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January 14, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-14

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Report Air Force Bombs
Troop, Supply Convoys
" In.-Neutral Laos Territory

Congress To Oppose
New Surtax Request

SAIGON ()-The main thrust
of the United States air effort in
the Vietnam war has switched
temporarily to Laos because of in-
creased Communist truck traffic
down, the Ho Chi Minh trail, re-
liable sources said yesterday.
The Air Force was reported.
sending about 250 fighter bombers
daily to blast convoys and troops
moving south on the Communist
controlled road network in east-
ern Laos.
That is more than three times
the average daily number of Air
Force craft that, with Navy and
Marine Jets, are carrying on the
bombing offensive against North
Hammer Convoys
The informants said some car-
rier-based Navy planes are being
diverted to help hammer convoys
moving through Laos.
Weather is the key factor. This
is the dry season in Laos, as it
is in most of South Vietnam, and
roads are in relatively good
shape. North Vietnam is in its
wet season and storm clouds of
the northeast monsoon limit the
choice of bombing targets.
"You must go where the traffic
is," one source remarked.
Another said: "There are tre-
mendous truck sightings. Probab-
ly twice as many as at this time
last year."
From 6,000 to 8,000 trucks were
reported seen moving down the
southern panhandle of North Viet-
nam and in Laos during Decem-
ber. There may have been dupli-
cation, however, in some cases.'
Water Routes
Military men estimate the air
strikes are destroying or damag-
ing about 25 per cent of the
trucks. The others presumably
are getting through with supplies
and men to bolster Communist
forces, within South Vietnam.
The sources said the North
Vietnamese also are using water
routes, including the Mekong
River, to move in war material.
The U.S. 7th Air Force refuses
to comment. The , bombing is a
touchy issue with political rami-
o fications because Laos is supposed
to be a neutral country.
Thus the only thing the Air
Force will say, as it has been say-
ing over the past several months,
is: "Armed reconnaissance mis-
sions are being flown over Laos
with the consent of the Laotian
Only air missions over North
and South Vietnam are listed in
the daily U.S. communiques. They
never mention Laos.
91 Missions
The U.S. Command announced
91 missions were flown, over North
Vietnam Friday, including strikes
at missile sites above the demili-,
tarized tone.
Air operations in the South
yesterday included B52 saturation
raids on two suspected enemy
concentrations near the Cambo-
A dian frontier.
Spokesmen announced two bat-

talions of the Royal Australian
Regiment and elements of the
U.S. 9th Infantry Division are on
a major sweep against enemy
forces 30 miles east of Saigon.
The operation, launched Thurs-
day, is called Akron Five. Action
so far was described as light and
Along the South China Sea
coast about 350 miles northeast
of Saigon, units of the United
States American Division reported
killing 37 of the enemy Friday.
Sporadic fighting has been going
on in that region for weeks.
In Da Nang, the top U.S. Ma-
rine commander in South Viet-

nam said yesterday those who
want to halt the bombing of
North Vietnam "may not have
studied communism enough to
know we are fighting a main
force here which is supplied by
Red China and the Soviet Union."
The criticism by Lt. Gen. Rob-
ert E. Cushman included former
Marine Commandant Gen. David
Shoup, retired Brig. Gen. Samuel
B. Griffith and some other high
level retired military officers who
have urged a bombing halt.
Cushman said in an interview
that Shoup's position "is diame-
trically opposed to my own as
well as to the administration's."

perhaps more intense battle over
spending cuts is shaping up this
year between an election-minded
Congress and administration
which is expected to propose the
largest spending program in his-
It could cloud the future of the
proposed 10 per cent tax sur-
charge which President Johnson
has tagged as the first order of
business for the returning Con-
gress and which the administra-
tion is already working into its
new budget estimates.
$190 Billion
Although the administration
has not yet disclosed exact fig-
ures, one source said the total
budget will be in the $190 billion
range under the new all-inclusive
system to be used for the first
time this year.
Spending in the more familiar
administrative budget would be
up $9 billion to $14 billion to be-
tween $145 billion and $150 bil-
lion in the fiscal year which be-
gins July 1, the source added.
These latter figures do not in-
clude spending of the huge gov-
ernment trust funds such as So-
cial Security and highways which
will be included in the unified
budget figure to be submitted
within the next several weeks.
The House Ways and Means
Committee is scheduled to take up
the surcharge again on Jan. 22
and key committee members have
already served notice they want
to see a definite trend toward
economy in government before
asking the House to vote for
higher taxes.
Balance of Payments
Complicating the picture is the
new balance of payments pro-
gram to reduce the flow of dollars
overseas by $3 billion this year.
It includes an urgent appeal
from Johnson to raise taxes, con-
trols on overseas investment and
a request for Americans to travel
only in the Western Hemisphere
for two years.
The administration is now con-

sidering possible tourism taxes-
such as a head tax, a tax on each
day a person remains abroad or
an excise tax on ship and plane
tickets - to discourage overseas
Another argument now avail-
able to the administration is the
rapid increase in economic activ-
ity which officials contend is in-
Bullish Reports
Reports of economic activity
during November were bullish and
with the exception of retail sales
the December reports which will
be published over the next two
weeks are expected to show a
continuing strong expansion.
Secretary of the Treasury Henry
H. Fowler talked last week of an
austere budget he said the Presi-
dent will submit to Congress. The
deadline is Jan. 29 but an exten-
sion could be requested.
But Johnson submitted last
January a budgethe considered
lean and Congress insisted on cuts
in spending as the price for the
Congress and the administra-
tion each called on the other to
make the cuts. The administra-
tion finally recommended a for-
mula to cut $4.1 billion and Con-
gress approved it.

-Associated Press
GOVERNOR GEORGE ROMNEY and his wife are chating with
William Johnson, Romney's campaign manager, in front of the
state house in Concord, N.H. Romney opened his campaign for
the Republican Presidential nomination yesterday with numerous
speeches and appearences. The primary will be held March 12.

Asks More
Party Unit-
McCarthy Raps War;
Romney Advocates
Eavesdropping Laws
By The Associated Press
Yesterday found U.S. Sen. Eu-
gene McCarthy, Vice President
Hubert Humphrey, and Gov.
George Romney all out on the
campaign trail.
McCarthy addressed anti - war
Democrats in California while
Humphrey spoke against Demo-
cratic disunity at a party confer-
ence in the same state. In New
Hampshire, Romney completed
the second day of his primary
"Don't put poison in the well
from whence you're going to have
to d r in k, fellow Democrats,"
Humphrey told more than 1,000
cheering delegates to a party con-
ferencesthat opened the Demo-
cratic state campaign in Cali-
But McCarthy, a Democrat from
Humphrey's own state of Minne-
sota, was also in Fresno to speak
to dissident Democrats who will
back him against a slate of pro-
Johnson delegates in the Califor-
nia primary in June.
McCarthy told newsmen he
wants to "lay down a challenge
to the President's policies, par-
ticularly in regard to Vietnam."
"A Republican candidate could
possibly be elected if by our dis-
unity and disarray we help him,"
Humphrey said.
He also spoke against Califor-
nia's third party movements. The
Peace and Freedom Party, an an-
ti-war group, seeks a place on
the June primary ballot and is
trying for support from many
anti-war Democrats.
Presidential aspirant Romney
advocated laws permitting limit-
ed use of wire tapping and eaves-
dropping devices to combat or-
ganized crime,
"The legislation recommended
by the Johnson administration
would ban all use of such devices
except at the unlimited discretion
of the President himself," and
"would be equally intolerable In
a society which prides itself on
its system of checks and balances
in government," Romney said.
At Hopkinton Romney told
some 75 townspeople he has been
heartened by his New Hampshire
"I've found it much friendlier
than I expected and I'm much
more optimistic than when I came
here," Romney said. At that stop,
too, he called for a stepped up
effort to deal with the problem of

Ex-Intelligence Officer Blames
1961 Bay of Pigs Fiasco on CIA

-Associated Press
DESTINED FOR NORTH VIETNAM, tons of bombs are stacked
along one side of the aircraft carried Ranger as she sails in the
Gulf of Tonkin. In the picture are 500 pound bombs. Reports
released yesterday lead some observers to believe that the Air
Force is using these and other similar bombs to bomb North
Vietnamese troop and supply convoys in Laos.


Three Deserters Seek Asylum

STOCKHOLM () - T h r e e
more United States serivcemen
sought refuge in Sweden from mil-
itary duties yesterday saying they
do not consider themselves deser-
ters but "moral refugees from the
United States."
They are Lawrence Bertheaud,
21, of New Orleans; Kenan Fulks,
21, of Boulder, Colo., and Robert
Trench Burroughs, 21, of Arling-
ton, Va.
With help from the Swedish
Vietnam Committee, they have
asked the government to grant
them political asylum. It so far
has granted such permission to
four sailors who jumped ship in
Japan in protest of the war in
Vietnam and a soldier, Ray Jones
of Detroit, who deserted his unit
in West Germany to marry a
Swedish girl.
Officials have the applications
of six other American soldiers
under study. An unkown number
of military absentees or deserters

are reported to be in Malmo and
Halsingborg, cities on the south
Fulks told a news conference he
left the U.S. Army during basic
training at Fort Bliss, Tex., a
year ago.
During his absence he met
Bertheaud, who had deserted the
USS Topeka last June 9, and both
learned they could live in Sweden.
Fulks said they left for Sweden
by way of Vancouver, B.C., and
arrived in Stockholm by plane Dec.
Burroughs left the U.S. Army's
8th Infantry Division at Mann-
heim, Germany, on New Year's
Day and arrived in Stockholm
Jan. 3.

They were granted temporary
permits to stay pending a final
Both Fulks and Burroughs, who
entered the service while in col-
lege, said they want to resume
their studies in Sweden. Before
he entered the Navy, Bertheaud
worked as a printer.
In Boulder, Fulks' mother, Mrs.
Watson Fulks, said she and her
husband have not heard from their
son for more than a year. His
father is, a professor of applied
mathematics at the University of
He said his son had not ex-
pressed any discontent with Army
life or opposition to the war in
Vietnam before he dropped out of
sight Jan. 1, 1967.

WASHINGTON (t) -A former
CIA inspector-general says the
major cause of the failure of the
1961 Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion
was "a complete miscalculation
by the CIA operators of what was
required to do the Job."
By the eve of the ill-fated land-
ing, Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr.,
adds, many were pessimistic about
its chances--but went ahead with
the operation anyway in belief
that last. minute cancellation
would have worse consequences
than a failure.
Loyal to Fidel
As it turned out, he says, Ha-
vana's Red forces proved so much
more, strong and loyal than the
CIA operators had predicted that
the 1,443 man invading brigade
would probably have lost "even if
Castro had no airplanes or tanks."
Kirkpatrick writes of his 23
year career in the cloak and dag-
ger business in "The Real CIA,"
one of the few books published
by senior officials with inside
knowledge of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency.
On the Bay of Pigs disaster
Kirkpatrick speaks with author-
ity from the insider's view.
He says President John F. Ken-
nedy was right in stating that
there was enough blame to share
among all the government agen-
cies involved.

But the basic errors were pri-
marily those of the agency with
the responsibility - the CIA -
w h o s e intelligence underrated
Castro's strength, he says.
As the then CIA inspector-gen-
eral sees it, CIA men involved in
the operation were also those sup-
plying the intelligence estimates
and thus gave Washington policy-
makers too bright a picture of its
chances for success.
They gave over-optimistic esti-
mates of internal opposition to
Prime Minister Fidel Castro in his
armed forces and among the pop-
ulace, according to Kirkpatrick.
Expert Fighters
"The Castro militia and army
had fought better and more ex-
pertly than expected, and their
loyalty to Fidel had been much
higher than anticipated."
Kirkpatrick thus seeks to ab-
solve the Defense Department and
the Joint Chiefs of Staff from
major blame.
He also shunts aside claims that
Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S. Ambas-
sador to the United Nations, and
others opposed to the invasion

had torpedoed it by persuading
President Kennedy to call off a
planned second air strike by the
free Cubans.
When the air strike was called
off just ahead of the landing,
Kirkpatrick recalls that a Penta-
gon general who had just met
with the acting CIA chief, Gen.
Charles P. Cabell, remarked:
"Of course he knows that the
operation will fail, doesn't he?"
- "At that moment the landing
could have been recalled," Kirk-
patrick writes.
Secret Plan .
"A plan was in existence for
diverting the ships to Puerto Rico
in the event of a last minute
cancellation and the Cuban para-
troopers had not yet left Central
America. But- the 'operators' had
a very strong conviction that if
for any reason the operation did
not go through, the Cuban bri-
gade would either act on its own,
or mutiny; or create such a dis-
turbance that it would be more
dangerous than even a failure of
the operation.

Discounts Still Available


World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
CHADBOURN, N.C. - Twelve
cars in the middle of a 99 car Sea-
board Coast Line Railroad freight
train carrying military ammuni-
tion derailed Saturday and 1,500
area residents were evacuated, but
a military expert said there was
no danger of an explosion.
KINSHASA, Congo - A re-
shuffle of nearly coup d'etat pro-
portions in the other Congo -
Brazzaville - has crumbled key
wt chunks of terrain in the Commu-
nist foothold in this part of
President Alphonse Massamba
Debat toppled his Peking oriented
prime minister and took over the
post himself. He changed around
his cabinet, making Nicholas
(W MondJo, former ambassador to
France, his foreign minister.

STANFORD, Calif. - Mike Kas-
perak's heart remained in excel-
lent condition Saturday, a week
after it was implanted, but his
liver caused "a serious setback,"
his doctors said.
Kasperak's deteriorated condi-
tion was attributed by the doctors
to an excess of an oxygen carrying
component of his blood. This was
caused by poor liver function, a
medical bulletin said, and was be-
lieved to be aggravating what was
described as a "semicomatose"
NEW YORK - Food prices will
increase from two to three per
cent this year, it was predicted
The higher prices will be a re-
flection of higher marketing costs
and consumer services, according
to George L. Mehren, assistant
secretary of agriculture.


presents the


Director-LUIS BUNUEL, 1961

Royal Piharmoc Orchestra
of London
WED., JAN. 17, 8:30 P.M.
PROGRAM: Sinfonio do Reauiem, Op. 20........... Britten


AA(,il DAVID C AuYunuv urun rvor ionntmuty uIT UJICMAI

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