See editorial paget
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miitIi .
Cloudy; chance
of showers
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
Chems sistoAidsHistrians with
By KENT WITTRUP masterpieces and ancient North NAA is fairly common technique, points far from the natural sources examined the surface of the coins.
How does the modern historian American Indian trade routes, but has previously been limited of obsidian. A check of the corn- making its value minimal.
find out if there was trade between The process itself is simple. In to use in more conventional areas position of the samples made Gor- The problem of residual isotopes
dring theutime of Christ, if an a sample is irradiated with neu- criminologists, and petroleum com- that the samples came from the small neutron source. By taping a
Egyptian Sultan debased his cur- trons and made radioactive. Then panies. Its use in archaeological area of Yellowstone National Park, coin of known silver content to the
rency to finance three wars against the types and amounts of radio- artifacts was first discussed by the indicating the existence of travel back of the coin being analyzed it
Syrian Mongols during 1259-60, activity in the sample are deter- late J. Robert Oppenheimer at a or trade between Wyoming and became possible to compute the
and whether or not an early 17th mined using radioactivity detec- conference in 1956. However, dur- Ohio about the time of Christ. percentage of silver in the coin.
century painting was done by two tion equipment. The types of ra- ing the past eleven years 'only a NAA has also been used in ana- The coins are usually bombarded
men at different times in different diation emitted provide identifica- few experimental studies using the lyzing ancient coins. Gordus, work- with neutrons for one minute, and
places? tion of the element in the sample. method, involving only a small ing with Jere L. Bacharach of the then placed near radioactivity de-
He goes to a chemist who treats For example, if a coin is irra- number of samples, have been History department (now at the tectors which record the amount
his artifacts to "neutron activa- diateol with neutrons in a nuclear reported. University of Washington), be- of radioactivity in the coin.
tion analysis." . reactor, it would emit gamma' Gordus' sally into humanities be- came involved in researching Is- Gordus and Bacharat got some
In recent years obsidian arrow- rays and beta rays. The energies gan with a project in conjunction lamic coinage from several periods. interesting results from these ana-
heads, specks of medieval paints, of the rays would usually be found with Prof. James B.. Griffin the There had been some history of lyses of the dirhams (monetary
and coins from ancient realms to characterize isotopes of silver; Director of the Museum of An- {chemical methods in this field, but unit) of the four earliest Babri sul-
have been undergoing chemical copper, and probably tin, arsenic, thropology. The project concerned there were extensive problems.i tans of Egypt showed that the
scrutiny in the laboratory of Prof. gold, antimony, zinc, and others. artifacts, arrowheads and spear- Most methods damaged and de- third one, Qutuz, had reduced the
Adon A. Gordus of, the chemistry The intensities of the varous gam- heads made of obsidian, a black stroyed the coins or left them percentage of silver in his coins.
department. His work is aiding in ma rays would make it possible to volcanic glass, which were found mildly active. X-ray fluorescence He debased the currency . to fi-
the study of medieval wars and determine percentages of the ele- in Hopewell Indian burial mounds had been used as a non-destructive nance his wars against the Mon-
politics, the alteration of ark ments. in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, method of analysis, but it only 1gols in Syria in 1259 and 1260. The
imely Questions
three thirteenth century sultans at different times in different destructive nature, so it can be
Aybak. Ali, and Baybars I, had locales. Part of the painting had done on a large scale. Gordus sees
issued dirhams of 69, 62 and 64 been done over, not unusual in it- automation an imminent and easi-
percent silver but Qutuz' coins were self, but with different pigments ly developed development - the
only 57 per cent silver. altogether. The conclusion was ability to analyze thousands of
These Islamic coins can be seen that the canvas had been "im- samples a year would make NAA
on display in the Francis W. Kel- proved" long after the original a formidable tool in archaeology:
sey Museum of Archaeology. (All artist had finished it. the process is quick and there are
radioactivity disappears from the Could a forger equipped with no radioactive residues, allowing
coins fifteen minutes after they the fairly common NAA equipment the coins to be bprrowed briefly
are bombarded.) be able to reproduce original pig- from collectors and returned com-
Still another use for NAA was ments and invalidate this method? pletely unaltered and unaffected:
opened up by Gordus' work with Gordus' aniswer is no. He says it and the process is extremely sensi-
the Museum of Art on an early would be impossible to duplicate tive for some elements.
17th century painting, which prov- exactly the source materials with- He says its disadvantages and
ed not to be what it appeared to out completely chemically ana- weaknesses are its inability to de-
be. lyzing each component of each test all elements and varying ef-
Gordus. with Mrs. Meryl John- pigment. NAA's parts-per-billion ficiency from element to element:
son, conservator of the museum, sensitivity would find discrepan-I and the necessity of fairly compex
found that similar pigments in dif- cies in tiny proportions of inci- eqdmt, ncldin in cmly
ferent parts of the canvas con- dental elements-dysprosium in an-
tained different minor elements- iron oxide pigment or some such. cases, a high intensity neutron
indicating that the parts were The advantages of the process source. This last, of course was
probably painted by different men enumerated by Gordus are its non- eliminated in the coin studies.
SGC Seeks Democratic
U of Toronto I
Policy on Student Rules Resist Draft
IL)LX ull
Student Government Council
yesterday asked the Regents to
"democratize the procedure" by
which rules and regulations for
" student conduct are made.
In a letter to the University
community, SGC contended that
"students alone (should) bear the
primary and initial responsibility
for making decisions regarding re-
strictions on the personal freedom
of their everyday lives outside of
the classroom."
Council's statement was directed
at questions raised by Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Richard
L. Cutler in a communique to SGC
last Thursday.
lowed to determine the amount =Council severed relations with
1 of the appropriation by referen-
dum. "That would force the rep-
resentatives to really represent
their constituents," Kahn said. "If
students didn't like what their
government was doing, they could
simply slash their appropriation."
, SGC made a tentative decision
to abolish the administration's
code last April after a majority
I of the newly-appointed members
of Joint Judiciary Council pledged
to uphold only those rules written
or approved by students. JJC is
responsible for enforcing rules and
regulations governing student con-
duct. JJC members are appointed
by SGC.
the Office of Student Affairs last
November after Cutler imposed a
ban on sit-ins. Council stil receives
about $18,000 a year from the Uni-
versity. The money is deducted
from student tuition at the rate
of 25 cents per student per se-
Cutler's letter stated that "Be-
cause of the concern and responsi-
bility of the commission, the deans
and faculties, the several auto-
nomous boards of the University.
as well as that of the Regents
themselves, any alterations in ex-
isting regulations and procedures
The University College student
goveinment, Lit, of the University
of Toronto voted recently to sup-
port the Canadian draft resistance
The vote marked the first offi-i
cial undergraduate Canadian sup-
port of American draft dodgers.
Students at Windsor voted down a
similar resolution in March.
The resolution, which passed by.
an 11 to five vote, provided for a
donation of $250 to the Toronto
draft resistance program. Lit plans
to ask the Student Administrative
Council, the governing body of all
seven colleges on the Toronto cam-
pus, to donate $1,000 to the cause.
Mark Satin, graduate of the Uni-
versity of Illinois and New York
State University, director of the
draft resistance program in To-
ronto said he was "very pleased"
depend upon a more complete
resolution of the underlying issues.
The letter added that "whatever
the results of the commision's (the
President's Commission on the T ex t
Role of the Student in Decision-
Making) deliberations SGC insists
on the essential principle that stu-
dents should possess the minimal D Ve l
control over their environment im- /
plicit in the right to make conduct
o Cutler
with the council action. Satin, a
native of northern Minnesota, said
he expects further action from
other Canadian colleaes in the .
rules." The letter which Dr. Cutler dents request a real voice in deci- near futre.
. near future.
Cutler, in his letter of last communicated to various members sions regarding- tuition rates, ten- Prof. Paul Hoch of Toronto's
Thursday, had said "The action of the University community re- ure policy and the hiring and fir- Physics department, told the Li
(abolishing the University's reg- garding Student Government ing of administrators, meeting that five to ten draf
ulations) expresses a most worth- Council's action of Thursday, Sep- Returning to Dr. Cutler's ques- dodgers come to his office "eac
tembe 14,posessomedy." HoheandtwohisothiereTo.
while interest, that of developing , tember 14, poses some very im- tion, we can rephrase it as fol-'day."'Hoch. and two other To
a workable system of student self- portant questions. Indeed, these lows: "Should studentsalone bear ronto University professors work
government." qusioe are questions to which Council the primary and initial responsi-. closely with the independent or-
oever e uestionedwhether members addressed themselves bility for making decisions re- ganizytin hededey ndantn.
However, he (ue) inedwhether 'some months ago. garding restrictions on the person- ganization headed by Satin.
"students alone (are) interested in The first question, as Dr. Cut- al freedom of their everyday lives Prof. A. M. Wall, in Toronto'
and affected by standards of in- ler states it, is whether "students outside of the classroom?" As we Department of Psychology, said
dividual conduct" and whether alone are interested in and af- see it, the answer to. this ques- that draft dodgers are "lonely
"any group within the University fected by standards of individual tion can only be yes. This conclu- frightened people who want to
(can) assume responsibility for an conduct established and maintain- sion is substantiated, we think succeed very much in their new
area of concern in the absence of ed in the University!" unquestionably established, by the life."
Regental delegation of that re- In its stated form this ques- following assertions: Herschel Ezrin, president of the
sponsibility." tion obscures the issue. By way of Students are capable of mak- body which passed the resolution
The exchange of correspondence clarification we would like to ing intelligent decisions in this attributed the action to "humani-
was prompted by council's decision make two points: regard. We are reminded con- tarian reasons."
First: The action taken by SGC stantly by proud representatives "It's difficult for them to find
RAC concerned not all "standards of of the faculty, or administration jobs, here," Ezrin explained. "Stu-
individual conduct established and that this is one of the brightest dents here can understand these
maintained in the University," and most mature student bodies people."
W L Pet. GB but only those that regulate what in the nation. Yet these same ad- "This program," Wall comment-
Minnesota 90 68 .570 - the administration defines as ministrators support a set of rules ed, "provides them with informa-
Boston 90 68 .570 - "non - academic conduct." More which, by denying these suppos- tion and gives them friendship.
Chicago 89 68 .567 l specifically, SGC considered rules j edly mature students the power Many of these people plan to go to
Detroit 88 69 .561 1i that restrict the personal free- to regulate their own lives, de- college here, and their cause is a
dom of students outside the class- nies this proud claim. relatively unpopular one."
room--rules that answer simple As a matter of administrative :n
at its September 14 meeting abol- but essential questions: When effectiveness, conduqt rules should Opposition to the resolution was
ishing the University's regulations ' can a student return to or leave be student-made. The present ! based on the fear that such ac-
governing student conduct in favor a residence hall? When and where system presents students with tion would be interpreted as a
of a code written by SGC. and under what circumstances can Irules that appear often unreason- protest of the Vietnam War. Coun-
Earlier yesterday, SC President 'a student relax in the company able, occasionally arbitrary, and, cil member Arthur Kaell said that
Bruce Kahn, '68, told a meeting of of a member of the opposite sex?jmost of all, imposed on them by the program had "unsavoury polit-E
the President's Commission on De- Second: All decisions made with- an alien authority. Consequently, ical connotations" whether "coun-
cision Making that he favored a in the University may interest little or no respect is 'paid to such cil likes it or not."
restructurmg of SOC. Kahn did and/or affect members of the I rules, and they are violated when- However, Kaell's urge to aban-
not specify an alternative organ immediate community. This as- ever feasibility and desire over- don student action on the ground
ization for Council. sertion, however, disguises the es- lap. It is our suggestion that con- that members could not represent
However, Kahn suggested that sential issue, i.e., who should bear duct rules formulated democrat- the college in that matter went
that the "restructured" organiza- the primary and initial responsi- ically by students themselves unheeded.
tion have a "contractual" obliga- bility for making these decisions? would win more respect, and cer- j Satin feels, however, that the
tion with the University under If Dr. Cutler is asserting that tainly more compliance, than the vote "almost certainly reflects the
which the University would be an interest or stake in any deci- imposed variety. feelings of Canadian students in
obligated to grant it an appropri- sion legitimizes in and of itself As a matter of democratic prin- opposition to the war. He cited a
ation each year. "Right now we get 'a group's right to share In that ciple, it seems apparent that those recent newspaper article in To-
our money at the University's decision, then we are prepared directly affected by a rule should' ronto claiming that 70 per cent of
whim," Kahn said. to take him at his word; and we have the right to make such ' Canada's students oppose Ameri-
He urged that students be al- will expect his support when stu- See TEXT, Page 2 can involvement in Vietnam.
-Daily-Robert Sheffield
DAILY ASSOCIATE MANAGING EDITOR Laurence Medow sits in the 1968 Corvette presented to
him for a 10-day test drive by Chevrolet. Editors of top college papers were given the cars at the con-
clusion of an experimental "College Editors' Preview."
'M Presents College Editors
W ith TFree Ride' in '68 Models
By LAURENCE MEDOW ' Representatives of Chevrolet and of the opportunity to meet and
Associate Managing Editor its advertising agency, Campbell- exchange ideas with editors from
A 1968 Corvette is stalking Ann Ewald Company, emphasized that other schools. Few were interested
Arbor. Its keys are marked "PR -the students were under no obli- in the new cars alone.
No 12." gation to print anything in their A broad but unique experience
newspapers. The editors were told was taken back to Columbia, Har-
The car is one of 25 new-model to base their decision on the pro- ard Wisconsin Princeton Loul-
'Chevrolet products- presented to , d icniPrneoZoi
editors of top college newspapers gram's news value ' in terms ofI siana State -and all the other
edtors of tpscollege nea p their readership.' schools. A new Chevrolet, with
for a 10-day test drive at the con-althopinwtaogfrte
clusion of an experimental "Col- Some of the students told of all the options, went along for the
lege Editors' Preview." friends and staff members of their ride.
dspapers crying "sellout" when they---~-~-~~-~
Student editors from as near heard about the trip. But, most,
as the University of Detroit and Ihedtors ter ineButmt School
Wayne State University and as of the editors were convinced that aw
far as the University of Califor- Chevrolet was not trying to buy
nia at Berkeley and the Univer- their approval.
sity of Oregon arrived at Detroit's "The world's largest corporation A nnou n es
"nouveau gauche" St. Regis Ho- (General Motors) could buy all
tel late Wednesday afternoon and the publicity and advertising theyj
spent last Thursday viewing and want for a lot less than they'reNJr
driving Chevrolet's new cars. spending on us," one editor ex-
Halts Protest
Group Pledges Help
For Participants
In September Strike
The newly formed Northwood-
Terrace Tenants Association last
night officially ended the Sep-
tember rent strike of married
students living in University
The group, however, pledged
continued support to those who
took part in the strike and indi-
cated that a future rent strike
was possible if negotiations with
John Feldkamp, director of Uni-
versity housing, proved futile.
Twenty-five residents of North-
wood Terrace and University
Terrace have withheld a ten,
dollar increase in rent because
they felt they had not been given
sufficient advance notice of the
Tentatively rejected was the
idea of affiliation with the Stu-
dent Arvisory Committee on
Housing, a group which Feld-
kamp chairs. The members dis-'
cussed affiliating with either
Graduate Assembly or Student
Government Council as an ex-
officio voting member or merely
from both groups.
Jay A. Herbst, Law, a member
elected from Northwood, said
that Feldkamnp regarded the
group since its inception as being
an adjunct of the Advisory Com-
mittee on Housing. The tenants
association, however,' tentatively
decided to pursue an independent
Larry Kallen, Law, who acted
as an un-official chairman at
last night's' meeting, explained
that the initial aim of the group
was to seek a re-nogiation of the
married student housing lease.
He said, "We are at the point
now where we depend upon the
mercy of the University to act
in our behalf." Noting the o-
mission of many points of mutual
responsibility between themstu-
dent and the University, he com-
mented, "None of these points
were written into the lease and
no one knows what's going on."
The association, as directed by
a steering committee earlier this
month, was to bargain for the
removal of non-student renters
such as, visiting professors and
APA players from. married stu
dent housing. The new tenants
association however elected a
non-student - a medical techni-
can living in University Terrace
- to the seven-man board.
Though no course of action
except meeting with Feldkamp
was adopted, the group appeared
divided over what methods were
hbst in npi'ntiting with the TTn
"We tried to keep the program I plained.
as professional . as possible," the The t
rip itself was a study in
I editors were told. Chevrolet paid contrasts. The Law School will publish a
all transportation, food and lodg- new journal discussing possible
ing expenses only because "we rec- The students stayed at the St. reforms of state and national le-
ognized that college papers have ;Regis Hotel, perhaps Detroit's gal systems.
most garish and expensive hotel, "The quarterly, tentatively nam-
! smaler ravl u ges. 10 locksr'I awavfrom Twpclftb$ Teqatrytnaieynm
Student leaders from Michigan's
Street, where the recent riot struck iedProspectus,' will be published
ITTEE:ehardest. beginning early next year," said
Gary Wyner, 68 Law. He explain-
At a press conference with Gen- ed that the publication "will be
" e al Motors Vice-President and' an innovation in law school pub-
To Review State's Higher Education Plan Chevrolet General Manager E. M."
("Pete") Estes, one editor posed; While many colleges publish law
questions on the social conscience reviews dealing with the status
may provide for a unified appro- is scheduled to be debated at the made with University administra- request will be retained in the sec- of business. The nexteditorcalled of the law few publish a journal
priations request from the state's State Board. Meeting of Oct. 24. tors according to Smith, but most ond draft. on whether the Corvair was being in which students and faculty
institutions of higher education, ' A citizen's committee, which has students who were contacted last I The plan has been geared toin- phased out. members discuss needed reforms in
according to John Porter, director already been established and the spring have graduated. creasing administrative efficiency An intense discussion of social America's legal system. Two oth-
of the State Bureau of Higher student committee, will then re- There is no specific criteion in the state's rapidly expanding problems with Campbell-Ewald's er schools, Harvard and Duke,
Education. ceive copies of the draft. "After foi membership, but he said that college system. public relations director was in- Th asimn ournal.
a~A.,;r~v., the students finish with it. we'll 1frm bs, bth, ai .htI The State Board would arbitrate terrupted while a Chevrolet rep- The creation of "Prospectus" was
universities and colleges will serve
on an advisory committee to re-
view a State Plan for Higher Ed-