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October 06, 1967 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-06

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By BILL DINNER year, they have jelled quickly and started where he left off last vid Dickey, Arkansas' leading scor- & M., with junior Coach Gene,
Texas, the polsters' pre-season have allowed only 13 points so year by gaining 250 yards in two er in 1966, will hold the backfield Stalling, who after two poor yearsI
pick, was expected to walk away far this year. games. together, is loaded with offensive talent.
with the 1967 Southwest Confer.- If the Raiders' defense can con- Close on the Longhorns' heels The defense, as usual, is big, Quarterbacking will be no prob-
ence crown, but after a loss to tinue its tremendous pace they may prove a threat if either of the brutal and fast, and Coach Frank lem for Texas A. & M. as star
underdog Texas Tech the con- have an excellent shot for the top quarterback candidates, Ron- Broyles believes this could be his passer Ed Hargett leads the show.
ference title is up for grabs. number one position. ny Smith or sophomore Mike Hen- best defense ever. Hargett passed for over 1500 yards
Given little more than ; an out- The Texas Lorlghorns, after a dron, can prove they can move The Razorbacks lost their first last year and has already thrown
side chance, tloe Red Raiders of three-year draught from winning the team, game because of inexperience, but for 450 yards this year.
Texas Tech may sneak through the SWC crown, were expected as Even thoigh the Razorbacks by the time they play their tough
to capture the SWC crown. After a shoo-in for the title. However, !lost a good portion of their team opponents they should be in top Doing the running for Hargett
a 52-0 slaughter at Iowa State after losing last week's game to graduation, a sound core re- form, will be Wendell Housley, who gain-
in their opener and a thrilling against Texas Tech, the Long- mains. Senior Ronny South will Looking over the back of Ar- ed more than 500 yards last sea-
victory over nationally-ranked horns face a rough uphill battle lead the show and wingback Da- kansas are the Aggies of Texas A. son or Russ Brupbacher, a tal-
for the top. ented sophomore.
Although Texas has lost several A
NATIONAL good linemen and excellent place- A ld make mo o
OUTLOOK kicker David Conway, they harv- man should make most of the
ested a great crop of sophomores K sholes for the backs and along
to aid super quarterback Bill
Texas, the Raiders look forward Bradley and All-American candi-a
to their best season in years. date Chris Gilbert.
Head Coach J. L. King, with Bradley, who had a serious knee
only two men gone from last year's injury last year, played with only
impressive. offensive squad and one~ good leg over most of theR EA T o
with six offsevensexcellent backs season, but still managed to pass .<. :.:
returning, fields the best team for 535 yards and four touch-
he has had in six years. downs besides running for four
John Scovell is at the Raider! more. Bradley underwent surgeryWO L C PO
helm, and together with promis- in the off season and is as sound
ing sophomore back Jimmy Ben- as ever this year, already aver-
ett and All-American receiver Lar- aging 45 yards per punt.
ry~ Gilbert, has racked up 600 Gilbert, the slickest runner in the
yards in two games. SWC last year, became the first
The biggest preseason question sophomore to rush for over a
on Tech's team was the defense. thousand yards. Already he, has
Weak and severely Jattered last 'are the Arkansas Razorbacks, who '' ,#"
HARRIS LIKELY: -Daily-Michael Felberg.
I1U -A Till 177IV "U(um U IT 'A

with Ralf Krueger and Ted Back-
man, provide a strong offensive
line. Although the defense is
young and needs work, the Ag-
gies' offense should do consider-
able damage and prove a danger-
ous threat.
SMU, last year's surprise con-
ference champ, should sink again
into the pack after losing star
quarterback Mac White along with
a lot of experience and leadership.
Rounding out the lower echelons
of the conference should be Texas
Christian, Rice and Baylor, all of
which may have to wait for bright-
er years.

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'ATLANTA, Ga. 001) - The the International League pen-
Atlanta Braves, trying to rebound nant.
from their worst finish in 15 The Atlanta Constitution in a
years, will name a new manager story this morning by baseball
at a news conference in St. Louis writer Wayne Minshew said that
this afternoon with Luman Harris the news conference was called
expected to be tabbed for the re- to name Harris the manager.
building chore. There has been some specula-
The Braves have called a news tion that Richards himself might
conference for 4:30 p.m. EDT in take over the field job for the
the Chase Hotel, St. Louis head- Braves but it was learned last
quarters for the World Series. night that he will not.
Harris has been the leading The Braves, who started the
candidate for the job as manager National League season as a pos-
of the Braves in 1968 for more sible contender,, finished seventh,
than a month although Manager 24/2 games off the. pace.
Billy Hitchcock was fired only
last week.
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JOHN MERRIMAN (center) accepts the annual Intramural
Athlete of the Year Award from Daily Sports Editor Clark Norton
left) and Intramural Director Earl Riskey. Merriman, representing
Delta Upsilon Fraternity and participating in eight sports, was
awarded the trophy primarily on his first place finish in cross
country and spot on the all-star basketball team.
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