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September 08, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-09-08

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Little chance
of rain

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom












By ROGER RAPOPORT Cutler, who was 42 on Wednes- ing for selective service, sit-in reg- derwent a sweeping change with In those early days Cutler was activist political groups to t
Editor day, has been seeing less and less ulations. student power, and The the appointment of new officials on good terms with most student House Un-American Activith
Vice-President for Student Af- of student leaders in recent Daily.. like Housing Director John Feld- leaders. His door was always open Committee. The move was strong]
fairs Richard L. Cutler is expected months. He reportedly feels it is Before taking his present post kamp and Director of Student and he answered all questions. criticized by student and facult
to resign as soon as possible after nearly impossible to deal rational- Cutler was an outspoken libera Community Relations William Today Cutler keeps his door groups,
President Harlan Hatcher leaves ly with leaders like SGC President Steude. locked to avoid invading student In November of 1966, in tl1
office Dec. 31. Sources indicate Bruce Kahn, GA President Roy department. He was active in Under his leadership power of activists. His secretary says that midst of growing student unre
that Cutler will stay on only long Ashmall, and former Voice chair- campus politics and civil rights the office of Student Affairs grew "Dr. Cutler isn't talking to re- over the University's submissio
enough for the Regents and Presi- man Gary Rothberger. causes. Cutler was chairman of the in several areas such as housing. porters from The Daily." of students class ranking to tl
dent-designate Roben Fleming to Cutler is also said to have tired Student Relations Subcommittee A number . of crucial policy Several controversies have fig- Selective Service, Cutler announce
find a successor. Fleming assumes' of taking a stream of personal of the Senate Advisory Commit- changes were made, such as the dl tI' hg the enforcement of baan on sit
office Jan. 1. abuse that has come his way dur-te uUuvriyAfisi 96 eiint iauly hs urued pominently in ths cange.ncenns
Although Cutler declines to dis- ing the numerous campus con- tee on University Affairs in 1962 decision to gradually, phase out The first was in January 1966, af- dent sit-ins in specified areas o
cuss his future plans for the rec- troversies that have made his job and 1964, and on the literary col- housemothers in men's dormi- ter 10,000 students had signed a the University. About 1,500 sty
ord, it is known that he has be- more strenuous. He reportedly lege administrative board in 1962. tories petition backing a University dis- dents defied the ban by staging
ormemtri kndwn ed fd that hehasbe-moresteos. Hh reorely When his predecessor James A. Cutler also spoke out in the pre- count bookstore. Cutler recom- sit-in at the administration build
come more and more dissatisfied feels that the job, which requiresRI
with the .b he took over Dec.' numerous evening meetings and Lewis announced his resignation Black Power days of May 1965 to mended to the Regents that the ing on November 29.
1, 1964. He is said to have wearied speaking engagements takes too in 1964, Cutler became the favorite praise the Student Non-Violent University not establish such a President Hatcher subsequent
of dealing with the leadership of much time away from his family. son of many liberal student and Coordinating Committee for its store. delayed implementation of the sit
such student organizations as Stu- Since assuming office Cutler h faculty leaders. "contributions tocampus and na- Then in August of 1966 Cutler, in ban and it has never been p
dent Government Council, Grad- figured prominently in controver- Cutler's relatively brief tenure tional life." along with the other administra- in effect. The ranking crisis die
uate Assembly and Voice, the local sies surrounding a University in office was one of the most con- An irate President Hatcher de- tive officers, took part in the deci this summer when the Selectiv
chapter of Students for a Demo- bookstore, the House Un-American troversial and .eventful of any top clined to talk to Cutler for two sion to send in the names of 65 Service decided to issue blank
cratic Society. Activities Committee, class rank- administrator here. His office un- weeks after the speech. student and faculty members of deferments to all undergraduate

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

UAW Ford Strike Idles
Workers in 25 States


Halts B


DETROIT ') - About 160,000 Ford continued to operate only
United Auto Workers Union mem- in Canada, where the company
bers walked off their jobs at Ford turns out a small number of Fal-
Motor Co. yesterday, launching a cons and pickup trucks. However,
strike which some fear might last: a parts shortage was expected to
until Christmas. halt production in about two
As picket lines formed at plant weeks.
gates in 25 states, assembly lines ° Meanwhile, Ford's chief cqm-
came to a halt and Ford's produc- petitors - General Motors and
tion on 1968 models slowed to a Chrysler - kept their assembly
trickle. ' lines rolling, Workers stayed on

the job even though the two com-
panies refused to extend their
labor contracts beyond Wednes-
day's midnight expiration,
In contrast to previous strikes
where mass picketing was the rule
and violence was commonplace,
only token picket lines were re-
ported at most Ford plan'ts and
there was only one incident of
minor shoving and shouting-at
the Ford Parts Depot in the De-
troit suburb of Redford Township.
The UAW permitted two Ford




k' JLca:4 I UTXU J )LJtIU 11 plants in Mount Clemens, Mich.,
to continue operating. The plants
0 ,C A I make paint and vinyl trim for:
W T GM's Ternstedt Division, Chrysler
On1NA Witlirwa and American Motors.
By URBAN LEHNER dent governments which are gen- UAW Strategy
UAWerstrategy is designed to
Student Government Council ea if otresntirrely unrepresen- keep the pressure on Ford by al-
voted to table a motion proposing tGC tresdent bdies." lowing other auto companies to
that SGC "withdraw from the Na. 5n C Pesidet Brue Kn ed- continue operating in the highly
tional Student Association at its of the motion said he was "not competitive new car market just
first meeting of the school year conthed mthai he a 'non as the 1968 models are being in-
last night. convinced that the CIA influencetrdc.
.lastee night.ed" ndadedtroduced.
The text of the motion imtro- has been eradicated," and added Industry observers were almost
duced by council member Leslie "NSA has been involved, in some unanimous in predicting that the
Mahler, called the NSA "an un- things, the evil effects of which resulted mainly from
democratic institution'' which'Iar so profound that we should
aws its membehip from s have nothing to do with it." a clash over basic principles rather
--S Counil members oppoing the than dollars and cents, would be
motion rallied around several con- a long one.
T tentions: No new negotiating sessions
Formo 111011 -That it may be possible to have been scheduled.
change NSA by "subversion from Henry Ford II, chairman of the
# iwithin"; board, broke his. silence for the
O f l lrlel -That "it is too early in the first time in current negotiations'
game to play out all.our options"; to issue a bitter statement under-
-That NSA provides communi- scoring the company's firm stand.
'U Tcation between student govern- Ford's Stand
ments and other services which
warrant attempts to continue! Branding the strike as "totally
By GREG ZIEREN SGC's membership, unjustified and completely unnec-
' cessary," Ford declared that "be-
* A tenants organization compos- SGC treasurer Sam Sherman, cae we woud dtcede th e
ed of residents of University mar- who introduced the motion to unconscionable demands of a pow-
ried housing was formed last table, called for an informal meet- unconsuiona e an s tif-
night: in the office of Roy Ash- ing of council members over the
mall, president of graduate As- 'weekend to discuss the motion. !penalty.
sembly. The steering conmittee Tabled motions, to be considered Fr s ai the etagi
set September 22 as the date for discussed again at regular council nation.t
election of officers for the new meetings, require the request of "Every day it lasts will be an-;
0 group. a majority of the council. other blow to the business recov-
According to one member, the SGC sent six delegates to the , r viwich hasjust begun to build

U' Residence
Hall Services
Union Leaders to Meet
With Dorm Directors
Over Labor Protest
Local 378 of the Building Serv-
ice Emoloyees International Union,
an AFL-CIO affiliate, will picket
all University dormitories this
morning in support of yesterday's
walkout by over 200 skilled tra-
desmen from the plant depart-
BSTEU members are employed'
in all dormitory services. The
union hopes to keep enough non-
union employes off work to close
down all dormitory functions.
According to Stephen Barnett,
spokesman for the union, they
have been in contact with dormi-
tory heads since yesterday. He
stated that a meeting is planned
between the union and the dor-
mitory heads for 9:00 this mor-
ning in the Administration Build-,

--Daily-Thomas R. Copi
UNIVERSITY PLANT DEPARTMENT employes staged a walk-out yesterday in protest against al-
leged unfair labor practices. The 200 skilled tradesmen of the plant department also demanded
that the Regents withdraw the University's lawsuit against the Hutchinson Act and PA 379.

I '/ Exuli

purpose o the organization was NSA annual convention this sum- up," he said. "Wee
to allow those who live in the mer at the University of Mary- get down to the;
housing to decide "how they're land. The conference cost SGC this strike just a
going- to live and under what ' $2,200. uini.W~ilu
conditions." union is. We will us
Bernol Soutar, a leader in the Council also defeated a motion means to achieve a
Brnoe housing rent strike, to "'recommend to Panhellenic agreement. But we
nounced that he had met with that they consider their present fice principle..
several members of ,the admini- policy of Fall Rush for Freshmen." settlement."
stration earlier and had been of-
fered six seats out of 16 on the CONTINUE PEACEMOBILE:
Student Adyisory Committee on
Housing for just such. a tenantsF
group..Noting the fact that John
Feldkamp, Director of University
Housing, serves as chairman of the
committee, several members de-
nounced the plan as comparable
The alternative plan, that of for-'

are prepared to
job of settling
as soon as the!
se every possible
just and sound
will not sacri-
for the sake of

At least ohe dormitory director,
however, Bruce Storey of Markley
H'all, knew nothing of the meet- -
ing when called last night. He did ciS
say that in the event of a food
services strike, contingency plans By PAT O'DONOHUE
utilizing administrative personnel The University can do nothing
may be used. to meet the immediate demands
Federation of State, County and of its protesting employes, a
Municipal Employes met last night spokesman said yesterday.
to consider possible action con- "Our hands are tied until the
cerning yesterday's walkout by State Labor Mediation Board
the tradesmen, but was unable to makes a decision," said Russell
reach a decision on action. They Reister, University personnel offi-
will meet again today. cer. The board, which must de-
3 A Talor prsientof he o-termine, appropriate bargaining
Al Taylor, president of the 10- units at the University, has yet to
cal, said late last night "we don't do so, though the case has been
want to join anything haphaz- before it since June, 1966.
ardly." He emphasized, however, In addition, said Reister, "the
that they were not trying to stop current strike is not getting to
the other unions from acting the heart of the issue, which is
the court decision." The Univer-
sity has been challenging the con-
stitutionality of PA 379, which
says public employes may use
agents for collective bargaining
?rs P lan! Jwhen disputing wages, hours and
benefits. This suit has been in
r progress since December, 1965.

Ueker's letter said that "a work I
stoppage cannot accomplish any-
thing other than losing pay over
an issue that must first be settled
by the mediation board and the
Hamilton said there is a good
deal more at stake here than the
particular issue the men are con-
cerned with." He added that "it
is unlikely that the suit will be
dropped" because of the strike.
The court case on PA 379 "in-
volves the constitutional auton-
omy of the University. Constitu-
tional autonomy means keeping
the University protected from
sudden shifts in the political
Donald Prebenda, attorney for
the tradesmen and the Washten-
aw County Building Trades Coun-

gins Strike Position,
)ur Hands Are Tied'

cil, has emphasized that the cen-
tral issue is alleged University
violation of the' Unfair Labor
Practices Act and the failure of
the State Labor Mediation Board
to act on petitions determining
appropriate bargaining agents.
According tb one' Regent, "It
is the court's duty to. decide and
to decide promptly. Everyone
knows that the intital decision, no
matter what it is, will be ,ap-
pealed. Therefore an early de-
cision is imperative."
What will the University do in
the interim? Ueker Said "I have
no way of knowing what the Uni-
versity will do." His letter urged
"all Plant Department -employes
. to recognize orderly proced-
ures and 'to report to work on

Delay Work
On 5 Sites
Ask 'U' To Recognize
Collective Bargaining
By Skilled Employes
A walkout by over 200 skilled
tradesmen of the University's
plant department, which began
yesterday, has halted work on five
University construction projects
worth more than $75 million.
Work at the five sites, Bursley
Hall, the Medical Complex, the
Dental Building, the new Admin-
istration Building, and the Events
Building, ceased when the con-
struction workers, who are mem-
bers of the Washtenaw County
Building Trades Council (WC-
BTC), refused to cross picket lines
put up by the protesting workers.
Robert Radtke, president of the
Temporary Trades Council, which
organized the walkout, said last
night that he received an injunc-
tion ordering the tradesmen to
cease picketing the University's
construction sites. He said the in-
junction was obtained from the
National Labor Relations Board by
the Michigan branch of the Asso-
ciated General Contractors. The
tradesmen plan to defy the in-
junction said Radtke. Spokesmen
for the WCBTC were not available
for comment last night.
The purpose-of the walkout, ad-
cording to representatives for the
tradesmen, was to get the Univer-
sity to recognize their right to have
collective bargaining agents.'
The workers also demanded that
the Regents withdraw their law
suit challenging the constitution-
ality of PA 379, which allows pub-
lic employes to bargain collectively
for wages, hours and benefits.
There are currently two legal
disputes pending. Since December,
1965, the Regents have been con-
tending in Washtenaw County
Circuit Court that PA 379, an
amendment to the Hutchinson
Act, is unconstitutional because it
infringes on University autonomy.
At the s a m e t i m e, three
unions, WCBTC, the American.
Federation of State, County, and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
and the international Union of
Operating Engineers, have had pe-
titions filed with the State Labor
Mediatioin Board (SLMB) since
June, 1966 requesting collective
bargaining rights for five separate
segments of the University's non-
professional staff. The three
unions' proposals do not conflict
and are being handled separately.
According to their attorney,
Donald Prebenda, the tradesmen
went on strike because they were
"fed up" with the University's
"foot-dragging on this litigation."
He charged the University and the
mediation board with intention-

irn, ~


ming an independent group, was By STEVE NISSEN lishment of a draft counseling
later agreed upon. " service to instruct students in con-
Ashmall called it a "reactiva- Vietnam Summer became Viet- scientious objection.
tion" of the now-defunct North- ; nam Fall last night at a mass Vietnam Fall is also planning to
,wood Tenants Organization which meeting at ndby ovei stu-H
was active in the early 1960's. dents, faculty and Ann Arbor e whioienie
The new group will represent idents held in Aud. A of Angell ich will povide anti-war liter-
the residents' of the 925 apart- Hall. ature to anyone interested and al-
ment units in 'University Terrace Leaders of the organization last sonserve as a headquarters for the


ea ch IThe approximately 200 protest-
ty has been "dragging its feet"
ithe mediationborcae
bor City Council to accept a ref- "The Univeity has mad every
erendum on the issue, although effort to try and get a decision,:
they are not legally bound to placejbutrthe legal process is terribly
the issue on the ballot no matter slow," according to Reister. "We're
how many petitions are signed. ,:as much in limbo as the trades-
Although David Gordon, chair- men."
man of Ann Arbor Vietnam Sum-, In the University's only direct_
mer, opened the assembly with the statement on the protest, a let-
declaration "Our sole purpose is ter to all workers, Plant Manager
to end the war." Throughout the Alfred Ueker said yesterday that:
meting various individuals at- "A few University employes -
tempted to tie in the civil rights about one per cent-have been so
issue particularly the Negro riot- badly misinformed on an isstIe im-
ing in American cities. portant to us all that they have
'Stop Talking' engaged in an illegal work stop-
Dr. Mann told the group that page."
"we should stop talking about the Jack Hamilton, assistant to the

City's CNP To Nominate
Congressional Candidate
By MARCY ABRAMSON Other possible CNP projects in-I
Ann Arbor Citizens for New lude a free store in the student
Politics Committee (CNP w'ill Iarea of Ann Arbor and formation
Inominate a U.S. congressional of a committee to discuss Voice-
ndminate foU.1.68 nresswenk. CNP interaction with the war re-
candidate for 1968 next week. sistance movement.
Plans to run a candidate for CPsia som t d
City Council were discussed at last:d CNP Js also committed to a
night's meeting of 60 friends and statew.3ide CNP meeting planned
members of Ann Arbor's CNP. Afor Sept. 23 in Lanning.
The group also heard a report Although the national conven-
from the city's delegates to the tion was discussed, CNP did not
national CNP convention. ndvote on the controversial 13 de-
CNP will begin a ballot drive mands of the Black Caucus. Ann
Orbtr' 1 and plans to build up a Abr'CN? is not officially af-

and Northwood. Of the seven night called for continuation of
' seats on the executive ommittee, many of the group's existing pro-
two will go to University Terrace jects as well as the creation of
and the remainder to the North several new ones.
Campus married units. A committee was formed to
Residents will be sent notifica- work out details of a teach-in at
tion of the group's executive elec- the University to be held in early
tions next week. Prospective can- October to coincide with several
,Aio+. ter t the sev n', mmber pevnts of the TUniversity's Sesaui-


Extensive Campaign
Other members of the group
plan an extensive letter writing
campaign aimed at prominent
public officials and newspapers.
Dr. Richard Mann of the psy-
chology department warned the
meeting that 'more and more peo-




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