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SEC Lives in Shadow of Bear
Berline-Mandich Duo
Top Offensive Ends
As painful as it is, for much of
the Big Ten population to admit,
some of the finest football of the
decade has been played in the
Southeastern Conference.
This season is to be no excep-
tion. The Old South may sport
three of the year's finest football
teams in Tennessee, Georgia, and
Alabama. All three are ranked high
nationally, and Ole Miss looms in
the shadows should any of them
As much as one may x esent it,
the fact remains that the SEC, if
it hasn't been so for some time,
is the nation's most rugged con-
Heading the list of SEC powers
is Georgia Bulldog Coach Vince
Dooley has amassed a fine record
at Georgia, and this could be his
best season yet. Last year's 9-1
record will be difficult to improve
on, but an experienced crew of 35
lettermen centering around ace
quarterback Kirby Moore, may well
be able to pull it off.
Solid Offense
The Bulldogs have a solid of-
fensive line, and the defense will
give up points very grudingly. The
schedule also points to the pos-
sibility of a perfect season for
Georgia. Neither Alabama nor
Tennessee are slated for the Bull-
dogs this season. The only real
opposition should come from Mis-
sissippi and arch-rival Georgia
Tech. The absence from his sched-
ule of the SEC's two other goliaths
will hinder Dooley's dream of an
undisputed title. He will probably
have to wait until New Year's Day
to settle that. When that day
comes, there will be quite a battle.
Until then, however, Georgia.
should encounter little difficulty.
The town of Knoxville, Tennes-
see waits in eager anticipation of
October 21. That is the day when
their beloved University of Ten-
nesee gridders will march down to
Alabama to pull the rug out from
under the Crimson Tride and Bear
Bryant, and end Tide domination
of the SEC, they hope.
Hair Short
The Volunteers came within a
hair's breadth of doing that last
season when they carried a 10-0
lead into the final quarter only to
lose 11-10.
The offense centers around
quarterback Dewey Warren, who
as a junior rewrote the Tennessee
record book with his passing. His
primary target will be hurdles
champion Richmond Flowers, Jr.,
one of the few talented Alabamans
to escape the clutches of Bear
Bryant. Warren will also have two
green but talented ends to supple-
ment his ace flanker.
Fullback Richard Pickins should
give the Vols needed power on the
crucial third down-and-crucial
yardage situations.
The Tennessee defense will be
tough and experienced, except at
the important linebacker spots
where they will miss three of last
year's starters,: including All-
American Paul Naumoff. This
seems to be the only weak link
in the Volunteer chain.
Coach Doug Dickey hopes he can
bring his sophomore linebackers
along quickly. They will be counted
on heavily in the SEC's game of
With that kind of schedule, an
outright SEC title is unthinkable.
Ole Miss, does however, have the
material to pull an upset or two,
and finish right up there beside
the great Southern powers.
Essential Ingredient
Coach John Vaught has fifteen
of his twenty-one starters back
from last year. The only real prob-
lem is that of an established quar-
terback, an essential for a cham-
pionship college team. Vaught will
try senior Bruce Newell but soph-
omore Terry Collier should see
plenty of action. The rest of the
offense is experienced and able.
Ole Miss' real strength comes
from its defense, built around
tackle John Urbanek and middle
guard Jimmy Keyes. The defense
will engineer any upset that Mis-
sissippi might hand Alabama,
Georgia, or Tennessee. It is defi-
nitely a defense that Mr. Warren,
Mr. Kirby, and Mr. Stabler may
find very difficult to crack. Un-
fortunately, Ole Miss will not score
enough points to make it to the
The Rest
Auburn, Florida, Louisiana
State, Kentucky, Vanderbilt and
Mississippi State round out the
SEC. None of them have anything
to compare with the top four, and,
all should be in for losing seasons,
with the possible exception, excep-
tion of Auburn. Coach Shrug Jor-
dan has built himself a pretty
good squad that might surprise a
few people. He doesn't, however,
have nearly the material to make
Auburn a contender.
When all is said and done, you
can chalk up another one for the
"Jim Mandich could be really
good but he's unproven."
"Jim Berline could be really
good but he's unproven."
Michigan offensive end coach
George Mans is one person who
hasn't been carried away by the
phenomenal publicity given soph-
omore Mandich and senior non-
letter winner Berline ever since
spring practice.
"We still don't know how they'll
react to all those people in that
big bowl over there."'
Mans can't see how people com-
pare the new split end, Berline,
who caught two passes last year,
with All-America Jack Clancy,
just because Berline could run
a little faster. "I'm concerned
with whether Berline has the
moves or hands of Clancy."
Seven to Ten
Mans add, "Everybody expects
Mandich to catch seven or ten
passes in his first game at tight
end and go on from there." But
he's a sophomore and although
he's looked fine so far, there's no
guarantee he'll be great right at
the start.
"I'm sure he's a good blocker."
Mans is also apprehensive about
how Berline (a starting quarter-
back for present offensive line
coach Tony Mason at Niles, Ohio,
high school) and Mandich, from
Solon, Ohio, will react to the
challenge of the top-flight Duke
defensive secondary on Saturday.
Mans, who scouted Duke while
they crushed Wake Forest said,
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the year October 21. It is unfor-
tunate for Tennessee that the
game must be played in Alabama,
but if they are to beat the Tide
in the near future, it will be this
Meanwhile Bear Bryant's re-
servoir of talent is still filled. Dur-
ing the spring, it looked as if the
Tide would face a serious void at
quarterback when Kan (The
Snake) Staebler was suspended for
cutting practice, and other assort-
ed misdemeanors. Fortunately for
Staebler and Alabama, "The
Snake" repented and was rein-
stated. It just so happens that
despite his lack of devotion to his
school, Stabler is an excellent
quarterback. He is possibly even
better than that "other" playboy
quarterback from Alabama. Last
year he set an, SEC record for
passing accuracy, and he runs ex-
ceedingly well.
Awesome Defense
Stabler leads an excellent of-
fense, but the Crimson Tide will
overpower their opponents with an
awesome defense. This is not at all
new to Alabama, as last year's
ranked in the same class with
Michigan State and Notre Dame.
When the Bear says that this
year's defense is the best ever, the
SEC, Tennessee included, had
better sit up and take notice. The
Tide is still the team 'to beat in
the SEC.
The darkhorse of the conference
is Mississippi. Unfortunately, their
schedule is the roughest of the
Deep South, as they must face
Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee.
"They have at least three really
fine athletes in their defensive
backfield who will pose a problem
for anybody."
Although Mans is unwilling to
go overboard. in describing his
starting wingmen, he is highly
enthusiastic about the great depth
he has. at both tight and split :
Right number one behind Man-
dich is Tom Weinmann, a star
fullback at Ann Arbor High. Mans
says, "We always knew Wein-
mann was a real fine athlete and
now his only problem is adjusting
to his new position. At this stage,
he's coming along very well for
a sophomore."
Judging from Weinmann's per-
formance at last Saturday's scrim-
mage, he's almost ready to give
anyone a fight for the position.
Senior Tex Spencer, "a real
solid player" according to Mans
is close behind Weinman. Spencer
is from Chicago.
Pullen Second
At split end, Berline is follow-
ed by a pack of eligibles with
often-injured senior Tom Pullen
holding down the second spot.
The talentednCanadian, who won
the tight end job last year until
he was put out for the season by
an injury, missed most of spring
practice with an injury, and was.
Injured early this fall.
He also took a shot in the
mouth during Saturday's scrim-
mage, but Mans says that the
Canadian "better be ready for
Duke He's our .number one back-
up man."
Next is Bill Harris, a highly -re-
garded sophomore from Mt.
Clemens. Harris had some slight
problems with injuries also, but
will be in top shape for Duke.
Eric Sorenson, also a sopho-
more, from Royal Oak Kimball,
is the next man in the split end
Brodnax Out
Head football coach Bump El-
liott announced yesterday that re-
serve offensive tackle Stan'Brod-
nox will be out for an indefinite
period of time. Brodnax, a senior
from Cincinnati, Ohio, received an
arm fracture in practice Monday.
The Rugby Club will hold a
full intrasquad scrimmage Sat-
urday at 4:00 on Wines field.
The team., travels to Windsor
Sunday for its first game.
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