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October 06, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-06

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See editorial page


git Ii!Jan

:43 a t I

Warmer tomorrow
and Saturday

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Unit Questions 'U' Policy SGC Withdraws froni

iNS A;

On Rent Strike Challenge
By LYNNE KILLIN ditional money and set up the have right on their side. It isn't
The Student Relations Com- Northwood/Terrace Association to fair to make students give 60
mittee yesterday passed a resolu- act as their representatives for the days notice to move and not give
tion giving support to the mar- strike and other matters. them 60 days notice, of a rent
ried students' rent strike by ask- SRC, a subcommittee of Senate increase."
ing the University to delay in- Advisory Committee on Univer- Larry.Kallen, '69 L, a member
creasing their rent until October. sity Affairs, felt that these stu- of the Northwood/Terrace Assoc-
The rent strike began in Sept. dents had a definite grievance. iation's Executive Committee said
after the University raised the Prof. Howard Cameron of the that while he did not accuse John
rent in all University Apartment classical studies department said Feldkamp, Director of University
Facilities by $10 per month with- that the "students have made Housing, of .bad faith he felt that
out giving the 60 notice students very measured demands." the housing office erred in not
felt they should recive. There- Prof. Loren Barritt of educa- giving adequate notice of the rent
fore 17 persons withheld the ad- j tion school said that "students increase.
"Just because the University'is
being squeezed by the Legislature
doesn't mean that they have to
sidfpass it on to the students," Kallen


i t
At II.Jar



,Announcing Rent Changes
Feldkamp explained that it was
very difficult to insure 60 days
notice since it would mean an-
nouncing rent changes before the
Legislature h a d appropriated
money for them. He felt that the
Legislature could react unfavor-
ably to such changes.
"The issue is really if the Uni-
versity is in the habit of dealing
fairly with the students," said
Cameron. He concluded that while
"it ought to be, it does not always
seem to be."
"Financially it won'tthurt the
University very much to give in
and not ask for the extra ten
dollars for September. $9,240 isn't
very much to pay in order to
establish the principle of dealing
fairly," Caneron said.
Prof. Irving Copi of the philos-
phy department said that,"the
University could have given the
60 days notice but I suspect that
they are not in thehabit of
thinking how their actions will
be accepted.
"Perhaps now they will pay
more attention to how their poli-
cies will be construed . . . The
University, has not always been
in the habit of being considerate,"
he said.
SRC passed the resolution seven
to one. It states:
"On the principle of courtesy
to students who have an arguable
grievance because of their un-
derstanding of their lease, the
committee recommends that the
Univesrity rebate $10 to each
rentee of the University Apart-
ment Facilities who' has paid the
increased rent for September and
accept as full payment checks in
which $10 has been withheld for
The one dissenting vote was
cast by Prof. Thomas Moore of
the zoology department. Although
he agreed with the spirit of the
resolution, he felt that it didn't
focus on the specific issue of

-Daily-Thomas R. Copt
King John (left) played by Jack McLaughlin gives a fiery speech before his demise as his son,
Prince Henry (Robert Garret, Jr.), looks on. (See review, page 2).
Reischauer Says Policy
Lacks Coordination, Plan

-Daily-Richard S. Lee

Gunnar Myrdal

Myrdal Sees Danger
Of Apartheid in U.S.

Westerdale, Meeske,
Copi Fill SGC Seats
Arnlod, Duboff Fill JJC Openings;
(Counicil Votes to Curtail Dinners
Student Government Council, reversing an earlier ac
tion, withdrew from the National . Student Association last
night. The vote was 7-3 and there was no debate.
In other action, Council appointed Thomas Copi, '9Ed,
William Meeske, '69, and Thomas Westerdale, Grad, to fill
three vacant Council seats. The vacancies were created by
the graduation of Nelson Lande and the resignations of Neill
Hollenshead, '70L, and John Preston, '69.
, . Council also appointed Charles Arnold, Grad, and David
Duboff, '69, to fill vacancies on Joint Judiciary Council.
Council's action on NSA stemmed from a growing dis-
satisfaction due to the revelation last January that the or-
ganization had covertly received funds from the Central In-
telligence Agency over a 15-year period.
Disapproval of NSA mounted this August when several
members of the SGC delegation at the National Student
Congress reported that they-
found it to be "undemocratic .
and unrepresentative."D e r1e1s
Three weeks ago, Council de-
feated a motion to pull out of the
association by a 6-5 vote. Sought For
SGC changed its decision, ac-
coi'ding to one member, because
We just got sick of talking about r p
it, so we got out." By MICHAEL ROBERTS
The JJC nominations were made The state chapter of the Na-
last, week but consideration was tional Association for the Ad-
deferred when several Council vancement of Colored People is
members expressed dissatisfaction initiating a drive to provide auto-
with the manner in which the matic exemption for high school
.nominations were presented.' drop-outs and other youths wh9
The appointments were seen as take some form of job training.
adding strength toa shaky major-
ity of present JJC members who The drive stems from a proposal,
have pledged to enforce "only made by Dr. Albert H. Wheeler,
those rules and regulations made president of the Michigan cinfer-
or approved by students them- enice of the NAACP and associate
selves." y professor of microbiology and der-
Council mmatology at the Medical School.
policy of financing executive board The deferments would be similar
dinners. Last year, the dinners to those for college undergrad-
cost $1,500. Council's approximate uates.
budget of $18,000 a year is funded The NAACP chapter accepted
from student fees. Dr. Wheeler's proposal last week
The original motion proposed by at it's 31st annual convention in
member-at-large E. O. Knowles, Detroit. It will send the plan to
'70, had called for the $640 budg- the national NAACP, Sen Robert
eted for executive dinners this Griffin (R-Mich), and to the
year to be used to finance SGC's chairmen of the Senate sub-con-
course evaluation booklet. The mo- mittees investigating urban affairs
tion Council passed did not spec- and poverty.
ify how the funds saved on exec- Wheeler said, "although the pro-
utve dinners areel klet issed. The posal will probably be chopped to
course evaluationoot Is pres- bits, it is worth the try. I don't
en y g know what will happen to these
Seventeen students originally proposals, but somehowe these
petitioned for the three vacant youth being used as cannon fod-
SGC seats. A series of private in- der must be given a chance."
terviews weeded out eight can- A second proposal made by Dr.
didates who were then interview- Wheeler would establish a federal
ed at last night's meeting. urban loan. It would "make money
After the interviews,' Council directly available to the poor, in
moved to retire to executive ses- our cities, for the purchase of
sion for debate. Executive ses- homes, education, food, employ-
sions are not open to the public. ment, health services and job
When President Bruce Kahn, training."
'68, asked constituents and mem- Wheeler said the federal urban
bers of the aduience to leave, loan would hurt the pawnshops
seven remained, and the finance companies. "I
Council then moved to leave wouldn't mind seeing them get
executive session., hurt," he said. "It is the only way
Last week, SGC voted to send we can break this cycle of pover-
no .representative to the Univer- ty." The loans would be on a long
sity Assembly's Committee on term, low interest basis which, "in
Communications Media unless the a large measure, would replace the
committee agreed to hold open degrading and dehumanizing wel-
meetings. fare programs."

. There is a danger that United
States society could become one
of racial apartheid unless some-
thing is done to alleviate the
problems of its poor, Gunnar Myr-
dal, noted Swedish economist anl
expert on race relations said yes-
Speaking at an informal press
conference at Rackham, Myrdal
described America's racial situ-
ation as one which is increasingly
resembling apartheid. He said
the growing Negro ghettoes in
large cities are being isolated
from other segments of the so-
Myrdal also called the approach
of legislating only to solve Negro
problems rather than those of all
the poor as being another factor
contributing to the polarization
of racial groups in this country.
"Special measures for people
mean that they are being treated
as a separate group," he pointed
out. This separation which may
be only de facto now could become
formalized through legislation if
this approach to the racial pro-
blem is continued.

coming and considered methods
for preventing or controlling thea
Myrdal, a professor at the
Swedish Institute for Advanced
Economic Studies and author
of "An American Dilemma: The
Negro Problem and Modern Dem-
ocracy," today will participate in
the last day of the "Voices of Civ-
ilization" Sesquicentennial con-j
Raps Rights Program

The fault of American foreign
policy is that it is "trying to
handle diplomacy in a 19th cen-
tury way while the other parts
of government work in a twen-
tieth century manner," Edwin 0.
Reischauer, professor of history at3
Harvard University and ambas-
sador to Japan from 1960 to 1966,1
said yesterday.
Speaking on "Modern Diploma-
cy" for the "Voices of Civilization"
series to a large audience in Hill:
Aud., Reischauer asserted that the
most important function of diplo-
macy is the representation of the{
aspirations and desires of one peo-
ple to another and not the desires
of one government to another."
The United States, "in a nig-
gardly and feeble way, tries to sell'
America like some detergent," Rei-3
schauer continued. "Bureaucrats
tend to shy away from words like
'images' and 'moods', but theseI
are the things that must be un-


derstood". in order to initiate a that "the sub-cranial process of
success-foreign policy. policy formulation" takes place.
Reischauer suggested that if for- :During the question-and-answer
eign policy were formulated with period following the lecture, Rei-j
a long-range view in mind, it' schauer said that withdrawal from
would be easier for the various of Vietnam would "severely upset our
government branches having con-|telations with the South and
tact with foreign countries-the |Southeast Asian nations." Though
foreign service, the Pentagon, the the costs of the war "are appal-
Central Intelligence Agency, and ling," the repercussions of imme-
the United States Information diate withdrawal are "vast." He
S ervice - to project a unified fears that withdrawal would result,
"American policy" on any inter- in "an isolationism on the part of
national issue. the. American people."

In resonse to a question- about importance which was equal notif-
the cause of the riots, Myrdal of- ication for both landlord and
fered a criticism of the civil tenant. Moreover he thought that
rights program. The program the committee hadn't sufficient
which has been enacted in the information and time to decide
1960's has met the needs of the if the motion was the appropriate
Southern Negro, he pointed out, or even an appropriate remedy
but it has done virtually nothing for the situation.."
f thngp livi in the NnU th


"One rule that I learned in my
Japanese experience," Reischauer
said, "Is that if a great country
.ike ours is to have a well-coor-
dinated policy, that policy must be
simple, clear, and honest."
Comparing American foreign
policy in the past to a "great dino-
saur with a much too small brain,"
Reischauer asserted that most
American decisions on foreign pol-
icy are "a result of stimulation
on the ganglia of the dinosaur. "It
is only when a crisis precipitates

Reischauer recommends that we
"move to suppress the war until
negotiations are possible." But he
does not see negotiation occuring
until after the Presidential elec-
tion of 1968, when "the President,
whoever it may be, can have some
flexibility in those negotiations."
Reischauer does not foresee the
possibility of surrender, but hopes
that a cease-fire will occur after
1968. And then hopefully a solu-
; ion by other than military means"
can be achieved.
Reischauer called our non-rec-
ognition of Communist China "a
false position," a position "still
frozen in the Korean War period."
He does not want the U.S. to "be
the blackballers of Communist
China." Rather, the U.S. should
show the Communist Chinese "the


or nosenving i n e orn.
Negroes in the South have been
granted rights which they were
denied in the past even though
they may have to wait for some
time before these rights are fully
implemented. Northern Negroes,
however, have had these rights
for years. Their problems, which
are those of poor housing, inade-

Defakey Describes Historical
Science, Humanism Evolutiont

quate education,
nr~irir7+tinn ard

employemnt dis-
I IhAILI I! haves no0

AimatAl, Gouscrimination, ana gnettos nave not
MyrdaAim at All Grop a of aid been solved. Until legislation al-
Myrdl oposs apla ofaidleviates these inequities in the
designed only for the Negro, society, the Northern Negro will
claiming that if poverty programs not be satisfied.
were aimed at the problems of allnt s.i
groups, they would naturally take Myrdal expressed optimism for
care of the Negro without creat- America in his closing remarks,
ing resentment in other groups. saying that it could meets its
Racial tension is.greatest among problems as it had many times in
those- in the lowest economic the past and achieve a multi-
levels of a society, he pointed out, racial society. Such societies can
since people in these levels are exist, he asserted, using modern-
fundamentally the most insecure. Brazil as an example to do
By working to eliminate the this, however, America must first
problems of poverty for all resolve ' the social and economic
groups. Americans can bring problems of its poor.
about effective integration.
Foreign peoples, Myrdal noted,o
once thought Americans were in-
terested in solving their racial
problems. They viewed actionsI
such as sending of troops into'Homecom mg
crisis there in 1957 as being pos-
itive steps toward a solution. Homecoming Central Commit-
Opinion Soured tee announced last night the re-
Since the advent of the Viet- sults of the first elimination in
nam war, however, foreign opin- the Homecoming Queen Contest.
ion of the U.S. handling of its The judges selected the 19 queen3
iofesthprblem.shadlingomitscandidates from the original listI
domestic problems has become of 44.
negative. Recent events such as Nominees are Opal Bailey, '69,
the past summer's riots have been from Washington. D.C.. represent-

"Like Milton, scientists try to
explain God and life," noted Dr.
Michael DeBakey, the preemin-
ent American cardio-vascular sur-
geon, speaking last night in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. Discussing
"Science and Humanism," Dr. De-
Bakey covered this topic in re-
lation to "education and lif.

cine man was priest, doctor and concerned with esthetic value may possibility of a friendly 'United
artist, he explained, surprise some people, he added. States."
Dr. DeBakey noted that in the Scientists refuse to let things "The American people are still
Middle Ages there was a diverg- come between themselves and the .T.e
ence between science and human- truth that they are seeking, he talking about a 'Western' civiliza.
ism, but that the Renaissance noted. Scientists traditionally have tion. We think that everyone else's
brought a rebirth of the correla- transcended temporal things such are barbarian cultures." Rei
tion of the two. There was an as religious, political and national uer concluded. And to formu-
alliance with art and anatomy, differences. He said that even late an effective policy, "we must
Michelangelo, for example, is not- countries not on friendly terms learn to realize that the world iss
ed for the anatomical precision transcend differences to talk am- one of diverse culture."

Science and humanism are tra-
ditionally held to be very diverse
endeavors," Dr. DeBakey pointed
E out. Historically, however, the two
fields have been very close, he
said. To the ancients, medicine,
art and religion were very closely
related to one another. The medi-{
' i
rittee Narrows,
Queen Entries
Ann Arbor, Theta Xi.
Mary Kaplan, '68, from Atlan-
ta, Delta Phi Epsilon; Linda Kell,
from Ann Arbor, Theta Delta Chi;
Sue Mahr, '68, from Warren,
Lambda Chi Alpha; Sandy Morter,
'69, from Pleasant Ridge, Mich..
Phi Delta Phi.
Sue Ness. '68. from Toledo. Phi

of his sculpture. Artists used di-
rect scientific observation to aid,
them in their work, he said.
"Men no longer feared the sun,
because they understood it," he
explained. They no longer thought
of disease as the work of a god
of wrath, but simply that of an
"extremely accountable nature."
Nature, Dr. DeBakey continued,
was no longer the "domain of
death" and the sorcerer. Unfortu-
nately, the doctor said, there is
still a "little apprehension of thisI
nature concerning the benevol-
ence of science."
"Ancient man was vitally con-j
cerned with his relationship with
God." Dr. DeBakey explained. TheI
Renaissance was concerned with
nature and its meaning. Today
man is concerned with his fellow

icably about science. In science,
Dr. DeBakey declared, "There is iT'"
no place for bigotry, inhumanity, N-doenV
dishonor o , fshes.
Dr. DeBakey said thatscience
has helped man to realize e human- T ,D f o r ul ~niu tii
istic progress. "Science has con-
tributed to technological advance- Non-academic employes at Ohio formied a group, Students in Sup- Strikers set up picket lines at the
ment of mankind, furtherance of State University voted last night port of the Union, to assist strikers main gate and began turning back
wholesome living environment, to defy a court injunction ordering and picket with them. traffic.
health and safety." All of these them back to work and remain on Late yesterday OSU was granted Police arrested 15 of the stu-
things, he explained, were invlv- strike. Members of Local 138, an injunction by Judge Myron B. dents on- charges ranging from
iint the improvement of man's American Federation of State, Gessaman of the Franklin County disorderly conduct to carrying a
is involved with the humanitarian County and Municipal Employes, Common Pleas Court. concealed weapon. One policeman
began striking yesterday morning was slightly injured by a thrown
goals of mankind, he added. after negotiations with Union leaders said they will have object.
Education was important to er tai the uni- more pickets active today despite Pajnces
furthering the goals of science, he versify failed. Pay Increase
stred.ien e gis "siese, a The vote - to continue the strike an express prohibition of picketing
Istressed. Science is diverse and waseaosetouninmusthesrdingin the injusction. Sit-ins may also Local 138 at OSU is demanding
dynamic" and will help people to was almost unanimous, according-!be held. pay for its members, paid
:attain their goals. Science and to Mike Fuscardo, union president. Classes Ctin hospitalization, free parking, free
humanism are the "ingredients of OSU sent letters yesterday morn- meals for food service workers and
education." Professors must en- ing to all striking employes, saying OSU officials said classes will binding arbitration of disputes.

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