4r mrhigan 43l
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
A Message to Marty the Fish
"="'" :
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail
NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Autonomy Is Never Used
When It's Really Needed
THE REGENTS have been saying for
years that University autonomy must
be preserved. Their pious contentions
sound acceptable to the occasional ob-
server, but a short look at how the Uni-
versity uses its autonomy causes one to
pause and wonder exactly what they
It is expected that autonomy would
protect the University from intrusions
by outside agencies into the academic af-
fairs of its student and faculty; that,
even if the University did not actively
try to extend academic rights, it would
certainly not restrict them itself. Yet the
administration has failed on both counts.
The examples, glaring as they are, must
be repeated here for their contrast to
the University's other stands.
When the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee first reared its ugly head
in the early fifties, the University was
not spared from its inquiries. Two fac-
ulty members who refused to testify be-
fore the committee were fired by Presi-
dent Hatcher despite strong student and
faculty support.
Where was autonomy then? Why didn't
the University, which insists that neither
itself nor the Legislature is completely
qualified to decide questions of autonomy,
and emphasizes justice in courts, not use
them here to determine whether or not
the faculty members need have testi-
fied? But here we are being too kind,
for in this case, not only did the Uni-
versity not protect its staff, but it was
largely responsible for the punitive ac-
tions that were taken.
THE NEXT CASE took place just over a
year ago-the subpoena of "activist
lists" by HUAC. Once again, the Univer-
sity failed to make any effor.t in the
courts to determine proper action. With
nary a flinch, they did exactly as the
government bid them do.
A third issue, still unresolved, is the
Cinema Guild fiasco. The University says
that "students who break laws must face
the penalty." But the students are mem-
bers of the University community, and
as such were engaged in activities indi-
rectly sponsored 'by and directly related
to the goals of the University. And yet
the Regents won't go to court for them
in the name of autonomy.
Those who argue that this is exactly
what the students oppose, in loco paren-
tis, ought to recognize the significance
of the issues involved. Cinema Guild is
not some wild fraternity party or stu-
dents pulling pranks on the local "town-
ies," but a "serious film society with edu-
cational and cultural goals," as the Fac-
ulty Civil Liberties Board termed it. For-
tunately, the CLB did aid the Guild, but
that organization's current financial
troubles demand regental support.
While in loco parentis is being consid-
ered, one' might easily apply it to the
current crisis on campus, the position of
the employes at the University. It is the
same paternalism that the administration
shows toward students that is now of-
fending University workers. They are be-
ing treated as incompetents unable to
handle their own affairs, with all labor
issues being settled finally by the ad-
ministration, though labor representa-
tives are allowed, like student leaders, to
make suggestions as to final decisions.
WHERE THEN HAS the University
rightfully applied the principle of au-
tonomy? One issue that comes to mind
is out-of-state tuition, where the Univer-
sity has resisted legislative pressure to
raise the tuition above the 3-to-1 ratio
presently observed. The University has al-
so ignored legislative reprimands about
"Communist speakers" on campus, such
as the uproar several years ago when
Herbert Aptheker spoke at several state
But the University opposes collective
bargaining, whatever it may say. It has
been using, as the unions charge, every
means available to put off the advent
of unionism at the University, and au-
tonomy, which it does not respect on
academic issues, has been dragged in as
defense. It is unfortunate that a univer-
sity like Michigan cannot have an admin-
istration more in tune with the aspira-
tions and purposes of its faculty, stu-
dent body and the very society in which
it lives.
IT IS VERY NICE, indeed, to be able to go to sleep at
night and still hear crickets humming, for this means
that no matter how intent the world seems on destroy-
ing itself and those of us living in it, there is still summer
enough for the crickets.
There are two very good times in Ann Arbor, but one
of them is in the spring when people are too up-tight
about finals to appreciate it. The other is now, in the
early September days when its warm enough to go un-
jacketed and stretch out on the tenth of a square acre
of grass still left around the Diag.
MARTY THE FISH used to hang around the Diag and
watch the world pass him by before he set off for the
coast. At one time I think he was studying dentistry or
podiatry, something like that, but he got pretty well
fed up with the becoming-a-doctor scene and turned
into a professional hustler, making his scores at the
Union pool hall.
Much too tall for his body, he always looked like he
was about to topple over into a crumpled pile. People
started calling him Marty the Fish because it seemed as
if he must be drunk to be always falling over himself
like hehwas, and nobody could be drunk as much as him
unless he drank like the proverbial fish.
Anyway, Marty the Fish was one of those rare spirits
blithe enough to pull off liberation without getting hung-
up by it. And that's what brought up Indian Summer in
the first two weeks of classes.
Last week I got this long letter from Marty the Fish
asking how things are. The point of the letter-its real
intent-was that he wanted me to tell him something
different about the University, not a new name or a new
slot, but something he didn't yet know.
It shouldn't be too hard to come up with something
real that Marty the Fish doesn't know. He left the Uni-
versity last March, so there must be all kinds of new
things-real things-that he doesn't know about.
So I thought.
And I sent my letter back to him, care-of the student
union pool hall at Berkeley.
As always it is good to hear from you and nice to
see that you have improved your handwriting and spell-
You want to know something new and different, so
I'll tell you what I find here that I didn't find last year.
First off, there are more mustaches than there used
to be. A lot of guys have started growing them, some
guys have even finished. It's not really a year for
beards, but it is a good season for mustaches.
Remember the restaurant you used to hang-out in
that stayed open until 5 in the morning until the place
got raided and the cook got busted? Well, now it's sort
of a sedate place that serves a real thick pea soup, and
all these freshmen from East Quad go over and have the
soup. And pretty soon they are going there every night
for a bowl of soup and most of them are .growing mus-
taches and not getting their hair cut.
In fact, it seems almost impossible to get in a con-
versation that doesn't have something to do with drugs.
Most of the talk is about who's getting what where
and what it was like when he went up on it. Used to be
that when somebody said he was stoned it meant he was
drunk, but that isn't what it means anymore.
THERE WAS A BIG scare a couple of days ago when
one of the University Vice-Presidents, the one who can
read, heard the old librarian in the Library talking
about 'turning on.' He called in the campus cops, Ann
Arbor police, and the three C.I.A. agents who are on
campus full-time, but it ends up that what she was
talking about was turning on the fan in the coffee
Even the football coach has to make sure his players
understand that when he says he wants them 'up' for
their games he doesn't mean high on pot.
And the people who aren't talking drugs are talking
about the weather, since it has been so nice lately. Like
you just sit out there in the grass and watch the day
go and then you think to yourself 'maybe tomorrow I
should start going to college' but it's so nice that you
The only other real thing, M.T.F., is that maybe the
chains are in trouble, and if they go, then the whole
place will be thrust into the chaos of unstructured side-
walks. There are scandalousbslogans being painted on
walls, like 'Vivre Quebic Libre' and a Rousseau quote
about man being born free yet enchained everywhere,
and rumor has it that the first link went down last night.
So with that I give you my best and hope that your
cue stick is still as unwarped and golden as ever."
YESTERDAY THE LETTER came back, postage due,
because it seems that Marty the Fish has left California,
or at least the University thereof.
Letters: The Way Out of a Striking Problem
To the Editor:
RESPONSIBLE citizens of our
country-and most politicians
and university trustees are in this
group-believe and often publicly
say that our society is ruled by
law. If one believes this and a
law is passed which is unconsti-
tutional in one's belief, then one
contests the law in court mean-
while obeying the law. Apparent-
ly the University does not be-
lieve in the rule of law in our
There nevertheless appears to
be a neat way out of the Univer-
sity's tragic opposition to PA 379.
The University contends that be-
cause of its special constitutional
status, the law PA 379 does not
apply to it even though it may be
a good law. What the Regents
might do if they believe in collec-
tive bargaining is to pass PA 379
as a Regents bylaw. Then by
obeying their own bylaw, the Re-
gents could relieve the University
of much embarrassment.
-Nicholas Kazarinoff
Prof. of Mathematics
To the Editor:
IT IS VERY gratifying to know
that people like Robert Agree
(Letters, Sept. 13) are keeping
close watch on the giant steps,
either forward or backward, of
Inter House Assembly. Possibly
such scrutiny will occupy him
when he's not busy worrying
about actual eating on paper
plates in East Quadrangle. And,
of course, we can all lie awake
nights fretting over the addition-
al plight of Mr. Agree - he was
actually late for a class!
Such gross indignities as these
are being caused by the misguid-
ed sympathy strike of residence
hall employes. Mere condemna-
tion of these irresponsible workers
is not enough. Imagine seriously
inconveniencing students like Mr.
Agree just to help University em-
ployes reach the absurd goal of
the right of collective bargaining!
It rekindles my faith in people
to discover such understanding
souls as Mr. Agree, as opposed
to intolerant selfish complainers
like the sympathy strikers. But,
then, maybe they just need to
grow up.
. -Jay Callahan, '69
To the Editor:
HOW CAN THE striking Plant
Dept. workers sleep? By there
attention-getting request for in-
creased pay, they are merely add-
ing to the vicious circle of price
increase, pay increase, and on
and on.
Cheers to the University for
their stand on the issue. The fact
that theyarenautonomous is rea-
son enough, but to establish the
precedent of halting the reckless
economy that may soon devour
this country is another feather
for their sparsley decorated cap.
-Bill McFall '71
To the Editor:
Daily for its publication of
two articles on contemporary pen-
ology and corrections, a field
which deserves much more rec-
ognition than it has received in
the mass media.
Neal Bruss' article on the pro-
posed penal code for Michigan and
the Associated Press' summary of
modern correctional practices em-
phasize the need for a realistic,
positive-oriented legal and correc-
tional program.
IN THE FIELD of law, such
programs have already been codi-
fied in several states and are about
to be enacted in others; in the
field of corrections, however, many
of the enumerated reforms, al-
though necessary for an efficient-
ly functioning system, have not
been executed in most states.As
an employee for the Ohio Adult
Parole Authority, I have seen
numerous results of "lock psy-
chosis"-society's efforts to con-
fine and forget about those it has
defined as criminal without con-
sidering the possibility of even-
tual release.
aproach must be taken when one
considers that practically all im-
prisoned offenders are ultimately
released from institutions. In or-
der for both the convict and so-
ciety to be prepared for the process
of reintegration, a process which
demands mutual efforts if recidiv-
ism is to be curtailed, additional
efforts must be undertaken by
news media to acquaint the public
with our entire correctional sys-
Perhaps if we "tell it like it is,"
those in authority will "make it
like it ought to be."
-Joe Winer, '68
Mixed-Up Mixer
To the Editor:
IT IS A TRIBUTE to the Italians
and the Polish that their wed-
dings inevitably triumph over the
monolithic, cinder-block drabness,
the depressing linoleum floors and
institution-green walls of the
American Legion's halls.
There was no such triumph last
Saturday night during a graduate
mixer staged at the Legion hall on
South Main Street. The 21-and-up
crowd that eventually knotted to-
gether around the bar and in the
lounge seemed exanimated by the
nagging spirit of deia-vu which
takes the edge off things for those
who have done the bit so many
times before.
Only this time it was the males
who spread out thickly along the
walls, blinking anxiously at the
pickings who sat disconsolately at
long, forbidding rows of wooden
banquet tables staring at their
purses. The event had all the am-
biance ofa slave auction, minus
the exoticism.
arena for intelligent people bat-
tling overwhelming odds to appear
attractive. Mystery? Everyone knew
why everyone else was there. Wit,
charm? The doubly-amplified rock
band protected the dull from ex-
posing themselves, but there should
have been a prize for the most
seductive rendition of "What school
are you in?" Looks? Assets could
not be distinguished in the grubby
half-light which the less beautiful
wisely avoided by standing in
corners or behind taller compan-
ions of the same sex.
There were desultory rallies of
activity when "Funky Broadway"
and "Satisfaction" and "Respect"
were slammed out by the kids on
the platform.
About 11:30, one guy asked,
'How do you get rid of her if you
don't want to dance with her any
Telling her quite simply to get
lost would not have seemed out of
Who are these things planned
-James L. Gerardi
Rackham, '68
Prose Thicket
To the Editor:
IS MISS WISSMAN your nominee
for the local Susan Sontag?
If so, please help her to clarity
of statement and non-New Left-
derived evaluations and essays.
Her tangled prose is a thicket that
needs thinning out.
Brustein writes clearly. Wissman
needs fine-tooth comb editing if
she is to communicate to her be-
wildered readers her less than
crystaline hand-me-down ideas.
-Norman Kezdekian, '67
The Daily has begun accept-
ing articles from faculty, ad-
ministration, and students on
subjects of their choice. They
are to be 600-900 words in
length and should be submitted
to the Editorial Director.
StrikeToo, Faculty
100 persons gathered on the Diag to
listen to various student leaders and un~
ion representatives endorse the cause
of University employes engaged in the
current walkout, Prof. Tom Mayer of the
sociology department rose to speak.
The gist of Mayer's remarks centered
around one comment: "I look forward
to the day when the present employe
unions are joined by the faculty in deal-
ing with the University." It was simple
enough, the type of idealism that pro-
vokes the sympathetic to nod their heads
approvingly but, nevertheless, is never
taken too seriously.
But maybe it should be.
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Fall and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by
carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for entire year ($9 by mail).
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN ELAN ............Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor
RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director
JOHN LOTTIER.........,Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP ............... Personnel Director
NEIL SHISTER...................Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLAN ........ Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS ...................... Arts Editor
ANDY SACKS ..................... Photo Editor
ROBERT SHEFFIELD ........... .......... Lab Chief
N7mNr .n-rnR. m tr wr.... Rnn-tNA.- Rrls
If there is a non-administration body
at this University that has the power and
influence to determine University poli-
cy, that body is the faculty. Surely it can
be recognized that the student body's op-
pressive size and lack of communications
hamper its possible effectiveness. Similar-
ly, as long as administrative and stu-
dent-scab, personnel are replacing work-
ers participating in the walkout, the
University administration will be able to
control a great deal of the impact that
the strike might carry. However, the fac-
ulty enjoys that enviable position of ir-
replacable function and irreproachable
dignity. The problem is that they have
failed to take advantage of that position.
WHEN TOM MAYER spoke on the steps
of the Grad Library, he was saying
what many other members of the facul-
ty are surely thinking. Mayer, however,
proposed action by implication. The im-
plication was that faculty members
should engage in a sympathy walkout.
Dining halls can function with stu-
dents washing dishes, but the University
would never be able to operate with stu-
dents sitting in professorless classes.
Drug Store
STONY POINT, N.Y., Sept. 13 (New York
Times)-Four youths were arrested
here today for allegedly selling more than
ice cream from a Good Humor truck.
The state police, who seized the group,
said they used an ice cream route in
Orangeburg to set up contacts with buy-
ers of marijuana and LSD.
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What Mu-r--kes -Ronnie Reagan on.
Editorial Director
jN THE LOBBY of a theater in
San Francisco's honky-tonk dis-
trict this summer, a lady sat be-
hind a small desk soliciting signa-
tures for a recall petition on Gov.
Ronald Reagan. Above her a large
sign read: "Stop Reagan Before
He Is President."
At the moment, the Stop-Rea-
gan Bandwagon is moving as
slowly as the Nominate-Romney
movement, and the Golden State's
actor-turned-politician is running
like a thoroughbred dark horse.
For those skeptics still convinced
that one of the nation's two ma-
jor parties could not possibly
nominate a rookie like Ronnie,
lookie here:
r Four of five persons ques-
tioned in a Louis Harris survey
released Monday think that Rea-
gan is doing a good job as gover-
nor. Sixty-two per cent of those
questioned described him as "very
attractive, charming and sincere,"
and 58 per cent view him as rep-
resenting a "new approach to poli-
tics." The survey indicated that
Reagan's ideological image is
closely in line with the Republi-
can party, 55 per cent of whose
members now consider themselves
0 The Young Americans for
Freedom convention, held in Pitts-
burgh over Labor Day weekend,
proposed a resolution commending
Reagan to the 1968 GOP conven-
tion. Observers felt that Reagan
was definitely the favorite of the
1,000 YAFers at the convention
and that this reflected the views
of the 30,000 YAF members across
the nation. Romney and Rocke-
The Reagan Boom
L _
r- J . ro,..p.'
Rocky and .. .
audience the other evening that
it looks like Reagan will be the
Republican contender in '68.
THE RISE OF Ronald Reagan
has shadowed a sagging cast of
GOP would-be presidents. Rom-
ney, sinking fast with a leaden
tongue, has lost the backing of
the Detroit News, a consistent
supporter during his gubernatorial
campaigns. Columnist Ji m m y
Breslin, applying his wit to the
political scene, noted that Nelson
Rockefeller's aides are particularly
worried about Romney's poor
showing in recent weeks. Breslin
writes that Rockefeller advisors
had calculated that Romney
would eliminate the competition
in the primaries and fold some-
time in May, leaving the path wide
. . . His Friends?
not believe we have attacked the
enemy properly at its most vul-
nerable point."
Reagan, of course, is a member
of the same party that nominated
Barry Goldwater in 1964. And
Reagan seems to have packaged
Goldwater's views into a palatable,
1 e s s frightening presentation.
Above all, he has the confidence
and poise of a winner, which is a
comforting thing for Republican
delegates staring at the tired faces
of Romney, Rockefeller, and
IN FACT, ON a late movie the
other night, "Storm Warning,"
Reagan played the good guy who
cleaned up a Southern town of
Ku Klux Klanners. After deliver-
ing a patriotic tirade against the
obsolescence." The employment of
some 500,000 men in Vietnam is
far from obsolescent. Nixon's ar-
gument rings of his opponent's
claims in the 1960 campaign. But
Nixon is simply not John F. Ken-
"I do not believe the govern-
ment of the United States has
been keeping the people informed
to the extent as is the people's
right. . ..
"There are still a list of targets
that are not open to our bombing