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October 08, 1967 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-08

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7 ~!1\ilLiiy ,/T ,Y i.VLS a iV U 1VV


Simon and-Garfunkel Provide
Beautiful, Meaingful Melodies

APA's 'Right!' Produces Uneasy Smiles

By AVIVA KEMPNER phere full of beautiful musical
sounds at Hill Auditorium. And
For those who were disappoint- the packed audience really appre-
ed when Simon and Garfunkel ciated their performance as evi-
cancelled their concert last Feb- denced by the two encores and
ruary (because they were snowed the standing ovation.
in) it was worth the eight month Sporting purple and orange
wait. 'sweaters respectively, Simon play-
Last night, .Paul Simon and ed a fine guitar and harmonized
Art Garfunkel created an atmos- with Garfunkel who now has a

mustache. Garfunkel meanwhile
tried doing something with his
hands. They made attempts at
being funny and making conver-
sation, but were more successful
just reproducing their best songs.
Their first song, "Homeward
Bound," was the weakest one,
probably because of technical dif-
diculties with the microphone. For
the rest of the evening, however,
Simon and Garfunkel combined
talents, to make each song an

By RONALD ROSENBLATT feet with remarkable effective-
Luigi Pirandello's greatest pleas- ness.
ure is to assault violently all our Anyone who has seen the play
intellectual complacencies. His "Six Characters in Search of an
many plays, termed "a drama in Author," one of the premises of
a hundred acts," all strive toward which is that literary characters
the same goal: to uproot our self- really are "realer" than "real"
satisfied mental foundations, to people, knows what confusion
show us that what we believe is Pirandello can wreak on the
a mask, and there is nothing be- mind.!
hind it. "Right You Are!" is another
Pirandello, with his characters Pirandello play in the same vein.
searching for an author and his Here the basic notion is that real-
brutally sane mad-men, seeks to ity is utterly subjective: If two
awaken us from what Coleridge people say contradictory things,
termed "reality's dark dream." both are right, for each believes
we~ go..ahno+ u <:e,:,1r +ci .rea ing l: niste . rgt. mT+7-is n a ciose

This play, first presented by
the APA Repertory company in
1960, was once more performed
by this admirable group of play-
ers on Friday night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. To bring
to life so incorrigibly talky and
essentially didactic a play is no
easy task, and the APA company,
in general, succeeded in turning
philosophy to colorful drama.
The story centers around aI
group of provincial Italians of
the upper middle-class who be-;
come entangled in the strange re-
lationship between the old ladyI
next door, Signore Frola, and her
morose, forbidding son-in-law.
Signor Ponza. As the prying fant-
fly of Signor Agazzi probes fur-
ther into the matter, they find
that Signora Frola and Signor
Ponza have conflicting tales to;
tell concerning the reasons for
their behavior, especially as it
concerns Signor Ponza's hidden
wife: Ponza claims she is his sec-
ond wife, married after the death
of Signora Frola's daughter, but
Signora Frola claims she is really

unqe ice e oabout the orld treadin g 1imself righ hsi scoet
unique piece. securely on the rug of our anio- truth as we ever come. (The full
Simon's songs are both happy matic beliefs about the world; we title of the play, suggestively
and sad, but always meaningful. know what's what. Pirandello enough, is "Right You Are! If
He explained that the moods of yanks that rug from under our You Think You Are.")
h i s s o n g s d e p e n d s o n h i s f e e l i n g s - -a h - - -he w t s h m .
at the time he writes them. VT 1T
A theme that is often empha- -( 7.Witn L VbVe Poves
sized is the lack of communication Proves
between people. This point is sure-
ly com uicatedin afnl U co v c g Crture
called their favorite.


old for the sort of ingenue role
she usually plays in APA per-
formances as she portrayed the
girl, Dina.
Most attention was paid to
Helen Hayes, as the aged Signora
Frola. Miss Hayes' timing was
admirable, and she dominated the
scenes in which she appeared. It
seemed, though, that she portray-
ed Signora Frola a trifle less pa-
thetic and frail than she should
have been. At any rate, one ex-
pected a less self-possessed and
composed Signora Frola. "
If the pace of the performance
was a bit static, and the direction
at times stagey, the cast brought
out the full significance of Pir-
andello's lines,
Pirandello's play, written in
1922, has much to say to the con-
temporary world. Signore Frola
and Signor Ponza emerge from
a background of holocaust, an
earthquake which supposedly kill-
ed all their relatives. They dress
in black and seem to have evolved,
in their particular relation, some
way of coping through fantasy
with the reality of annihilation.
May some of us some day also
have to invent imaginery worlds
to replace real destroyed ,ones?

The Honors Steering Committee is
now open to petitioning for new mem-
bers. Petition forms may be picked
up and submitted at 1210 Angell Hall.
Deadline for petitioning is Oct. 12.
*# *
Tiangles (Engin.ern Hnorr
La Sociedad Hispanica, Una Reunion,
Mon., "Oct. 9, 3-5 p.m.. Frieze Bdg.,
coffee, conversation. Hispanic music.
vengan Todos!
' 4 *

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga
ni7za ions only. Forms are available In{
Rm. 1011 SAB
Unitarian Universalist Student Reli-
gious Liberals: Allan Shnaiberg, Dept.
of Sociology, and others in Sociology
Dept., will speak on "The Population
Problem and Some Possible Changes,"
followed by discussion from the audi-
ence, Sun., Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the
First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washte-


American Chemical Society Student
Affiliate, there will be a special elec-
tion for secretary at 7:45 p.m., follow-
ed by Dr. E. F. Westrum, Jr.'s pres-
entation on "Transitions and Free-
dom in Molecular Crystals," at 8 p.m.,
Oct. 10, 1300 Chemistry Bldg.
Delta Phi Epsilon (prof. foreign serv-
ice fraternity), open meeting, Speaker;
Prof. R. N. Pearson, "Land Tenure
and Land Reform in Latin America,"
Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m.. Union 3C.
Communication Sciences Lecture. Se-

The greatness of their songs is By BARBARA HOCKMAN of E. R Braithwaite's novel, Cla- her daughter, pretending to be
not only that they contain poetic I certainly can't fight it. No vell's writing, directing., and pro- another woman.
lyrics, compelling messages, and matter what I say, "To Sir, With ducing didn't help much. A brief The question becomes, who is
well done musical arrangements. Love" is going to be a popular pic- summary of the movie: people mad? Or rather, as the mocking
Most important their songs stimu- ture, enjoyed by the masses. The walking through doors, in and skeptic Lamberto Laudisi puts it,
late the emotions and create a novie shows how a mild-mannered, out, saying hello and goodbye to what is the "truth"? The con-
scene so life-like, like in "Cloudy" middle-classed teacher, Sidney each other. elusion, in true Pirandellian fash-'
and "A Poem on the Underground Poitier, speedily subdues and civil- Almost every scene begins with ion, is that either version is true.
Wall." izes an classroom full of English "Sir" entering an uproarious class- The relationship is just what
Their songs tell of a personal toughies. We know that regard- room, then quiet, then again up- people choose to see it as, just
protest and demand a more inti- less of the film's artistic qualities, roar. Poitier's best gestures are as each man is only what other
mate surrounding than Hill Au- its theme will inevitably appeal when he stands motionless and people see (or think they see).
ditorium. ' But the b e a u t y to oldsters (especially teachers speechless, seemingly in a stupor, I Outstanding in their roles were
of Simon's lyrics, so brilliant and the parents of teenagers), who facing his class. When he talks, he the casual and poised Donald.
in "I Am a Rock," and their will relish their dominant role, and mumbles, and his accent changes Moffat as the satiric voice of rea-
voices made one forget the sui- to the teenagers themselves, who with whatever personality we have son Lamberto Laudisi and Syd-
roundinigs, and appreciate their will be attracted to the sex-appeal derived from the previous moment. ney Walker, as the mysterious
genius. of the kids in the film. Nonethe- The scenes of him with the other Signor Ponza. Walker had just
- - - - less, the movie is a weak, uncon- teachers are ridiculous, the right tenseness and rigidity
vlncing caricature. There are only two nowhere- about his body, and the proper
What are we supposed to grasp near-redeemingly pleasant parts. mad, fixed stare, for Ponza. Dee
from the story? A serious and One is a montaged museum visit Victor was convincing as the nosy
lighthearted objective portrayal of with comicly juxtaposed postures. Amalia Agazzi, but Jennifer Har-
m a erthe educational experience? If so, The other is some "in-jokeness" of mon seemed at times a trifle too
id I age y what is shown seems highly! the movie, where a humor tran-
naccurate. The children don't scends the plot and we laugh at _
react in the true spirit of people t-------_
o1 arv i ei.e from deprived, emotionally un- ;1are ethe lmopeni ng linesxabouetexua
stable homes. They are too flex-'intercourse, and those where Poi-
ible; their change comes too easily, tier, talking to the class about his
femininity going against the The four other teachers are un- childhood Guianian dialect, sud-
grai of is alenss.But hisbelievable. They are just typical, denly exclaims in the accent of our
kind of tension is missing in Jan pedestaled statues, providing little d y as is intentional
the man who seems more resign- else to the film than a place (thedthou thingaseems intentional
edtthan shakene y h lounge) for "Sir" to go to, other thefi? ot inUNON-LEAGUE
iences, and Marianne's limpid- than the classroom or meaningless if you thik twice
eyed stoicism and conventional visits to his flat. One teachernisy-ou think-twice-
Swedish beauty has no 'fire at all,.on n e:sh ie i n

The implicit condemnation of ries, Student 41iscussion: "what should
snooping and prying as a point- the.Language Requirements Be?",Tues.,
snopin an pringas pont-Oct. 10, 4:10 p.m., Michigan Union,
less outrage and waste of time is Room 3R.
not without relevance too. The
APA company, though its inter- Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at
Forest Ave., speaker: Prof. David Kop-
pretation might have been some- plin, psychology dept.. "How Does a
how more intense, still managed University Education Affect Religious
to realize the power of Pirandel- Beliefs?" Oct. 8, 7 p.m.
lo's play, which is to revive in us Course Evaluation Booklet, mass
slumbering doubts about the meeting, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m.. Grand
indistinct boundary between Ballroom, Union.
"truth" and "illusion."
Guild House, Monday noon luncheon,
In "Right You Are" only the Prof. John E. Powers: "Freedom and
fools demand the "truth;" the un- License in the student sub-Culture,"
reasonable character, Laudisi, Oct. , 12-1 p.m., Guild House, 802
Monroel Tuesday noon Symposium, with
watches and smiles and we smile lunche, Oct. 10.
too, though uneasily. The APA * * *
company suceeded in producing Young Democrats, meeting Oct. 10,
that uneasy smile which is the 7:30 p.m., UGLI Multipurpose Room.
Speaker: Former Congressman Wes Viv-
aim of Pirandello's plays. ian.'

'Night Games' Features Go
Grafted To Stock Contemp



For another thing, both come-
dy and its extension, grotesquerie,
are thinned dowh because the
decadence, instead of being al-
lowed to live, is always subject
to moral pressures. Jan indeed
ends up harmonized, which seems
existentially unlikely and aes-
thetically a shame. And at the
end the celebrants are showii up,
as merely greedy. Most of what's
supposed to be bizarre sexuality
is quite routine, except for one
fine funny scene where the boy
slips under the satin billows of
his mother's dirndle skirts and
caresses her legs, and another of
some stag movies in which the {
decadents prurienatly titillate
themselves. ,Inthislast every-
thing-wigs, sex, repulsive people
-really "springs." But for the
most part, despite the potential
flamboyance and "lewdness" of
the film, it stays quite safe. The
music, a counterpoint of jazz wail
and baroque decorum, captures
some of the dissonance that the
film lacks, and is maybe the best
thing in it.

couragement and makes us think
of romance. Another is calloused
and resentful of the kids. A third
is motherly. The fourth teaches art
and remains unseen. Also stepping
around is the mousy, smiley, busi-
nesslike principal. None of these
people exhibit the communication
you would expect in such a small
Perhaps we're supposed to get a
character study of Mr. Thackerey,
alias "Sir." He studied engineer-
ing, hails from British Guiana, is
teaching because, strangely, he
can't find a job, is teaching his
own personal truths. In spite of
Sir's avowed honesty, his passive
sincerity, and the developmentsof
the kids' trust in him, his myste-
rious aura is almost diabolical. He
isn't warm and funloving. We '
really know nothing about him but
that he likes to eat rich food, and
yet abstains.
If the weak content is the fault

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Free OPEN 7:00 P.M. Free
leaters NOW SHOWING Heaters
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MONDAY, OCT. 9,7:30 P.M-.
-This film, just released by the John Birch Society, examines
some of the outbreaks in our urban ghetto areas this past summer




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Soloist: EUGENE ISTOMIN, pianist
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nderto No. 4 for Piano and Orchestra Beethoven



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