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April 11, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-04-11

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Thursday, April 1 1, 1968


Page Three

Thursday, April 11,' 1968 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

HHH To Enter
Race Next Week

1 President Hubert H. Humphrey
will plunge into the race for the
Democratic presidential nomina-
tion immediately after Easter.
The vice president now assesses
his chances in a three-way con-
test with Sens. Robert F. Ken-;
nedy (D-N.Y.) and Eugene J. Mc-
* Carthy (D-Minn.) as "looking
He has told friends he is more
encouraged to make the race than
he has to ever been to run for
office in his political life.
The Humphrey canpaign, once
it is launched, -will be aimed at'
* the heart of nomination strength
-the state conventions in which
the majority of convention dele-
gates are chosen.'
The vice president has neither
the money nor the inclination to
go into presidential primaries. In:
line with this he instructed his
4 friends not to enter a delegate
slate for him even in his native
South, Dakota.
Delegate lists for Kennedy and

McCarthy are being organized for
the June 4 primary there. But
Rod Barnes, organizer of a South
Dakota drive for Humphrey, said
in Huron Tuesday he had been
told not to enter any, slate for
the vice president.
Humphrey is personally con-
vinced he will have strong sup-
port from organized labor and the
business community. This has been,
indicated in about 4,000 messages
urging him to run after President
Johnson's announcement that he
would not accept renomination.
The vice president feels he will
have strong support in the South,
which was lining up to back
Johnson before the President said
he would not run.
The vice president thinks the
refusal of some of Johnson's
mainstays, such as Gov. Richard
J. Hughes of New Jersey and
Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago,
to make any commitments to,
candidates after the President's
withdrawal is all to the good, so
far as he is concerned.

-Associated Press
VICE-PRESIDENT Hubert H. Humphrey threw out the baseball at the Washington-Minnesota
game yesterday after assessing his chances against Robert F. Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy as
"looking good."
Search for Assassin Coti nes

Thursday and Friday, April 11, 12
Directed by Howard Hawkes, 1944
Based on the novel by"Ernest Hemingway



MEMPHIS, Tenn. (R)-The cur-
few which was dropped over
Memphis for six nights after Dr.
Martin Luther King's assassina-
tion was lifted yesterday, as fed-
eral authorities expanded the
search for his killer.
The developments came as
authorities looked into the possi-
bility of unauthorized broadcasts
on police radio frequencies which
may have thrown authorities off
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Caledonian Airways
$230 Round tri p
May 20 to Aug. 19
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May 9 to June 19
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' the killer's trail immediately after it became apparent the search
the slaying., had settled down to the routine
Meanwhile, curfews were re- sifting of clues and leads.
laxed in Nashville and Chatta- As the search continued, nego-
nooga, which also had had racial tiators met with President John-
outbursts following King's death son's own mediator again yester-
-and the state tried to return to day in an effort to resolve the
normal, garbage workers strike, the rea-
Frank C. Holloman, the city's son King had come to Memphis.
police director, confirmed he is They were reported near settle-
investigating what seemed to be ment about noon.
false radio reports on the police
frequency. These told bof an al-
leged police chase of a white Mus. -
tang and a blue Pontiac through'
North Memphis. A white Mustang
reportedly had been seen leaving
thi sa-s f +o001i

Sho Ws
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk said yester-
day this country has seen no sign
of the enemy restraint President
Johnson set as a condition for a
complete halt in the bombing of
North Vietnam.
Rusk commented amidst re-
ports a total halt was under con-
sideration. But he told newsmen
the policy set by Johnson March
31 still stood.
Johnson announced then a
pause in bombing of major areas
of North Vietnam. He added that,
"even this limited bombing of the
North could come to an early end
if our restraint. is matched by
But Rusk told newsmen this
country had seen "no evidence or
restraint. The infiltration is con-
tinuing, perhaps at an increasing
A primary U.S. aim in proposed
preliminary talks with North Viet-
nam would be to find out whether
Hanoi is willing to impose re-
straints on its military operations
so that all 'U.S. bombing can be
ended, officials said yesterday.
. The date and place of the Pre-
liminary contacts between Am-
bassador W. Averell Harriman and
the North Vietnamese envoy are
still being debated in diplomatic
exchanges between Hanoi and
Washington. A decision on an
early start of the discussions in
an Asian capital however, is ex-
pected shortly.
~approval yesterday of a new race
relations bill. But they said it
may lack the teeth to do an ef-
fective job.
The bill, published Tuesday and
expected to be approved by Par-
liament after Easter, breaks new
ground here. For the first time it
outlaws racial discrimination in
two key fields, housing and m-
Racial friction itself -is a rela-,
tively new problem for Britain,
growing with the influx of immi-
grants from Commonwealth cou-
tries over the past 15 years. Bri-
tain now has a million non-whites
-2 per cent of the population.,
A statement from the National
Committee f o r Commonwealth
Immigrants said the committee
"welcomes the new race relations
* * *
passed yesterday a stopgap exten-
sion of excise taxes on automo-
biles and telephone service. The
extension was designed to clear
up legal doubts about the taxes
and leave time for more debate
about a proposed income surtax.
The resolution for extension
went to the Senate for expected
S passage.
It provides that the old rates
of 7 per cent on automobiles and
10 -per cent on telephone service
wl be retroactive to April 1 and
continue through April 30.
On April 1, under existing law,
the rates technically dropped to
2 per cent on automobiles and 1
per cent on telephone service.

Says. Enemy
No .Let-U~p


Their first film together, the beginning
of the Bogart-Bacall legend.
Saturday and Sunday, April 13, 14
Directed by Rene Clair, 1935
"A delightful satire on a mythical
kingdom of human folly."

De area of the slaying.I
But Lt. R. W. Bradshaw, who
operates the police car from
which the radio reports supposed-I
ly came, said he did not broadcast7
Local officers say the search for1
the assassin is in the hands ofl
federal authorities. The search fori
a possible suspect spread for a
time to Mexico, but officials laterC
said their information had been
checked out and the men they
were looking for apparently had
nothing to do with the slaying.
Atty. Gen, Ramsey Clark had
said shortly after King was struck
down at a local motel they had a
definite suspect-"a man on the
run." But as the days dragged on,t

By The Associated Press
WARSAW--Poland's Communist
party proposed Defense Minister
Marian Spychalski yesterday to
fill the nation's vacant presidency.
He is said to be a supporter of
party chief Wladyslaw Gomulka
in his fight to stay in power.
Spychalski's election was con-
sidered a formality. The 460-mem-
ber Sejm or parliament will have
no other choice beside the 61-
year-old marshal of t-te Polish
armed forces when it votes today.
Several ministerial changes are
also expected.
LONDON-Spokesmen for Bri-
tain's colored community voiced

But Rusk said no final conclu-
sions had been reached on pos-
sible .limited talks with Hanoi. He
noted that North Vietnam has
proposed "a very limited purpose"
for such talks, restricted to a
discussion of the complete sus-
pension of bombing as a prelim-
inary to more inclusive peace
Possible sites for the limited
talks, and other factors in the
situation were discussed by John-
son, Rusk and other U.S. officials
Tuesday and yesterday at Camp
David, Md.
Rusk declined to 'view North
Vietnam withdrawals from the
Khe Sanh area as a de-escalation,
suggesting instead these may
have been caused by heavy casual-

ties from U.S. bombing, rather
than a move to encourage peace
He said U.S. forces were con-
tinuing "normal o p e r a t i o n s
against the enemy, who has not
let up in the slightest degree in
his own operations."
North Vietnam has said that
the purpose of the preliminary
discussions would be to find out
when the United States would end
the bombing of North Vietnamese
territory below the 20th parallel.
All bombing above that line was
h a 1 t e d by presidential order
March 31.
Ending all bombing and "other
acts of war" by the U.S. is Hanoi's
condition for going into full scale
peace talks.
Washington o f f i c i a ls said
Johnson's purpose in the prelimi-
nary discussions would be to try
to set up suitable arrangements
for getting peace talks started and
this obviously brings up the ques-
tion of ending the rest of the
Meanwhile in Vietnam about
100,000 allied troops swept hills
and jungles in 11 provinces
around Saigon yesterday looking
for ,18,000 to 20,000 enemy troops
that eluded previous drives.t<
1rhe U.S. Command billed it as
the biggest operation of the war,
but it actually was a resumption
of previous sweeps in the 3rd
Corps area that ended Sunday.
The new drive opened Monday
but was kept secret for .two days
for security reasons.
Banded together in the big push
were U.S., South Vietnamese, Aus-
tralian, New Zealandtr and Thai

New York Stocks Hit
Record Sales Le vel

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Call 662-8871



(from Germany) -active leader of
the resistance movement in Germany
during the Hitler regime wilt speak
on "Current Trends in East-West 1421 Hill St.
Relations" 8:30 P.M.

Friday-Scenes from

T S. Eliot's

NEW YORK (1°) - Trading
volume on the New York Stock
Exchange zoomed yesterday to a
new record for the third time in
seven trading sessions.
A total of 20.41 millipn shares
changed hands, swamping the ex-
change ticker tape.:
The series of volume records
began April 7, when the total of
17.73 million shares topped the
old mark of 16.41 million which,
Riot Board
To Reconvene
NEW YORK P)-Mayor John
V. Lindsay announced yesterday
that the President's Advisory
Commission on Civil Disorder will
meet in an emergency session to
decide what steps must be, taken
:o carry out the recommendations
made by the commission last,
Lindsay, a Republican, assailed
both Republican and Democratic
congressional leaders and the
Johnson administration for fail-
ing to implement the recom-
mendations. of the riot commis-
Lindsay said that the commis-
sion's chairman, Illinois Gov.
Otto Kerner, at Lindsay's sugge.s-
tion, agreed to reconvene the com-
mission in emergency session.
Lindsay, vice chairman of the
commission, said he hoped that
the members would be summon-
ed to Washington "within the next
several days."
The mayor noted that the
commission's report had been
praised by the late Dev. Dr. Mar-
tin Luther King Jr. in a telegram
to him.

had stood since Oct. 29, 1929, the
day of ,the great market crash. On
April 3, transactions jumped to
19.29 million shares.
The accelerated trading, ac-
companied by price advances, fol-
lowed President Johnson's an-
nouncement Tuesday of progress
toward Vietnam peace talks.
At the peak of yesterday's trad-
ing surge, the New York Stock
Exchange ticker tape trailed by 41
minutes in reporting floor trans- Y
actions. The tape was late for five
hours and one minute of the 51/2
hour session.
Brokers said that for much of
the session investors had little.up
to date knowledge of what' indi-
vidual stocks were doing because
of the time lag in the appear-
ances of prices on the tape.
The 47 minute record for tape
lateness was set on April 3. On
that day, the tape ran late for
four hours and 48 minutes.
Telephone lines in the Wall
Street area were jammed as calls
poured in and out of brokeers'
The Dow Jones average of 30
industrials closed with a gain of
8.21 :points, at 892.63' after having
been up more than \15 points
around midday. The average
spurted 18.61 points on Monday.
Stock exchanges were closed Tues-
day for the funeral of slain civil
rights leader Dr. Martin Luther
Brokers said the fallback was
due in part to profit-taking and
reaction to .a statement by See-
retary of State Dean Rusk that
the United States has seen no
sign of the enemy restraint Presi-
dent Johnson set as a condition
for a complete halt of the bomb-
ing of North Vietnam.

(The Best Blue Grass in Michigan!)
Returning by overwhelming popular demand'

THURSDAY and FRIDAY, April 18, 19
Directed by Ray Enright, 1934
Dance numbers by BUSBY BERKELEY

"An uproarious musical; dancing girls galore."
SATURDAY and SUNDAY, April 20, 21

I .

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