N.Y. Teacher
Party, Norway Strike Head
UAW, Ford Agree To Supply
Army Truck Parts to Vietnam
Norwe gians
Request U.S.
British Labor Party
Asks Wilson To Stop
Backing U.S. Efforts
By The Associated Press
The British Labor Party and
Norway yesterday joined the grow-
ing list of those calling for an end
to the bombing of North Vietnam
by the United States.
The Laborites, at their annual
convention in Scarborough, Eng-
land, pressed Prime Minister Har-
old Wilson's government to quit
backing the U.S. in Vietnam and
to work for a quick and permanent
halt to the bombing of the North.
Norwegian Foreign Minister
John Lyng, in a policy speech in
the UN General Assembly's de-
bate, urged the U,S. "to take the
chance and to use this possibility
to initiate negotiations" for peace
in Vietnam.
Defy Leaders
In another vote defying their
leaders, the Laborites demanded
explusion of Greece from the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion as part of an international
drive to oust Athens' military
These rank-and-file rejections
of governmental, policy marred a
day of qualified success of Wilson,
who held off critics of his econ-
omic recovery program.
On Vietnam the government lost
the vote by 2,752,000 to 2,633,000,
a margin of 119,000. On Greece the
defeat was heavier-3,770,000 to
2,483,000, a margin of 1,287,000.
These totals represent the number
of full and affiliated members of
the labor movement each voting
delegate represents.
In themselves the convention
decisions cannot bind the Wilson
government. It is responsible only
to Parliament and the whole elec-
Nevertheless the adverse votes
were a blow to the Labor Party
leadership, and will permit left-
wingers and others in Parliament
to speak up with greater free-
UN Debate
Speakers in the General As-
Ssembly's debate have been calling
almost daily for an end to the U.S.
bombing of North Vietnam. NATO
members that have done so before
Norway include Denmark, France
and Canada.
Referring to President Johnson's
speech on Vietnam last Friday,
the Norwegian foreign minister
said he agreed with those "who
have pointed out that the situation
would be much clearer if North
Vietnam could give an indication
of its willingness to negotiate.
"But even without such an in-
dication," he declared, "it is the
view of the Norwegian government
that it would greatly improve the
possibilities for a step by step
development toward a negotiated
settlement if the bombing of North
Vietnam were stopped.'
ru n kul ty
Teacher Federation
Fined $150,000
Under New Labor Act
NEW YORK (P)-Albert Shank-
er, who led the recent New York
City teachers strike, was convicted
of contempt of court yesterday,
and sentenced to 15 days in jail.
His union was fined $150,000 un-
der a new state municipal labor
The sentencing judge called the
strike, which affected 1.1 million
s c h o o 1 children, a "rebellion
against the government."
Shanker, also was fined $250-
but both the fine and the jail
sentence were deferred for 10 days
so that his AFL-CIO United Fed-
eration of Teachers could launch
an appeal. He compared the case
to "witchcraft trials."
Union Reaction
The sentence by State Supreme
Court Justice Emilio Nunez jolted
the ranks of union labor in New
In subsequent resolutions, the
convention denounced the penal-
ties and pledged financial sup-
port -for the UFT's appeal.
The six-figure fine was not con-
sidered too burdensome for the
union. It has a $1-million emer-
gency fund or, should it choose
to pro rate the fine, it would cost
each individual union teacher
about $3.
However, Shanker said he was
"very sorry about the decision."
He maintained the strike had
done no actual harm to the public
and added:
DETROIT ,) - Strike-bound
Ford Motor Co. and the United
Auto Workers moved swiftly yes-
terday to meet a federal govern-
ment request that truck parts be
supplied quickly 'in view of the
situation in Vietnam."
The UAW offered to man
whatever Ford plants or depots
are necessary to supply the parts.
Malcolm L. Denise, Ford vice
president for labor relations, saidI
a wide variety of parts is in-
volved, since a large assortment
of Ford military vehicles are used
in Southeast Asia.
Walter P. Reuther, UAW pres-
ident, said the company would be
in touch with the union" and we
will arrange necessary crews to
get those parts out."
Denise, however, said it was his
opinion needed parts can be sup-
plied from two Detroit depots and
that only a few strikers will have
to return to their jobs to fill
Army requirements, which the
company proposes to meet. j
A UAW strike, which enters its
29th day today, has shut down
Ford plants and depots across the
country. The walkout was called
to support the union's new con-
tract demands.
Ken Bannon. the UAW's Ford
director, said the union does not
propose to man any plants that
would put Ford back in automo-
bile production. But he said it
would agree to keep any plants
running that are necessary to
supply parts which American
Motors Corp. buys from Ford.
American Motors, fourth larg-
est U.S. automaker, buys carbu-
retors, starters, horn rims and
valve assemblies from Ford, and
Denise said AMC had advised
Ford it will be running short soon
without a replenished supply.
Denise added that American
Motors had been told Ford is
willing to make more of what-
ever it needs if AMC "can con-
vince the union of its need." He
told newsmen, h o w e v e r, he
thought Ford likely could meet
AMC's immediate requirements
from parts built before the Sept.
7 strike erupted and now in de-
Whatever contract its strike
produces at Ford, the UAW pro-
poses to take it later to General
Motors and Chrysler, other mem-
bers of the Big Three, as a pat-
tern for settlement with them. with Ford in making arrange-
The Army's needs for parts was inents to supply these urgently
transmitted to Bannon by H. A. needed parts through Ford com-
Abersfeller, of the General Serv- pany parts depots."
ices Administration.
"Letters have been directed to
the Department of Labor and the
Ford Motor Co.," Abersfeller said
in a telegram. "regarding the
urgent need for Ford parts for the
U.S. Army in the Pacific which
cannot be supplied from dealer
In yesterday's short negotiating
session, the 47th since new con-
tract bargaining began July 7,
Reuther said the company re-
sponded it is ready to discuss
changes proposed by the union
in their joint apprentice training
Reuther described this as "the
"In view of the current nature first move we have got" from the
of the Vietnam conflict, request company to any union proposal
your consideration of cooperating submitted thus far.
Girardin To Resign Post
Upon Reaching Retirement
DETROIT W) - Ray Girardin, I who accepted Girardin's resigna-
the police reporter who became tion "with great regret," attacked
Detroit's police commissioner. re- the grand jury probes, declaring
signed yesterday after riding out they "operated generally in the
two grand jury probes of his glare of publicity, and operated
4 000-man police department and by headline more frequently than
much criticism from the way he facts."
handled the July racial riots. Cavanagh said "there's no
-Associated Press
Secretary of Agriculture Orvile L. Freeman (left) discusses National Cooperation Month with Presi-
dent Johnson following Johnson's address in Washington commerating the month.
Trucker Vigilantes Challenge
Police in Unon Protest Battle
PITTSBURGH (P) -Arsonists, "We'll never go back to work ters of Ohio and Pennsylvani
gunmen and vandals challenged under- these conditions," he said. three weeks ago. Except for las
reinforced police patrols and an He called for a halt to all truck- weekend, when a truce was offer-
alerted National Guard yesterday ing. ed, a dozen or more incident
during the fratricidal struggle to But a strike leader in Pitts- have been reported every night
take all steel trucks off the high- burgh-David Hough-dissented. most of them around within a
ways. "We're just stopping steel rigs," ! 150-mile radius of Pittsburgh.
Flames scorched four gasoline- he said. No one has been bgilled but a
drenched rigs in Ohio. Pennsyl- "Stopping all trucks could cause half dozen men have been beater
vania police counted 18 trucks an all-out war," Hough said. senseless and twice that number
damaged by rocks. Seven drivers in have been wounded by flying
Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania In Ohio, snipers fired at agasadgnfr.
I hio a Penlia woman truck driver near East glass and gunfire.
said they were shot at. No in- Rochester. Police said four trucks
juries were reported. parked at a Middletown, Ohio,!
Fourteen hours after he order- firm ignoring the strike were set
ed national guardsmen to assem- afire.
bleIn essence, Kusley says he and
ories, Gov. Raymond P. Shafer let his followers are trying to form
them go home. But he said they'll a union within a union-an or- By The Associated Press
be' recalled immediately if they're ganization to look out for inde- LAGOS, Nigeria-Nigerian fed-
needed. pendent steel haulers. eral troops claimed the captur
There was no end in sight to The strikers are pressuring yesterday of Enugu, capital of
the seven-week-long strike by mills, apparently so the producers secessionist Biafra, after a week
10,000 to 20,000 owner-operators will ask the Teamsters to re-ne- of battle.
trying to prod the Teamsters gotiate the national truckers' Th evictory was announced over
Union into getting them a better contract. Radio Nigeria. Army officers in
contract. Under the contract, independ- Lagos broke out champagne to
No new negotiations have been ent steel haulers get 73 per cent Thcelebrate.
scheduled since the truckers of shipping costs. They want 79 Tehere was no official word or
turned down a weekend proposal per cent and a separate contract. whereabouts of Lt. Col. C
for a truce. Steel mill warehouses Picturing themselves as small Odumegwu Ojukwu, leader of
Picurig temelvs a smllBiafra who had called on his
are piling up with finished steel businessmen caught in a cost- people to defend the rebel capita
that can't be moved because more price squeeze, the steel haulers to the end. There were report
than 50 per cent of the nation's have as much as $30,000 invested he had moved his headquarter
steel is ordinarily carried by in their rigs. They say they work to Umuahia, 60 miles south of
trucks. an average of 70 hours a week Enugu, to carry on the fight.
"We've been held down by the and net $6,500 to $7,000 a year. * *
Teamsters for 20 to 30 years- Violence has dogged the strike UNITED NATIONS - Britain
treated like animals while trying since it spread to the steel cen- called yesterday for a strength-
to earn a living," said William-- - - - -
Kusley of Gary, Ind., who or-
ganized the strike in defiance of LA ST T
Teamsters leadership. IFAS TIME TONIi
"The time will come when trials
like this will be held in the same
light as our society now holds
witchcraft trials."
The Nunez decision was seen as
the first test of the new Taylor
a law which prohibits strikes by
t unions of public employes, al-
though the judge told the UFT
s lawyers: "You are being punished
for violation of the court's law-
a ful mandate, irrespective of the
Taylor law."
In his seven-page ruling Nunez
declared: "From time immemo-
rial, it has been a fundamental
principle that a government em-
ploye may not strike."
Girardin's resignation is effec-
tive today on his 65th birthday.
A city employe must retire at age
65 unless the Pension Board
grants an extension on recom-
mendation of his superior. Girar-
din, was given a six-month exten-
sion apparently until a successor
is selected for him.
The commissioner told news-
men his retirement announce-
ment ivas delayed until the last
minute because he "wanted to
stay until the conclusion" of two
grand jury investigations of De-
troit police.
Girardin said he knew all along
that he would have to announce
his retirement but he felt people
"would get the wrong impression"
if he left while the grand jury
probe was still on.
Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh,
at 7:00 & 9:45
The Iron Horse
dir. John Ford, 1924
The uncut version of
Ford's monumental
epic of the "Winning
of the West;" from
one of America's
greatest Western
NOTE: Every Thursday,
beginning at 6:30, the
John Miller Jazz Trio.
question about the fact that some
very small, narrow people will
probably be pleased that the com-
missioner has decided to retire."
But he added, "the name of Ray
Girardin will play an important
role in the history of this com-
munity because of his enlighten-
ment and humane understanding
of people above all else."
Girardin too criticized the bad
publicity heaped on police by the
grand jury investigations. He said
he was "very gratified that they
turned out the way they did..
We have an excellent police de-
partment and its members have
great integrity."
As to the future, Girardin said
"The only future I can think of
is the first thing I want to do is
get one full night of sleep without
the telephone ringing."
Friday, Saturday
and Sunday
7 and 9:15 P.M.
Auditorium A
Angell Hall 50
INews Roundup
-s I
ening of the UN Security Coun-
cil's economic sanctions "against
its rebelious colony of Rhodesia
but once again ruled out the use
of force to topple Rhodesia's
white-minority government.
D. E. T. Luard, a member of
Britain's delegation to the UN
General Assembly, told the assem-
bly's Trusteeship Committee that
the selective, mandatory sanc-
tions, imposed by the Security
Council last December, "are bit-
ing deeply into the Southern
Rhodesia economy."
* * *
AUSTIN, Tex. - The Austin
American said yesterday that
Gov. John Connally has told
close friends that he is afraid
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.)
can capture the Democratic.
presidential nomination next year
from his close friend, President
Lyndon B. Johnson.
The American said Connally
was quoted by a source the news-
paper did not name as saying, "If
Kennedy is the nominee, I could
not support him and would have
to bolt the party and I certainly]
don't intend to be remembered
for that.",
Hurricane Fern dashed herself to
deAth on the Sierra Madres yes-i
terday, wreaking only minor dam-
age after making landfall 30
.miles north of Tampico, Mexico.'
The Weather Bureau at Verac-
ruz said conditions in the Gulf of
Mexico returned to normal short-
ly after daybreak.