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October 10, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-10

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Cooler with possibility
of showers or snow flurries

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


Wilson Programs To Continue}
Despite Fellowshipv Reduction

1 J-

Although the Woodrow Wilson
Foundation will award only 150
fellowships this year, it will con-
tinue its program of identifying
the top 1,000 best qualified grad-
uating seniors for, financial sup-
port in pursuit 'of graduate stu-
dies, according to' Honors Coun-
cil Director Otto Graf, chairman
of the foundation's regional selec-
tion committee.r
A total of 945 Wilson grants
were awarded last year to gradu-
ate students in the social sciences
and humanities pursuing careers
in college teaching.
"The Foundation has disposit-
ion over less funds to award fel-
lowships this year, but its function
of identifying the most qualified
will continue," Graf explains.
Last month, Wilson Foundation'
President Sir Hugh Taylor an-
nounced that the foundation
would drastically reduce financial
aid to graduate students interest-
ed in college teaching because of
a $4.3 million a year slash in
donations from the Ford founda-
A new $41.5'million Ford Foun-
dation program for "reform" of
doctoral education in 10 graduate
schools including the University's
was announced last April when
the Ford Foundation first told of
its proposed cutbacks in Wilson

Foundatiqn aid. The Ford Foun-
dation which has given $27.5 mil-
lion to the Wilson Foundation in
the last five years has said it
will give only $2.4 million during
the next two years.
Under the reduced Wilson pro-
gram, every active candidate
must apply for fellowships ad-
ministered by the National De-
fense Education Act, National
Science Foundation, and govern-
mental agencies and private foun-
dations, besides seeking directI
financial support from the gradu-
ate school he wishes to attend.
If the candidate is successful in
procuring financial aid he will
be designated an honorary Wilson
Fellow. If he should fail, the
foundation will support the can-
didate for a year of study at the
school of his choice.
"The foundation has asked
deans of graduate schools all over
the country whether a list of the
1,000 would be useful and they
have been assured that such a
roster would be most desirable,"
Graf says.
Graduate school deans will re-
ceive the list of 1,000 designates
by Feb. 1. The recipients of fin-
ancial aid from the Wilson Foun-
dation will be announced on April
According to Graf, the proced-
ure makes good sense. "Virtur-

ally all of the Wilson fellows in
the past have received at least
two fellowships, sometimes as
many as four or five. They have
enjoyed the luxury of choosing
the fellowship which offers the g+
most for their personal circum-
"If they have a Wilson, they
might also have a Marshall or a
Danforth or direct aid from an
institution." explains Graf.
"The 150 figure may be an>
overestimation of the number of
Wilson fellows who won't b'e suc-
cessful in finding financial aid
elsewhere. The fellows are really
very much fought over," he con-r
Graf adds that there is everyj
indication that other small foun-
dations and governmental agen-
cies who do award graduate fel-
lowships may seek to employ the It s Al Barlick out in the lead, Fol
widespread organization of the another length back. But look, Ja
Wilson foundation in selecting . as enth back. ut-look Ja
their recipients. was a ninth inning run-down pla
The conditions of the Wilson Carver taging out Red Sox shorst
fellowships have also changed Lamabe backs up. Boston won the
slightly. Students may attend the-
graudate school of the college DINNER DISPUTE:
or university at which they re-
ceived their undergrauate educa-
tion. In the past, a Wilson fellow
from the University could not .C
attend the Rackham School ofE
Graudate Studies.
While cutting back financial
aid to graduating seniors, the Wil-y
son Foundation has increased thee
number of dissertation fellow- I
ships and has strengthed its in-
ternship program substantially. By JOHN GRAY ; e
The foundation will award 200 Three members of Student Gov- t
dissertation grants to students ement Council's executive board
seeking to complete graduate enetCuclseeuiebadbu
seek in to compet graduate have indicated that they will re- fo
school in four years. However,
students of the schools included sign if Council does not continue T
in the new Ford Foundation pro- to pay for their dinner at the l
gram will be ineligible for the dis- bi-weekly board meetings
sertation fellowships. A number of Council members ci
Under the Wilson internship have indicated that they will prob- R
program, candidates who have ably vote to reverse last Thurs- de
earned at least a master's degree day's 8-1 decision to stop financ-'p
may apply for a teaching position ing the dinners. . K
in a. southern college, usually a Michael Davis, Grad, executive
Negro college. If he is accepted vice-president; Sam Sherman, '68, sa
the Foundation will pay one-half treasurer, and Lew Paper, '68, ad- a
of his salary. This year the Foun- ministrative vice-president, have}w
dation will underwrite 250 intern- all indicated that they feel the t
ships compared to 175 last year. motion Council passed was in

Three DayStrike
Resolved at OSU
Administration Agrees to Demands
Of 1300 Non-academic Employes
By the Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio-A strike by non-academic employes at Ohio
State University ended yesterday as members of the American Fed-
eration of State, @ounty, and Municipal Employes voted to accept the
latest university contract offer.
The university and the union announced the settlement after a
standing vote of from 500-600 employes. An estimated 1,300 union
members were affected by the walkout which began at midnight last
Striking members of the American Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employes were seeking a 10 per cent wage boost and
other benefits which the university said it could not afford.
Their strike had been called in defiance of an Ohio state law
which forbids strikes by public employes. The AFSCME has been
organizing at Ohio's other public colleges and universities as well
and union officials say that there_

-Associated Press
ks, with Rico P etrocelli a half-length behind and Tim McCarver
ack Lamabe ha s quit running! Come on, LAMABE! Actually, this
ay in yesterday's world series game with the Cards' catcher Mc-
op Petrocelli, while umpire Barlick watches and St. Louis pitcher
game, 3-1.


MSU Professor's Formula
Computes Hope For Society
By KENT WITTRUP being presented on Monday nights
We do not have to "commit at the Rackham Amphitheatre.
suicide and destroy life on earth" The series consists of lectures by
If there Is intelligent life on other three professors from the Univer-
sity and three from Michigan
planets, explained Prof. Barnett State. They are lecturing con-
Rosenberg of Michigan State Uni- currently on Monday nights at
versity's biophysics department both campuses on contemporary
last night.,topics.
Rosenberg .used a mathematical Rosenberg's lecture was devoted
formula to estimate the prob- to developing a formula which
ability of other intelligent life in takes known and estimable fac-
our galaxy and predicted that our tors such as the number of stars
society's 1I f e expectancy ap- and those which have planets and
proaches one million years. . relates them to unknowns, such
He conducted the first of "Six as thenmb to nwnsgsuch
Evenings with the Professors"' as the number of intelligent
_h societies and technological civil-
izations in our galaxy. The form-
ula also attempts to estimate the
E ast uad longevity of technological so-
WT dAfter summarizing a quantity of
O nece"ss"larybiologicl an astoo-
To W ilihol mical data to substantiate his for-
mula, Rosenberg used it to show
7lIA "Q ~that if a civilization were to be

ecutive Board
P'S May Resign-
fect a vote of no confidence in week we didn't meet."
he board. SGC member-at-large E. O.
Three per cent of SGC's total Knowles, '70, the originator of the
idget, $640, had been allocated controversial motion, disagrees.
or the board's dinners this year. "The executive board gets a
his amounts to about two dol- salary to cover expenses like
ars per member per meal. that," Knowles said last night.
The executive board consists "The money can be better used
f Davis, Sherman, Paper, Coun- somewhere else; the course eval-
l President Bruce Kahn, '68. and uation committee needs money."
uth Baumann. '68, vice-presi- Each member of the executivea
ents. Davis,. Sherman and Pa- ' board receives a salary of $15 a
er are appointed officers while month except Kahn, who gets $25.
:ahn and Baumann are elected. Sherman feels that "the board
SGC President Bruce Kahn, '68, dinners are about the most ef-
ays that he might not appoint fective way Council has spent
,nyone to fill the vacancies that money this year. Most of the im-
ill be created if the resignations portant legislation originated at
,ke place. the dinners. It's pretty petty of
Miss Baumann, the only mem- them to take the money away."
er of the board with a vote on j Ann Patton, '68, who was in

is a good possibility of strikes over
similar demands at Ohio Univer-
sity and Central State University
within a few weeks.
A quarter of OSU's total non-
academic personnel belongs to the
AFSCME, which was permitted to
organize on campus last spring.
When OSU administrators received
the union's demands for negotia-
tion about two weeks ago, em-,
ployes were warned that striking
would be grounds for their dis-
So far, however, the university
has announced no retribution and
ordered all strikers to return to
Huntington Carlisle, legal coun-
sel for OSU, yesterday asked and
got a continuance in common
pleas court of a contempt hear-
ing against the union. The con-
tempt charge was filed after un-
ion members ignored a Thursday
court order to return to work.
New proposals at a bargaining
session late Sunday and early to-
day had fallen considerably short
of the AFSCME demands.
They included an offer to study
inequities among employes' sala-
ries, a recommendation to univer-
sity trustees for a group life in-
surance plan, a reduction in meal
charges, an arbitration and griev-
ance procedure "within the limits
of state law," and an agreement
to hold the line on parking fees.
Classes were not affected except
for a few called off by instructors

Seek End To
Peace Rally
Permit Ban.'
Sponsors of a mass anti-war
march on the nation's capital on
Oct. 21 are seeking repeal of a
Washington, D.C. restriction on
parade and rally permits unless
the sponsors renounce a planned
civil disobedience program against
the Pentagon.
The National Mobilization Com-
mittee, representing a. hundred
anti-war and peace groups, reaf-
firmed its decision to include a
sit-in option at the Pentagon.
The committee Monday night
sent a letter to Washington au-
thorities asking for reconsideration
of the ultimatum presented Fri-
day, which also includes a ban on
picketting of the Pentagon even
if the sit-in is renounced.
Prof. Robert Greenblatt of Cor-
nell, national coordinator of the
march said word is expected today
on new negotiations.
The march's sponsors declared
the ultimatum "completely unac-
ceptable" and retained legal coun-
sels to "take steps necessary to
prevent the Johnson Administra-
tion and its representatives from
interfering with the rights of cit-
izens to assemble peacefully in the
nation's capital."
Dr. Benjamin .Spock, a featured
speaker at the rally, has vowed
to speak at the Lincoln Memorial
even if the permits are not issue.
Msgr. Charles Rice of Pittsburgh
vowed to attempt the sit-in if they
could approach the Pentagon.
Denis Sinclair, '69, co-ordinator
of the Ann Arbor mobilization
committee, last night said, "We
are not advocating civil disobe-
dience as a group. We will con-
tinue to sell tickets for transporta-
tion to Washington, but t is up
to the individual to decide to par-

sympathetic with the strike.

Queen Committee Reveals'
Homecoming Semi-finalists
Ten semifinalists, all sponsored sonality, activities and scholar-
by Greek or Cooperative housing ship, beauty and talent.
units, were chosen in last night's In addition to the honor, The

Council, was the only member of
Council to vote against the mo-
Davis says that he "felt per-
sonally insulted by Council's ac-
t ion. The money they took from
us was not reappropriated for
anything specific. In effect this
implies that anything at all is
more worthwhile than the board

favor of the motion last Thus _
day, says that she "wasn't aware In a joint statement, the univer-
at the time I voted of the im- sity and union outlined an 11-
plications of the motion." point agreement which said work-


1J111 . 1" ( discovered within the range of our interviews for the Homecoming Queen will receive a stereo com-Idinners.
detection instruments, through '67 Queen contest. ponent set, plus dinner for her Davis feels that the dinner;
By KATHY MORGAN mathematics the approximate life Selected were: Opal Baily Kap- and her escort at the Pretzel Bell, essential to the functioning
East Quadrangle Council an- ispan of our civilization could be!pa Alpha Psi; Vicki Davis, Delta Friday night, and at the Rubai.' the board.
wiocddlasfronIghteHat e rda iitad willu i1th oad
withhod dus from tH ouse established at about ope million Delta Delta; Mary Kaplan, Delta yat, Saturday night, and Sunday "It's the only way we ca
l d Int- years. Phi Epsilon; Linda Kell, Theta morning brunch at Inn America. get together every week,"
tion of the value of IHA mem- He went on to point out recent Delta Chi; Sue Mahr, Lambda Each member of the Queen's claimsh "And having them
bersip.data, which showts that there may Chi Alpha; Sandy -Morter, Phi, court will receive a gift certificate for is the only way to ensure
bership. da1 hc hw htteemy h lh:Sny-otr h from an Ann Arbor merchant. 1 we'll all be able, to attend.
EQC, at an IHA meeting, urg- well be a civilization within de- Delta Phi; Nancy Seabold, Kap-
ed all other dormitories to join tectable range. pa Alpha Theta; Susan Southon,
its investigation, and warned it The series will include Barnett's Sigma Nu; Donna Vozar, Seeley SUPP
EQC decided to withhold dues at Biochemistry department at MSU Psi. -
may refuse payment- permanently. lecture; Prof. Willis A. Wood of the Oxford; Carol Woodward, Chi
its Sept. 28 meeting, when it pass- on the question "What Is a The Queen will be crowned a 11
ed a resolution charging that IHA Man?"; Prof. James B. McKee of week from Thursday on the Diag. G old w ater D ecl
"has thus far failed to prove, by the sociology department at MSU The '67 queen will have a floatI
virtue of its actions, that it is on "Conformism or Non-Conform- in the Homecoming Parade, and
qualified to represent the best in- ism?": and from the University, will take part in the pep-rally BybHENRY GRIX He added, however, that it v
terests" of East Quad. Prof. Richard Mitchell of the his- procession Friday night and will "If peace is to be kept in this be foolish" to invade that
"By withholding dues, East Quad tory department on "Is Peace Pos- preside over all of the Saturday world, it will be kept by power," of the woods" (North Vietnam
hopes to force IHA to consider sible in the Middle East?"; Prof. games. said Barry Goldwater Sunday aft- Cpern" e n e d
changes that will allow IHA to Aarre K. Lati of the department of Talent competition for the semi- ernoon in Hill Auditorium. Concand" the ues
Mri h design on "An Individual and His finalists takes place Wednesday, Goldwater received the applause tnam, dwhereon the questi
houses," according to Jim Design Roots: Is Individuality Oct. 18. The judges will be from of nearly 4000 spectators as he ietnwn'the United
'71A&D, Hayden House presi- Being Phased Out?"; and Marvin various campus- theatrical groups. urged the extended use of power iontrouble maker in the
Steve Brown, 'e president of I Felheim of the English department Throughout the competition, to halt the flow of war material today." Claiming President
IHA, said that East Quad's ac- on "Is Contemporary Fiction the contestants will be evaluated into and out of North Vietnam son's war policies are simil
i swill force other dormitories Worth Reading?" on three criteria: poise and per- by bombing the port of Haiphong his own campaign recomm
to reconsider where dori r_-can ibe _ tions in 1964, Goldwater qui
most effective, and where individ-HA "In his heart, he knows I
ual living units should have cation School o Broaden right."
isdiction. He warned, however, u cl. Staunchly supporting a mil
that if the other IHA members settlement of the war, Gold'
do not pay dues, IHA will not befor'3 f T said, "If they want peace,
able to function normally. UforHour
IHA did not take any action ~~~~Y ~ V I V d U he added that no wars are e
on EQC's statement. Steve Brown unless a military victory is ac
said that IHA will have to deter- By NADINE COHODAS three 20-hour minors. Secondary during the preceding year. The ed.
mine what action to take against Implementation of the new state school certificate candidates may present 60-day substitute permits Honor omes First
East Quad if it continues with teacher certification code will pro- chooose between the 30-20 se- will be eliminated by 1970. If the loss of human It
its "no dues" policy. vide stronger and more flexible quence or a "group major," cover- Michigan certificates will be weighed against the importan
Brown noted that IHA has not curricula for Education students, ing several fields of 36 hours valid in most states with similar national honor in Vietnamr
yet assessed dues for any house. notes Malcolm Lowther, chairman coupled with either a 20-hour certification codes and teacher sid "
Each house pays IHA 50 cents of the undergraduate education minor or a 24-hour group minor.'certificates should be granted to first."
per student. At the meeting last committee. The most important change for teachers who have met the re- Athogce felsat
night, the IHA executive board Lowther stressed that changes in already certified teachers is the quirements from other states. The that we "cannot ignore our
set Oct. 15 as the date dues must the curriculum would be made in new post-graduate work require- State Board of Education will have mitment" and must see th
be in. consultation with all University ment. The code states that the authority to approve and period- through."Whet e the
Marius said EQC disagreed with departments, which will review teacher must present evidence of ically review the programs of the people are behind it or no
the concept that IHA shout: co-irse offerings and make appro- "having completed 18 semester teacher-training institutions, little to do with it," he co
make rules for all houses, then priate recommendations for the hours in a planned course of stu- Phased In ued. "We must stand behin
-. L;. L., ,r ti.",, inr-,no 'rhn ul- nta 11th h * mrO. W u tsa d b hn

s are
g of
:n all

I don't think it's worth it to
lose the board over such a trivial
matter," she commented.,
Knowles feels that "the board
is -being trivial. They're taking a.
stand on this which amounts to
being a threat. I don't like to play
politics myself."
Members of the board contend
that the motion to stop financing
the dinners had political overtones.
: It is felt that the motion should
thave been discussed with board
members before it was brought up
i at Thursday's meeting.

ers would return to their jobs im-
There was no immediate word as
to the disposition of litigation
pending as a result of the dispute.
Absent from the agreement was
a 10 per cent increase requested
by the union but it stipulated that
the 'State Compensation Board
would be asked to approve, ef-
fective next Jan. 1, "such adjust-
ments as can be made" within ex-
fsting university revenues." The
union did win major life insurance
and hospitalization coverage.

ares Power Best Way to Peace

on of
Ar to
' But
ife is
nce of
n, he
e war"
t has
d our

ment" from the military he saw
in. Southeast Asia about a "de-
cline in morale among the ene-
Part of the problem in discuss-
ing the American involvement in
Vietnam, Goldwater said, is that
many people fail to understand
the conflict.
Comparing the war to America's
war against the Indians in the
American West, he said we face
the problem of not knowing the
numbers of the enemy or with
whom to talk peace.

Goldwater said he "hopes the
President will continue to edu-
cate us," and thinks'it is "wrong
that the American people are not
taken into confidence more."
Goldwater is sure that "if Ameri-
cans understand the problem,
whether they agree or not, they
will put the shoulder to the wheel
and get.the job done."
However, the former senator cri-
ticized the Tonkin Resolution of
1964 that gave the President the
power to "engage in anything
from Korea to the South Pole."

Stating that he favors returning
warmaking powers to Congress,
Goldwater "hopes we can contin-
ue to argue* these points" and
when the war is over, he hopes
"we can say the resolution was
unconstitutional or make it our
way of life."
Reactor Panel
A lour man reactor panel made
up of Prof. Shaw Liyermore, of
the history department, Weston
Vivian; former Democrat Con-
gressman, Robert Blackwell, mem-
ber of the State Labor Mediation
Board, and Prof. Daniel Fusfeld,
of the economics department,
made short comments in Gold-
water's lecture.
Fusfeld charged that Goldwater
made comments "high in emotion-
al appeal but low in content.". He
opposed the assumption that' a
"powerful nation, such as the
United States has the right to im-
pose its view of reality on a coun-
try without such power."
Oppose Philosophy
Livermore criticized Goldwater
for referring to the, varied types
of Communism as a monolithic
force. The former senator correct-
ed himself for not pointing out the
difference in the communist na-
tions but restatedhis point that

x .. .

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