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September 26, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-26

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Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON - Like players
in a colossal coast-to-coast chess
game, Republican presidential
hopefuls are maneuvering for a
strategic position from which to
strike against their opponent's king
next year.
President Johnson is the sym-
bolic chess king the Republicans
seek to checkmate. Jockeying for
the right to oppose Johnson's ex-
pected Ke-election bid will intensi-
fy as the Aug. 5 GOP nominating
convention in Miami Beach, Fla.,
draws nearer.
An Associated Press sampling
of the shifting political sands
shows most party professionals
think Richard M. Nixon now is
leading the race for the nomina-
tion. But many of these pros are
hedging their personal bets, wait-


ing for a trend to develop.
Two factors-the rise in Gov.
Ronald Reagan's political stock
and the dip in Gov. George Rom-
ney's standing in the polls-have
caused Nixon, generally consider-
ed a conservatve to search for
allies among party moderates.
Romney's supporters, while try-
ing to regain ground the Michi-
gan moderate lost in the recent
flap over his Vietnam stance, are
keeping a wary eye on the every
move of Sen. Charles H. Percy of
Illinois, a relative liberal.
At the same time, they are
thanking their lucky stars that
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of
New York is a friend instead of
a foe.
Rockefeller, who insists he is
not and will not become a candi-
date, promotes Romney's cause
daily. But in a recent Louis Har-

ris poll, Rockefeller himself emer-
ged as the strongest potential
Republican candidate, displacing
Romney who tumbled from first
to fourth. ,
Such uncertainty is providing
a fertile breeding ground for
favorite son candidates. To il-
lustrate his contention that the
race still is wide open, one cam-
paign planner ticked off 15 states
where he has detected favorite
son talk.
"It's because of what happened
in '64," said another strategist,
referring to the ease with which
Barry Goldwater sewed up the
nomination three years ago. "A
lot of people got committed too
early last time. They're going the
favorite son route this time to
stay loose."
The former vice president is
starting to draw on the cache of

political IOU's he stashed away
during his many years as a Re-
publican workhorse-especially in,
1964, when he plugged faithfully
for Goldwater, and in 1966, when
he crisscrossed the country cam-
paigning for GOP congressional
candidates of every ideological
"At this point Nixon would
have the best chance for the
nomination," said one Midwest-
ern party functionary. But in
words that seem to haunt the par-
ty's 1960 presidential candidate
at every turn, this official added:
"I'm not sure he has the best
chance to win.'
It's this "loser" tag-he hasn't
won an election on his own since
1950-that Nixon agrees he must
overcome. He lost the Presidential+
race in 1960 and then the gov-
ernor's race in California.


Nixon organizations already are
operating in four key primary
states-New Hampshire, Wiscon-
sin, .Nebraska and Oregon. And a
national Nixon for President
Committee has set up shop on
Pennsylvania Avenue a block from
the White House.
Nixon won't make a formal an-
nouncement until December or
January. In the meantime, he is
chiseling out positions on the
major issues. He already is iden-
tified as a hawk on the Vietnam
The California governer, dar-
ling of many Republican con-
servatives, plans trips during the
next six weeks to Illinois, South
Carolina, Wisconsin, Kentucky,
Kansas and Texas-the heartland
of Nixon's midwestern and south-
ern base of support.
"He could be trouble," one

Nixon supporter said of the for- but quickly
mer actor, "particularly if we lose No. 1 h
the primaries." Everything
Reagan said he will not allow examinedc
his name to be entered in the the pollst
New Hampshire primary but ,his evidence th
supporters plan a write-in cam-
paign there. Romney'
Those who want Reagan to run polls was
for president advocate a simple chre ta
strategy: Let Romney and Nixon charge th
punish each other in the prima- off by dil
ries and wait for a deadlock. officials w
In the interim, the strategy in 1H65.
goes, Reagan can use his autumn In an at
speaking tour to tell his views ney hast
on Vietnam and domestic issues, coast-to-cc
all the while building up an areas. Son
image as a "do-it" governor who urging him
can solve the problems of a com- his candid
plex big stage. fore his u
The square-jawed Michigan belief this
governor began the year as the a neededx
front-runner for the nomination, Like Nix

ign Lead
y discovered that being much on the outcome of early
as its disadvantages. primaries. "We're going in with
a front-runner says is the idea of winning--we've got
critically. Any drop in to," said one Romney strategist.
is seized upon as sure "I have no ambition-no inner
'.o ha is cini.c

at ne is saipping.
's recent skid in the
attributed to the con-
hat sprang from his
at he was "brainwash-
plomatic and military
hen he toured Vietnam
ttempt to recoup, Rom-
undertaken a 20-day
oast tour of urban
me of his advisers are
n to formally announce
lacy soon, perhaps be-
rban tour ends, in the
will give his campaign
on, Romney is banking

drive-to get in this thing again,"
Rockefeller recently told AP spe-
cial correspondent Relman Mor-
in. But despite his firmest pro-
testations, the New York gover-
nor remains on everyone's list of
presidential possibilities.
Some influential eatern Re-
publicans are keeping lines open
so they could transfer their alle-
giance speedily to Rockefeller or
Percy should the Romney cam-
paign crumble.
Rockefeller has said he would
carry New York's 92 votes to the
1968 convention as a favorite son
only "as a last resort" necessary
to hold the delegation together.

Chrysler Lowers
Price Increases

Rusk Learns UN SPEECHES:
Of U.S.S.R. Israel Cites Need

Talk Refusal

For Mid East Talks

DETROT (IP)-Chrysler Corp.
rolled back yesterday previously
announced price increases Icr
1968 models, and American
Motors Corp. became the fourth
U.S, automaker to announce an
increase for 1968.
Chrysler said its new average
increase was $101, or 3.5 per cent,
over comparable 1967 models.
Originally Chrysler figured its
average at $133, or 4.6 per cent.
After Chrysler announced its
1968 prices first, General Motors
came up with suggested retail
delivery priee increases averag-
ing $110, or 3.6 per cent, and
Panel Urges
New U.S.
China Policy
WASHINGTON P') - A panel
of 26 U.S. business leaders and
scholars urged yesterday that the
United States drop active oppo-
sition to Communist China mem-
bership in the United Nations and
support efforts for a two-China
If the Communists accept this
arrangment, the panel said, they
should be permitted to replace
Nationalist China on the UN Sec-
urity Council.
The group headed by former
Undersecretary of the Treasury
Robert V. Roosa and Frederick
S. Beebe, chairman of Newsweek,
Inc., and The Washington Post,
made similar recommendations
last year.
It said the call is being pushed
again especially-in light of three
developments in the past year--
Communist China's H-bomb ex-
plosion, the intensified internal
struggle in mainland China and
shifting of positions on China by
other delegates to the UN Gen-
eral Assembly.
The panel expressed concern
over the implications of a state-
ment by Secretary of State Dean
Rusk at a news conference on
Sept. 8 that he does not expect
anything much will change on
the China representation issue
at the United Nations this year.
Roosa said this was taken to
mean there would be no change
in the U.S. position.

Ford announced an average boostj
of $114, or 3.9 per cent.I
Chrysler's new prices are effec-
tive today.
American Motors announced
earlier yesterday that its Rambler
American and Rebel models will"
carry suggested retail prices up
$89, or 3.8 per cent, from 1967.
Price increases in AMC's top-
of-the-line Ambassador series
from $147 to $230, but air-con-
ditioning, a $350 optional item on
1967 models, is made standard,
equipment in 1968.
As Chrysler, General Motors
and Ford had ahead of it, Amer-
ican Motors left the way open for
additional price boosts if labor
costs rise.
UAW Demands
New contracts yet are to be
reached with the United Auto
Workers union to replace three-
year pacts which expired Sept. 7,
when the UAW struck Ford in an
attempt to gain what the union
says is its "longest and most am-
bitious list" of demands.
The union hopes to make its
eventual Ford package at pattern
for settlements with Chrysler and:
General Motors. UAW President1
Walter P. Reuther, however, has
promised to take into considera-
tion "the economic facts of life"
when he gets around to AMC, a
money loser the last two years.
While announcing a downward'
revision in its 1968 prices, Chrysler+
also said that it was revising its
five-year or 50,000-mile warranty
to apply only to the first registered
owner. O;
One Owner
Origially the guarantee applied,
regardless of the number of own-;
ers, but Chrysler first made it ap-;
plicable on 1968 models to the
first two owners only. Yesterday
this was put back to one owner.-
Both GM and Ford made their.
five-year or 50,000-mile warranty
applicable to first and second+
owners, but the latter would be
required to pay a $25 transfer fee.
The long warranties cover onlyl
power trains.
Reuther announced yesterday he
will return to the bargaining table
at Ford today and again Thursday
could end a nationwide strike
in search for an agreement that
which has idled 160,000 Ford work-
ers and which enters its 20th day

tary of State Dean Rusk got a UNITED NATIONS (A)-Israel nouncement of plans to establish
first hand fill-in yesterday on stood firm yesterday on its de- Israeli settlements in captured
the latest fruitless attempt by mand for direct negotiations with Arab territory showed "utter dis-
Britain to persuade the Soviet Arab nations as the only course regard for principles of law and
Union to agree to reconvene the to peace in the Middle East and order."
Geneva conference to seek peace indicated no weakening of its In his speech, Eban renewed Is-
in Vietnam. strong grip on Jerusalem. rael's pledge to respect the pres-
British Foreign Secretary George Foreign Minister Abba Eban, ent cease-fire arrangements and
Brown briefed Rusk at the secre- in a major address to the UN said that his government stood
tary of state's Waldorf Astoria General Assembly, declared that "ready to negotiate their replace-
Hotel suite on his talk Saturday "a call to Middle Eastern states ment by treaties of peace which
with Soviet Foreign Minister An- to negotiate the conditions of will ensure the security of all
drei A. Gromyko. their future coexistence is the Middle Eastern states and estab-
As co-chairmen of the Geneva most constructive course whicn hlish conditions of stable ccex-
Conference on Indochina, Brown this assembly can take." istence."

and Gromyko have the authority1
to bring Vietnam before that body,
but informants said both sides
stood by their well-known posi-
tions, and the Soviet diplomat
showed,-"no give."
Prbposals Refused
Gromyko has repeatedly turned
down proposals by Brown and his
predecessors in the British Foreign
Office to set up a new parley such
as those held in Geneva in 1954
on independence for the two Viet-
nams, Cambodia and Laos, and in
1962 on neutrality for Laos.
Brown and all Prime Minister
Harold Wilson's government have
been under strong attack from
their own Labor Party's left wing
for supporting President Johnson's
policy in Vietnam.
Amercan sources said Brown
was-in effect-asking Rusk for
"something I can tell the voters"
about the war.
Secret Information
Just what Rusk told Brown was
a secret, but an informed source
said "it was nothing you could
write a communique about."
Diplomatic sources said the new
Soviet turndown could have been
no surprise to the United States.
Gromyko, in his policy speech in
the assembly last Friday, ignored
a suggestion by U.S. Ambassador
Arthur J. Goldberg that the Soviet
Union and Britain convene a
Geneva conference on Vietnam.
Brown's meeting with Rusk was
part of a continuing round of
high-level talks on the fringes of
the assembly. Earlier yesterday the
U.S. secretary conferred at his
suite with Israeli Foreign Minister
Abba Eban on the Middle East di-
Rather surprisingly, they spent
more time discussing Vietnam
than they did the problems of the
Middle East.

"The issue is one of principle
and substance," Eban said. "Aj
refusal to negotiate is inherently
identical with a refusal to Uive
in peace.
Jordanian Claims
Eban's address was preceded by
a Jordanian denunciation of Is-
rael's pursuit of a policy of "per-
secution and terrorism" in the

While the UN was in session
Egyptian and Israeli gunners
battled across the Suez Canal
cease-fire line again in a three-
hour clash which ended with a
UN-arranged cease-fire as eve-
ning fell, an Israeli army spokes-
man said.
It . was the eighth clash this

--Associated Press
Homes in the fashionable Parkwood addition of Harlingen, Texas were flooded in some places ten feet
deep as the Arroyo Colorado overflowed yesterday. The record rise in water came from Hurricane's
Beulah's massive rains.
r - -- - -


Arab territories it seized during End Belligerency
the Arab-Israeli war in June. But he said that any settlement
Jordan's foreign minister, Mu- must include an end to the Arab
hammad Adeez el-Aamiry, speak- belligerency against Israel.
ing briefly on a point of order, Earlier, UN delegates heard
said Israel's weekend deportation sharply contrasting views on the
of Jerusalem Arab leader Sheik. racial situation in s o u t h e r n
Abdul Hlamin Sa'eh and its an- Africa.


dimf di'6v' Ci#oic

World News Roundup

TA eatpe

By The Associated Press
SAIGON - U.S. Navy attack
planes joined B52 bombers yester-
day in intensified attempts to
break the three-week-old Com-
munist artillery siege of U.S. Mar-
ines guarding invasion routes to
South Vietnam.
The beleaguered Leatherneck
base at Con Then, 2% miles south
of the demilitarized zone, took an-
other 300 or more rounds of enemy
The U.S. Command summoned
Navy jets from the carrier In-
trepid to help B52 bombers and Air
Force tactical jets in strikes at
the North Vietnamese troops and
gun .positions.

WASHINGTON - The Federal
Communications C o m m i s s i o n
made public yesterday the details
of a $100 million reduction in
long-distance telephone charges-
but at the same time it included
a $15 million hike in some tele-
phone charges.
The new rates, which will be-
come effective Nov. 1, will reduce
charges for most station-to-station
and person-to-person calls beyond
468 miles.
But the commission noted that
interstate telephone calls up to
24 miles distant will be increased
by $15 million with the hikes to
amount to five cents for the first
three minutes.

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Faculty and graduate students engaged in research
will present aspects of their papers and research. The
theme for the Fall semester will be "Conflict" and
will receive a typological and developed presentation.
Wednesday's researcher: MARTIN PATCHEN
(Hereafter, we will meet regularly on Tuesdays)



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Please enclose stamped
self-addressed envelope

Tickets will be mailed
about Oct. 18










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