mind when
he defined the oboe as "an ii
wind that nobody blows good."
This sounds picayunish and hy-
percritical, I know. But the poor
man's wobbly, piercing tone was
actually THAT irritating.
Eugene Istomin settled nerves
considerably in the Beethoven
concerto. Large-scaled and dra-
matic, his performance was first-
rate. Here, too, the orchestra
seemed to brighten a little, es-
pecially in the second movement
where the strings played with
considerable finesse and convic-!
tion. Even though the orchestra
slumped silghtly in the finale,
Istomin's gusto and superb sense
of contrast made it an exciting
and noteworthy performance.
The "Pictures at an Exhibition"
opened the second half of the
concert in much the same way the
Brahms had opened the first. The
work begins with a charming
"Promenade," the image of Mous-
sorgsky himself walking from
picture to picture in the gallery.
If Le Roux was trying to give the
impression of a leisurely stroll,
the effect was almost entirely
lost in the thickly-tongued legato
that made it seem like the com-
poser must have been wearing
hip boots.
But curiously enough, as things
got better midway in the first
half of the concert, they began
to improve in the middle of the
"Pictures." After having lost all
faith in the woodwinds, the saxa-
phonist surprised me with a beau-
tiful. solo performance in the
"Bydlo." And this was quickly
followed by c r is p, chattering
"Ballet of Chicks in Their Shells."
In fact, of the last seven pictures
only the "Catacombe" section did
not quite come off (duelargely
to a lack of tension and some
shaggy brass attacks).
Ravel's "Alborada del Grazio-
so" was given as an encore.
Istomin's performance aside,
the concert seemed for the most
part little more than a routine
run-through of the music. I real-
ize that after being exposed to
the orchestras of New York,
Cleveland and Philadelphia one
might tend to be unduly harsh
on routine. But the sorry truth
is that routine is still routine.
And this concert, a good exam-
ple, was nothing to write home

munist Romania, a maverick in
the Soviet bloc, called yesterday
for withdrawal of all foreignl
troops. from the countries of
Eastern and Western Europe.
The proposal, put forward in a
speech to the UN General Assem-
bly by Romanian Deputy Foreign
Minister Mircea Malitza, would
apply to Soviet forces in Eastern
Europe as well as the troops of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-I
ization in Western Europe.
Malitza told the assembly that
"the process of full normalization
of inter-European relations, based
upon the equality of rights of all
states, imperatively calls for the
withdrawal of non - European
troops from Europe."

Union Fines Members
For Violating TV Strike

Draft Law Change Shrinks
Peace Corps Doctor Supply
WASHINQTON (P-The Peace "In the past, we had up to 400
Corps, cut'off from its'source of doctors who were completing
doctors by the new draft law, has their internship and asked for
begun an intensive nationwide this assignment," said Dr. Stan-
campaign to recruit them to serve ley C. Scheyer, director of the
two years overseas caring for the Peace Corps' Office of Medical
corps' volunteers. Programs.
In the first six years of its Too Much Time
existence, the Peace Corps was "We've had over 400 inquiries
assigned staff doctors by the U.S. this 'eadu owerh4t the drafs
Public Health Service. ' year but now that the draft
These doctors were able to ful- exemption is gone, we've been re-
fill their two-year military obli- ceiving letters from applicants
fillteirtho-sasiimtrynstead saying they can't take two years
gation in this assignment instead out of their lives to serve in the
of with the military or the Public Peace Corps and then another
Health Servicestwo years for military service,"
End Assignments he said.
But Congress, in passing the

NEW YORK tIP)-Four of the
American Broadcasting Co.'s on-
camera personalities were fined
by their performers union yester-
day for crossing picket lines of a
sister union of striking network
technicians. The assessments run
as high as $14,000.
The four were among perform-
ers who claim to hold individual
contracts with ABC, which the
network said supercede their ob-
ligations to their union, the AFL-
CIO American Federation of Tele-
vision and Radio Artists.
The union said disciplinary
action is being considered against
others for crossing picket lines of
the striking AFL-CIO National
Association of Broadcast Em-
ployes and Technicians.
NABET's 1,500 ABC employes
struck Sept. 22. They supported
an AFTRA strike last spring and
the performers union sought to
Those fined by AFTRA were
Tex Antoine, an ABC weather-
man in New York, $14,000; news-
caster Bill Beutel, $12,000; and
newscaster John Schubeck, $11,-
Also held guilty of violating
the union mandate was commen-
tator Jimmy Breslin, with the
amount of his fine yet to be de-
All were convicted in union
hearings Monday of "conduct pre-
judicial to the welfare of the un-
ion and its membership."
'To S,
Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:07

It also requires, he said, "the
withdrawal within their own
boundaries of all troops now sta-
tioned on the territory of other
states, the dismantling of foreign
miiltary bases and the dissolution
of blocs."
The best available estimates
put the strength of Soviet forces
in Poland, Hungary and East
Germany at about 16 divisions,
but some estimates range as high
as 26 divisions. Most are in East
Romanians say the last Russian
troops left their country in 1957.
The U.S. has about 300,000
militaa y personnel in Western
Europe. Figures for other allied
contingents in Western Europe
were not available.

France. not a participant i
NATO military arrangements, has
troops in West Germany under
a bilateral agreement.
Romania long has advocated
the simultaneous dissolution of
the Communist Warsaw Pact and
NATO and upset the Soviet bloc
last summer with complaints
about Russian domination of the
East European miiltary alliance.
Lead Efforts
The Romanians also have taken
a leading role in efforts to im-
prove East-West relations in
Europe, efforts that reached a
climax earlier this year with the
establishment of diplomatic re-
lations between Romania and
West Germany.
Romanian F o r e i g n Minister
Corneliu Manescu, a key figure
in his government's independent
course in the Communist world,
is president of the current session
of the assembly and was presiding
over the meeting when Malitza
On the war in Vietnam, Maltiza
declared that it was of "the ut-
most necessity" that U.S. air at-
tacks on NortheVietnam "be end-
ed immediately and uncondition-
More Voices
"Ever more numerous," he said,
"are those who raise their voices
stressing that it is impossible for
the United States to continue
bombing a sovereign state . . .
without thereby nullifying the
chances of any political solution."
Malitza was the 32nd speaker
in the assembly's general debate
to urge an unconditional cessa-
tion of the bombing.
Foreign Minister Syed Shari-
fuddin Pirzada of Pakistan, in a
speech stressing the Middle East
situation, told the assembly that
the time had come for Security
Council action to secure Israeli
compliance with assembly resolu-
tions on Jerusalem.


ABC said in a statement: "We
believe this action by AFTRA is
unlawful a n d unconscionable.
ABC will support these employes
in every way it can."
The network said 122 AF~TRA
members hold individual contracts
with ABC, and that these must
be honored regardless of union
AFTRA's answer to this was a
pledge to support contract em-
ployes who honored NABET
picket lines against any damage
suits by the network.
NABET's c o n t r a c t deadlock
with ABC has failed to halt net-
work operations, which have been
maintained in part by supervis-
ory employes.
Among AFTRA performers who
have refused to appear since the
NABET strike began is Joey Bish-
op, the network's late night star.
Tapes of his previous shows have
been substituted.


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draft revision this year, barred
such future assignments,,but per-
mitted the farming out 'of doctors
by the Public Health Service to
several other =government agen-
cies to continue.
This means that Peace Corps
doctors from now on are subject
to the doctor draft.

This is the first time since the
Corps was created in 1961 that it
has been forced to recruit volun-
teer doctors.
The first aim of the campaign
is to find replacements for the
doctors who will end their tour of
service at the end of next June.


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Door Opens
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4th WEEK

375 No. MAPLE RD.-"769.1300

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CAMPUS MAP of 1977 shows
system of sub-campuses ringing
the central quad (square). Main
thoroughfares linking five sub-
campuses (dotted circles) con-
verge on the central quad's li-
brary complex. Clockwise from
noon are sub-campuses cluster-
ing around entertainment, health
sciences, physical sciences, pro-
fessions a n d administrative
The classic telling of
the Dracula story;

1:10-3:10-5 10-7:15-9:20

MHERE THE BAD G0971111 AND TME 60olleiw "








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