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September 13, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-13

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Uneasy Calm on Tibet Border
As India, China Cease Fighting

Ask Negotiations
Rap Brown, McKissick Teach Class
As Parent Groups Operate Schools

NEW YORK (MP)-New negotia-
tions and a court battle shaped up
P yesterday as a teachers' strike
crippled instruction of the city's
1.1 million public school pupils
for the second day.
The strike has enabled militant
Negroes, including H. Rap Brown
and Floyd McKissick, to teach
classes in Harlem schools. Appar-
ently they were invited by parent
groups operating the schools.
Union leader Albert Shanker in-
dicated he would seek new talks,
but said his 49,000-member AFL-
Senate Votes
Controls For
Political Gifts
passed unanimously yesterday a
bill designed to bring full public
disclosure on all campaign contri-
butions in presidential and con-
gressional elections.
It would eliminate the present
campaign spending limitations,
long considered outmoded. But it
would seek to make effective the
$5,000 limit on gifts that one in-
dividual can give to any one can-
didate by outlawing evasive meth-
ods now considered legal.
The Senate rejected by a nar-
row 46-42 vote an effort to tie
into the measure a recluirement
that all members of Congress and
candidates for those offices dis-
close publicly all their sources of
income, assets and liabilities.
Dirksen Criticizes
Senate Republican Leader Ev-
erett M. Dirksen of Illinois de-
clared before the vote that the
proposal by Sen. Joseph S. Clark
(D-Pa.) is "an impertinence and
outrage that ought to be roundly
There were several vote switch-
es on Clark's proposal as the roll
call progressed slowly. It ended
up supported by 29 Democrats and
13 Republicans and opposed by 24
Democrats and 22 Republicans.
This is the fourth time the
Senate has passed an election re-
form measure in recent years. The
previous three died in the House,
but supporters say they are con-
fident of better chances there
this year.
Discourage Family Aid
Before passing the bill, the Sen-
ate stripped from it 79 to 7 a pro-
vision which several members said
would make it "a rich man's fam-
ily bill." This provision would
have exempted from the $5,000,
contribution limitation any gift to
a candidate by his wife, child,
grandchild, parent, grandparents,
brother or sister.

CIO United Federation of Teach-
ers will stay home until its de-
mands are met.
Mayor John V. Lindsay had said
the school board's door was open
and the next move was up to
Shanker. At least one high school
closed its doors because not
enough help was on hand. An-
other dismissed half of its stu-
dents. I
Brown, chairman of the Stu-
dent N o n v i o 1 e n t Coordinating
Committee, spent nearly an hour
in an East Harlem school saying
when he emerged, "I taught black
history and the movement."
"It is my second day here," he
said at Intermediate School 201.
'Control School Systems'
McKissick, national chairman
of the Congress of Racial Equality,
called the strike "a 'classic exam-
ple of why black communities
want to control their own school
The union claims strong support
among Negro 'teachers, and Ne-
gro leader Bayard Rustin appear-
ed on the picket lines.
The union demands smaller
classes, more disciplinary author-
ity for teachers over "disruptive
children," a strong program for
slum children, and higher pay.
Prohibiting Strikes
In court actions, hearings were
set on a city injunction to bar the
walkout under a state law pro-
hibiting strikes by public em-
ployes, and on a union counter-
move for an order closing the
schools because of health hazards
presented. by volunteer teachers
not subjected to strict medical
A new state law, untested so far,
provides fines of up to $10,000 a
day against unions which call
strikes of public employes. Union
officers who fail to heed injunc-
tions would be subject to jail
terms and fines.
Shanker maintains the teachers
are not striking, but have resigned.
He says he has about 38,000 sign-
ed resignations on hand, but will
not submit them to the board un-
less it withdraws a threat to turn
over the names of resigned teach-
ers to draft boards.
Chance of Settlement
Meanwhile in Detroit a state-
appointed fact finder indicated
yesterday that there may be a
break soon in that school strike
which has kept 300,000 students
"There is a chance ghat settle-
ment could be reached in a few
days," said Ronald Haughton.
In other action striking Holland
(Mich.) school teachers, ordered
back to work in a decision Sat-
urday by the State Court of Ap-
peals, carried their legal battle to
the Supreme Court yesterday.

As the 55,000 member United Federation of Teachers took their strike against
school system into its second day, Floyd McKissick, national director of CORE, v(
p5ublic school class in Harlem. McKissick called the strike a "classic example
munities want to control their own school systems."
- - --- --- ----
Romney Warns Invest4
Riots Remain National

NEW DELHI, India (A')-Chi- firing, gave the Chinese Embassy
na's artillery fell silent yesterday a note proposing* a cease-fire for
on the mountainous Sikkim bor 5:30 a.m. today followed imme-
der, leading Indian officials to diately by a meeting of sector
hope that the most serious Sino- military commanders.
Indian clash since their 1962 bor- Newsmen were told there was
der war may now be ended. no evidence of any substantial
A Defense Ministry spokesman troop movements or buildup on the
said Chinese artillery ceased fire Chinese side of the line.
at 2:30 p.m. across the 14,000- It was considered likely the Chi-
foot Nathu Pass in the Himalayas nese had stopped firing after de-
between Sikkim and Chinese-con- stroying a barbed wire barricade
trolled Tibet, ending two days of the Indians have been erecting
shelling.-along the border.
The spokesman added that In-
dia's mountain forces suffered Indian and Chinese patrols had
?' light casualties, which could mean clashed three times on the border
up to 10 killed. The Chinese claim after the Indians began erecting
36 of their frontier guards were the fence Sept. 7. Indian officials
-Associated Press killed or wounded.
Dawn Attack
The Chinese accused the In- Reagan Calls
dians of crossing the border and
the New York City launching the attack. The Indians
lunteerod to teach a said the Chinese opened fire at oves ow ar
of why black com- dawn Monday with rifles and ma-
chine guns, then followed it up SACRAMENTO, Calif. (W)-Gov.
-~---'~-~-- with 76mm artillery.
The pass is about 20 miles from Ronald Reagan called on the
Gangtok, Sikkim's capital. With a United States yesterday to throw
population of 170,000 and an its full military punch into Viet-
armedaforce of 3 00 ae gua, nam "to win the war as quickly
-~ armed force of 300 palace guards, as possible."
ISikkim depends on India for itsaspsil.
defens . The bellicose statement was the
Peking has branded the Sikki- strongest yet by the freshman Re-
mese royal family usurpers and publican governor on the war.
T h rea t urged the population to seek full dTopolitical observers, it pro-
( independence. The border be- jected Reaagn more firmly than
tween Tibet and Sikkim, however, ever into the 1968 presidential
what happened to De- is not considered to be in dispute. picture despite Reagan's repeated
lsewhere "does not be- Intermittent Fighting declarations that "I am not a
xcuse for extremist di- The Indian spokesman said the candidate." To some it was close
n our nation." Chinese reduced their fire to 22mm to a declaration of candidacy for

said building the fence may have
brought on the shelling.
Earlier in the day, Red China
got off a note to India threatening
"crushing blows" if * the Indians
tried to invade Tibet.
Sikkim lies between the north-
east frontier of India and the
Ladakh area of Kashmir, two
fronts where China inflicted a
heavy defeat on Indian forces in
the 1962 war over border differ-
At that time, India feared- the
Chinese might thrust d o wn
through Nathu Pass and cut off
the northeast from the rest of
the country.
for Escalation;
d GOP Race
on a series of speaking tours
which will take him from coast to
But while calling for use of all
the nation's "technological pow-
er," he said nuclear weapons
aren't needed to win the war.
Reagan was sharply critical of
the present policy of gradual es-
calation that he said has given
North Vietnam a chance to keep
pace with American power rather
than forcing the enemy to the no-
gotiating table.
Reagan was asked about in-
creasing speculation of a GOP
presidential ticket featuring New

George Romney told the Presi-
dent's riot commission yesterday
"it is later than the nation real-
izes" and he called for a historic
effort to prevent "greater blood-
shed and possible destruction of
the nation."
Romney declared, "the seeds of
revolution have been sown in
America more by our own failures
and shortcomings than by any
outside subversive ideology."
The Michigan governor, who
has charged that President John-
son played politics in calling in
federal troops to quell the Detroit
riots in July avoided another di-
rect confrontation with the Presi-
dent in his testimony prepared
for the National Advisory Com-
mission on Civil Disorders.
Less Destruction '
However, Romney told newsmen
after his 31/ hour session with the
group that he expressed belief to
the commission members that
there would have been less de-
struction and loss of life "if troops
had arrived earlier."
Romney gave a chronological ac-
count of the racial troubles in
Detroit and again said Atty. Gen.
Ramsey Clark assured him July 24
that an oral request would be suf-
ficient. But a final report yester-
day on the riots by Cyrus R.
Vance, the President's representa-
tive in Detroit, disputed this.
Vance related that Johnson re-
ceived Romney's telegraphed re-
quest 10 minutes after it was sent

and notified the governor
minutes later that troops
being sent. However, they
not actually deployed into
streets until about 12 hours3
when Johnson signed an exec
order authorizing their use.
'Underlying Causes'
Romney, in his preparedI
entation to the riot commis
gave "my personal observatio
to the underlying causes of


insure that
troit and e
come an ex

later "Recent studies," Romney add- cannon and grenade throwing yes-
utive ed, "indicate that our races are terday and this was intermittent
drawing farther apart, not closer until the cease-fire.
together" and he declared "our In a news briefing the spokes-
pres- nation canndt afford to pile mis- men said India, before it was
ssion, direction on top of disorder." known the Chinese had stopped
ns as

riot." Among them, he said, is that
"too few whites really know Ne-
groes and too few Negroes really
know whites."
In declaring that it's later than4
the nation realizes, Romney said:
"Present widespread racial, econ-
omic and social frustration, envy,
hatred and sedition have an ex-
plosive environment in which to
ignite a national holocaust em-
ploying civil guerrilla warfare."

World News Roi

By The Associated Press the Suez Canal again yesterday
SAIGON - Warplanes have hit before United Nations truce ob-
four hitherto untouched major servers, obtained a cease-fire. The
targets in Haiphong in the closest Egyptians said their guns chased
strike yet to the-center of North off two Israeli planes, knocked out
Vietnam's important port, the U.S. five tanks and blew up an am-
Command reported yesterday. munition dump.

the Republican nomination for York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and
president. Reagan.
Reagan called for "sharp esca- "I'm just not interested in that
lation" of the conflict during his proposition at all," he said.
final Sacramento news conference "At either end of the ticket?"
before departing late this month he was asked.
"That's right," Reagan replied.
The governor has declared his
only intention is to be a Califor-
nia favorite son candidate at the
GOP national convention in Mi-
ami next year, to preserve party
Soviet Union at present. There is unity in his state.
only out-and-out Fascist dicta- Just how the war should be
torship and white terror." escalated properly shouldebe left
* * * to military leaders to determine,
Reaagn said.
WOODS HOLE, Mass.-Russian On nuclear weapons, he said he
and American scientists announc- agreed with former president
ed yesterday plans for two joint Dwight D. Eisenhower that "per-
cruises researching fish conserva- haps one of our' great mistakes
r tion in the Atlantic Ocean. was in assuringthe enemy in ad-
* * * vance of our intention NOT to
OVIEDO, Dominican Republic use them.-that the enemy should
-Large areas of this southwestern still be frightened that we might."
secaor of the. Dominican sector of Reagan said he thought Rom-
the Dominican Republic were un- ney had explained what he meant
der water yesterday as a result of when the Michigan governor con-
Hurricane Beulah but there were tended he was "brainwashed' by
no casualties and small damage to administration officials about the
crops. progress and value of the way.

The Michigah governor said it:, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-Sec- EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill.-A wave
will take an all-out effort "devoid retary-General U Thant reported of fires, looting, vandalism and
of insincere or unrealistic prom- yesterday that Israel had made it violence that erupted in the wake,
ises" and based on the full mean- clear it was going ahead with steps of a Sunday visit by H. Rap Brown
ing of the Declaration of Inde- to annex the Jordanian Old City resulted in 35 arrests early yester-
pendence "to a- oid such a na- of Jerusalem despite two formal day.
tional and world catastrophe." demands by the U.N. General As-* * .
Romney told the commission, sembly that such action be halted. TOKYO-China fired back yes-
headed by Gov. Otto Kerner of *'terday at' blistering Soviet criti-
Illinois, a Democrat, that one of SUEZ - Egyptian and Israeli cismof Mao Tse-tung, declaring:
the greatest responsibilities is to forces fired at each other across "There is no democracy in the


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