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September 17, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-17

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Sylva n

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-Daily-Jay Cassidy

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

--Daily-Thon)4~s R. Copi

Sve editorial page



:4E a ii

Little change in temperature;
no chance of rain

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom






U' Colleges Experiment
In Clo sed-Circuit TV Use

City Panel Approves School Contract Talks
Public Housing Sites v.eu No Settlements

Television serves as a unique
teaching aid in higher education
today, and the University is pion-
eering in its use.
The use of a closed circuit sys-
tem in'the Law School, the zoology
department and especially in the
medical center have been greatly
expanded since the first sets were
installed in a medical school lec-
ture hall nine years ago.
The University operation, fi-
nanced almost exclusively by pri-
4vate grants and donations, con-
tinues to serve as a model for other
;llafa drr icaifc 1hh

of professional quality. Of twleve
cameras in operation, two are
color; one is located in the studio
adjoining control center and an-.
other remote controlled camera
peers down onto the operating'
table in an operating room. The
black and white cameras are in-
stalled in various lo c a t ion s
throughout the medical complex.
Though the equipment is there,
live operations are seldom telecast.
This is because lecturers have
found that television's greatest ad-
vantage lies in showing minute
details to a large number of stu-
dents. Color, too is of secondary
importance since only about 30 per

al production and repairmen to!
keep the system in operation.
However, a strong stomach, asw
well as good reflexes, seem to bej
the time requirements of a good
technician. Sometimes during par-
ticularly "gorey" operations, TV
center technicians have fainted
and spoiled the tape.
Looking towards the future,
Judge predicts a relative leveling
off of the rate of use of television.
He explains that expanded use of
television will not occur because it
is already in use by all depart-
ments as much as they wish to
use it.
The program, sucessful as it's

cone ana tuniveit~ies~wniU cent of all diagnosis are in any been, still has some problems toj
now make extensive use of tele- way dependent upon color dis- be ironed out:
vision. crimination, * Present facilities must beE
Diverse Applications The program to bring television adapted for expansion of television
Applications of televised instruc- to the medical school was put on presentations; new equipment may
tion are diverse. For example, until a concrete basis in 1958 by virtue be necessary.
last year, a lecturer had to repeat of a grant from the Dow Founda- 0 Video-tape facilities must beI
a lecture in Zoology 101 five times tion. In 1961, the program was .
to groups of 200 each. Using tele- augmented with the purchase of improved order to make a num~
vision, however, the professor need video recording equipment. This ber of programs available atone
give his lecture only once. It is equipment allows a program to be ime.
video-tape recorded and then taped, stored, and then played At present, exchange of pro-
played back to small groups in back at a future date thus freeing gram material is severely limited.
the Natural Resources building. professors from the need of tedious Various brands of tape handling
In the Law School, remote hook- repetion of lectures. equipment are incompatable, and
ups to local courts permits an in- Teaching Mixtures therefore, exchange of taped ma-
structoy to comment immediately The mixing of standard teach- terial is technically infeasible.
on procedures. It is also useful in ing methods and television is not Judge, however, is optimisticj
providing simulated courtroom si- as easy as many imagine. Several about the long range applications
tuations which can be evaluated early attempts in the medical of televisoion. "If we learn to use?
'and played back several times for school failed miserably. it well," he predicts, "we need notj
small groups of students. "The key to the use of television be concerned about the future of
The largest operation, both in is human, rather than hardware," medical television. That will take
size and extent, however, is in the Judge claims. "Other schools may care of itself."
medical center, with one of the have equipment, but it takes.:.- _
most impressive systems of profes- technical experienceand support H
sional 'quality equipment in the of the faculty. We are ahead be- 1T EY KILL IT
country. cause our faculty has been willing
"We consider television as a to try it and has gained valuabless
teaching aid in medicine not as a practical experience." e R es d e ts
teaching medium itself," explains Judge attributes much of the
Prof. Richard Judge, coordinator success of the medical school
of the medical school television television facilities to the "unique
facilities. degree to which we have been' H a sh e
Reinforcement Device able to develop a close and har-
He explains that television monious relationship with the
should be used as a reinforcement University Television Center." He' By LEE WEITZENKORN
device, but should never be con- says he expects other schools will "Some of the things they serve
sidered a replacement for the institute this pattern in the fu- aren't bad at all," says Diane
teacher, especially at the graduate ture. Kohn, '70, one of the 9,000 studentj
level. The Television Center takes the consumers of dormitory food at
The TV system in use in the burden of production away from the University.
medical school today is impressive, the duties of the medical faculty "The canned fruit is good, the
with most of the equipment being and provides full-time profession- milk is fine, and the packaged

In a joint meeting Thursday !iporinal approval -of the housig i-1N L- _L 1
night with the Ann Arbor Hous- sites provides no assurance the
ing Commission, the Ann Arbor commission will obtain all six By The Associated Press
City Council approved six possible sites. "It's easy to get an option. Contract bargaing sessions con-
sites for local public housing con- It's another thing to get ihe tinued in many of Michigan's 17
struction. price where it should be," Lar- unsettled school districts yester-
The commission plans to build coin said. day under an ever - increasing
200 public housing units beginning The commission and council also threat of court injunctions and
next spring with a federal grant discussed the possibility of buy- teacher resignations.
of $3,320,730. This grant must ing the detailed survey of local In Detroit, w h e r e 11,000
cover the costs of land purchases, housing problems prepared last striking teachers have maintained
architectural planning and actual month by Market Opinion Re- a "no contract, no work" stand
construction. search Co., of Detroit, for a cost and kept 300,000 pupils out of
Three sites have been under of $27,714.50. school for more than a week,
option several weeks for possible Mayor Hulcher instructed Lar- teachers plan to vote today on
acquisition by the Housing Coin- com to find out how much the whether to accept binding arbitra-
mission. These were unofficially city owes the survey firm for pre- tion on their salary disput with
approved by the City Councily inparation of its proposal, and said the school board.
an earlier joint meeting with the a decision whether to buy the Lt. Gov. William Milliken Friday
Housing Commission, Aug. 10. survey should be reached by the urged court action by any school
Housing Commission Chair.. end of 1967. board which failed to come to
Henry V. Aquinto listed the sites
under option: four and a half
acres near the northwest corner ofjourseTeaches
Maple and Dexter roads; 28 acres !na h ot es onr o
near the southeast corner of
Packard and Stone School roads:
and 20 acres south of Lorraine + I nn"' In stru ct
near Charring Cross. The Maple r
L 1 and Stone School sites are pres-
ently not part of tile city and will MARTIN R. SHACKELFORD This is the fifth year and the
have to be annexed., Faculty and teaching staff mem- tenth session of the semi-annual
Three smaller sites on which bers are being offered a chance workshop. Participants in the 25-
there are no options to buy were to streanline their courses with hour intensive course will attend
described by Aquinto and received the aid of programmed instruc- full day sessions Sept. 29 and 30,
Council approval. tion. followed by morning sessions Oct.
Before reading the list of sites, Four openings remain in a special 7, 14 and 21. They must register
Aquinto read a letter from the workshop conducted by the Cen- beforehand by calling CRLT. E
Housing and Urban Affairs De- ter for Resarch on Learning and Programmed instruction is a
partment, warning that federal Teaching (CRLT). The group is step-by-step learning process
money might be withdrawn from limited to twelve. Previous work- which allows students to move at
housing projects that cannot start shop participants have gone on to their own speed, gradually adding
ccnstruction within nine months successfully develop programmed bits of knowledge until they have
Aquinto and City Administrator instruction materials currently mastered the subject.
Guy Larcom emphasized that the used for University courses. The philosophy of the workshop

terms with striking teachers byI
Teachers in four districts -
Holland, Bay City, Saginaw and 1
Crestwood in Dearborn Heights-
already have been ordered by
courts to get back to their class-7
Some 150 of the Crestwood dis-
trict's 214 teachers refuse to com-
ply with the order Friday, how-
ever. They resigned rather than
go back to work without a con-1
Assistant Supt. Albert Kimmel,
however, said, "As far as we're
concerned, all these teachers are
our employes.";
School officials said they would
ion Aids
is that any course for which the
learning objective can be stated
is a, possible subject for program-
med instruction, according to
CRLT officials. The focus will be
on learning by doing, rather than
on tedious lectures on background
and technique. Such information
will be furnished to participants in,
written form.
Under the direction of Prof.
George L. Geis, CRLT research
associate, workshop members will
be encouraged to write program-
med matrials in their own sub-
ject areas. No complete program-
med learning units, however, are
anticipated from the brief course;
which aims only at a good begin-

I * %- v %,, M/ W JIL 'R in-ML.-ML. 'k-.- -ML-ML mw K-,F

s e e k a n injunction Monday
against the striking Birmingham
Education Association if negotia-
tors failed to reach a settlement
before then.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Mary Ellen
Riordan, president of the Detroit
Federation of Teachers set today
for a teacher voteon the question
of binding arbitration.
At a rally of some 1,500 teachers
Friday in Detroit, she praised
teachers for "sticking together like
teachers have never done before."
"Give us your recommendation,"
shouted one teacher.
"We will discuss union matters
in a union hall," she answered,
She declined to predict the out-
come of today's vote. However, a
member of the teacher bargaining
team, predicted the proposal would
be rejected.
Teachers have been seeking a
$1,200 increase in pay, to $7,000,
and a 38-week work year. The
board has offered $6,400 (and) a
39-week year. Under the old con-
tract for a 40-week year, starting
teachers with a bachelor's degree
earned $5,800 to a maximum of
$9,500 after 12 years.
In New York City, Mayor John
V. Lindsay canceled an out-of-
town speech yesterday to be on
hand for a possible break in a
week-old teachers' strike which
has short-circuited classes for that
city's 1.1 million public school
New talks between, the. Board
of Education and the 49,000-
member AFL-CIO United Federa-
tion of Teachers resumed in a
midtown hotel, with Vincent D.
McDonnell, chairman of the State
Mediation Board, present.
The teachers demand higher
pay, smaller classes, power to oust
"disruptive children," and a bet-
ter program for slum children.
They rejected an offer which the
board said amounted to $125 mil-
lion in pay raises over two years,
but did not include the policy
The board has kept schools
open, using supervisors and volun-
teers to fill in for the striking
teachers. Attendance by pupils
fell daily until it was about a
third of normal on Friday.

Condemn, Staff Rationalizes
)ver' Quality of Quaddie Food


Own Materials

crackers are o.k. But when it lem is what they do with it. They,
comes to the things they prepare kill it in the kitchen. That place
themselves, that's another story. is a butcher shop."
Any ten year-old who can read University dieticians explain that
a cook book could do a better job they try to handle food to ac-
than they'do." comodate all tastes. For example,
While Miss Kohn's judgment the "choice" or "fancy" meat
may be unduly harsh, it's no sec- which is purchased by Food Ser-
ret that consumers of institutional vice is also unseasoned and de-.
food have traditionally passed hydrated by the time it reaches
harsh judgment on their chefs. the dorm. Elizabeth Hyde, admin-}
And the University is no exception. istrative assistant for University
Of course many students, feel housing says that "We tend toI

For example spaghetti sauce can
be made by adding barbecue sauce'
to left-over hamburgers. Surplus
roast beef can be served as hot
roast beef sandwiches for lunch
the next day, Several cooks say
they use left-over eggs for making
salad dressing, but Miss Hyde de-
nies it.
Other foods like cookies are used
"I nnccJPntin" CnkiCIft"

In writing their own materials,
participants will be expected first
to analyze the material to be
taught and write a sequence of
learning frames, or question-and-
answer units. Opportunities will
then be provided to test their
frames on the workshop editors,
and later on student subjects.
Feedback from these tests will
enable members to evaluate and
re-design their mateials for more
effective results.

Math Group Urges Refusal
To Engage in War Research

Up sysLemaLlca iy. L;UUKies felt, uvei'

that the school does a reasonably underseason meat because the salt- Irom one meal wi le served as
good job with dorm food. "It's rel- is always on the table." "choice" the next time around.
atively good for the number of This means students can choose

people they have to cook for,"
says Kathy Rose, '71. And others
think the food is "better than last
'Lead Weight'

Lack of Equipment between left-over cookies or a Seventy-four mathematicians,
Another problem is a lack of fresh dessert. including ten from, the University,
available equipment. For instance, The left-over left-over cookies have appealed to their colleagues
at Stockwell Hall spare ribs can't are subsequently served as "extra. 'to refuse employment in war re-
be served with fried potatoes be- This means the students can have search. The appeal was made at

But, like institutional eaters cause of a shortage of grill space. the cookies in addition to the reg- the recently concluded Summer
everywhere, most students prefer However, a new stove has been ular dessert Mathematics Meetings in Toronto.
to complain steadily about the i ordered to remedy the situation.Thapelisdesrdrt.
food quality. "After you finish . Naturally the number of times The appeal first appeared as a
eating, it feels like you have a One of the biggest problems is a dish can be re-served varies, paid advertisement in the June
lead weight in your stomach," says cooking sufficient food. Miss Hyde While salads can be saved for one and August issues of the "Notices
Kathy Fonde, '71 says, "We try hard not to run out. day, other foods like vegetables of the American Mathematical So-
What's the source of all the But students often find that if never get beyond the "choice" ciety." Spokesmen for the group
bellyaching? they arrive late in the meal hour stage Says Miss Hyde: "We never I plan to continue the appeal to the
Much of it is related to the ec-'their choice of foods is lmited. save left-overs more than 24 hours. consciences of their colleagues
onomics and logistics of preparing For example at a dinner meal at j They're usually used up within through professional publications
food for the masses. Stockwell, students toward the end that time." and at the Winter Mathematics
of thie line found they could get;_ Meetings to be held at San Fran-I

of the Mathematical Assocation of
America and the Canadian Mathe-
natical Congress, three members
of the National Academy of Sci-
ences, a winner of the Fields med-
al (the highest international honor
given to mathematicians, roughly
equivalent to a Nobel Prize), and
department chairmen from Berke-
ley, Chicago, Indiana, and Cornell.
University professors signing the
statement were Noel J. Hicks,
Nicholas Kazarinoff, Kenneth Lei-
senring, Roger C. Lyndon, Max-
well 0. Reade, Arthur J. Schwartz,-
Allen L. Shield, Joel A. Smoller,
Charles J. Titus, and Hugh E.
1rr 7..

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