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August 31, 1967 - Image 109

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-08-31

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allfr 43U

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom





Lack of Financing Delays ProposeS

Students To Request

- --1

Residential College Plans


Seeks Membership R e
Of Non-Professorial


The University's new Residential
College, long victimized by a series
of delays due to a lack of ade-
quate financing, received another
setback this summer when the
University failed to let bids for
construction of the $11.8 million
unit as planned for.
"You can't let bids without a
firm financial base for the bids,"
explained Residential College Di-
rector James Robertson.
One reason for the delay in the
timeable for the project, which is
seen as a new form of personalized

education for 1,200 students, ac-
cording to officials, is due to the
materialization of only $35,000 of
an anticipated $1.8 billion in gifts
for the college.
The original budget approved by
the Regents last year planned to
pay for the new college with $7.5
million in borrowed funds, $2.5
million in refinancing residence
halls and pedging of residential
hall income and $ L8 million in-
come in gifts.
But the $1.8 million is a sticky
problem," says Residential College
Director James Robertson. Al-

Michigan's Highest Court
Rejects Protestor's Appeal


This decision followed an ear-j
?ie l ici u nii uyt me Tilinnga'n ~uui,


TheMihign tat Spreeier action by the Michigan court
The Michigan State Supreme ofAppeals which had rejected
Court, with.two justices dissenting, theAppealsofithree in
last week upheld the conviction ueappealothetsterscun
of 28 University students and June. The students and faculty
faculty memberswho staged ansit- members, charged with illegal
trespass must serve 15-20 day jail
in at the Washtenaw County draft spas mud sey $50 day
board in Ann Arbor on Oct. 15. sentences and pay $50 fines.
1965. n However, Ernest Goodman,' the
-_._...__ 'Detroit lawyer who handled the
earlier appeals, revealed yester-
' day that he intended to ask the
U A ctors United States Supreme Court, the
only court to which he can now
" '-turn, to hear the case..
Entertaining Further Appeal
Such an action would delay the
start of the jail terms until the
U .S. Troops Supreme Court acts on the request
1 p;for a hearing. It is thought un-
likely that the Supreme Court will
Now touring the Far East, the act before the first of the year.
1967 Musket cast is presenting According to Goodman an ap-
"Entertainment USA" to A'ealourth wUnid Stes Slupreme
ican soldiers and one civilian audi- grounds rejected in the earlier ap-
ence. peals:
The soldiers spirits were high * iNon-violent peaceful protest
and they enjoyed the performance. is a form of free expression and
Mr. A. Vogt, Director of Enter- that the convictions under Michi-
tainment in Special Services in gan's anti-trespass law abridged
Japan, described the show as "one the protesters' freedom of speech
of the best I have ever seen." and assembly as guaranteed by
the First Amendment to the U.S.
The tour, sponsored completely Constitution.
by the Defense Department will 0 The right to protest in this
cover 50,000 miles during its two instance was protected under the
months duration. principles of international law set
On Friday, August 25, the group up by the Nurnberg war crimes
arrived in Japan after a twenty- trial in 1945.
eight hour flight via San Fran- 1965 Demonstration
cisco and Anchorage, Alaska. That The 1965 demonstration was
day they gave two performances part of the Ann Arbor Vietnam
before a standing room only crowd committee participating in the In-
of wounded soldiers at Camp ternational D a y s of Protest
Zama Base Hospital and the Camp against the war in Vietnam. It,
Zama Service Club. began with a vigil and a rally on
The GIs applauded enthusiasti- the Diag, which competed with
Th especially for "Don't Tell Homecoming Weekend festivities.
Marna," a song sung by the women Afterwards several hundred dem-
of the show, and for "You Gotta onstrators marched to the offices
Have a Gimmick" sung by Mau- of the Ann Arbor Selective Service
reen Anderman, Morleen Getz, Board.
andDanute Miskinis The 39 students and facultyj
and anu . members who were participating1
"Entertainment USA" left for in the sit-in entered the building
South Korea on August 26 where at 3 p.m. At 6 p.m. draft board
it, will perform for twelve days.' officials read Michigan's trespass
av r +hn w u 4r. +-,,.. ion, to the nontef-vrs whn had

though the University went over Research Personnel
its goal of $55 million in a three
year fund drive ended this year, By PAT O'DONOHUE
undesignated donations have been The University Senate Assembly
rare and most have been committed has adopted a proposal to amend;:".
to the expansion of the General the Regents Bylaws to permit "re-
Library. search personnel not holding pro-x
Robertson will meet with Allan fessorial rank" to become mem-
F. Smith, vice-president of Aca- bers of the Assembly.
demic Affairs and Dean William The Assembly is currently com-
Haber of the Literary College ear- posed of 65 persons, holding pro-
ly next week to discuss the "finan- fessorial rank or administrative
cial facts" of the life of the Resi- appointments, elected by the vari-
dential College. our schools within the University.
The 216 freshman who make up The proposal, introduced by the
the Residential College are cur- Research Policy Advisory Commit-
rtntly attending classes and living tee, recommends that nominations
in East Quadrangle. This tem- for Senate membership be made
porary situation is scheduled to by directors of research centers
end is 1969, when the permanent or institutes. Eligibility will be
site on North Campus is com- limited to those who hold a Ph.D. "
pleted. degree or its equivalent and have
However, according to Robertson, distinguished themselves in the
the temporary situation may ex- field of research.
tend for a period of three years Screening Process .
and "if we aren't on the North The Research Policy Committee;
Campus site by 1969 we need al-- or any sub-committee that it may,
ternatives." designate would screen nomina-
Next year the Residential Col- tions. Research personnel would
lege will occupy two more houses then be elected to the assembly It's time to buy football tickets once again, and once again John Ha
in the East Quadrangle but Rob- b'y their research unit "or school first in line. This is the third year in a row Harper has held thi,
ertson and his staff are worried in which they work," explained Carl Robnson, '68E; the two book up their position at six o'cloc
about the year after that. when FrInk Kennedy, Chairman of the others had fallen into line behind them.
the present freshman in the col- Senate Advisory Committee on._..._....-..-..
lege are juniors. University Affairs (SACUA).
e sKaid that the faculty interest U ennedy stressed that the ac- 'UNIQUE FREEDOM :
has been heartening "we've had quisition of senate status does not ; Y
to slec rater hanrecrit. Heaffect such matters as tenure, sab-
to select rather than recruit." Hef baticals, fringe benefits or aca-
notes that President-designate demic rank. inge b eR e s d en tl C og
Robben Fleming has "shown a The Assembly did not take any
lively interest in the college." action on a proposal for a long-
Fleming has asked why pledges of a study ofte tuiir AE xperim ent in I
private money received throughI lem. although Kennedy said "weI xer mn/I(
the $55M program, haven't been would like to make a study of tui-
fulfilled. Robertson agreed that tion' policy" and its effect on the
this is "a good question." educational process. By JIM HECK As one of the nation's most
Robertson is hopeful that since The Communications Media Five years of anxious and in- unique forms of education, the
the first class of the Residential Committee was established by tensive planning come to a long Residential College is a place
College is now on campus, "the SACUA at the request of the anticipated end today as classes comes the motivation "to bring
University will realize its moral Board -in Control of Student Pub- begin in the Residential College, coes the motva student to-
commitment to these living stu- lications. the University's "experiment in ed- the r and "d
dents rather than to a blueprint." See 'U', Page 8 ucation." gether as one."
_ The college is an attempt to
avoid the evils of the multiver-
sity's "bigness" by keeping the
V1ic m m Su - roup teacher-student relationship with-
V J1IIIIIIIU ' I O11 in a single physical framework,
while maintaining the facilities
and opportunities of the multiver-
Campus Peace'Ra , Teac I Headed by Director James H.
Robertson, and three associate di-

arper, '68E (left, hand raises
s coveted position. With hi
ck, and by midnight, over
-t -

E ducatio
Counseling is less forma
1college. "The more difficul
of academic counseling,"
says, "can be done with
ease. Counselors live with s
to make it a more perso
accessible arrangement?
Eight resident fellows, e
signed to approximately
dents, will act as academi
selars and live in the dori
as resident advisors. All a
graduate students, the four
and four men will attemp
stroy "the mechanical prn
Some professors will n

* In Effort To
Avert Strike
Encourage Dwellers
To Withhold Extra
Rent from Payment
In an attempt to avert a North
Campus rent strike, married stu-
dents from Northwood and Uni-
versity Terrace apartments will
meet today with John Feldkamp,
director of University housing, to
request postponement of the re-
R, Copi cently announced $10 rent hike.
According to Bernol Soutar, '68,
the residents are considering
, holding a referendum to deter-
mine whether increased mainten-
im is ance and building improvements
fifty are worth paying a rent hike.
Seeking /to have the rent re-
- main unchanged until Oct. 1, the
students plan to obtain a state
m~ieat of the financial conditions
in the apartments, as well as to
conduct publicity campaigns aim-
ed at pointing out the injustices
7 in an immediate rent increase.
Notices were mailed yesterday
to apartment residents encourag-
ID ing them to withhold the extra
! v '$10 per month from their rent.
payments. Two weeks ago .75
1 in the couples from the 900 apartments
lt tasks signed a petition saying they
Cohen would be willing to withhold the
greater additional rent until Jan. 1, 1968.
tudents Oct. 1, however, was accepted
nal and as a compromise date because I
would allow for 60 days between
ach as- announcement of the rent in-
30 stu- crease and its going into effect.
c coun- Feldkamp yesterday said that
,mitories he felt the rent increase could
dvanced not be put off.
women The chief complaint of ,the
t to de- married students has been that
ocess of they were not given an early
enough warning of the pending
ot only rent increase. To break a Uni-
interest versity lease, apartment residents
itations, must give 60 days notice.
t of the The residents feel that the Aug.
m. This 1 rent increase notification did
d by the not give Northwood and Univer-
sity Terrace dwellers the oppor-
d 10-12 tunity to move out and still find
discus- adequate housing before the be-
pics and ginning of the fall semister.
wants to The first rent payment on these
acounts apartments is due Sept. 15. Uni-
attempt versity policy is to fine students
sks tra- five dollars for the first month
eshman of tardy or incomplete rent and
additional five dollars for the
nts will second month's rent. Feldkamp
frater- said that if the complete rents
ay we're are not paid at this time the Uni-
them," versity housing office will con-
tact they lesees personally.
,oed ad- Graduate Assembly and the res-


By RON LANDSMAN ;forum between other political munication b e t w e e n suburban rectors, Profs. Ellis Wunsch, Carl instruct in their field of
Cohen and Theodore Newcomb, Ithrough lectures and rec
The newly formed Friends of groups, "from Young Republicans whites and ghetto negroes. lChencandghsodofNeomb,3thrughwl ec ead r
Ann Arbor Vietnam Summer to SDS" to debate the war. They FAAVS and AAVS, like other professors "lent" from the literary al ema pr
(FAAVS) continues its "informa- are considering holding another autonomous local groups, voted to frsmegenrprogram has been preteste
tional program" to the student China Conference to discuss pres- continue their existence beyond The college has taken terppor- pilot project.
body tonight with an anti-war ent American foreign policy in re- that of the national organization, ary residence in East Quad, pend- Professors in it will lea
rally, called "Vietnam Dilemma" lation to China, and a national which ends this week. The na- ing construction of its own build- member student groups in
on the Diag at 8:00 p.m. It will conference on the involvement of tional office plans to reopen rn ings on North Campus. ss on both assigned to
be folowed by a teach-in on the universities with the "war ma- 1968 and will have many locals al- The college's historic first class any issues the students o
war in Mason Hall. chine." ready in existence and operating consists of 218 highly scrutinized
The speakers will include Pro- Both AAVS and FAAVS have then. students. Picked from over 1000 as a full course, will also
fessors Frithjof Bergmann of the gone beyond the immediate ques- -AAVS is also operating a Peace applicants, the freshmen will go as a u core w hl a
philosophy department and Tho- tion of political or moral issues of Mobile, the first vehicle of its kind. through an educational experience dotake up some of the ta
mas Mayer of the sociology depart- the ar, and hareben dengWhile the Peace Mobile has been that could become "second to none English.
ment. and George Abbott White. with the more indirect results of on the Diag this week, it spent in the country." Residetial college stude
'65, Vietnam Summer field secre- U.S. involvement, such as the ef- most of the summer in various Our curriculum plan demands
tary for Michigan. feet on universities and the civil parts of Washtenaw County, pre- a very committed s t u d e n t,"' not be allowed to live in
FAAVS was formed as a student rights and poverty progras. senting the arguments of the anti- Wunsch contends. Intensified nines or sororities. "The w
organization to carry on the work war movement. studies in the humanities, Ian- Idnt
of Ann Arbor Vietnam Summer on The rally tonight will include According to Louise Smith, one guages, and logic are the fresh- says one student.
cnrannic thniwh h the cademic. the topic "Relation of Revolution of the drivers, the mobile was able man's primary concern. Wunsch I dont feel lost, one c


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