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October 08, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-08

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Courts To Decide Legality
Of Union Walkout at OSU

-Associated Press
Hippies are carrying a coffin and a hippy on a stretcher through
the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco as part of a three-
day-wake, which began Friday, for the death of the hippy move-
ment in the area.
Militant Vietnam Buddhists
ToProtest Religious Decree

I COLUMBUS, Ohio (P) - The
battleground of the current strike
of non-academic employes at Ohio
State University moves into the
courtroom tomorrow where deci-
sions could have far-reaching af-
fects on the nation's state-sup-
ported schools.
The American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Em-
ployes (AFSCME) appears to have
selected Ohio State for a show-
downx battle which could set or-
ganization trends in other areas.
Ohio law, the Ferguson Act, pro-
hibits strikes by public employes.
William McCue, international
organizer of the striking union,
feels this battle is an important
test case. "What happens here will
be felt across the nation," he says.
"I'm real happy with the situ-
MaCue, 45, has been in union
work for the past 22 years. He be-
came president of the Interna-
tional Union ofElectrical Workers
(IUE) when it was formed in
1952, where he remained until last
February when he joined the
The situation is this:
After failing to get its demands
for a 10 per cent wage increase,
free parking, free meals for food'
service workers, family hospital-
ization plans and grievance proce-
dures providing for bind arbitra-
tion, the union called a walkout
Thursday morning.
Current salaries range from
$1.40 to $3.80 per hour for laundry
workers, food service personnel,
operating engineers, laborers and
equipment operators.
On Friday union officials ap-
pealed an injunction grantedI
Thursday in Franklin County
Common Pleas Court ordering the
strikers back to work and banningI
picketing. A hearing on the ap-
peal was set for tomorrow.
Ohio Atty. Gen. William B. Sax-
be then filed contempt of court
charges against the unior4 for de-
fying th' court order. Officials ofI
Local 138 were ordered to appear!
tomorrow to show cause why Sax-
be's charge should not be upheld.
Saxbe's office had ruled pre-
viously that state-supported uni-
versities cannot sign formal con..
tracts with the union.

cif INULI tl MIjA JUK eUL*.aljit. uatJ''
across the state in convoys, sent on
special weekend maneuvers to be
near trouble spots.
A rock heaved from an overpass
on U.S. 23 near Flint, Mich., struck
Frederick E. Beck, 40, of Wayne,
Mich. A second rock shattered his
right windshield and the big rig
swerved off the highway and plow-
ed into a field.
Beck's death, if confirmed by
state police to be connected with
the violent-splattered strike by
dissident Teamsters, would be the

-Associated Press
THE DRIVER OF THIS TRUCK was killed inst antly by a rock thrown through the windshield.
State police believe that the slaying, which took place near Flint yesterday, is connected with con-
tinuing violence in the strike of steel haurels.


Urban Riots Cost Over $100 Million

SAIGON UP) - Militant Bud-
dhists and South Vietnam's gov-
ernment were set yesterday on a
collision course..
Leaders of the radical, power-
seeking religious splinter group an-
nounced 1,000 monks and nuns
:would stage a three-mile march
Sunday from the An Quang pago-
da to the Independence Palace,
despite a government ban on street
The government held to the baif
on such a parale.
Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan,
national police director, notified
the Buddhists by letter that no
more than 80 would be allowed
to leave the pagoda for a trip to
the palace, the government head-
" The militant said they would ig-
nore the letter,
Their avowed purpose was to
visit their leader, the Venerable
Tri Quang, who is in the second
week of a protest vigil in a park
across the street from the palace
Chief of State Nguyen Van
Thieu had brushed off Tri Quang's
demand that he rescind a charter,
decreed in July, that designated
a rival, moderate sect as the
mother church for South Viet-
nam's Buddhists.
The monk, in turn, had spurned
Thieu's suggestion that all the
Buddhists get together and draft
a substitute, which the government
would approve. Tri Quang wants
restoration of a previous charter,
which gave the militants a strong
voice in the affairs of Vietnamese
A spokesman at the An Quang
Pagoda, Thich Nhat Thuong, told
newsmen Saturday: "We have
been invited by the committee for
protection of the old charter to go
to see Thirh Tri Quang tomor-
row. We will accept their invita-

Violence Spreads
In Steel Rebellion
PITTSBURGH (.P) - A truck first since it began seven weeks
driver was killed by a rock yester- ago.
day as snipers and vandals zeroed Ironically, Beck was hauling ani-
in on trucks in five states, shat- mal remains on two flatbed trail-
tering the relative calm of the past ers. but a trooper said "it could
two days in the steel haulers re- easily be mistaken for a steel
bellion. hauling truck."
Fresh bursts of stonings and The 10.000 to 20,000 maverick
shootings flared in Pennsylvania drivers, who drive and lease their
as Natinnal Guarrdsmen ushp d1

In a statement, the militants
said they would "sacrifice to the
last man in order to safeguard the
legality and honor, of our church."
The statement denounced "the
religious traitors the moderate
Buddhists who are supporting Gen.
Thieu in his maintaining of the
illegal decree."
The group also accused the gov-
ernment of torturing students ar-
rested in recent antigovernment
demonstrations and said monks
had been drafted because of anti-

NEW YORK P--Urban rioting'
triggered by racial unrest has
caused more than $100 million!
in property damage in 1967-with
the grim returns still trickling in.
Additionally, cities, counties and
states have spent millions for po-
lice and fire department overtime,
and the calling up of National
Guard units, an Associated Press
survey showed today.
More than 16,000 persons have
been arrested during outbreaks of
violence in 67 cities, more than
3,200 injured, 85 killed.
Courts Clogged
Courts dealing with criminal
charges arising from the riots will
be clogged for months. In Detroit,
2,318 persons bound over on fel-
ony counts were awaiting trial
at the end of August.
By mid-September 779 had
been indicted on criminal charges
in Newark and another 87 cases
were up for grand jury action.
Damage estimates by respon-
sible officials and members of the
business community ranged from
a staggering $83 million in Detroit
and $10,251,200 in Newark to $300
in Lima, Ohio, and Prattsville,
Detroit's bill for police over-
time and destruction of equipment3
topped $2 million. Fire depart-
ment overtime came to $750,0001
and lost or damaged equipment

' to $82,500. In Boston, police and
fire department overtime totaled
$168,800; damage to equipment
Minneapolis had $22,500 in po-
lice overtime, $8,300 in firemen's
overtime and a $42,700 tab for
calling out the National Guard.
Philadelphia discouraged pos-
sible disorder by putting its police
on 12-hour shifts from July 27
to Sept. 1. The overtime cost:
$5.1 million.
Police overtime in other cities
where tension exploded into vio-
lence included $58,287 in Tampa,
Fla., $55,540 in Portland, Ore.,
$50,923 in Phoenix, Ariz., $127,000,
in Toledo, Ohio.
Approximately 850 Michigan
state troopers earned $226,800 in
overtime while helping quell vio-
lence or prevent it in Detroit,
Pontiac, Grand Rapids, Flint and
A week's occupation of Cam-!
bridge, Mnd., by the National
Guard cost $150,000.
In the end, all of these extra-
ordinary costs must be born by
Some taxpayers, including busi-
nessmen, home owners and in-
surance companies hit by riots,
may retrieve part of ,their losses
through federal income tax de-

Serious losses of business by
firms in areas involved in rioting
were reported in many cities.
Thus a curfew in Wichita, Kan.,
cost theatres, taverns and clubs
an officially-estimated $100,000
in trade.
John C. Prickett, vice president
of the Grand Rapids Chamber of
Commerce; estimated lost busi-
ness there at $700,000.
Businessmen in East St. Louis,
Ill., said receipts fell off an aver-
age of 25 per cent during disor-
ders Sept. 10 to 16. Hardest hit
were stores catering mainly to
women, who were afraid to be on
the streets. Total business losses
were calculated at $500,000.
Allen Andrews, safety director
of Toledo, Ohio, said looters made
off with $100,000 worth of goods
in rioting from July 24 to 27.'
Many stores closed.

high rate of dismissal of cases
against arrested persons.
Buffalo, N.Y., had 185 arrests
during a racial disturbance on
June 27, 28 and 29. Of the first
66 cases to reach the courts, 22
were dismissed.
Frank Felicetta, Buffalo's police
commissioner, said the main
problem was to obtain positive
identifications of suspects. He ex-
plained that in quelling a. riot,
police make wholesale arrests and
may be unable to single out of-
fenders when the cases finally are
heard weeks or months later.
Police' arrested 489 students in
a May 16-17 campus riot at Texas
Southern University in Houston,
Tex. All but five were released
without facing charges.
In Detroit, 7,207 persons were
arrested. Ultimately,- 3,363 were
charged with felonies. So far, 197
of the felony charges have been
dropped. Most of the cases are

'own rigs to private trucking firms,
are pressing their union for a bet-
ter contract by shutting down the
highway movement of steel.
Steel firms have been forced to
cut production, workers have been
laid off and construction in many
areas has been crimped. The Penn-
sylvania mines department said
coal mines owned by the steel pro-
ducers face a possible shutdown.
A spokesman said delivery of rock
dust used to aveirt coal dust ex-
plosions has been hampered by the
strikers, severely limiting the sup-
"If not enough dust is available.
the mines must close," the spokes-
man said.
Some 300 uniformed National
Guardsmen of the 165th Military
Police Battalion in East Penn-
sylvania were ordered to maneu-
vers in the troubled plagued west-
ern part of the state .The gover-
nor's office said the action didn't
constitute a call-up, but inter-
preted it as a psychological move
to stem the violence and quiet the
fears of highway travelers.
The Guardsmen, placed on alert
earlier this week at the height of
the violence, }were to spend last
night in bivouac areas near high-
Violence also spread to Wis-
consin and Maryland. Two ex-
plosions near Baltimore were also
thought to be connected with the
Marius Triloby
Part 11: Fanny
dir. Marcel Pagnol, 1932
"Wine, Women, & Song"
-featuring Raimu,
great French comedian.
One of France's most
loved films, noted for
pure French genre.
7:00 & 9:05

government actions. It
both alleged activities.

In most cities which exper-
ienced rioting, there has been a


World News Roundup

-MONDAY, October 9

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Foreign Minister
Thanat Kohman of Thailand says
he would favor hot pursuit of
North Vietnamese forces into
Cambodia if Cambodia is unable
to close its borders to the Com-
munist forces.
Kohman says he believes Cam-
bodian authorities realize that the
North Vietnamese have been us-
ing remote areas in Cambodia as
staging or regrouping areas for
the war in Vietnam.
* * *
LAGOS, Nigeria - A bombing
plane attempting attacks on a
Nigerian naval base and govern-
ment headquarters blew up amid
antiaircraft fire over a residential
section of Lagos early yesterday,
damaging two foreign embassies
but missing its prime targets.
SAIGON - U.S. jet squadrons
kept the heat on North Vietnam
yesterday, striving to paralyze
enemy supply lines before the
imminent northeast m o n s o o n

shrouds that country in ra'in and
Radio Hanoi, in a broadcast
unsubstantiated in Saigon, de-
clared North Vietnam's air force
and Hanoi militiamen shot downI
four planes.
ATHENS, Greece-The military
junta lifted house arrest restric-
tions yesterday against former
Premier George Papandreou, one
of King Constantine's leading op-
ponents. Eight of Papandreou's
followers also were freed after
signing agreements to stay out of
* * *
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson has ordered a govern-
ment-wide freeze on all spending
commitments except those essen,
tial to national defense and health
and welfare, it was learned yes-


Dept. of Engineering
TUESDAY, October 10
Researcher: ALVIN ZANDER

Mike Seeger John Cohen Tracy Schwarz.
8 P.M.-$2 at the door-free eats-great music!
The 3rd Annual Humphrey Bogart Film Festival









Three Performances in Hill Auditorium
HARKNESS BALLET . . . . . ... Fri.,dOct. 13, 8:30
Program: Night Song; Feast of Ashes; Zealous Variations (Schubert, Op. 83); and
Time Out of Mind
OLAETA BASQUE FESTIVAL . . .. Sun.,dOct. 22,8:30
Dancers, singers, and instrumentalists combine to provide dances and music of the
Basque country-seven provinces on both sides of the Pyrenees, both in Spain and in

Program of Spanish songs and dancing, including 'folk, classical, and flamenco





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