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Milwaukee Police Choke Off
,_ ,
vem ODefiance Mar(
ch on City Hall
j said Jon Esther news director.
Special To The Daily
. Last of Two Parts
uproar at the Twentieth National
Student Congress over the CIA
entanglement forced many of the
delegates-especially those from
the University delegation-to take
a .long, hard look at the value of
NSA as an organization purport-
ing to represent this nation's stu-
The obvious lack of true de-
mocracy, the alienation of the
delegates from the staff officers,
and an overwhelming feeling of
individual helplessness prevaded
the Congress at all levels.
The agenda for the 13-day con-
ference was laid out prior to its
opening, and only through precise,
ticky-tacky proceedings could the
staff-prepared plan be modified.
Delegates attending with the be-
lief that they, as the representa-
tives of their respective campuses
and, student governments, would
have a say in what they felt to
be the overriding issues confront-
Ing the conference, were immed-
iately struck by the highly cen-
tralized bureaucracies of the Na-
tional Supervisory Board and the
Central Steering Committee. The
NSB is a long-range policy body;.
the CSC sets up the schedule for
the yearly-convocation.
Bruce Kahn, '68, Student Gov-
ernment Council president and
leader of the University delega-
tion was "totally unprepared to
face anything as patently undem-
ocratic as this convention. It's
really absurd for us to send, and
pay for, 12 people to come here
just to act as 'legitimizers' for
whatever some staff members may
decide to do," he said. "If we, as.
delegates, don't have the power,
to even draw up our own agenda,'
then the whole congress becomes
a waste of time," he added.
This became painfully clear
when the congress rules were
dropped in the delegates' laps the.
same night they were scheduled
for approval. The students were
not allowed to draw up their own
rules and were not given suffi-
cient' time to even read and dis-
cuss the rules before the vote.
Members voiced complaints of
"elitism" at the congress and con-
current helplessness of the indi-
vidual delegates.
Ruth Baumann, '68, SGC ex-
ecutive vice-president, explained:
"In a democratic system the power
must flow on a horizontal basis.
... The way things are pow, NSA
is existing on a vertical structure
from the top down."
Kahn attempted to expand the
analysis stating that "to impose
a verticalhierarchy is to preclude
any real democracy. The flow of
power must be from the bottom
up; only then can the NSA run
as it should."
After the initial plenary defeat,
pessimism began to flow freely at
all- political levels, especially from
the radicals and the conservatives.
Alternatives within the structure
of NSA were bandied about, but'
the more vocal and articulate welt
that the organization could not, be
restructured or resurrected with
any degree of effectiveness.,
"I don't like NSA one little bit,"
Kahn said at a Michigan regional
meeting. "I'd like to see the Con-
gress dissolved not so much for
my _own personal satisfaction, but
because NSA in its present con-
text does more harm than good."
Alternatives to NSA were dis-
cussed in the workshops and the
caucuses with three basic pro-
posals emerging during the con-
effective way of really meetingj
head-on the problems that con-!
front today's college students. It}
assures a democratic framework
in which students who are inte-
rested can work effectively outside'
the realm of a university-con-f
trolled and funded student gov-
ernment; it cuts the ties between
student bodies and administra-
tions-ties that have by their very
nature allowed the administra-
tions to control. It gives legitimacy
to students and student demands
and makes the student body (or
whatever part of that body that
chooses to participate) a poten-
tially powerful lobby in university
Power Play
It was recognition of this fact
wthich brought on an interesting
political power play during the
elections of national officers. TheI
plenary had voted to substitute
two new vice-presidential posts-
educational a n d international
community affairs, for the pre-
vious national and international
affairs vice-presidents.
Elections for president saw two
waukee police quickly choked off a
Although in its present frame- march on city hall by an organ-
work this proposal is somewhat ization of young Negroes last
idealistic, it is, perhaps, the only night, scattering 400 demonstra-
tors who took to the streets in
defiance of a ban imposed by
Mayor Henry Maier.
Scores were arrested, including
the Rev. James E. Groppi, a white
Roman Catholic priest who is ad-
viser to the organization, the Mil-
waukee Youth Council of the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People.
A television cameraman, Mike
Crivello of WISN-TV, Milwaukee,
was knocked unconscious while
filming the arrest of Father Grop-
"We don't know who or what
struck him, but his picture shows
a white helmet and a night stick,"
Crivello suffered a concussion
a cut over his right eye and stom.
ach injuries.
Police made their move about
10 minutes after the marchers left
St. Boniface Church where Father
Groppi is assistant pastor.
The priest had told a cheering
audience in a rally at the church
that the "NAACP Youth Council is
going to march. We're going to
city hall to see the mayor."
Maier declared a state of emer-
gency Wednesday after two nights
of open housing marches by the
council on the virtually all-white
South Side.
Father Groppi said the mayor's
proclamation deprived the council
of its constitutional rights and
asked for National Guard protec-
Griffin Says Ghetto Program Oversold
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - "A Marshall
lan for the ghettoes doesn't
mry rmuch meaning as far as
Ze Negroes in the slums are con-
rned ; they have heard big
omises from the Johnson ad-
.inistration, but have not seen
>rresponding improvements. The
iministration has, in fact, over-
ild its program," Sen. Robert
riffin said in a recent interview
ith The Daily.
Michigan's junior senator, re-
ionding to an earlier call by
ice President Hubert Humphrey
r massive urban rehabilitation,
ondered aloud whether that was
e proper antidote to scores of
immer riots.
"To use such terms as 'Marshall
an' only compounds the diffi-
ilty we have," he continued: "I'd
,ther speak in terms of specifics.
e need to provide jobs for the
wrd-core unemployed; govern-
ent incentives should be encour-
ed where Washington must ne-
ssarily be the final employer."
Sen. Griffin, following these
ies, is sponsoring a bill called
.e "Human Investment Act,"
hich would provide a seven per
nt tax credit to private Indus-
les which institute job-training
'ograms. Unfortunately for the
nator, the bill has been in the
gislative hopper for over a year,
id has been virtually overlooked
favor of a host of administra-
on-sponsored proposals.
Congressional Resistance
Many of these, though, have
34 a rough time in Congress: the
ouse had recently defeated the
0 million rat control bill, while
ill earlier, the rent subsidies bill
id been killed and the Teachers
)rps' appropriation had been
ilved in a conference committee.
n. Griffin feels that the rat
L1 will be brought up again and
ys he would vote for it, but
>pes "we can avoid getting the
deral government to do the.
hole thing."
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On rent supplements, he believed
that the Senate wo'uld provide
funding for the program, but
didn't think that Was "the long-
term answer."
The Senate in the meantime,
has been diverting some of its
efforts from constructive programs
to an upcoming probe of the civil
disorders in Detroit, Newark and
other cities. Griffin believes that
the investigations should be con-
cerned "with both causes and ef-
fects'of riots.
"Disturbances resulted from
more than slum conditions," he
explained. "It's not'."difficult to
point to other slums and other
times where conditions were just
as bad or worse as today, yet the
crime rate was not so high."
"You must maintain law ond
order, but we also have a prob-
blem of moral leadership and
standards of conduct," he added,
referring to a recent speech by
Gov. George Romney in the same
Subversives ylayed Part
,This breakdown was partly re-
sponsible for the city rioting, Grif-
fith contended. He said the Pres-
ident's special commission and the
McClellan investigation can also
provide some definte answers on
allegations over the part that sub-
versives played.
"I don't know all the answers,
but I don't think there's much
doubt they played a part," he said.
"Furthermore," according to the
senator, "what the black power
advocates are preaching is not in
the interest of the civil rights
movement, Negroes, or the coun-
To help counter their influence,
Griffin said he plans to vote for
the riot control bill which makes
it a federal offense to cross state
lines to incite riots, because "it
will provide the FBI with juris-
diction to investigate where it1
can't now."
Riots Inevitable
Griffin had other comments on
the Detroit riots: "Almost unani-
mously, people believed the police
should have moved in more quick-
ly into the riot area to clear things
up. But even if it hadn't erupted7
that Sunday, it might have erupt-
ed another Sunday-anytime."
'Ti'm sure Detroit and ' other
cities learned a lot from what
happened," he concluded, "Ade-
quate police measures can do al
lot to keep things from getting
out of hand." ,
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pf uwerence. ,a1 a~ o n g t im e NSA staffers, Ed
ferenrce. ,Schwartz, national affairs vice-
gene Groves, then President of president, and Sam Brown, NSB
gne Govestd thn Pret ofn chairman engaged in what ap-
NSA, suggested that the organ- geared to be another battle of the
ization be divided into two sepa- big- -ngsh
rate entities, one section being Bu-wigs.
rooted on the member campuses But Ruth Baumann was thrust
with an educational orientation rd by the dissidents as a
and the other a political arm cap- "real choice" candidate, in an at-
able of confronting issues of na- tempt to gum up the plans of the
tional and international impor- Congress bureaucracy. At the end
tance. of the first ballot the vote stood
The plan's weaknesses would lie at 181 for both Schwartz and
in the fact that it tacitly accepts Brown and 106 for Baumann. No
the legitimacy of NSA's top- candidate had the necessary ma-
heavy structure. iority vote. Baumann chose to
Razing of NSA
A second group of liberals sug-
gested razing NSA and then set-
ting up a new national union of
students. This would also neces-
sarily include an elite, again pull-
ing the strings.
The third proposal called for
the abolition of NSA but with no
new national organization in its
place. This proposal requires the
set-up of student unions on in-
dividual campuses with prior con-
cern lying on participatory demo-
cracy-those who belong vote and
support Schwartz because he
favored the idea of a, student'
union, while Brown refused "point
blank" and Schwartz was named
the replacement for W. Eugene
The presidential election of the
tenth day of the Congress was per-
haps the highpoint. Because ofs
continuing rainstorms and grow-
ing apathy on the part of the
delegates, the convention ended
with no more than a whimper.
On the blackboard on the de-
serted plenary floor there was a
staff note to all delegates: "Have
a ini m lh m a decvn n
/ "A truly adult love story!.OVA
t isa beautiful film,finely made!" '
A.-Judith Crist.
. prese i
'/ - WIER
a and Chshna Scholin *
- - -- - -- -
a nice trip nome ana see you next
I year. Next year's Congress will be
we hope so. Thisye cetnly
Leonard A. Schaadt, associate War of 1812. Library director The;international committee
director -f housing, has an- Howard Peckham obtained the will conduct its third annual meet-
nounced his retirement, effective letters while in Europe in -1964. ing in Munich, Germany Sept. 1-3.
Sept. 30. Last year at a New York action It is concerned with international
Before occupying his present the library picked up two Malcolm development of forestry and forest
position, Schaadt served as as- log books of 1814 and 1815. land management education, par-
sistant business nianager and later * * * ticularly in developing countries.
as business manager for residence Thirty-seven courses in the Uni- ** *
halls at the University: Director of versity's state-wide program in
University Housing John C. Feld- real estate will open the week of TeHEYDREOgOING
kamp said there are no immediate Sept. 11 in 27 communities across tion, sponsored by the Women's THEY RE GOING
plans for a successor. the state. Athletic Association, will start its FROM PHILADELP
* * * An P.c ~im ta innactivities with modern dance f
The William Clemens Library
has become owner of the cor-
respondence of Commodore Oliver
Hazard Perry, whose victory on
Lake Erie made possible the re-
rtn esuma ea 1,zu sudents are
expected to enroll in courses
ranging from real estate law and
appraisal to sales and finance.
Keith Arnold, dean of the School
classes for men. and women be-
ginning Tuesday, Sept. 5.
The Concert Dance Organiza-
tion also sponsors master clases
by major dance artists throughout
covery of Detroit in 1813. of Natural Resources, has been ap- the year. In December, a Studio
The library has also enlarged pointed as the United States mem- Workshop of recent choreography
its small collection of letters of ber of the Food and Agriculture will be informally shown and in
Adm. Sir Pulteny Malcolm, who Organization Advisory Committee February the Annual Spring Dance
fought in American waters in the on Forestry Education. Concert will be presented.
rVection n yJodern t e-n
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