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September 22, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-22

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.r. ,


Beulah Dev


Arab-Israel Truce Breached
By Shots Across Suez Canal


Cites U.S. .
Offers of
Bomb Halt
Ambassador Demands
Clear Viet Response
To Peace Proposals
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg challenged Hanoi and its
allies yesterday to state categori-
cally that meaningful negotiations
would take place, without disad-
vantage to either side, if the
United States halted its bombing
of North Vietnam.
In a major address to the UN
General Assembly, Goldberg re-
iterated that the United States
was committed to a political solu-
tion, not a military solution, in
But he added that "in fidelity
to our commitment to a political
solution, we will not permit North
Vietnam and its adherents to im-
pose a military solution upon
South Vietnam."
The chief U.S. delegate noted
that Hanoi in its public state-
ments had s a i d negotiations
"could" take place if the bombing
stopped. Other governments and
Secretary-General U Thant, he
said, "have expressed their belief
or assumption that negotiations
'would' begin" if the bombing
stopped. But he added that "no
such third party has conveyed
to us any authoritative message
from Hanoi that there would in
fact be negotiations if the bomb-
ing were stopped.
"We have sought such a mes-
sage directly from Hanoi without
Then he asked for "enlighten-
ment" on two questions, one di-
rected to North Vietnam and the
other to Hanoi's supporters:
-"Does North Vietnam con-
ceive that the cessation of bomb-
ing would or should lead to any
other results than meaningful ne-
4 gotiations or discussions under
circumstances which would not
disadvantage either side?"
-"If the United States were to
take the first step and order a
prior cessation of the bombing,
what would they (Hanoi's) sup-
porters then do or refrain from
doing, and how would they then
use their influence and power, in
order to move the Vietnam con-
flict promptly toward a peaceful
Goldberg reiterated that the
United States "continue to seek
the active participation of the
United Nations" - both by its
members and its various organs-
in the search for a Vietnam set-
But he made no reference to the
secretary-general's suggestion for
a closed-door meeting of the Se-
curity Council at the foreign min-
isters' level to discuss world prob-
lems, including Vietnam.
In this connection, UN sources
said that this suggestion and other
problems would be taken up e't
a dinner Thant is giving Tuesday
night for the Big Four foreign
ministers - Secretary of State
Dean Rusk of the United States,
British Foreign Secretary George
Brown, Soviet Union Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko and French
Minister Couve de Murville.




Jesrucl nuUEIIFI

The Rev. James Groppi (left), leader of recent Milwaukee housing demonstra
that Negroes may resort to violence if nonviolent tactics fail to end discrimim
Milwaukee that he told the President's Advisory Commission on Civil Di
that federal funds should be cut off from cities "such as Milwaukee." Dwight
member of the youth council of the National Association for Advancemento
Negro Education Ham1
Due To Financial Diffi,

Monstrous Hurricane Beulah may By The Associated Press;
have dealt south Texas a half- Israeli and Egyptian troops,
billion-dollar blow, making her as dug in on opposite sides of the
costly a storm as any ever to strike Suez Canal and traded shots for
the Texas coast. Federal and state the second straight day yesterday.;
officers made the assessment yes- Losses were reported on both sides.
terday.s s Each side blamed the other. i
Tens of thousands of refugees Reot'nCio adtefgt
who fled Beulah's 160-mile-an- Reports in Cairo said the fight-;
hourwind wer bloked rom rg at El Qantara was the first i
horninds we blocked fomre- in the northern sector of the 107-
...:;>n turning home by rising floodwaters mile canal since a Soviet naval
fed by 16-inch rains.l
Although Beulah began break- task force arrived at Port Said in
ing up yesterday morning as her mid-July. The last Soviet warships
w inds dipped below the minimum left the Mediterranean port Wed-
hurricane force of 75 m.p.h., she nesday.
vsistill spun off more deadly to- Breaches of the cease-fire that
nadoes. The Weather Bureau and ended the Arab-Israeli war in June
state police counted more than 40 have been frequent along the
twisters, a record high for a hur- southern half of the canal.
ricane. An Army spokesman in Tel Avivy
The decayed storm center near- said 4 Israelis had been killed
ed Laredo yesterday afternoon - and 6 wounded Thursday, the most
some 200 miles northwest of where Israeli casualties since 7 were kill-
it struck the coast near Browns- ed and 22 wounded in an exchange
ville early Wednesday. across the canal July 14.
The Weather Bureau issued ma- The spokesman said the Egyp-
jor flood warnings for much of tians had begun firing small arms
south Texas. Hurricane-driven and machine guns, then opened
__ rains of seven to eight inches were up with recoilless rifles, tanks and
-~ U. the average, Goliad, 60 miles heavy artillery. He said Israeli sol-
north of Corpus Christi, record- diers, returning the fire, hit two
ed nearly 16 inches, the Weather Egyptian tanks.
Bureau said. Victoria reported T
20.12 inches. The intervention of United Na-
Food, water and electricity re- tions observers halted the firing
mained short in many Lower Rio after an hour but the Egyptians;
a Mv M Grande Valley cities. Power trans- began shooting again before a
mission lines were still down at cease-fire was finally obtained, the
-Associated Press many places. Israeli spokesman said.
Gov. John Connally urged all A military communique issued
hurricane evacuees not to attempt in Cairo said the Israelis shot first.
said to return to their homes untili An Egyptian message to U.N. Se-
ations, said yesterday given official notice that it was retary-General U Thant demand-
ation Groppi said in safe. ed that the United Nations issue
sobedience Wednesday --__________-.----..-_--_-_-_--
Benning (right) is a
of Colored People.
Harold Piner's
wul nes
esents a success story.'THE GUES1
s an academic survivor
outstripped most of his (British Title: The Caretaker)
egroes," Father Fichter
that about two-thirds of ALAN BATES ROBERT SHAW
lies of Negro college grad- DONALD PLEASENCE
ve annual incomes below
t seems remarkable" that
ority come frorh such a! Directed by CLIVE DONNER -
me stratum, while thej
economic class among "A faintingffilm
produces so few college n funny, eerie
s, Father Fichter said. -Kaufmrman, The New Republic
"One of the very best. The performances are
brilliant, the total effect is stunning !"
®uudup -Winston, N.Y. Post
,n in all the previous six "Awesome and absurd ... raw drama.,
American involvement. Absorbing! Brilliant bone-deep acting.
g out forecasts that a -Crowther, N.Y. Times
.S. commitment would
ing losses, unofficial data FRIDAY adCATURDAY land 915 PM
01 American combat dead
05 wounded in the 8%
thrughlat SturayAuditorium A, Angell Hal 50C
through last Saturday:
was no immediate com-
m American authorities. I

a report on how the incident be- will appear overnight; but surely
gan. enmity must at least give way to
The Egyptian communique re- tolerance and to the will to live
ported heavy Israeli losses in lives ; together in peace. Once that will
and equipment. It said eight Is-|is manifest, the terms of settle-
raeli tanks, two armored cars and ment can be evolved."
a 106mm gun had been destroyed He repeated the principles laid
and several fuel and ammunition. down by President Johnson last
dumps set on fire. June calling for a withdrawal of Is-
The Egyptians gave their own raeli troops, recognition of all that
losses as 3 soldiers and 2 civilians : each nation has a right to live in
killed, and 7 soldiers and 12 civil- peace, freedom of passage through
ians wounded. They said Israeli international waterways, justice
shells had damaged a mosque, a for refugees and determination of
police station and a political party the status of all concerned.
headquarters in El Quantara. Egypt denied that it had military

At the UN yesterday Goldberg!
appealed for flexibility on the
part of all on the method of bring-
ing peace to the Middle East. No
appropriate method, including
good offices or mediation, should
be excluded, he declared.
"In realism," he said, "it is per-
haps not to be expected that
reconciliation and magnaminity

boats in the water. It said the
Israelis had fired on an Egyptian
fishing vessel and killed the fish-
erman on board.
In a report received at the Unit-
ed Nations, U.N. cease-fire ob-
servers said they had no con-
firmation of Israel's charge that
the Egyptians had tried to sail
armed soldiers down the canal.


a collection of brilliant short films
by the directors of the 60's (& 70's)





By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Negroes who
graduate from college generally do
so despite the handicaps of racial
discrimination, often b r o k e n
homes, poor school preparation
and money problems, a govern-
ment report said yesterday.
The report, based on a survey
of .1964 graduates of 50 Negro
colleges, found that because of
lack of money Negroes are more
likely than whites to delay their
entrance into college and more
likely to have to interrupt their
college careers.
And Negro graduates are less
likely to go on to postgraduate
training because of finances, the
study found.
While the graduates recognized
the inferiority of the predomi-
nantly Negro colleges they attend-
ed, they said they could not afford
to attend better schools - even
when they had been accepted.
The 60-page report was written
by the Rev. Joseph H. Fichter of
Havard University under the
joint sponsorship of three federal
agencies-the National Institutes
of Health, Department of Labor
and National Science Foundation.
The study found that the Negro
graduates-most of them from the
South-had little interest in at-
.tending southern white colleges or
"The biggest problem or disad-
vantage they see in attending a
southern u n i v e r s i t y centers
around the social discrimination
they would expect to find there,"
the report said. "They would have
been left out of things; they
would have been lonely-"
The Negro students also gener-
ally were indifferent about having

more white students attend their still repr
schools. Another finding was that "He i
Negro women graduates of college who has
show far more interest than fellow N
their white counterparts in con- said.
tinuing their careers after mar- Noting
riage. the fami]
While Father Fichter notes that uates ha'
the Negro college graduate does $5,000 "it
poorer than the white graduate the majo
on civil service examinations, low inco
graduate school entrance exams parallel
and tests for federal appoint- whites p
ment, the Negro college graduate graduates


Concert of M. Kabal
Walerian Borowczyk, Poland
All Boys Are Named Patrick
Jean-Luc Godard, France
Ai! Yoji Kurl, Japan
Act Without Words Guido Bettiol, France
Actua-Tilt Jean Herman, France
Do-It-Yourself Cartoon Kit Bob Godfrey, England
The Games of Angels Walerian Borowczyk, Poland
The Apple George Dunning,- England
The Most Richard Ballentine and Gordon Sheppard, Canada
ALL WEEKEND-Thursday thru Sunday
Architecture Auditorium
7 & 9P.M.
"BILLIE C. & THE SUNSHINE" will begin playing
and tickets will go on sale at 5:30
(Note: Due to high rental prices, admission will be one dollar)

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - An election
observer for four U.S. peace or-
ganizations said yesterday most
Vietnamese believe there was
widespread fraud in the Sept. 3
presidential election in South Vie.t-
"Consequently, they do not re-
gard the government which results
from such an election as legiti-
mate," Prof. David Wurfel told a
news conference. He is a member
of the University of Missouri po-
litical science department.
Official U.S. observers named by
President Johnson who returned
recently from Saigon reported no
evidence of widespread fraud and
said the election apparently was
conducted freely.
SAIGON - Military statistics
showed Thursday more U.S. fight-
ing men had been killed and
wounded in action in Vietnam this




Grand Opening of
The Hungry Ear"
League Cafeteria

c__. o2 lL7~



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