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September 17, 1967 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-17

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U Thant Renews
ombalt Plea
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P) -- dangerous proportions u n 1 e s s
Secretary-General U Thant yes- quick action is taken to end the
terday bolstered a new Vietnam fighting.
peace 'appeal with a report that Thant noted that the reported
Hanoi's Communist allies had military agreements between Ha-
agreed to send more military aid not and its allies were unconfirm-
to North Vietnam, including air ed but he said there were definite
crews, pilots, gunners and engi- indications that North Vietnam is
neers. receiving increasing aid, both mil-
Thant told a, news conference itary and economic, from friendly
that he still felt that the key to countries. He declined to say
Vietnam peace is a halt of U.S. which countries were supplying
bombing of North Vietnam, that the aid.
negotiations would follow within The main point stressed by the
three or four weeks and that the secretary-general was that the
risk was worth taking without end of the bombing must be the
waiting for any commitments first step toward peace. He said
from Hanoi. he did not feel any new initiatives
His reference to passible in- on his part would be of any use
creased aid to North Vietnam ap- until this happens, but he said he
pered to carry the implication was ready to resume his efforts
ae t car ation conditions change.
that the escalation might reach ,,,,n~ n.,4A..«--4

UAW Aides
Claim GM
Main Target
UAW Ready for GM
Strike After Ford
Walkout Settlement
WASHINGTON ()-The giant
General Motors Corp., and not the
strikebound Ford Motor Co., is
said to be the main target of the
AFL-CIO United Auto Workers.
This was reported yesterday by
sources close to union President
Walter Reuther. They indicated
that although Ford was picked
for first strike action, the battle
with GM could make the Ford,
struggle pale by comparison.
The Ford strike of 160,000
workers is now in its second week
amid predictions for a long walk-
out. But the union is girding for
an even tougher expected battle
involving more than 400,000 work-
ers at General Motors.
The Auto Workers will take on
GM as soon as the Ford strike is
settled, sources said.
"If there is not a substantial
change in the attitude of General
Motors' bargaining, we will most
certainly have a strike," Auto
Workers Vice President Leonard
Woodcock said last week.
The union struck Ford first in
order to set an industry pattern
on wages and other money items
so it can concentrate on work-
ing conditions and union practices
at General Motors, regarded as
the toughest employer, sources
The union was described as par-
ticularly angry at General Motors
policies in some plants which the
Auto Workers charge are designed
to "corrupt" union officers.
Union sources said this involves
individual plant managers giving
union grievance officials eight
hours a day to work on union
business, rather than the three
hours provided for by official

Romney May Enter
Race in Two weeks


Johnson Decides To Deploy
Limited Antimissile System,

NEW YORK ( 1)A-Gov. George;
Romney is understood to be giv-
ing serious consideration to de-
claring formally within the next
two weeks that he will be a can-'
didate for the Republican presi-
dential nomination.
The Michigan Republican, who
toured Harlem yesterday and then
made a helicopter journey into
the Catskills as part of his "non-
political" urban tour, is reported
to be giving thoughts to throwing
his hat into the ring before the
national tour ends.
There had been speculation
that Romney would wait until af-
ter a special session of the state
Legislature which opens next
However, Romney is understood
to be getting some suggestions
that he make the announcement
while the momentum of the 19-
day coast-to-coast trip lasts.
After a 30-minute helicopter
trip ,through gray and sometimes
rainy skies, he visited a youth
development camp in the Catskills.
Romney stirred up some poli-
tical heat by explaining his orig-
inal approval of the U.S. commit-
ment in Vietnam was due to
"brainwashing" by U.S. generals

and diplomats during a 1965 visit
in Vietnam.
He no sooner landed than he
was asked about it. Romney re-
plied, "You know the 'snow job.'
He said he had been told that
the South Vietnamese are "mak-
ing all the deciisons. We're not
making the decisions. We're not
Americanizing this. It's a syste-
matic story I got."
Earlier in the day Romney vis-
ited Harlem, talking to Negro
businessmen, former street gang
leaders and dope addicts being re-


WASHINGTON OP) - Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
has informed key Pentagon and
congressional officials of Presi-
dent Johnson's historic decision
to deploy a "thin" (antimissile)
system to guard against nuclear
attack by Red China, it was learn-
ed Saturday.
McNamara gave the word at a
secret Pentagon meeting on Fri-
day, sources said. He swore all
those present to remain silent
until a formal announcement is

Railroads, Describe Forced
Settlement as Inflationary'

Army, Navy
1a A
Join in New
Delta Attack'
SAIGON (A') - A combined U.S.
Army and Navy river force routed
a hard-core Viet Cong battalion
from entrenched positions in the
Mekong Delta yesterday after a
running four-day attack aimed at
loosening the Communist grip on
the rich rice bowl south of Saigon.
The guerrillas faded into ad-
Joining marshes and bamboo
forests after losing 204 dead, kill-
ing 15 Americans and wounding
125 others. But the action-Oper-
ation Coronado 5-cost the Navy
its worst combat losses of the war.
Operation Coronado drew at-
tention away -,.for the time being
at least - from the continuing
action along the demilitarized
zone which divides the two Viet-
nams. The U.S. Command report-
ed only light and scattered fight-
ing in that sector as U.S. B52
bombers and fighters hit once
more at North Vietnamese gun
positions in and around the buf-
fer zone,
U.S. Marines are holding the
line south of the DMZ against
the possibility of a heavy North
Vietnamese push southward.
In the delta, the Navy operated
with the Army in a joint river
t a s k force, ferrying infantry
troops on gunboats up the muddy
Rach Ba river.
It; began last Tuesday and
reached a climax with a landing
of U.S. infantrymen at dawn Fri-
day on the banks of the Rach
The gunboats were heavily
scored by B40 rockets, machine
gun and recoilless rifle fire from
guerrillas in deeply dug riverside
U.S. officers said the bunkers
were so sturdy that U.S. 105 How-
witzer shells 'only rattled them."
The Viet Cong operating out of
the bunkers were members of the
263rd Battalion, which has used
.the delta area, 45 miles southwest
of Saigon, as a stronghold and
a training center for many years,
the U.S. Command said.
In the final fighting Saturday
the task force lost 9 dead and
104 wounded. The guerrillas lost
70 dead, the command said.
The Navy carried troops of the
Army's 9th Infantry Division up
the river in transports called bar-
racks ships. For the attack the
troops transferred to combined
landing craft-gunboats bristling
with mortars and small cannon.

ixaint discountedreports that
recent statements by North Viet-
namese officials indicated any
softening of their position. He
said he, was convinced Hanoi
would not agree in advance to
match any U.S. moves, such as a
bombing halt, but that they would
be ready to talk if the bombing
"If Hanoi is asked to do some-
thing as the price for an uncon-
ditional halt to the bombing,
Hanoi will not pay the price," he
"I think the risk is worth taking
in halting the bombing without
any commitment from Hanoi."
Thant acknowledged that he
had recived no direct word from
North Vietnam that it would be-
gin negotiations, but he said he
based his convictions on the views.
of countries which have close ties
with Hanoi.r
He added: "Last January I
volunteered the opinion that if
the bombing was halted, meaning-
ful talks would take place within
three or four weeks. Hanoi has
never refuted this."

The announcement may come
Monday in a speech McNamara is
making to an editors group in San
Francisco. But some authorities
sugested there is a possibility that
Johnson may order the announce-
ment delayed.
Rep. Charles E. Bennett said in
a speech before the Reserve Of-
ficers Association at Jacksonville
Naval Air Station that the De-
fense Department "appears to
have finally broken the logjam
which has held up the much need-
ed development of an antiballistic
missile system."
$167.9 Million
Bennett, a senior member of the
House Armed Services committee,
said "It has just been revealed
that funds have been spent on
hardware items for the deployment
of an ABM system from the 169.7
million Congress provided for this
but which the Defense Department
has heretofore refused to use."
Sources said the decision is to
deploy a screen of missile-killing
Nike-X batteries at a cost of from
$3 billion to possibly 6 billion.
Construction would take an esti-
mated five years.
Austere Defense
McNamara has said that what
he calls an "austere defense"
against a Chinese-type threat
probably could "preclude damage
in the 1970s almost entirely."
However, he has made it quite
clear- that he believes the expen-
diture of up to 40 billion to guard
the United States against the kind
of sophisticated saturation attack

which could be mounted by Rus-
sia would fall short of doing the
Regardless of how extensive
such a defense was, McNamara
believes the Soviets could inflict
millions of casualties on the Amer-
ican population.
So his strategy is to emplace
so many U.S. offensive missiles
in underground silos and sub-
marines that a Soviet defensive
system -would be overwhelmed.
Knowing this, McNamara and his
experts believe, the Soviets would
be deterred from attacking the
United States.
But the Chinese present a dif-
ferent case. McNamara has esti-
mated the Red Chinese could have
a significant intercontinental mis-
sile force in position bythe mid-
Threat by 1972
The Senate-House' Atomic En-
ergy Committee said Friday night
that it believes the Chinese could
have an intercontinental ballistic
missile threat in place by- 1972-
somewhat earlier than McNa-
mara's estimate.
If work on the Nike-X were to
begin soon, the experts believe, the
thin defense could be in place by
Indications are that the John-
son administration may have been
prompted, in part, by.heavy press-
ure from congressional critics,
both Democratic and Republican,
and indications that 'the GOP
might make a 1968 presidential
campaign issue of the antimissile

tion's railroads are unhappy and
union leaders quietly mollified in
the wake of a compulsery $158
million wage package handed
down by a White House board.
"We conclude that it is clearly
inflationary," said chief railroad
negotiator John P. Hiltz Jr. of
the two-year package covering
137,000 shopcraft workers.

Case Supports Bombing
At Risk of Chinese Entry

world News Roundup

ford P. Case (R-NJ) said yester-
day the United States must take
the risk of Chinese and Russian
involvement if intensified bombing
of North Vietnam promises to end
the war more quickly.
Case, a member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, said
he thinks President Johnson has
decided to intensify the bombing
of military targets in an effort to
end the war sooner.
He said he has "very great con-
cern about this risky business"
because no one knows what might
trigger the Chinese or Russians to
enter the conflict.
'Bombing Important'
But he added: "I have not felt
that the risk should not be taken
to the extent that the bombing is
important in reducing the supply
of materials and men into the
"My own judgment is that if we
are going to have a war, we have
to do everything that's reasonable
to support our forces and if the
supply of materials and men into
South Vietnam from North Viet-,
nam . . . is being significantly re-

duced, then this isa risk we must
Sen. John G. Tower (R-Tex), a
Services Committee, complained
that the Johnson administration
"has led us into a no-win policy
which refuses the use of American
power to end the war and prom-
ises us instead only unending
casualty lists."
Case recorded his views in a
television program taped for New
York stations. Tower expressed his
view in the prepared text of an
Owensboro, Ky., speech.
'Great Failure'
Case said the "great failure" of
the Johnson administration has
been an-unsuccessful effort to get
the South Vietnamese govern-
ment to make social reforms that
would give it wider support among
the people.
"One reason is that we have
been hoping - and this includes
the President and all of the rest-
to win this war on the cheap
without . . . doing the hard work
of getting the South Vietnamese
government to put itself in a po-
sition with its own people which
would attract their loyalty and
support... .," he said.

The wage hikes, endorsed by
President Johnson, gave six rail-
road unions much of their de-
mands. The board announced its
recommendations Friday.
The board, created by Congress
in a special law to halt a nation-
wide strike, set wage increases of
11 per cent plus 20 cents an hour
in extra skill pay increases for
about 100,000 of the workers.
The raises will become manda-
tory in 30 days unless there is a
voluntary agreement, viewed as
an extremely slim prospect.
The initial two-year cost to the
railroads was-cut 'own somewhat
by scattering the wage hike over
the two-year period.
"We're not jumping up and
down in glee," said a union source,
"but we're better o&f than we
were." The unions remained offi-
cially silent.
The shopcraft workers now av-
erage $2.90 per hour and skilled
men $3.05.
The sticky case, rife with
political implications, marked the
first time in history that Congress
took a direct hand in setting
wages except for general wartime
wage-price controls.
Johnson praised the board's
recommendations as "one of the
finest products" ever to come
from a presidential board. Then
he slipped swiftly out of the
White House Fish Room, leaving
the explanations to Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore.), chairman of the
five-man board.
Morse, who aroused organized
labor's wrath by sponsoring the
special law to halt the two-day
nationwide walkout in July, called
the wage recommendations "a
much to be desired public service
in this time of great national
The law forbids any further
strike until Jan. 1, 1969.

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By The Associated Press
RICHMOND, Va.- A federal
district judge yesterday ordered
Virginia authorities to show cause
at a Monday hearing for holding
H. Rap Brown without bond. At-
torneys for the Black Power ad-
vocate urged Judge Robert R.
Merhige Jr. to grant Brown bail
and afteranerhour-long hearing
Merhige ordered 'Brown to be
brought into the U.S. District
Court at Richmond at noon.
WASHINGTON - U.S. officials
have heard reports that Egyp-
tian President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser, speaking to other Arab lead-
ers, recenlty retracted his charge
that the United States and 'Bri-
tain had joined with Israel in its
war with the Arab states in June.
* * *
MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Three
powerful Lutheran church groups
in Wisconsin joined forces yester-
day with other religious bodies
which have endorsed open nous-
ing demonstrations in Milwaukee.
The statement proclaiming
Lutheran support of "lawful"
demonstrations came as represen-
tatives of various faiths were
gathering in the city to join Negro
*. * *
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Cali-
fornia Gov. Ronald Reagan will
ask that his name be removed if
it is proposed for New Hampshire's

1968 Republican presidential pri-
mary ballot, a governor's aide said
LONDON - Scotland Yard de-'
tectives wrestled on the steps of
a Moscow-bound plane yesterday
to free a Russian student who was
dragged aboard the Soviet jet, ap-
parently against his will.
A Scotland Yard statement said
police went to the airport after
the Russian was kidnaped on a
busy London street, forced into a
Soviet Embassy car and driven to
the airport.

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Renaissance Walerian Borowczyk, Poland
Les Mistons '67 Francois Truffaut, France
Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Film
Richard Lester, England
Two Castles Bruno Bozzetto, Italy
The Fat and the Lean Roman Polanski, Poland
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