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October 05, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-10-05

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See editorial page

(Z1 e

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

4E a it

lligh-7 5
Becoming much cooler for
the New Year.




Teach-In Critics Attack


Asks Operating Budget

U.S. Society,


t War
since all non whites have the same
Cleage predicted that the black
rebellion of this summer was only


MVillion in


Blistering attacks on American Gerassi, who has recently been
society and calls for radical to Hanoi and Havana, told of a
changes and an immediate end to "New International" composed of
the Vietnam war characterized worldwide revolutionaries, direct-
the "America in Crisis" teach-in ed against American imperialism
last night at Angell and Mason at home and abroad. He rejected
Halls. any alliance with Communists be-'
Overflow audiences, composed cause they are too political, and
primarily of students, turned out joined with Williams in refus-
to hear speakers with views rang- ing any reform within the pres-,
ing from support of the war to ent structure of society.
support for establishment of a "25 per cent of the Americans
separate Negro state. killed in Vietnam are black. It
A panel composed of Prof. John would be better if they were to
Gerassi of San Francisco State fight and die on 12th street," said
College, Carl Oglesby, past presi- the Rev. Albert Cleage, Black Na-
dent of Students for a Democratic tionalist minister of Central Unit-
Society, and John Williams, of the ed Church of Christ in Detroit.
Ann Arbor Direct Action Com "The black man has no stake
mittee, discussed a revolution to in the white man's Vietnam war.
pull down American society. The Vietnamese are our friends
Diag Speakers Urge
ACtion To Stop War:

"I really dig lecturing at mid-
night," said Staughton Lynd, for-
mer professor of history at Yale
University. "Because of Michigan's
reputation for teach-ins, I have
the impression that this goes on
every night."
Lynd joined John Gerassi, pro-
fessor of international relations at
San Francisco State College, on
the Diag to continue the discus-
sion of "America in Crisis," the
topic of last night's teach-in,
which attracted about 1000 peo-
Lynd warned that the war in
Vietnam "is not an isolated event,
we must realize that we hap-
pened to be born in a society
which is racist, imperialist and
proto-fascist, and will go on pro-
ducing wars until you or I stop
Times Are Changing
Lynd asserted that the days of
the "Students for a Democratic
Society and SNCC radical way of
life are over." He described this
way of life as one where "we
would spend two or three years
as radicals" and then go on to
professional careers "in middle
class America."
Lynd claimed that the assump-
tion behind this way of life was
that "America had a problem -
I the 'Negro problem.' What we fail-
ed to realize was that America
is the problem."
Lynd said that "we must now
move on to a second way of life-
that of resistance." He warned,
"There will be a reaction to our
resistance." He supported this by
citing President Johnson's claim
that "obedience to law must be
our religion here in America."
Political Philosophy
Lynd contended that this asser-
tion is indicative of the coming
political philosophy of the U.S.
government-"a political philoso-
phy of repression."
"The days of being patted on
the head for going down to Mis-
sissippi are over; the days of be-
ing spit on as you come out of
prison are coming."
Lynd called for a "firm, quiet,
confident and even humorous re-
sistance to the present policies of
the U.S. government. He said, "It

is we who are affirming the tradi-
tions of this country . .. our poli-I
tical philosophy is that of the
Declaration of Independence
while Lyndon Baines Johnson's is
that of Adolf Eichmann."
Gerassi echoed the sentiment of
Lynd by saying, "Where in the
past non-violence and civil dis-
obedience was the answer, we must
now go beyond this."3
"Peaceful coexistence is what
allows the world to be dominated
by the, U.S. and what allows the
U.S. to control and murder people'
We must realize our choice as cit-
izens of that world." .-he con-
' Gerassi further stated that "WeI
must be committed to the pro-
position that we can't live in a
well-adjusted world if anyone else
pays the consequences.

the beginning if whites don't:
transfer power to the blacks. He
wants to set up a separate ter-
ritory solely for the use of the
Negro and said that "a black per-r
son wanting integration is a mu-
seumn piece." '
Support War
' Prof. Richard Stewart of the
Residential College, however, sup-
ported the U.S. presence in Viet-
nam by stating that if we should
withdraw, it would be a sellout to
our allies in Southeast Asia, and
would precipate actions by the:
Chinese paralleling those of the
Germans in 1939.
Stewart said: "If we pulled out
and violated our ag'eement with
the Vietnamese government, we
would indicate to our other allies ... ....
that the United States was a } +."r
country that welched on its
treaties. Peace depends on pre-
serving enough alliances so there
remains enough for a standoff
throughout the world."
Local Problem
The participants in the panel
discussion on "Racial Problems in v
Ann Arbor were unanimous in.
their agreement that the basic
racial problem in the city as well
as in the rest of the nation is
"white racism." Ralph Ellison Speaks at Race
Dr. Albert H. Wheeler, state
chairman of the National Associ-
ation for the Advancement of Col- E llison Do ubs
ored People and panel moderator,
stressed that community organiza-
tions such as city councils, banks
and political parties are run bye
people who "believe that the Ne-
gro is inferior, inherently and bio-
logically." By URBAN LEHNER a television set so they can find
To change the discrimination Negro author Ralph Ellison last out what's happening.
inherent in this situation, Wheel- night warned sociologists, citizens "When I look at Negroes I don't
er said Negroes must "organize and especially Negroes to question see a bunch of people who hate
into formidable political and eco- the findings of sociology with re- themselves and I don't care what
nomic groups and work to revamp gard to American Negroes. Martin Luther King says about
community power structures." In his "Voices of Civilization" this," he said.
address to an overflow Hill Aud. "Nobody has to tell black men3
audience, the author of "The In- they are beautiful. Black women
visible Men" claimed that "in 'have been telling them that for
treating people as abstractions years."
rather than individuals, sociology Ellison said, "White people will
has ignored the complexity of never really know themselves u'ntil
human life and gotten us farther they realize to what extent they
away from the realities. are Negroes."
"Still worse," he added, "sociolo- Gunnar Myrdal, the Swedish so-
"; gists. have created young Negroes cial scientist whose 1943 book
who believe the sociological de- '"The American Dilemma: The
finitions of themselves. After the Negro Problen and Modern Dem-
riot, a 13-year-old kid in Elizabeth,.ocracy" is still recognized as the
N.J. told a newsman on national authoritative work on Negro so-
television that 'women dominate I cilogy commented briefly on El-
our families and I'm culturally lison's speech:

* 1.2 Million Above
'67 Appropriationls
The University yesterday revealed its largest request in
history for a state appropriation for the operating budget,
asking for $75.8 million in state funds for 1968-69.
University President Harlan Hatcher announced that
the request has been transmitted to the state budget direc-
tor to meet requirements for early information. A more de-
tailed request will follow the Regents' discussion of the
proposed budget at their Oct. 20 meeting.
Next year's request exceeds the request made for 1967-68
by $1.2 million. As the Legislature appropriated only $59.2
Imillion, the request for the coming year is $16.6 million, or 29
per cent, greater than the cur-
rent year's operating appro- ".
priation. Preliminary
The figure sent to the Legis-
lature on Monday contains no Guild' Trial
Sdetailedbreakdowns and is
still subject to Regental revi-
sion. The University's operating
budgets are composed of salaries
and wages to maintain existing
programs, costs of increased en- The, preliminary trial of three
rollment, improvement in depart- University students and an in-
mental research and instructional structor charged with showing an
facilities, and space rehabilita- obscene movie has been postpon-
tion. ed until tomorrow afternoon.
University, administrators yes- The court action grows out of
Uiverityxprasdmintrs ye- the seizure of the film "Flaming
terday expressed concern over Creatures" at Cinema Guild last
maintaining the quality of edu- i January. Charged are Ellen Frank,
cation offered by the institution. '68; Mary Barkey, '68; Elliot Bar-
Less Than Anticipated den, '69, and Hubert Cohen, an
Because the current appropria- engineering English instructor.
tion was less than anticipated, Washtenaw County Circuit Judge
"the University has reluctantly in- William F. Ager, Jr., yesterday ac-
creased fee rates, tightened enroll- cepted a joint defense and prose-
ment controls and postponed a cution motion that proceedings be
variety of plans designed to keep postponed to give both sides time
this institution in the top rank to study briefs and preliminary
of teaching, research and public motions.
Four Motions

-Daily---Richard S. Lee


4n Reaitty
"Sometimes in failing to grasp
the complexity of life we (sociol-
ogists) do gloss over important
problems. This is an imperfection.
"But," he continued, "in mak-:
ing the relevant statistical obser-
vations social scientists do paint
a macro-picture upon which we
can act accordingly. We must have
radical reforms and rational in-
formation to cement them to."
Then, taking off in a jocular,
vein to criticize another academic
discipline, Myrdal noted that from
his reading of the statistics com-
piled by physcial anthropologists,'
"Negroes on the average are no
darker than whites.
"I will leave you with your -own
common sense on that one," he

service," Hatcher said.
Enrollment increases in the next'
few years are expected mainly at
the graduate level, he added.
Last year's budget request cit-
ed graduate school ranking stud-
ies that showed the University had
slipped relative to other schools
over the past decade.


traced his doubts of the
of sociology to his oh-
that the contention ;

University Employes
Strike at Ohio State



"Negroes are outside the main-
stream of American life" did not
square with his own experience.

Appropriations Decline
In terms of enrollment increases
and price inflation, the state ap-
propriation has declined in that
time period, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Allan R. Smith
aid yesterday. Between 1957 and
967, enrollment rose by 9,889 stu-
dents or 42.5 per cent, but in
erms of 1957-58 purchasing pow-
er, the budget for the current
year was onlsy 33.7 per cent great-.
er, he explained..
Smith asserted that the Univer-
ity' has an especially strong pro-
gram in the graduate and profes-
ional fields. He said that 51 per
ent of the University's degrees
are at the master's and doctor's
evels compared to 25 per cent

Dean Robb and William Good-
man, attorneys for the defense,
plan to submit four motions at
Friday's session.'
Ti firstsasks that charges
against Barden be dropped on the
grounds that there is insufficient
evidence associating him with the
showing of the allegedly obscene
A second motion asks that some
prosecution evidence -be disallow-
ed on the grounds that it was not
properly obtained.
The content of the, other too
motions has not been disclosed.
The defendants were arrested in
January, two days after Detective
Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier seized
the film after 14 minutes of It
had been shown.
Bound Over
They were bound over for trial
Sept. 1, after eight months of
intermittent hearings in Ann Ar-
bor Municipal Court.
In binding the defendants over
for trial, Municipal Judge Samuel
Elden ruled that "Flaming Crea-
tures" was pornographic.

"When I listened to the South-
ern whites of Faulkner or Robert By WALLACE IMMEN ing a wage increase, hospitaliza- e
Penn Warren, I could hear my Several hundred non-academic tion package, free parking and
grandmother." Ellison said. "When employes at Ohio State voted to one free meal a day. The adminis- s
I read Stendalh or Shakespeare or walk off their jobs at midnight tration's answer is that after g
the dialogue of peasants in the after they had been warned that drastic cuts in legislative appro- s
Russian novels I could hear the such action would be grounds for priations this year, it "could not c
rhythms and idioms of Negro their dismissal. E even consider" spending the extra a
speech. The strike is part of a move- $5.3 million needed to implement R
"The Negroes who live in the ment for administrative recogni- the package. I n
ghettos--which I call slums-are tion of the American Federation
not culturally deprived, are not of State, County and Municipal
cut off from everyone else," El- Employes (AFSCME), which isOr ty
lison argued. "The ones who work trying to gain bargainingirights
spend most of their time in white at all of Ohio's public universi-
people's kitchens and factories. All ties. A strike it staged at Ohio
of them are angry as hell about University last spring forced ai e
the prices they have to pay to get s nthefoera ad ered
_. ;After a week of discussions with
the OSU administration, AFSCME By RON LANDSMAN
members last night reaffirmed aj
strike to emphasize their support Equality is social, not biolog-c
for collective bargaining. Central ical, American geneticist Theo-
State and Ohio University em- dosius Dobzhansky said yester- r
S u e n ts ployes. have made similar strike day.
decisions, but are continuing ne- Dobzhan~sky was joined in a
gotiations with administrative rep- panel discussion of "The Social
because of his financial limita- resentatives. D fra hise pnt Af Mnori -
Disefrachismen of inoi

roup Rights, Position
in Panel Discussion

Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Students Ponder Teach-In

'U' Successfully Aids Deprived

Among the multitudes of fresh-
men entering the University this
fall, 155 are distinctly different.
These freshmen are the Class of
1971 in the Opportunity Awards
Program (OAP).

44 of whom remain in the Uni-
In 1966, with funds provided by'
federal Economic Opportunity
grants in addition to the funds
previously supplied by the Univer-
sity, enrollment increased to 90
students, and this year's OAP

tact with the prospective OAP
candidate through an information
program in Michigan's secondary
school system. To be eligible for
the program, the student must
meet the University's entrance
and scholarship need qualifica-
tions, and have suitable recom-
mendations attesting to his moti-
vation and personal qualities from
his high school administration.,


Instituted in 1963, OAP was de- freshmen number 155.
signed to recruit and subsidize stu-
dents from socially and econom- Marion is in charge of recruit-
i r1Pnr L4 vJ d V d thr III U IA I ing for the program, and accord-

tions, the student has no means Pickets Up ies" by Swedish economist and
to transfer to another school, and Picket lines were formed around ologt Gunnar Myrdal and
is thus stranded in the middle of food service and laundry build- soci gis anthropoit Rayond
society, his educational opportuni- ings, and as many as 500 em- Figlh Pant ropo ogist ymonf
ty and resources spent. ployes are expected to picket dor- Firth. Part o e"Voces o
Services to the OAP student go mitories today. Teamsters and CivilizationSesquicentennials held
beyond financial assistance. Dur- workers in several trade unions ference, the discussion s
ing the entering OAP student's have agreed to respect the lines at Rackham Lecture Hall.
freshman year, extra counseling, and William McCue, AFSCME in- The session began with views
provided by Marion and Chavis, ternational coordinator, noted this of minority group integrity and
helps to make the student aware "should effectively cut off univer- equality. Dozhansky said equality
of the University facilities avail- sity supply lines." was a function of ."the diversity
able for his use, as well as aiding However, OSU President Novice of human types" rather than a
the student in overcoming the ini- G. Fawcett said yesterday "the superiority - inferiority relation-
tial adjustment to life at the Uni- university is prepared to hold out ship.
versity. indefinitely; we have had con- The issue of enfranchisement,
Recruiters for the program have tingency plans drawn up for some Firth added, was a "two-way
some difficult public relations ob- time and intend to continue full Frt'ae,woa
stacles to overcome. Marion point- operations with supervisory per- rmv swial interation of the


nstrument is the strongest meth-
Myrdal also considered the
moral issue.important. He agreed
with Martin Luther King, he
'venerates," that "the big hope
for Negroes is to develop a pro-
gressive lower class movement."
This was in line with his com-
ment Monday that the Negroes
form only one quarter of the
American poor, and that their
best hope lies in the unity of the
One questioner charged that it
was exactly such symposiums asl
"Voices of Civilization" that re-
veal "white arrogance toward the
Negro," and which in no way
adds to Negro self-confidence
which these speakers had em-
phasized. Both social scientists
disagreed with this to some ex-
tent. Firth said that it was such
activities which hope to create
"a climate of opinion which would
nake the imnlementation of our

that in South Africa is very real."
Recent restrictive laws aimed at
ghetto areas might be expanded
to create a situation of de facto
apartheidthat would be enforced
legally, he said.
He added that in Europe "the
U.S. is seen as a country which
tries to reform itself," but that
because of Vietnam and the riots
the prestige of the United States
has fallen seriously in Europe.
About Vietnam he said, "that is,
you know, a very unpopular war."
Another question concerned the
concept. of "survival of the fit-
test." The geneticist Dobzhansky
commented that it was a 19th
century concept that has changed
beyond recognition. "It isn't the
idealized romantic Tarzan, but the
largest number of surviving off-
spring" that it dealt with.
The speakers dealt with a wide
range of minority groups around
the world, although the question-
ing brought them back to the is-

ican yaeprivea areas rougnouTa
Michigan, according to Assistant ing to Associate Dean Norman L. According to Chavis, "Students
Director of Admissions Robert Scott of the literary college, he are picked with a view of the
Marion, one of OAP's two direc- "has done an outstanding job." Michigan pattern." Chavis then
tors. The initial 50 per cent rate of pointed out that this policy has
"The main thrust of the pro- attrition for the OAP class enter- given rise to accusations that the
"Th ma " d t ing in 1964 has df opped to ap- program picks "only the cream of
gram," said Marion, "is designed proximately 30 per cent in the the crop." He explained, however,
to help Negro students, although program's present sophomores, that there is no purpose in seeking
the n'ngr'am is not l viid t NP-._.,...._ __._.. --""_ __:«L+. +,-zfir jC oemy, to itheTUni -1

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