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September 24, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-24

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OAS Meets



To Discuss Soviets To Provide Extensive
CubanThreat, Support to North Vietnamese


Argentina requests
United Military Action
Against Castro Rule
WASHINGTON (W)-Argentina

MOSCOW ( ')-The Soviet Union
signed agreements yesterday to
provide extensive military equip-
ment and economic support to
North Vietnam in 1968. Premier

Britain failed yesterday to get the
Soviet Union to agree that they
should reconvene the Geneva con-
ference on Indochina to seek
peace in Vietnam.
British Foreign Secretary George
Brown and Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei A. Gromyko, cochair-
men of the conference with au-
thority to renew it, conferred
for an hour and a quarter in
Brown's Carlyle Hotel suite in
New York.
Diplomatic sources understood
that both sides stated their well
known positions on Vietnam and
in particular there was "no give
on Gromyko's side."
Proposals Rejected
In the past, Gromyko had re-
peatedly turned down proposals
from Brown that they set up a
a new conference for settlement
of the war in Vietnam like those
held in Geneva in 1954 on peace.
and independence for North and
South Vietnam, Cambodia and
Laos and in 1962 on peace and
neutrality for Laos.
Brown's meetings with Gromyko
began a series of high-level dip-
lomatic talks on the fringes of
the assembly, which convened
here Tuesday.
Their talk was described as
"friendly and relaxed.". Brown
was understood to have stated
Britain's view that a U.N. spec-
ial representative should be sent
to the Middle East to help settle
things there after the Israeli-
Arab was of last June.
Gromyko was said to have in-
dicated that that might be diffi-
cult for the Arabs-but without
actually turning down the idea.
Hold Private Meetings
Later, Brown had a three-quar-
ter-hour talk on the Middle East
and other subjects with French
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville in the New York
apartment of Britain's chief UN
delegate, Lord Caradon.
Meanwhile, Thant was lunch-
ing with Gromyko at the Soviet
UN mission in New York in ad-
vance of a "discussion dinner"
the secretary-general is giving
in his office here Tuesday for
the Big Four foreign ministers.
He told correspondents on the
way there that for Tuesday's din-
ner, "There is no agenda. Anyone
S can bring up anything."
Gromyko had said the same
thing previously to a reporter
who asked if he would object to
discussing Vietnam on that oc-
casion. He also said that presum-
ably the Middle East would be

called on the hemisphere republics Alexei N. Kosygin called it "a very
yesterday to be ready for collec- important event."
tive military action against Cuba A communique hinted that the
should measures short of force not 1968 Soviet aid program would be
prove sufficient against Castro- larger than this year's. estimated
Communist subversion. by United States officials to be
Argentina has decided "to sup- in the neighborhood of one billion
port the maximum - the use of dollars.
armed forces against the govern- Speaking later at a Kremlin re-
ment of Cuba"-when enough of ception for the North Vietnamese
the American states "feel the time delegation, Kosygin declared the
has come," Foreign Minister Ni- Soviet Union will "do its utmost"
canor Costa Mendez told the Or- to help North Vietnam and added:
ganization of American States "The aggressors should know that
Conference on the Cuban threat. today they will not evade punish-
He was the only speaker at the ment for their deeds."
three-day meeting to call publicly He reiterated full Soviet sup-
thus far for mounting military port for North Vietnamese peace
action against the Havana regime. demands, which include total with-,
Chile Opposes Arms ------__-

drawal of United States troops The thank-you telegram from
from Vietnam. Tass relayed Kosy- Ho called for "militant solidarity"
gin's remarks shortly after report- between the two countries to grow
ing that President, Ho Chi Minh steadily greater.
had sent thanks to Soviet leaders| In Washington, the United
for the new aid. States State Department took note
The head of the North Vietnam- of Moscow's announcement and
ese delegation in Moscow, Deputy said in a statement: "We. regret
Premier Le Thanh Nghi,, called the that the Soviet Union does not
Soviet aid "an important contri- instead take action which would
bution to strengthening the econ- assist the search for a peaceful

omic potential and defensive capa-
city of our country." He said it
gives "new strength to our army
and people in their struggle against
American aggression."
Kosygin responded: "True to
its international duty, the Soviet
Union will do its utmost to help,
in these difficult days, the Viet-
namese people to uphold their
freedom, independence and revolu-
tionary achievements."

-Associated Press
Governor and Mrs. George Romney stopped in San Francisco on their tour of urban areas and talked
to local hippies about peace and temperance.
GOP Favorite Son Nominees

Seek Convention Vo

WASHINGTON (M)-Politicians
speculate that the name of Gov.
Raymond P. Shafer of Pennsyl-
vania soon may be added to the
growing list of prospective favorite
son candidates for the 1968 GOP
presidential nomination.
No final decision is said to have
been made but if Pennsylvania
Republicans take this action it
is likely to be interpreted as in-
dicating mounting uneasiness
about the nomination prospects
of Michigan Gov. George Rom-
Sen. Hugh Scott (R-Pa), who
probably would become chairman,
of Pennsylvania's 64-vote conven-
tion delegation if Shafer is the
favorite son, is among Romney's
inner circle of advisers.
Scott wants a solid Pennsylvania
vote for Romney. But even he
seems to feel that there should
be a convenient way out of a first
ballot commitment if disaster

should overtake the Michigan gov-
ernor in next spring's primaries,
or even before.
In New York, Sen. Jacob K.
Javits, (R-NY), said the situation
with regard to Romney remains
"unchanged butfluid." As mat-
ters stand, Javits will be New
York's favorite son in a bid for
the vice presidential nomination
on a Romney ticket.
But no one concerned denies
that if Romney falters a situation
could arise under which Gov. Nel-
son A. Rockefeller might want the
designation as a favorite son for
an attempt to swing the 92-vote
New York delegation to some
other moderate candidate.
In Illinois, Sen. Charles H.
Percy (R-Ill), has just been given
the nod for an attempt to become
the favorite son of that state's
58-vote bloc.

le Control
In the Far West, Gov. Ronald
Reagan is expected to carry the
86-vote California delegation into
the convention under his banner.
Reagan has said he is not a ser-
ious candidate for President and
will become a favorite son only to
prevent others from engaging in
a bitter contest in the'June 1968
presidential primary.
In the Northeast, Gov. John H.
Chafee wants Rhode Island's 14
votes pledged to him as a Romney
supporter. In Massachusetts Gov.
John A. Volpe wants the 34-vote
delegation behind him for a pos-'
sible bid for the vice presidential
If all of these maneuvers should
materialize, the favorite sons
could have 398 of the 667 con-
vention votes needed for the pres-
idential nomination flating around
them when the time for balloting

The foreign minister of neigh-
boring Chile, Gabriel Valdes, op-;
posed armed intervention in the
Virtually all of the 21 OAS for-
eign affairs chiefs seemed agreedj
on condemning what guerrilla-I
troubled Venezuela, which called]
for the conference, has labeled
Cuban intervention and aggres-
sion in Latin America.
What to do about it is whereI
the disagreement lies.1
Trade Sanctions
One set of proposals weighed
would seek to discourage trade
with Havana through blacklisting
Western ships and firms that deal
with Cuba.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
put forth a four-point U.S. non-
military program for tightening
the containment against Prime
MinisterFidel Castro's exports of
subversion from Cuba throughout
the hemisphere.
Rusk called for an OAS con-
demnation of Cuba's actions, and
appealed to free world countries to
curb their trade with Cuba. He
also urged an expression of con-'
cern to the Soviets over their aid
to Castro, and heightened vigil-
ance against Cuban infiltration
across Latin American frontiers.
Short of Attack
Venezuela has a similar list of
proposals, all of which fall short
of mounting an armed attack on
The Argentine foreign minister
said "we are going to support
every measure that has been asked
for here" but said he doubted that
such steps would prove sufficient.
He suggested that an OAS com-
mittee handle "the problem of co-
ordination of policies of security
and defense" of the hemisphere

United States side of the Rio
Grande stood ready to harbor un-
told thousands of Mexican refu-
gees yesterday after deluges from
Hurricane Beulah posed the great-
est flood in 34 years.
Standing in the path of the
flood were Matamoros and Rey-
nosa, Mexico, their normal popu-
lations totaling 175,000.
But many residents had fled
earlier to higher ground both in
the United States and Mexico and
the number remaining in the
cities w~as unknown.
Both Mexican cities are built to
the river's edge and have little
flood protection: Levees protect
much of the U.S. side.
The Rio Grande's historic flood
found duplication in streams in
a vast arc reaching from above
Corpus Christi on the coast to San
Antonio deep inland and on to
Laredo on the Mexican border.
The Edinburg Daily Review said
the Matamoros evacuation was
expected to be 100 per cent. At
a late hour, the refugees had not
arrived, but the flood crest still
was 150 miles upstream.
Civil defense spokesmen said
100,000 Mexicans along the lower
river hold green cards-work per-
mits that give admission to theI
United States-if such formalities
mattered in such a disaster.
Matamoros housed 80,000 in
shelters at the height of Beulah's{
winds, but this was against the
blasting force of the hurricane
and not against high water.

U.S. May Harbor Refugees
Of Hurricane Beulah Flood

J. F. Friedkin, U.S. commission-
er of the International Boundary
and Water Commission, said,
"This is the highest flood since
The commissioner said much of
the water would pour into flood-
ways on both sides of the border
to protect Brownsville and give
what protection was possible to
He said heavy flooding was ex-
pected between the river and the
Beulah slashed into the U.S.-
Mexico mainland at Brownsville
and Matamoros Wednesday morn-
ing and battered herself to death
against Mexico's northern moun-
tains Friday after 14 days of ter-
rible power.
Hurricane authorities at Miami
said it was the third largest hur-
ricane in sheer size in U.S. history.
It caused 95 tornadoes-about six
times as many as any hurricane
ever before.

and honorable solution to the Viet-
nam problem."
The Soviet government has nev-
er publicly said how much aid it
is providing to the Communist
war efort in Vietnam, and Satur-
day's communique contained no
It said next year's deliveries will
include "planes, antiaircraft-rocket
armaments, artillery and small
arms, ammuntion and other mili-
tary equipment," plus economic
These are "necessary for a
further increase of the defensive
capability" and economic devel-
opment of North Vietnam, the
communique added. .
The inclusion of artillery and
small arms suggested, however,
that offensive capabilities were
being augmented rather than sim-
ply the defense of North Vietnam
against United States air raids.
Soviet-made heavy mortars and
small arms already have been used
in South Vietnam by Communist
According to available Infor-
mation, most of the small arms
that North Vietnam has imported
in the past came from Communist
Mention of small arms in Sat-
urday's communique and the
lengthy list of economic supplies
suggested Hanoi's growing'depend-
ence upon the Soviet Union.
There have been no public in-
dications lately of any Soviet
pressure on Hanoi to talk peace
and the latest communique sug-
gested Soviet leaders are prepared
to go on supporting an indefinite


802 Monroe
Monday, Sept. 25th
Asst. Director of Student Counseling:
"The Woman in the University"
(Series: "Student Subculture")


World News Roundup

U. Ill

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Substitute an-
nouncers, cameramen and engin-
eers worked football games and
news shows on the American
Broadcasting Co. yesterday, as
technicians' picket lines were hon-
ored by union announcers.
The AFL-CII National Asso-
ciation of Broadcast Employes and
Technicians-NABET-struck the
network Friday in a wage dispute.
The AFL-CIO American Fed-
eration of Television and Radio
Artists, which represents an-
nouncers and other performers,
told its members to respect picket
lines as of noon yesterday.
A union spokesman said the
members complied, although those
on duty finished their shifts.
* * *
WARSAW-The Polish Commu-
nist government has again refused
to permit Stefan Cardinal Wys-

aynski to leave the country and as

a result no Polish Catholic bishops
will attend next week's Vatican
ynod, a high church official said
While Cardinal Wyszynski, pri-
mate of Poland, failed to receive
a passport, at least two of the
prelates scheduled to accompany
him on the trip starting Monday
got theirs, Church said. The two
were Poland's second cardinal,
Karol Wojtyla, and Bishop Piotr
Kalwa of Lublin.
The decision to send no dele-
gation thus was a demonstration
of Church solidarity and protest
against the regime's treatment of
the outspoken primate.
Cardinal Wyszynski was first
barred from foreign travel in
January 1966, in retaliation for the
Polish bishops' letter of forgive-
ness and reconciliation to the
bishops of Germany that winter.


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