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September 08, 1967 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-08

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'TEMBER 8, 1967

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Military to Build Vietnam
Anti-Infiltration Barrier

r JExpect Delay
SOf Classes

Vacation for
Half Million
State Pupils
Little Progress Made
In Halting Walkout
By Detroit Teachers
By The Associated Press
Teachers in several Michiga
school districts took contract dis.
putes to court yesterday as co.
workers picketed and official
postponed classes for nearly a
half million youngsters "unti
further notice."
Detroit School Supt. Norma
Drachler postponed indefinitely
yesterday's scheduled school open-
ing after the Board of Educatior
and Detroit Federation of Teach
ers reported little progress in ne-
Officials in at least 17 other of
Michigan's. 34 unsettled distrct
said there would be no classes to-
Focus on Detroit
Acting Gov. William G. Mil-
liken said yesterday he will meet
today in Detroit with the chief
mediator and state-appointed fact
finder to explore expansion of
state efforts to break the Detroit
contract stalemate.
"Because the number of -pupils
and teachers involved makes De-
troit the state's most critical area,"
Milliken said, "We will review all
aspects of the problem and try to
determine the most effective action
the state now can take to promote
a settlement in this district."
"Both the teachers and the
board know that the possibility of
additional state funds is out of the
question and that the issues must
be resolved on the basis of existing
facts," he added.
Meanwhile Gov. George Rom-
ney, in Oregon said repeatedly
that teachers and school officials
should expect no more money this
year from the state.
Stay of Injunction
The Holland, Mich., School
Board cancelled classes after the
teachers' union had obtained an
emergency stay of a temporary
injunction issued Wednesday or-
dering teachers back to work.
By far the biggest chunk of
youngsters unexpectedly out of
school was at Detroit, where
300,000 school children were idle.
It was the first time in history
Detroit schools failed to open on
Detroit teachers seek a pay
raise of $1,200-down from an or-
iginal demand of $1,700 - and a
38-week school year, instead of
40 weeks.
Blue Ribbon Panel
The DetroitbFederation of
Teachers, AFL-CIO, has rejected
Dracher's proposal that the issue
be settled through arbitration by
a blue ribbon panel.
Before last night's negotiations,
DFT President Marry Ellen Rior-
dan said in a television statement
she did not expect an agreement.
"I don't know how long it will
take," Mrs. Riordan said. "I hope
it's soon."
She said Detroit now lacks 500
"qualified and certified teachers"
and the union hoped the higher
wages it seeks would bring teach-
ers into the Detroit area.

WASHINGTON (/) -Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
announced yesterday that an anti-
infiltration barrier, equipped with
barbed wire and electronic eyes
and ears, will be stretched across
South Vietnam to reduce the flow
of North Vietnamese men and
supplies across the demilitarized

McNamara made the announce-
I N ew ment at a wide-ranging news con-
n1.11 or~k~ference at which he called Gov.
George Romney of Michigan
100,000 Students "blind to the truth" in accusing
Floida I.the Administration of giving out
Ir a,Illinois inaccurate information on the war
Get Extended Holiday in Vietnam.
In disclosing long rumored
By The Associated Press plans to erect the anti-infiltration
The nationwide outbreak ofj barrier, McNamara gave only the
teacher's strike threatened to barest of information and turned
reachepidemic proportions,as in- aside virtually all questions on
dications were yesterday that New grounds any elaboration would aid
York City's schools would not open the enemy.
Monday. Lack of Will

campaign against the lines of a 1965 trip to Vietnam. Romney
communication. said after the trip U.S. involve-
"We know, of course, that no i ment there was morally right and
obstacle system can stop the in- necessary, but has changed that
filtration of personnel or sup- view.
plies." The defense chief said he was
Some senior U.S. military offi- confident Henry Cabot Lodge,
cers are reported to have been cool then ambassador to Saigon, and
to the barrier idea on grounds it Gen. William C. Westmoreland,
might take a quarter of a million U.S. military commander in Viet-
men to make sure such a line is nam, spoke factually to Romney
impenetrable by the enemy. during the tour.
Warning System Prediction Became Fact
However, it appears likely that Romney also claimed Monday
the barrier approved by McNa- that McNamara said last Novem-
mara will be more of a warning ber draft calls might be cut and
system than an actual impene- the administration hoped to ward
trable obstacle. off a wartime tax increase.
McNamara also denied Rom- McNamara replied the lower
ney's charge last Monday that he draft call prediction has become
had been brainwashed by military fact and sited figures similar to
and diplomatic officials during those issued Wednesday.

-Associated Press
VIOLENCE FLARED yesterday during a sit-in in the office of Milwaukee's Mayor Henry Haier
held to protest housing bias, as police forcibly ejected five demonstrators said to be blocking a
Milwaukee Rights Protesters
Hold Sit-In in Mayor's Office

In addition to the Michigan
walkouts, over 100,000 school chil-
dren inFlorida, Illinois, and Ken-
tucky enjoyed another unexpected
day of summer vacation yester-
Many school boards were at-
tempting to enjoin teachers from
staying home through court ac-
tion. And similar action was being
considered by the New York City
Board of Education.
New York's United Federation
of Teachers was awaiting a new
contract proposal based on recom-
mendations made to Mayor John
V. Lindsay by a special panel
named by the mayor.
But there wasrconsiderable
doubt whether the proposal could
be ratified in time to send the
teachers into classrooms in 900
schools on Monday, the scheduled
start of the fall term.
The union has said it will sub-
mit 40,000 teacher resignations
Monday morning if there is no
new contract.
The 90,000 school children of
Fort Lauderdale and other com-
munities in Broward County. Fla.,
were assured of two more weeks of
holiday by a school board order
closing schools until Sept. 25.
Schools had opened Aug. 28, but
some 2,500 members of the Class-
room Teachers Association voted
Tuesday to submit resignations be-
cause of a pay dispute.

Also, McNamara disputed the
contention of Gen. Wallace. M.
Greene, Marine Corps comman-
dant, that the war in Vietnam
must have priority over urban
In a challenge to Congress, Mc-
Namara said the problem was not
a lack of financial ability but a
lack of will to deal with both mat-
ters simultaneously.
He also disputed a contention
by Gen. John P. McConnell, Air
Force chief of staff, that without
the bombing of the North the
United States would have had to
send many thousands more troops
into the war.
No Correlationi
"I cdon't think it is possible to
correlate the number in the South
and the bombing in the North,"
McNamara said.
A barrier all across South Viet-
nam at that point would run more
than 40 niles and McNamara de-
clined to say whether it would be
extended into neighboring Laos,
which the Communists are said to
use as a virtual highway for in-
filtration from North Vietnam to
South Vietnam.
"We are preparing to initiate
late this year or early next year
the operation of a system to make
infiltration more difficult," Mc-
Namara said.
"The system's objectives will be
consistent with those of our air
I I'

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MILWAUKEE, Wis. (R) -Mil-
waukee civil rights demonstrators
seeking a city open housing law
sent a delegation to Mayor Henry
Maier's office yesterday for a sit-
in they vowed would turn the City
Hall suite into "a =poor people's
About 35 youngsters led by a
New York City minister, the Rev.
R. M. Kinloch, sat down in the
mayor's outer office.
"We're planning on moving in
here with cots and' beds and
stoves," said Kinloch, who said he
was director of the Harlem Prot-
estant Project of Civil Rights in
New York.
Shortly after the demonstrators,
about half of whom appeared to
be of school age, took up places
on the floor, Maier and several
aides threaded their way through
the group..
'Poor People's Hotel'
When one demonstrators at-
tempted to halt him, the mayor
said, "I have a schedule this af-
ternoon., Any time any of you
want conversation without the
press and television cameras here,
I'll be happy to talk to you."
"Okay mayor," Mr. Kinloch
said. "We'll just make this a poor
people's hotel until you're ready to
talk to us."
However, Maier later dispatched
a telegram to Roy Wilkins, execu-
tive director of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, in which he said
he would meet with the group only
if Wilkins personally was present.-
The mayor added that the pick-
ets would be protected "to give the
lie to contentions of police brutal-
ity," and could stay in his office
as long as they liked to "show
the nation their bad manners."
A short time earlier, Maier hadE

told newsmen that he was suffer-
ing from fatigue and depression,
and that he was considering giving
up his office when his second
four-year term expires next year.
A former president of the Na-
tional League of Cities, Maier won
praise last month for ending an
outbreak of racial violence after
a single riotous night.
But after the current series of
marches, with as many as 1,000
persons participating in nightly
parades through various sections
of the city, he said, "My optimism
is about gone."
Yesterday afternoon he added,
"Nobody's going to combat the
Groppis and the Rap Browns."

He referred to father James E.
Groppi, the white Roman Catholic
priest who serves as advisor to the
NAACP's Milwaukee Youth Coun-
cil, sponsor of the present cam-
Early in the sit-in, one of the
mayor's aides came out of the in-
ner office and asked the group "to
maintain relative quiet."
A woman wearing a great sweat
shirt with "Fair Housing" lettered
on the back replied, "We're going
to make it as inconvenient as pos-
sible for you to work here."
The sit-in preceded another ral-
ly at St. Boniface Church in the
Milwaukee slums, where Father
Groppi is assistant pastor.

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Friday at 7:15 P.M.

New Border Clash Shatters
Israeli-Jordanian Truce

By The Associated Press
Tank, artillery and infantry
units from Israel and Jordan ex-
changed fire across the Jordan
River yesterday after Israeli and
Egyptian machine gunners dueled
200 miles away at the Suez Canal.
The incidents were the fourth and
fifth breaches of the Middle East
peace in a week.
An Israeli spokesman said Jor-
danian troops shot at a patrol
about 31/ miles south of the Al-
lenby Bridge near Jericho and that
the Israelis returned the fire. They
reported no casualties.
Amman radio claimed that the
Israelis shot first with light ma-
chine guns and, after a 15-minute
lull, shelled Jordanian positions
across the truce line with tank
Just before noon, Jordan said,
the Israelis opened up again with
heavy field artillery and a half-
hour exchange followed. No Jor-
danian losses were reported.
Israel and Egypt each blamed
the other for a two-hour ma-
chine-gun duel near Ismailia, mid-
way along the 114-mile-long canal
between the Red and Mediter-
ranean seas.
The shooting ended at midnight
yesterday after U.N. truce ob-
servers intervened. Lt. Gen. Odd
Bull of Norway, chief of staff of
the U.N. Truce Supervision Or-
ganization, arrived in Cairo yes-
terday to confer with Egyptian
authorities on Monday's duels
across the canal.

In a report to the U.N., Bull re-
peated his earlier assertion that,
Egypt initiated the firing. Egypt
claims the Israelis touched off the
In Beirut, Lebanon, Arab news-
papers speculated on the existence
of a power struggle inside Syria's
radical Socialist regime and the
pro-Egyptian newspaper Sawt Al
Arub-Voice of Arabia-reported
Syria's head of state, Noureddin
Atassi, was under house arrest.
The reports suggested that the
regime was under Communist
pressure to soften its hard-line
approach toward a political solu-
tion to the Arab struggle with
Western newsmen were banned
from Syria, strict censorship is in
effect and there was no confirma-
tion available. One report said the
June wartime blackout continues
in Damascus and that troops pa-
trol the capital.
The reports did not suggest a
coup, d'etat but rather a power
struggle among top military offi-
cers andpcivilians to replace the
leadership of the Baath party

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World News Roundup




By The Associated Press
States is preparing to give the
Japanese government a 22-year-
old documentary film which shows
the effects of the 1945 atomic
bombing of Hiroshima. The film
has been classified secret and
never made available to the public.
* *
lions of tiny "astrobugs" rocketed'
into orbit yesterday to spend three
days in space helping scientists
learn what biological hazards face
astronauts aboard future long-
distance flights.
RICHMOND, Va.-Virginia Gov.
Mills E. Godwin Jr., signed an
extradition order yesterday for
the return of SNCO, leader H. Rap
, Brown to Maryland to face
charges of inciting to riot and
exhausted and fighting recurrent
I . I

bouts of fever, was ordered by his
doctors yesterday to take an ex-
tended period of rest.
earthquake aroused sleepers in a
90-mile sector from San Francisco
to Hollister at 5:39 a.m. yester-
day. More than an hour later, a
Nevada underground nuclear test
deluded seismologists into think-
ing there was a second quake.


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